/*########### # DEATH # ###########*/ void checkDeath() { //We get the child transform ( the transform of the soldier ) foreach (Transform child in transform) { if (child.name != "globalHUD" && child.name != "scoreBoardUI" && child.name != "InGameMenu" && child.name != "littleScoreBoardUI" && child.name != "PlayerHUD") { playerNetwork playSet = child.gameObject.GetComponent <playerNetwork>(); if (playSet.health <= 0) { //We get the id of the last shot int killer = playSet.lastShot; /*if(actualTeam=="Blue") * { * addRedKill(killer); * this.photonView.RPC("addRedKill", PhotonTargets.All, killer); * } * else { * addBlueKill(killer); * this.photonView.RPC("addBlueKill", PhotonTargets.All, killer); * }*/ //We trigger the respawn function by setting us non-alive playSet.isAlive = false; isAlive = false; scoreScript scoreMan = GetComponent <scoreScript>(); scoreMan.wasKilled = true; } } } }
public void Awake() { score = 0; S = this; highScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("highScore", highScore); HighScore.text = highScore.ToString(); }
void Start() { body = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); scoreScript = GameObject.Find("Score").GetComponent <scoreScript>(); spawner = GameObject.Find("enemySpawner").GetComponent <Spawner>(); deathSound = GameObject.Find("enemyDeath").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); }
void setTeam(string team) { actualTeam = team; scoreScript scoreMan = GetComponent <scoreScript>(); scoreMan.myTeam = team; }
void platformDie() { Destroy(gameObject); Debug.Log("Dead"); scoreScript = scoreText.GetComponent <scoreScript>(); score = scoreScript.returnScore(); globalScoreKeeper.updateBlasterScore(score); SceneManager.LoadScene("Scene_endGame", LoadSceneMode.Additive); SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("Scene_Game"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start (){ shadow = (GameObject) Instantiate(shadow); scoreScript = GameObject.Find("scoreScript").GetComponent<scoreScript>(); power = GameObject.Find("gameScript").GetComponent<gameScript>().power ? 2.5f : 2f; dots = dots - GameObject.Find("gameScript").GetComponent<gameScript>().round; if(dots < 5) dots = 5; Dots = GameObject.Find("dots"); transform.rigidbody2D.isKinematic = true; transform.collider2D.enabled = false; startPos = transform.position; ind = Dots.transform.Cast<Transform>().ToList().ConvertAll(t => t.gameObject); for(int i = 0; i<dots; i++){ ind[i].renderer.enabled = false; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { scoreScript scoreS = transform.root.GetComponent <scoreScript>(); //We change the team scores Transform bluePanel = transform.Find("BluePanel"); Transform redPanel = transform.Find("RedPanel"); Transform blueText = bluePanel.GetChild(0); Transform redText = redPanel.GetChild(0); blueScore = blueText.GetComponent <Text>(); redScore = redText.GetComponent <Text>(); int bScore = scoreScript.blueScore; int rScore = scoreScript.redScore; blueScore.text = "BLUE\n\n" + bScore.ToString(); redScore.text = "RED\n\n" + rScore.ToString(); //Player score Transform playerP = transform.Find("PlayerPanel"); //Changing the gamertag Transform playerT = playerP.transform.Find("PlayerTag"); playerTag = playerT.GetComponent <Text>(); playerTag.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Gamertag"); //Changing the score Transform playerS = playerP.transform.Find("PlayerScore"); playerScore = playerS.GetComponent <Text>(); int pKills = scoreS.myKills; int pAssists = scoreS.myAssists; int pDeaths = scoreS.myDeaths; playerScore.text = pKills.ToString() + " " + pAssists.ToString() + " " + pDeaths.ToString(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { shadow = (GameObject)Instantiate(shadow); scoreScript = GameObject.Find("scoreScript").GetComponent <scoreScript>(); power = GameObject.Find("gameScript").GetComponent <gameScript>().power ? 2.5f : 2f; dots = dots - GameObject.Find("gameScript").GetComponent <gameScript>().round; if (dots < 5) { dots = 5; } Dots = GameObject.Find("dots"); transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().isKinematic = true; transform.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = false; startPos = transform.position; ind = Dots.transform.Cast <Transform>().ToList().ConvertAll(t => t.gameObject); for (int i = 0; i < dots; i++) { ind[i].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; } }
void ajoutTeam(int senderID) { networkManager netMan = (networkManager)GameObject.Find("multiScripts").GetComponent("networkManager"); PhotonPlayer target = PhotonPlayer.Find(senderID); scoreScript scoreMan = GetComponent <scoreScript>(); if (blueCount <= redCount) { //photonView.RPC("blueTeam", target, null ); photonView.RPC("setTeam", target, "Blue"); blueCount++; scoreMan.blueCount++; } else { //photonView.RPC("redTeam", target, null ); photonView.RPC("setTeam", target, "Red"); redCount++; scoreMan.redCount++; } }
//public float rotationSpeed; // Use this for initialization void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); thescoremanager = FindObjectOfType <scoreScript>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { scr = (scoreScript)gameman.GetComponent(typeof(scoreScript)); }
/*########### # START # ###########*/ // Use this for initialization void Start() { //On récupère l'ID du joueur PhotonView photonView = PhotonView.Get(this); int myID = photonView.owner.ID; //We activate the scoreScript scoreScript scoreEn = GetComponent <scoreScript>(); if (photonView.isMine) { scoreEn.enabled = true; } else { scoreEn.enabled = false; } //On change le nom du joueur PhotonNetwork.playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Gamertag"); /*--------------------------------------------------------BUG WITH THE PLAYER NAME, PUT BACK TO NORMAL, JUST FOR TEST -----------------------------*/ /*int playerNumb = Random.Range(0, 10000); * PhotonNetwork.playerName = "player" + playerNumb.ToString();*/ networkManager netMan = (networkManager)GameObject.Find("multiScripts").GetComponent("networkManager"); /*----- IN MATCH -----*/ blueSpawn = GameObject.Find("spawn_Blue"); spawnBlue1 = blueSpawn.transform.Find("spawnBlue1").gameObject; spawnBlue2 = blueSpawn.transform.Find("spawnBlue2").gameObject; playerCountUpdateTimer = 0f; //We change the team of the player if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { blueCount = 0; redCount = 0; scoreScript scoreMan = GetComponent <scoreScript>(); if (blueCount <= redCount) { actualTeam = "Blue"; blueCount++; scoreMan.myTeam = "Blue"; } else { actualTeam = "Red"; redCount++; scoreMan.myTeam = "Red"; } } else { this.photonView.RPC("ajoutTeam", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, myID); } }
void Start() { stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start (); // myLog = new LogMsg("ATCLog_LC", "pupilsize,timestamp,nplanes,lastaction,lastactiondetails,positivescore,negativescore"); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log (dataPath); //myLog = new LogMsg("ATCLog_T", "pupilsize,timestamp,nplanes,lastaction,lastactiondetails,positivescore,negativescore"); // get input from bitalino copied from ConnectionState start = true; instantiator = GameObject.Find("Level").GetComponent<instantiateAirplanesHighCondition>(); scorer = Camera.main.GetComponent<scoreScript> (); string header = "timestamp_write;"; if (useeyetracker == true) { header = header + "timestamp_gotpupil;eyeTrackerTime;normPos;diameter;confidence;"; //pupreader.clientPupil1.Client.Blocking=true; } if(usebitalino == true){ header = header + "timestamp_gotbitdata;CRC;SEQ;AnalogOutp1;AnalogOutp2;AnalogOutp3;AnalogOutp4;AnalogOutp5;AnalogOutp6;DigitalOutp1;DigitalOutp2;DigitalOutp3;DigitalOutp4;"; } myLog = new LogBitPupil(dataPath, fileName, header + "nplanes;listofAirplanesonScreen;lastAction;lastActionDetails;lastActionAirplaneNumber;calculatedScore;positiveScore;negativeScore;collidedAirplaneNumbers;targetPositions;collisionPoint"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { score = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <scoreScript>(); }
public void Init(scoreScript score_script) { m_ScoreScript = score_script; }
void Start() { blockStartPoint = blockGenerator.position; playerStartPoint = thePlayer.transform.position; thescoremanager = FindObjectOfType <scoreScript>(); }