Exemple #1
        public ActionResult getModel(FormModel postedModel)
            RootObject MODELFROMDATABASE = new RootObject();
            PDFModel   PDFmdoel          = new PDFModel()
                DuraionTime  = postedModel.formfillingtime,
                OperatorID   = postedModel.phone,
                hospitalName = GlobalVariables.name,
                timestamp    = postedModel.timestamp,
                PDFTitle     = postedModel.title,
                catID        = postedModel.catID,

            if (GlobalVariables.address == "" || GlobalVariables.address == null)
                string json = "";
                using (var client = new WebClient())
                    json = client.DownloadString("http://www.supectco.com/webs/GDP/Admin/getHospitalDetail.php?active=true");

                    HospitalRoot log = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HospitalRoot>(json);
                    GlobalVariables.address   = log.hospitalDetail.First().address;
                    GlobalVariables.name      = log.hospitalDetail.First().name;
                    GlobalVariables.mohandes  = log.hospitalDetail.First().mohandes;
                    GlobalVariables.ostan     = log.hospitalDetail.First().ostan;
                    GlobalVariables.sharestan = log.hospitalDetail.First().sharestan;
                    GlobalVariables.phone     = log.hospitalDetail.First().phone;
            //if(GlobalVariables.modelList != "")


            using (var client = new WebClient())
                GlobalVariables.modelList = client.DownloadString("http://www.supectco.com/webs/GDP/Admin/getListOfFeaterForApp.php?CatID=1");

                string json3 = "";
                using (var client = new WebClient())
                    json3 = client.DownloadString("http://www.supectco.com/webs/GDP/Admin/getLastPDFName.php?name=" + postedModel.title);
                if (json3.Length > 1)
                    List <string> firstList = json3.Split(',').ToList();
                    List <string> TagIds    = firstList[0].Split('_').ToList();
                    if (TagIds.Count() > 1)
                        postedModel.title = postedModel.title + "_" + (int.Parse(TagIds[1]) + 1).ToString();
                        postedModel.title = postedModel.title + "_1";

                    PDFmdoel.referer  = firstList[1];
                    PDFmdoel.PDFTitle = postedModel.title;
            catch (Exception e)
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(e.Message, postedModel.title);

            //string txtpath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "sample.txt");
            //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, String.Empty);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(txtpath, postedModel.title);

            string id = "";

                MODELFROMDATABASE = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootObject>(GlobalVariables.modelList);
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, " " + MODELFROMDATABASE.featurDataDetail.Count().ToString());

                string srt = postedModel.model;

                //  string txtpath2 = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "sample2.txt");
                //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, String.Empty);
                //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, srt);

                List <model> mymodel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <model> >(srt);
                string       count   = mymodel.Count().ToString();
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, String.Empty);
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, count);

                var testFile = "";
                testFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "PDF/pump.pdf");
                string emptyNamePDF = "";
                emptyNamePDF = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "PDF/pumpEmpty.pdf");

                //set pdf in database ;

                //create pdf proccess

                //Spire.Pdf.PdfDocument doc = new Spire.Pdf.PdfDocument();
                //PdfTextFind results = null;
                ////setting position for every title
                //PdfPageBase page;

                //foreach (var item in mymodel)

                //    int PAGE = Convert.ToInt32(item.page) - 1;
                //    page = doc.Pages[PAGE];
                //    if (item.value != "master")
                //    {
                //        results = page.FindText(item.title).Finds.First();
                //        float width = results.Size.Width;
                //        item.x = (results.Position.X + width).ToString();
                //        item.y = (results.Position.Y).ToString();
                //    }


                var    testFile2 = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), emptyNamePDF);
                string newFile   = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ResultPDF/result" + postedModel.title + ".pdf");
                string finalFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ResultPDF/" + postedModel.title + ".pdf");

                Spire.Pdf.PdfDocument doc2 = new Spire.Pdf.PdfDocument();
                float pageheight = 0;

                foreach (PdfPageBase spipage in doc2.Pages)
                    int index = doc2.Pages.IndexOf(spipage);
                    if (index == 0)
                        mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "address").FirstOrDefault().value       = GlobalVariables.address;
                        mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "hospital name").FirstOrDefault().value = GlobalVariables.name;
                        mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "mohandes").FirstOrDefault().value      = GlobalVariables.mohandes;
                        mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "ostan").FirstOrDefault().value         = GlobalVariables.ostan;
                        mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "shahrestan").FirstOrDefault().value    = GlobalVariables.sharestan;
                        mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "phone").FirstOrDefault().value         = GlobalVariables.phone;

                        foreach (var item in mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "mark"))
                            PDFmdoel.mark = PDFmdoel.mark + item.value;
                        foreach (var item in mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "model"))
                            PDFmdoel.model = PDFmdoel.model + item.value;
                        foreach (var item in mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "esteghrar"))
                            PDFmdoel.position = PDFmdoel.position + item.value;
                        PDFmdoel.serial = mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "serial").FirstOrDefault().value;
                        PDFmdoel.amval  = mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "amvaal").FirstOrDefault().value;

                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "Passed").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                            if (mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "Passed").FirstOrDefault().value == "true")
                                PDFmdoel.status = "Passed";
                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "Limited").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                            if (mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "Limited").FirstOrDefault().value == "true")
                                PDFmdoel.status = "Limited";
                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "Failed").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                            if (mymodel.Where(x => x.page == "1" && x.title == "Failed").FirstOrDefault().value == "true")
                                PDFmdoel.status = "Failed";
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(txtpath, "enter foreach");

                        foreach (var item in MODELFROMDATABASE.featurDataDetail.Where(x => x.referer != ""))
                            model chosen = mymodel.Where(x => x.title == item.title && x.page == item.page).SingleOrDefault();
                            System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, " " + item.title);
                            if (item.max == -1 && item.min != -1)
                                if (double.Parse(chosen.value) >= item.min)
                                    mymodel.Where(x => x.title == item.referer).SingleOrDefault().value = "Passed";
                                    mymodel.Where(x => x.title == item.referer).SingleOrDefault().value = "Failed";
                            else if (item.max != -1 && item.min == -1)
                                if (double.Parse(chosen.value) <= item.max)
                                    mymodel.Where(x => x.title == item.referer).SingleOrDefault().value = "Passed";
                                    mymodel.Where(x => x.title == item.referer).SingleOrDefault().value = "Failed";
                                if (double.Parse(chosen.value) >= item.min && double.Parse(chosen.value) <= item.max)
                                    mymodel.Where(x => x.title == item.referer).SingleOrDefault().value = "Passed";
                                    mymodel.Where(x => x.title == item.referer).SingleOrDefault().value = "Failed";

                        string flow10 = mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "flow10").FirstOrDefault().value;
                        if (flow10 != "")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "error10").FirstOrDefault().value = Math.Round(((decimal.Parse(flow10) - 10) * 10), 2).ToString().Replace("-", "");

                        string flow50 = mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "flow50").FirstOrDefault().value;
                        if (flow50 != "")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "error50").FirstOrDefault().value = Math.Round(((decimal.Parse(flow50) - 50) * 2), 2).ToString().Replace("-", "");

                        string flow100 = mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "flow100").FirstOrDefault().value;
                        if (flow100 != "")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "error100").FirstOrDefault().value = Math.Round((decimal.Parse(flow100) - 100), 2).ToString().Replace("-", "");

                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "resmonfas").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed" && mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "class").FirstOrDefault().value != "CLASS II")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "monfasel").FirstOrDefault().value = Math.Round(RandomNumberBetween(0.5, 0.1), 1).ToString();
                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "resmotas").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed" && mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "class").FirstOrDefault().value != "CLASS II")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "motasel").FirstOrDefault().value = Math.Round(RandomNumberBetween(1.6, 0.2), 1).ToString();

                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "class").FirstOrDefault().value != "CLASS II")
                            int adi      = (int)RandomNumberBetween(4600, 4950);
                            int pluse    = (int)RandomNumberBetween(23, 47);
                            int tak      = (int)RandomNumberBetween(7200, 9700);
                            int takpluse = (int)RandomNumberBetween(180, 280);
                            if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res12").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti1").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)adi).ToString();
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti2").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)tak).ToString();
                            if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res34").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti3").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)(adi + pluse)).ToString();
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti4").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)(tak + takpluse)).ToString();

                        int nashtiBadiAdi      = (int)RandomNumberBetween(57, 83);
                        int nashtiBadiAdiPluse = (int)RandomNumberBetween(1, 7);
                        int nashtiBaditak      = (int)RandomNumberBetween(280, 470);
                        int nashtiBaditakPluse = (int)RandomNumberBetween(10, 15);

                        int badane2 = (int)nashtiBaditak;
                        int badane3 = badane2 + 3;
                        int badane5 = (int)nashtiBaditak + (int)nashtiBaditakPluse;
                        int badane6 = badane5 + 3;

                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res123" && x.page == "4").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "badane1").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)nashtiBadiAdi + (int)nashtiBadiAdiPluse).ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "badane2").FirstOrDefault().value = badane2.ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "badane3").FirstOrDefault().value = badane3.ToString();
                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res456" && x.page == "4").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "badane4").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)nashtiBadiAdi + (2 * (int)nashtiBadiAdiPluse)).ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "badane5").FirstOrDefault().value = badane5.ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "badane6").FirstOrDefault().value = badane6.ToString();
                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res7" && x.page == "4").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "badane7").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)nashtiBadiAdi).ToString();

                        int nashtiBadiAdi2      = (int)RandomNumberBetween(57, 83);
                        int nashtiBadiAdiPluse2 = (int)RandomNumberBetween(1, 7);
                        int nashtiBaditak2      = (int)RandomNumberBetween(280, 470);
                        int nashtiBaditakPluse2 = (int)RandomNumberBetween(10, 15);
                        int ptp2 = (int)nashtiBaditak2;
                        int ptp3 = ptp2 + 3;
                        int ptp5 = (int)nashtiBaditak2 + (int)nashtiBaditakPluse2;
                        int ptp6 = ptp5 + 3;

                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res123" && x.page == "5").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "ptp1").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)nashtiBadiAdi2 + nashtiBadiAdiPluse2).ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "ptp2").FirstOrDefault().value = ptp2.ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "ptp3").FirstOrDefault().value = ptp3.ToString();
                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res456" && x.page == "5").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "ptp4").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)nashtiBadiAdi2 + (2 * nashtiBadiAdiPluse2)).ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "ptp5").FirstOrDefault().value = ptp5.ToString();
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "ptp6").FirstOrDefault().value = ptp6.ToString();
                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res7" && x.page == "5").FirstOrDefault().value == "Passed")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "ptp7").FirstOrDefault().value = ((int)nashtiBadiAdi2).ToString();

                        if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "class").FirstOrDefault().value == "CLASS II")
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "monfasel").FirstOrDefault().value  = "----";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "motasel").FirstOrDefault().value   = "----";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti1").FirstOrDefault().value   = "----";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti2").FirstOrDefault().value   = "----";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti3").FirstOrDefault().value   = "----";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "nashti4").FirstOrDefault().value   = "----";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "resmonfas").FirstOrDefault().value = "Not Checked";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "resmotas").FirstOrDefault().value  = "Not Checked";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res12").FirstOrDefault().value     = "Not Checked";
                            mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "res34").FirstOrDefault().value     = "Not Checked";
                            if (mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "kablbargh").FirstOrDefault().value == "غیر قابل انفصال")
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "monfasel").FirstOrDefault().value  = "----";
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "resmonfas").FirstOrDefault().value = "Not Checked";
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "motasel").FirstOrDefault().value  = "----";
                                mymodel.Where(x => x.title == "resmotas").FirstOrDefault().value = "Not Checked";
                    List <model> pageFieldes = mymodel.Where(x => x.page == (index + 1).ToString()).ToList();
                    pageheight = spipage.Size.Height;

                    foreach (var item in pageFieldes)
                        PdfTrueTypeFont             Arial  = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10f), true);
                        PdfTrueTypeFont             Arial9 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 9f), true);
                        Spire.Pdf.Graphics.PdfFont  font1  = new Spire.Pdf.Graphics.PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.TimesRoman, 9);
                        Spire.Pdf.Graphics.PdfBrush brush  = PdfBrushes.Black;
                        PdfStringFormat             format = new PdfStringFormat();
                        SizeF  size      = Arial9.MeasureString(item.value, format);
                        float  Xposition = float.Parse(item.x) - size.Width;
                        float  yposition = float.Parse(item.y) - 1;
                        PointF position  = new PointF(Xposition, float.Parse(item.y));

                        if (item.type == 1)
                            if (item.value == "true")
                                string imagepath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "checked.png");
                                Spire.Pdf.Graphics.PdfImage image = Spire.Pdf.Graphics.PdfImage.FromFile(imagepath);
                                float width  = image.Width * 0.75f;
                                float height = image.Height * 0.75f;
                                spipage.Canvas.DrawImage(image, Xposition, yposition, 10, 10);
                                string imagepath2 = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "unchecked.png");
                                Spire.Pdf.Graphics.PdfImage image2 = Spire.Pdf.Graphics.PdfImage.FromFile(imagepath2);
                                spipage.Canvas.DrawImage(image2, Xposition, yposition, 10, 10);
                            if (item.font == "E")
                                spipage.Canvas.DrawString(item.value, Arial, brush, position);
                                position.X = position.X;
                                spipage.Canvas.DrawString(item.value, Arial, brush, position, new PdfStringFormat()
                                    RightToLeft = true
                doc2.SaveToFile(newFile, FileFormat.PDF);
                string srt2 = "";
                using (PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(newFile))
                    float widthTo_Trim = pageheight - 15;// iTextSharp.text.Utilities.MillimetersToPoints(450);

                    using (FileStream output = new FileStream(finalFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                        using (PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, output))
                            iTextSharp.text.Rectangle cropBox = pdfReader.GetCropBox(1);
                            cropBox.Top = widthTo_Trim;
                            pdfReader.GetPageN(1).Put(PdfName.CROPBOX, new PdfRectangle(cropBox));
                            //for (int page = 1; page <= pdfReader.NumberOfPages; page++)


                        PDFmdoel.PDFPath = finalFile;

                        returnModel m2 = new returnModel()
                            status  = 200,
                            message = "http://gdp.sup-ect.ir/ResultPDF/" + postedModel.title + ".pdf",
                        srt2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m2);


            catch (Exception e)
                string txtpath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "sample.txt");
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtpath, e.Message);
                returnModel m = new returnModel()
                    status  = 400,
                    message = e.Message + id,
                string srt = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m);
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var                conn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DBConnectionString"].ToString();
            string             sourceDirectory;
            List <returnModel> returnCollection = new List <returnModel>();
            string             fileName         = "";
            int                counterFile      = 1;
            int                counterLine;
            int                counterFileValidate = 1;

            #region Fancy header

             * Console.Write(FiggleFonts.Ogre.Render("------------"));
             * List<char> chars = new List<char>()
             * {
             *  ' ', 'C', 'r', 'e', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd', ' ',
             *  'b', 'y', ' ',
             *  'P', 'i', 'r', 'i', 'y', 'a', 'V', ' '
             * };
             * Console.Write("---------------", Color.LawnGreen);
             * Console.WriteWithGradient(chars, Color.Blue, Color.Purple, 16);
             * Console.Write("---------------", Color.LawnGreen);
             * Console.WriteLine("\n");

            // Ask the user to type path
            if (args.Length == 0)
                // Display title
                Console.Title = "ExcelToDB 1.0.1";

                // Display header
                Console.WriteWithGradient(FiggleFonts.Banner.Render("excel to db"), Color.LightGreen, Color.ForestGreen, 16);

                // Display copyright
                Console.WriteLine(" ---------------------- Created by PiriyaV -----------------------\n", Color.LawnGreen);

                Console.Write(@"Enter source path (eg: D:\folder) : ", Color.LightYellow);
                sourceDirectory = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());
                sourceDirectory = Convert.ToString(args[0]);

            // Variable for backup
            string folderBackup     = "imported_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy_HHmmss");
            string folderBackupPath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, folderBackup);

            // Initial values
            int    LineNum;
            int    ColumnNum;
            string sheetName        = "Sheet1";
            string TableName        = "[SAPMM-WM]";
            int    i                = 0;
            int    ColumnNumChecker = 53;
            bool   sheetChecker     = true;

                // Full path for txt
                var FilePath = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(s => s.ToLower().EndsWith(".xls") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(".xlsx"));

                // Count txt file
                DirectoryInfo di          = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirectory);
                int           FileNumXls  = di.GetFiles("*.xls").Length;
                int           FileNumXlsx = di.GetFiles("*.xlsx").Length;
                int           FileNum     = FileNumXls + FileNumXlsx;

                // Throw no txt file
                if (FileNum == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Excel file not found in folder.");

                #region Validate Section
                var pbValidate = new ProgressBar(PbStyle.DoubleLine, FileNum);

                foreach (string currentFile in FilePath)
                    sheetChecker = true;

                    // Update progress bar (Overall)
                    fileName = Path.GetFileName(currentFile);
                    pbValidate.Refresh(counterFileValidate, "Validating, Please wait...");


                    using (var stream = File.Open(currentFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        // ExcelDataReader Config
                        var conf = new ExcelDataSetConfiguration()
                            ConfigureDataTable = (tableReader) => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration()
                                UseHeaderRow = true

                        using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream))
                            // Validation Excel file
                                if (reader.Name == sheetName)
                                    sheetChecker = false;
                                    while (reader.Read())
                                        if (i > 0)
                                            int rowNO = i + 1;

                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 1, 10, "B", "Material Type");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 2, 255, "C", "Material Type Description");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 3, 10, "D", "Material Group");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 4, 255, "E", "Matl Grp Desc#");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 5, 12, "F", "Material");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 6, 255, "G", "Description");
                                            ValidateDate(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 7, "H", "Posting Date");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 8, 255, "I", "ได้รับมาจาก");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 9, 255, "J", "จ่ายไปให้");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 10, 10, "K", "Movement type");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 11, 255, "L", "Mvt Type Text");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 12, 100, "M", "Batch");
                                            ValidateDate(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 13, "N", "MFG Date");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 14, 100, "O", "Manufacturer Batch");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 15, 100, "P", "Manufacturer");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 16, 255, "Q", "Manufacturer Name");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 17, 100, "R", "Vendor");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 18, 255, "S", "Vendor Name");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 19, 20, "T", "Sold-to");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 20, 255, "U", "Sold-to Name");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 21, 255, "V", "Sold-to Address");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 22, 100, "W", "Sold-to Province");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 23, 20, "X", "Ship-to");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 24, 255, "Y", "Ship-to Name");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 25, 255, "Z", "Ship-to Address");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 26, 100, "AA", "Ship-to Province");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 27, 5, "AB", "Customer Group 1");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 28, 100, "AC", "Customer Group 1 - Desc#");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 29, 5, "AD", "Customer Group 2");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 30, 100, "AE", "Customer Group 2 - Desc#");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 31, 5, "AF", "Customer Group 3");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 32, 100, "AG", "Customer Group 3 - Desc#");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 33, 20, "AH", "FG material");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 34, 255, "AI", "FG Material Description");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 35, 100, "AJ", "FG Batch");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 36, 5, "AK", "Cost Center");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 37, 255, "AL", "Cost Center Description");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 38, 10, "AM", "Plant");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 39, 10, "AN", "Storage Loc#");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 40, 10, "AO", "Dest# Plant");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 41, 10, "AP", "Dest# Sloc");
                                            ValidateFloat(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 42, "AQ", "ยอดยกมา");
                                            ValidateFloat(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 43, "AR", "ปริมาณรับ");
                                            ValidateFloat(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 44, "AS", "ปริมาณจ่าย");
                                            ValidateFloat(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 45, "AT", "ปริมาณคงเหลือ");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 46, 20, "AU", "Unit");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 47, 255, "AV", "หมายเหตุ");
                                            ValidateDate(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 48, "AW", "Entered on");
                                            ValidateDate(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 49, "AX", "Entered at");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 50, 20, "AY", "Material Doc#");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 51, 10, "BZ", "Mat# Doc# Year");
                                            ValidateString(reader, pbValidate, rowNO, counterFileValidate, 52, 5, "BA", "Mat# Doc#Item");
                            } while (reader.NextResult());

                    // Change wording in progress bar
                    if (counterFileValidate == FileNum)
                        pbValidate.Refresh(counterFileValidate, "Validate finished.");

                    // Return error if excel file don't have specific sheet name
                    if (sheetChecker)
                        pbValidate.Refresh(counterFileValidate, "Validate failed.");
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Excel must have sheet name \" {sheetName} \"");


                #region Import Section
                // Create progress bar (Overall)
                var pbOverall = new ProgressBar(PbStyle.DoubleLine, FileNum);

                foreach (string currentFile in FilePath)
                    // Initial variable
                    LineNum     = 0;
                    ColumnNum   = 0;
                    counterLine = 1;

                    returnModel Model = new returnModel();

                    fileName = Path.GetFileName(currentFile);

                    // Update progress bar (Overall)
                    pbOverall.Refresh(counterFile, "Importing, Please wait...");

                    using (var stream = File.Open(currentFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        // ExcelDataReader Config
                        var conf = new ExcelDataSetConfiguration()
                            ConfigureDataTable = (tableReader) => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration()
                                UseHeaderRow = true

                        using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream))
                            // Validation Excel file
                                if (reader.Name == sheetName)
                                    // Read as DataSet
                                    var result = reader.AsDataSet(conf);

                                    // Convert to Datatable
                                    DataTable dt = result.Tables[sheetName];

                                    // Row count
                                    LineNum = dt.Rows.Count;

                                    // Column count
                                    ColumnNum = dt.Columns.Count;

                                    // Validate excel column
                                    if (ColumnNum != ColumnNumChecker)
                                        pbOverall.Refresh(counterFile, "Import error occured");
                                        throw new ArgumentException($"Excel file must have {ColumnNumChecker} column!");

                                    // Sanitize data
                                    foreach (DataColumn c in dt.Columns)
                                        if (c.DataType == typeof(string))
                                            foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                                                r[c.ColumnName] = r[c.ColumnName].ToString().Trim();

                                                // Convert empty string into NULL
                                                if (r[c.ColumnName].ToString().Length == 0)
                                                    r[c.ColumnName] = DBNull.Value;

                                    using (SqlBulkCopy bc = new SqlBulkCopy(conn, SqlBulkCopyOptions.UseInternalTransaction | SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock))
                                        bc.DestinationTableName = TableName;
                                        bc.BatchSize            = reader.RowCount;
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(1, "[Material Type]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(2, "[Material Type Description]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(3, "[Material Group]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(4, "[Matl Grp Desc#]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(5, "[Material]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(6, "[Description]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(7, "[Posting Date]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(8, "[ได้รับมาจาก]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(9, "[จ่ายไปให้]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(10, "[Movement type]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(11, "[Mvt Type Text]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(12, "[Batch]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(13, "[MFG Date]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(14, "[Manufacturer Batch]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(15, "[Manufacturer]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(16, "[Manufacturer Name]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(17, "[Vendor]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(18, "[Vendor Name]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(19, "[Sold-to]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(20, "[Sold-to Name]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(21, "[Sold-to Address]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(22, "[Sold-to Province]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(23, "[Ship-to]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(24, "[Ship-to Name]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(25, "[Ship-to Address]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(26, "[Ship-to Province]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(27, "[Customer Group 1]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(28, "[Customer Group 1 - Desc#]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(29, "[Customer Group 2]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(30, "[Customer Group 2 - Desc#]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(31, "[Customer Group 3]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(32, "[Customer Group 3 - Desc#]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(33, "[FG material]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(34, "[FG Material Description]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(35, "[FG Batch]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(36, "[Cost Center]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(37, "[Cost Center Description]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(38, "[Plant]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(39, "[Storage Loc#]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(40, "[Dest# Plant]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(41, "[Dest# Sloc]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(42, "[ยอดยกมา]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(43, "[ปริมาณรับ]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(44, "[ปริมาณจ่าย]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(45, "[ปริมาณคงเหลือ]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(46, "[Unit]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(47, "[หมายเหตุ]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(48, "[Entered on]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(49, "[Entered at]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(50, "[Material Doc#]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(51, "[Mat# Doc# Year]");
                                        bc.ColumnMappings.Add(52, "[Mat# Doc#Item]");
                            } while (reader.NextResult());

                        // Create folder for file import successful
                        if (!Directory.Exists(folderBackupPath))

                        // Move file to folder backup
                        string destFile = Path.Combine(folderBackupPath, fileName);
                        File.Move(currentFile, destFile);

                        // Add detail to model for showing in table
                        Model.RowNo    = LineNum;
                        Model.FileName = fileName;

                        // Change wording in progress bar
                        if (counterFile == FileNum)
                            pbOverall.Refresh(counterFile, "Import finished.");

            catch (Exception ex)
                //pbOverall.Refresh(counterFile, "Import failed");

                // Show error message
                Console.Write("\nError occured : ", Color.OrangeRed);
                //Console.WriteLine("Error trace : " + ex.StackTrace);

                // Show error on
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                    Console.Write("\nError on : ", Color.OrangeRed);
                    Console.WriteLine("'" + fileName + "'");

                // Show description
                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease check your path or file and try again.\n", Color.Yellow);
                // Show table
                if (returnCollection.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n--------------- Imported detail ---------------", Color.LightGreen);

                // Show backup folder path
                if (Directory.Exists(folderBackupPath))
                    Console.Write("\nImported folder : ", Color.LightGreen);
                    Console.WriteLine($"'{ folderBackupPath }'");

            // Wait key to terminate
            Console.Write("\nPress any key to close this window ");