Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Detaches event handler <code>fnFunction</code> from the {@link #event:actionSelected actionSelected} event of this <code>sap.ui.ux3.ActionBar</code>.
 /// The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fnFunction">The function to be called, when the event occurs</param>
 /// <param name="oListener">Context object on which the given function had to be called</param>
 /// <returns>Reference to <code>this</code> in order to allow method chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.ux3.ActionBar detachActionSelected(sap.ui.ux3.ActionSelectedDelegate fnFunction, object oListener);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Attaches event handler <code>fnFunction</code> to the {@link #event:actionSelected actionSelected} event of this <code>sap.ui.ux3.ActionBar</code>.
 /// When called, the context of the event handler (its <code>this</code>) will be bound to <code>oListener</code> if specified, otherwise it will be bound to this <code>sap.ui.ux3.ActionBar</code> itself.
 /// Fired when any of the social action’s toolbar buttons except ‘Update’ or any of the business action’s menu items resp. buttons is pressed. The selected action can be identified by its id and newState (the latter if applicable only) ‘Follow’ button + menu: id: follow, newState: Follow/Hold/Default ‘Mark for follow up’ button: id: flag, newState: true/false ‘Favorite’ button: id: favorite, newState: true/false ‘Open Thing Inspector’ button id: open Business Actions: id: the ThingAction id
 /// For ‘Update’, please refer to event ‘feedSubmit’
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fnFunction">The function to be called when the event occurs</param>
 /// <returns>Reference to <code>this</code> in order to allow method chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.ux3.ActionBar attachActionSelected(sap.ui.ux3.ActionSelectedDelegate fnFunction);