Exemple #1
            public void update(int time, vec2 pos, float rot, vec4 color, float fade, vec2 size)
                if (!isPhantomFrame)
                    if (starttime == -1)
                        starttime = time;
                    endtime = time;

                vec2 scale = size / sdata.scalemod;

                fade *= color.w;
                vec3 col = color.xyz;

                addCmd <RotCommand, float>(rot, 0f, rotcmds, new RotCommand(time, time, rot, rot), RotCommand.requiresUpdate);
                rud <vec2> del = MoveCommand.requiresUpdate;

                if ((settings & INTERPOLATE_MOVE) > 0)
                    del = rud_true <vec2>;
                addCmd <MoveCommand, vec2>(pos, v2(-1f), movecmds, new MoveCommand(time, time, pos, pos), del);
                addCmd <FadeCommand, float>(fade, 1f, fadecmds, new FadeCommand(time, time, fade, fade), FadeCommand.requiresUpdate);
                rud <vec3> rr = ColorCommand.requiresUpdate;

                if ((settings & SESDSC) > 0 ||
                    colorcmds.Count == 0 /*1 Feb 2021, if sprite is always white, there will be no colorcmd but a fadecmd
                                          * (because it won't appear if there's no cmd) but for some reason this sometimes
                                          * resulted in the sprite not showing (very visible in pixelscreen), so making sure
                                          * there's a colorcmd now...*/)
                    rr = rud_true <vec3>;
                addCmd <ColorCommand, vec3>(col, v3(1f), colorcmds, new ColorCommand(time, time, col, col), rr);
                if (scale.x == scale.y)
                    goto squarescale;
                addCmd <VScaleCommand, vec2>(scale, v2(1f), vscalecmds, new VScaleCommand(time, time, scale, scale), VScaleCommand.requiresUpdate);

                addCmd <ScaleCommand, float>(scale.x, 1f, scalecmds, new ScaleCommand(time, time, scale.x, scale.x), ScaleCommand.requiresUpdate);
Exemple #2
            public void update(int time, vec2 pos, float rot, vec4 color, float fade, vec2 size)
                if (!isPhantomFrame)
                    if (starttime == -1)
                        starttime = time;
                    endtime = time;

                vec2 scale = size / sdata.scalemod;

                fade *= color.w;
                vec3 col = color.xyz;

                addCmd <RotCommand, float>(rot, 0f, rotcmds, new RotCommand(time, time, rot, rot), RotCommand.requiresUpdate);
                rud <vec2> del = MoveCommand.requiresUpdate;

                if ((settings & INTERPOLATE_MOVE) > 0)
                    del = rud_true <vec2>;
                addCmd <MoveCommand, vec2>(pos, v2(-1f), movecmds, new MoveCommand(time, time, pos, pos), del);
                addCmd <FadeCommand, float>(fade, 1f, fadecmds, new FadeCommand(time, time, fade, fade), FadeCommand.requiresUpdate);
                rud <vec3> rr = ColorCommand.requiresUpdate;

                if ((settings & SESDSC) > 0)
                    rr = rud_true <vec3>;
                addCmd <ColorCommand, vec3>(col, v3(1f), colorcmds, new ColorCommand(time, time, col, col), rr);
                if (scale.x == scale.y)
                    goto squarescale;
                addCmd <VScaleCommand, vec2>(scale, v2(1f), vscalecmds, new VScaleCommand(time, time, scale, scale), VScaleCommand.requiresUpdate);

                addCmd <ScaleCommand, float>(scale.x, 1f, scalecmds, new ScaleCommand(time, time, scale.x, scale.x), ScaleCommand.requiresUpdate);
Exemple #3
            private void addCmd <T, V>(V actualvalue, V defaultvalue, LinkedList <T> list, T cmd, rud <V> reqUpdateDelegate) where T : ICommand
                V lastvalue = getLastNonPhantom <V, T>(list, defaultvalue);

                if (isPhantomFrame || reqUpdateDelegate(lastvalue, actualvalue))