public MainWindow(string[] args) { // Set configuration parameters InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters(); init_params.resolution = RESOLUTION.HD1080; init_params.cameraFPS = 30; init_params.depthMode = DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA; init_params.coordinateUnits = UNIT.METER; init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP; parseArgs(args, ref init_params); // Open the camera zedCamera = new Camera(0); ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params); if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) { Environment.Exit(-1); } if (!(zedCamera.CameraModel == sl.MODEL.ZED2 || zedCamera.CameraModel == sl.MODEL.ZED2i)) { Console.WriteLine(" ERROR : Use ZED2/ZED2i Camera only"); return; } // Enable tracking (mandatory for object detection) PositionalTrackingParameters positionalTrackingParameters = new PositionalTrackingParameters(); zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref positionalTrackingParameters); runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters(); // Enable the Objects detection module ObjectDetectionParameters obj_det_params = new ObjectDetectionParameters(); obj_det_params.enableObjectTracking = true; // the object detection will track objects across multiple images, instead of an image-by-image basis isTrackingON = obj_det_params.enableObjectTracking; obj_det_params.enable2DMask = false; obj_det_params.enableBodyFitting = true; // smooth skeletons moves obj_det_params.imageSync = true; // the object detection is synchronized to the image obj_det_params.detectionModel = sl.DETECTION_MODEL.HUMAN_BODY_ACCURATE; zedCamera.EnableObjectDetection(ref obj_det_params); // Create ZED Objects filled in the main loop camPose = new sl.Pose(); objects = new Objects(); int Height = zedCamera.ImageHeight; int Width = zedCamera.ImageWidth; imageLeft = new Mat(); displayRes = new Resolution(Math.Min((uint)Width, 1280), Math.Min((uint)Height, 720)); imgScale = new sl.float2((int)displayRes.width / (float)Width, (int)displayRes.height / (float)Height); imageLeft.Create(displayRes, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU); imageLeftOcv = new OpenCvSharp.Mat((int)displayRes.height, (int)displayRes.width, OpenCvSharp.MatType.CV_8UC4, imageLeft.GetPtr()); pointCloud = new sl.Mat(); pcRes = new Resolution(Math.Min((uint)Width, 720), Math.Min((uint)Height, 404)); pointCloud.Create(pcRes, MAT_TYPE.MAT_32F_C4, MEM.CPU); // Create OpenGL Viewer viewer = new GLViewer(new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height)); // Configure object detection runtime parameters obj_runtime_parameters = new ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters(); obj_runtime_parameters.detectionConfidenceThreshold = 40; window_name = "ZED| 2D View"; Cv2.NamedWindow(window_name, WindowMode.Normal);// Create Window // Create OpenGL window CreateWindow(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an OpenCV version of a ZED Mat. /// </summary> /// <param name="zedmat">Source ZED Mat.</param> /// <param name="zedmattype">Type of ZED Mat - data type and channel number. /// <returns></returns> public static OpenCvSharp.Mat SLMat2CVMat(ref sl.Mat zedmat, MAT_TYPE zedmattype) { int cvmattype = SLMatType2CVMatType(zedmattype); OpenCvSharp.Mat cvmat = new OpenCvSharp.Mat(zedmat.GetHeight(), zedmat.GetWidth(), cvmattype, zedmat.GetPtr()); return(cvmat); }