//void AddAbsentaElev(int elev, int absenta, DatabaseLayer.CatalogContex context)
        //    var newElev = context.Elevi.Where(p => p.Id == elev).FirstOrDefault();
        //    var newAbsenta = context.Absente.Where(m => m.Id == absenta).FirstOrDefault();
        //    newElev.Absente.Add(newAbsenta);
        //    // context.Elevi.AddOrUpdate(newElev);
        //    context.SaveChanges();

        int AddNota(int Elev, int Materie, double Nota, Boolean Teza, sem Semestrul, DateTime Data, DatabaseLayer.CatalogContex context)
            var newNota = new t_nota();

            newNota.MaterieID = Materie;

            var tempMaterie = context.Materii.Where(p => p.Id == Materie).FirstOrDefault();

            newNota.Materie = tempMaterie;

            var tempElev = context.Elevi.Where(p => p.Id == Elev).FirstOrDefault();

            newNota.Elev = tempElev;

            newNota.Data      = Data;
            newNota.Nota      = Nota;
            newNota.Teza      = Teza;
            newNota.Semestrul = Semestrul;

            //var tempElev = context.Elevi.Where(e => e.Id == ElevId).FirstOrDefault();
            //tempElev.Note = Nota;


            int NotaID = newNota.Id;

Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            sem sem = db.sems.Find(id);

            ViewBag.deptid = new SelectList(db.depts, "id", "name", sem.deptid);
        int AddAbsenta(int Materie, Boolean Motivata, DateTime Data, sem Semestrul, int Profesor, int Elev, DatabaseLayer.CatalogContex context)
            var newAbsenta = new t_absenta();

            newAbsenta.MaterieID = Materie;

            var tempMaterie = context.Materii.Where(m => m.Id == Materie).FirstOrDefault();

            newAbsenta.Materie = tempMaterie;

            var tempElev = context.Elevi.Where(p => p.Id == Elev).FirstOrDefault();

            newAbsenta.Elev = tempElev;

            newAbsenta.Motivata   = Motivata;
            newAbsenta.Data       = Data;
            newAbsenta.Semestrul  = Semestrul;
            newAbsenta.ProfesorID = Profesor;

            var tempProfesor = context.Profesorii.Where(p => p.Id == Profesor).FirstOrDefault();

            newAbsenta.Profesor = tempProfesor;


            int AbesntaID = newAbsenta.Id;

Exemple #4
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            sem sem = db.sems.Find(id);

Exemple #5
 public ActionResult Edit(sem sem)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(sem).State = EntityState.Modified;
     ViewBag.deptid = new SelectList(db.depts, "id", "name", sem.deptid);
Exemple #6
        public ActionResult Create(sem sem)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

            ViewBag.deptid = new SelectList(db.depts, "id", "name", sem.deptid);
Exemple #7
 public ActionResult gridAddOrUpdate(sem sem)
         db.Entry(sem).State = EntityState.Modified;
     catch (Exception e)
         return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Record not updated" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
     return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Record updated" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #8
 public ActionResult DeleteFromGrid(int id)
         sem sem = db.sems.Find(id);
         return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Deleted succesfully" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
     catch (Exception e)
         return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Not deleted" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        //void RelationshipElevNota (int ElevId, int NotaId, DatabaseLayer.CatalogContex context)
        //    var tempElev = context.Elevi.Where(e => e.Id == ElevId).FirstOrDefault();
        //    var tempNota = context.Note.Where(n => n.Id == NotaId).FirstOrDefault();

        //    tempElev.Note = tempNota.Nota;


        protected override void Seed(DatabaseLayer.CatalogContex context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data

            // adaug profil nou
            //var newProfil = new t_profil();
            //newProfil.Nume = "Mate-Info";

            //context.SaveChanges(); // salvez in baza de date

            //int profilId = newProfil.Id; // ID-ul din baza de date dupa ce a fost inserat


            //// adaug profesor nou
            //var newProfesor = new t_profesor();
            //newProfesor.Nume = "Vasie";
            //newProfesor.Prenume = "Pop";
            //newProfesor.Telefon = "0746662435";
            //newProfesor.Email = "*****@*****.**";


            //int profesorId = newProfesor.Id; // ID-ul din baza de date dupa ce a fost inserat

            //// adaug materie noua nou
            //var newMaterie = new t_materie();
            //newMaterie.Nume = "Matematica";
            //newMaterie.Optional = false;


            //int materieId = newMaterie.Id; // ID-ul din baza de date dupa ce a fost inserat

            //// adaug legatura intre cele 2 tabele prin tabela de legatura
            //var newProfesorMaterieRelationship = new t_profesor_materie();
            //newProfesorMaterieRelationship.Profesor = newProfesor;
            //newProfesorMaterieRelationship.Materie = newMaterie;


            //// Actualizaez lagaturile la dintre profesorul si materie pentru a creaa legatura many-to-many

            //var tempProfesor = context.Profesorii.Where(p => p.Id == profesorId).FirstOrDefault();

            //var tempMaterie = context.Materii.Where(m => m.Id == materieId).FirstOrDefault();

            sem Semestrul = new sem();

            int Mate_Info = AddProfil("Mate_Info", context);
            int Filo      = AddProfil("Filo", context);
            int Stinte    = AddProfil("Stinte", context);

            int d_Matematica   = AddMaterie("Matematica", false, context);
            int d_Fizica       = AddMaterie("Fizica", false, context);
            int d_MatematicaM3 = AddMaterie("Matematica M3", true, context);
            int d_Romana       = AddMaterie("Romana", false, context);
            int d_Chimie       = AddMaterie("Chimie", false, context);

            int p_VasilePop = AddProfessor("Vasie", "Pop", "0746662435", "*****@*****.**", context);

            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_VasilePop, d_Matematica, context);

            int p_IoanRoata = AddProfessor("Ioan", "Roata", "0746662435", "*****@*****.**", context);

            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_IoanRoata, d_Matematica, context);
            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_IoanRoata, d_Fizica, context);

            int p_MariaAdrian = AddProfessor("Maria", "Adrian", "0741000000", "*****@*****.**", context);

            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_MariaAdrian, d_Matematica, context);
            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_MariaAdrian, d_MatematicaM3, context);

            int p_RaduPopescu = AddProfessor("Radu", "Popescu", "0741234567", "*****@*****.**", context);

            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_RaduPopescu, d_Matematica, context);
            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_RaduPopescu, d_Fizica, context);
            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_RaduPopescu, d_MatematicaM3, context);

            int p_GeorgeStan = AddProfessor("George", "Stan", "0745678901", "*****@*****.**", context);

            AddRelationshipProfesorMaterie(p_GeorgeStan, d_Chimie, context);

            int c_9A  = AddClasa(9, "A", 2018, Mate_Info, p_RaduPopescu, context);
            int c_11B = AddClasa(11, "B", 2018, Stinte, p_GeorgeStan, context);
            int c_10D = AddClasa(10, "D", 2017, Filo, p_IoanRoata, context);

            //DateTime newData;

            int e_AlexandruAlexandrescu = AddElev("Alexandrescu", "Alexandru", new DateTime(2002, 03, 24), "074555000444", "*****@*****.**", 7452, c_9A, context);

            int o_ObsAlexandrescu = AddObservatie(new DateTime(2018, 02, 02), p_IoanRoata, e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, "Folosirea telefonului mobil in timpul orei", context);

            int a_Alexandrescu1 = AddAbsenta(d_Matematica, true, new DateTime(2018, 02, 02), Semestrul, p_IoanRoata, e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, context);
            int a_Alexandrescu2 = AddAbsenta(d_Matematica, true, new DateTime(2018, 02, 02), Semestrul, p_IoanRoata, e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, context);

            int a_Alexandrescu3 = AddAbsenta(d_MatematicaM3, false, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), Semestrul, p_IoanRoata, e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, context);

            int n_AlexandrescuChimie1 = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_Chimie, 7, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_AlexandrescuChimie2 = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_Chimie, 8, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_AlexandrescuFizica1 = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_Fizica, 5, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_AlexandrescuFizica2 = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_Fizica, 8, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_AlexandrescuMate1   = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_Matematica, 7, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_AlexandrescuMate2   = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_Matematica, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_AlexandrescuMate3   = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_Matematica, 10, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_AlexandrescuMateM31 = AddNota(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, d_MatematicaM3, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);

            //AddObservatieElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, o_ObsAlexandrescu, context);

            //AddAbsentaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, a_Alexandrescu1, context);
            //AddAbsentaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, a_Alexandrescu2, context);
            //AddAbsentaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, a_Alexandrescu3, context);

            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuChimie1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuChimie2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuFizica1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuFizica2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuMate1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuMate2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuMate3, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, n_AlexandrescuMateM31, context);

            AddElevClasa(c_9A, e_AlexandruAlexandrescu, context);


            int e_FlorinFlorescu = AddElev("Florescu", "Florin", new DateTime(2001, 04, 15), "074445556667", "*****@*****.**", 1234, c_11B, context);

            int o_ObsFlorescu = AddObservatie(new DateTime(2002, 02, 03), p_IoanRoata, e_FlorinFlorescu, "Folosirea telefonului mobil in timpul orei", context);

            int a_Florescu1 = AddAbsenta(d_MatematicaM3, false, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), Semestrul, p_IoanRoata, e_FlorinFlorescu, context);
            int a_Florescu2 = AddAbsenta(d_Fizica, false, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), Semestrul, p_RaduPopescu, e_FlorinFlorescu, context);

            int n_FlorescuChimie1 = AddNota(e_FlorinFlorescu, d_Chimie, 10, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_FlorescuFizica1 = AddNota(e_FlorinFlorescu, d_Fizica, 10, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_FlorescuFizica2 = AddNota(e_FlorinFlorescu, d_Chimie, 8, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_FlorescuMate1   = AddNota(e_FlorinFlorescu, d_Matematica, 6, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_FlorescuMate2   = AddNota(e_FlorinFlorescu, d_Matematica, 10, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_FlorescuRomana1 = AddNota(e_FlorinFlorescu, d_Romana, 7, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_FlorescuRomana2 = AddNota(e_FlorinFlorescu, d_Romana, 7, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);

            //AddObservatieElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, o_ObsFlorescu, context);

            //AddAbsentaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, a_Florescu1, context);
            //AddAbsentaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, a_Florescu2, context);

            //AddNotaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, n_FlorescuChimie1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, n_FlorescuFizica1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, n_FlorescuFizica2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, n_FlorescuMate1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, n_FlorescuMate2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, n_FlorescuRomana1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_FlorinFlorescu, n_FlorescuRomana2, context);

            AddElevClasa(c_11B, e_FlorinFlorescu, context);


            int e_GeorgeGeorgescu = AddElev("Georgescu", "George", new DateTime(2001, 03, 04), "074447756667", "*****@*****.**", 1834, c_11B, context);

            int n_GeorgescuChimie1 = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Chimie, 8, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_GeorgescuChimie2 = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Chimie, 8, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_GeorgescuRomana1 = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Romana, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_GeorgescuRomana2 = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Romana, 9, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_GeorgescuMate1   = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Matematica, 10, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_GeorgescuMate2   = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Matematica, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_GeorgescuMate3   = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Matematica, 10, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_GeorgescuFizica1 = AddNota(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, d_Fizica, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);

            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuChimie1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuChimie2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuRomana1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuRomana2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuMate1, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuMate2, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuMate3, context);
            //AddNotaElev(e_GeorgeGeorgescu, n_GeorgescuFizica1, context);

            AddElevClasa(c_11B, e_GeorgeGeorgescu, context);


            int e_IoanIonsescu = AddElev("Ionescu", "Ioan", new DateTime(2001, 07, 09), "074555990444", "*****@*****.**", 5892, c_10D, context);

            int n_IonescuChimie1 = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Chimie, 8, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_IonescuChimie2 = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Chimie, 8, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_IonescuRomana1 = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Romana, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_IonescuRomana2 = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Romana, 9, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_IonescuMate1   = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Matematica, 10, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_IonescuMate2   = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Matematica, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_IonescuMate3   = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Matematica, 10, true, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);
            int n_IonescuFizica1 = AddNota(e_IoanIonsescu, d_Fizica, 9, false, Semestrul, new DateTime(2018, 02, 01), context);

            AddElevClasa(c_10D, e_IoanIonsescu, context);


            // incepo sa mai adug un prfesor nou si mia jos inca o materie.
            // profestul acesta va fi legat de materia noua si de cea deja existenta
            //    newProfesor = new t_profesor();
            //    newProfesor.Nume = "Maria";
            //    newProfesor.Prenume = "Adrian";
            //    newProfesor.Telefon = "0741000000";
            //    newProfesor.Email = "*****@*****.**";

            //    context.Profesorii.AddOrUpdate(newProfesor);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //    var secodprofesorId = newProfesor.Id; // ID-ul din baza de date dupa ce a fost inserat

            //    newProfesorMaterieRelationship = new t_profesor_materie();
            //    newProfesorMaterieRelationship.Profesor = newProfesor;
            //    newProfesorMaterieRelationship.Materie = newMaterie;

            //    context.ProfesoriMaterii.AddOrUpdate(newProfesorMaterieRelationship);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //    tempProfesor = context.Profesorii.Where(p => p.Id == secodprofesorId).FirstOrDefault();
            //    tempProfesor.Materie.Add(newProfesorMaterieRelationship);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //    tempMaterie = context.Materii.Where(m => m.Id == materieId).FirstOrDefault();
            //    tempMaterie.Profesori.Add(newProfesorMaterieRelationship);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //    newMaterie = new t_materie();
            //    newMaterie.Nume = "Matematica M3";
            //    newMaterie.Optional = true;

            //    context.Materii.AddOrUpdate(newMaterie);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //    materieId = newMaterie.Id; // ID-ul din baza de date dupa ce a fost inserat

            //    newProfesorMaterieRelationship = new t_profesor_materie();
            //    newProfesorMaterieRelationship.Profesor = newProfesor;
            //    newProfesorMaterieRelationship.Materie = newMaterie;

            //    context.ProfesoriMaterii.AddOrUpdate(newProfesorMaterieRelationship);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //    tempProfesor = context.Profesorii.Where(p => p.Id == secodprofesorId).FirstOrDefault();
            //    tempProfesor.Materie.Add(newProfesorMaterieRelationship);
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //    tempMaterie = context.Materii.Where(m => m.Id == materieId).FirstOrDefault();
            //    tempMaterie.Profesori.Add(newProfesorMaterieRelationship);
            //    context.SaveChanges();
Exemple #10
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            sem sem = db.sems.Find(id);

Exemple #11
        public ViewResult Details(int id)
            sem sem = db.sems.Find(id);
