public void Read()
       = client.socket.GetStream(); //Get the socket stream.
      , 0, client.buffer.Length);

                string dataRecieved = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(client.buffer).Trim('\0');

                resultModel r = new resultModel();

                if (dataRecieved == "NoServices" || dataRecieved == "NoConn")
                    r.error = dataRecieved;
                    resultModel.modelInstance = r;

                    List <Service> serviceList = new List <Service>();

                    //Try to deserialize if fails then most likely error message read this and display on screen as appropriate.
                    List <string> resultstring1;

                    resultstring1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(dataRecieved);

                    foreach (string s2 in resultstring1)
                        Service temp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Service>(s2);

                    List <Service> serviceList1 = serviceList;

                    foreach (Service s in serviceList1)
                        List <CallingPoints> temp = new List <CallingPoints>();

                        foreach (string item in s.Calls_at_Temp)
                            temp.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CallingPoints>(item));

                        s.Calls_at = temp;

                    r.resultValue             = serviceList1;
                    resultModel.modelInstance = r;

                resultModel r = new resultModel();

                r.error = "TechIssues"; //Can't connect to python client.

                resultModel.modelInstance = r;
        ClientInfo client = new ClientInfo(); //Create new instance of client class.

        public void Send(string data)
            client.socket = new TcpClient(); //Set socket to null first before reconnecting.

                client.socket.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8001); //Handle no python connection.


            if (client.socket.Connected == true)
                var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data); //Get the bytes of the input data.

           = client.socket.GetStream();
          , 0, bytes.Length); //Begin writing data until the end of the amount of bytes while passing to async callback method.

                    //If this fails make sure client is connected to the server.

                resultModel r = new resultModel {
                    error = "Python client not available."
                resultModel.modelInstance = r;
Exemple #3
        public async Task <ActionResult> oauthreturn(string code = null, string state = null, string error = null)
            //FOR ILLUSTRATION: notice that when oauth is created, all of the LTI variables are empty
            oauthHelper oauth = new oauthHelper(Request);

            resultModel model = new resultModel();

            if (error == null)
                model.title     = "Success!!";
                model.message   = "Step 2 of the OAuth2 workflow was executed, as described here:";
                model.linkTitle = "Step 2: Redirect back to the request_uri, or out-of-band redirect";
            = "";

                // the [code] will be used in the API call to request the user token
                // this is the [code] parameter called for in Step 3 of the document
                model.oauth2Code = code;
                // this is the [state] identifier that we created in the launch request and sent to Canvas in the redirect to get use authorization
                // we will use this value below to retrieve those launch parameters
                model.oauth2State = state;

                // hopefully this value is always null or empty
                model.oauth2Error = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) ? string.Empty : error;

                //ok, let's get the [state] that we stored in the launch request
                //    -- here i'm storing the state string in the model so it can be displayed in the browser
                //		 NOTE: this is for demo purposes only, you never want to return this data to the client in production
                model.stateJson = sqlHelper.getStateJsonQuery(state);

                //let's deserialize that [state] json into an object so we can reference the variables
                oauth = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <oauthHelper>(sqlHelper.getStateJson(state));

                //now lets get the user access token
                if (await userCalls.requestUserToken(oauth, "", "authorization_code", code) == false)
                    //	If we're here Canvas must have responded with an error,
                    //  tell the user something went wrong
                    model.title   = "What happened...";
                    model.message = "Uh-oh looks like Canvas failed to return a user access token.";
                    //	If we're here Canvas should have returned an access token,
                    //  let's pass that off to the rest of the app!
                    model.accessToken  = oauth.accessToken.accessToken;
                    model.refreshToken = oauth.accessToken.refreshToken;
                    model.tokenLife    = oauth.accessToken.tokenLife.ToString();

                    string jsonState = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oauth);
                    sqlHelper.storeState(state, jsonState);

                    string redirectUrl = string.Format("{0}", state);
                    Response.Redirect(redirectUrl, true);
                //	If we're here Canvas must have responded with an error
                model.title   = "What happened...";
                model.message = "Uh-oh looks like Canvas responded with an error.";

            return(View("result", model));
Exemple #4
        public async Task <ActionResult> oauth2Request()
            oauthHelper oauth = new oauthHelper(Request);

            bool   requireOathRedirect = false;
            string jsonState           = string.Empty;

            resultModel model = new resultModel();

            //	Make sure the LTI signature is valid
            if (oauth.verifySignature())
                //Check to see if this user already has a token
                oauth.accessToken = sqlHelper.getUserAccessToken(long.Parse(oauth.custom_canvas_user_id));
                if (oauth.accessToken != null)
                    //now validate the token to make sure it's still good
                    //if the token is no good try to refresh it
                    if (oauth.accessToken.tokenRefreshRequired)
                        if (await userCalls.requestUserToken(oauth, oauth.accessToken.responseUrl, "refresh_token", null, oauth.accessToken.refreshToken) == false)
                            //	If we're here it the user may have deleted the access token in their profile.
                            //  In this case we will request a brand new token, forcing the user to "Authorize" again.
                            //  To test this, delete the token in your Canvas user profile.
                            requireOathRedirect = true;
                            //_logger.Warn("Found existing token, but unable to refresh.  Possible that user deleted the token in their Canvas profile, execute a new OAuth2 workflow to request a new access token.");
                            model.title     = "Token Refresh Success!!";
                            model.message   = "We have successfully refreshed our existing user access token.";
                            model.linkTitle = "Using a Refresh Token to get a new Access Token";
                        = "";
                        model.title   = "Success!!";
                        model.message = "Our token is still valid, no need to refresh.";

                    if (!requireOathRedirect)
                        //generate a new unique stateId to store the LTI varibles for this uer
                        //  -- the stateId will allow us to retrieve the values on subsequent NON-LTI calls
                        Guid stateId = Guid.NewGuid();
                        jsonState = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oauth);
                        sqlHelper.storeState(stateId, jsonState);

                        //for demo purposes only, we will display the LTI variables on the client, don't do this in production environment, this is only for testing
                        model.stateJson = jsonState;

                        //store the unique stateId in a hidden field so it can be passed back from the client to the server
                        model.oauth2State = stateId.ToString();

                        //display our token information
                        model.accessToken  = oauth.accessToken.accessToken;
                        model.refreshToken = oauth.accessToken.refreshToken;
                        model.tokenLife    = oauth.accessToken.tokenLife.ToString();

                        //Redirect since token is GOOD!
                        string redirectUrl = string.Format("{0}", stateId.ToString());
                        Response.Redirect(redirectUrl, true);

                if (oauth.accessToken == null || requireOathRedirect)
                    //ok, we either didn't find an existing token, or the existing token was not valid and we need a new one
                    //  this is the OAuth2 redirect back to Canvas to ask the user to authorize our application
                    Guid   stateId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    string state   = stateId.ToString();
                    jsonState = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oauth);
                    sqlHelper.storeState(state, jsonState);
                    string oauth2ClientId = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["oauth2ClientId"] != null) ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["oauth2ClientId"] : Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    string redirectUrl    = string.Format("{0}://{1}/login/oauth2/auth?client_id={2}&response_type=code&state={4}&redirect_uri={3}", Request.UrlReferrer.Scheme, Request.UrlReferrer.DnsSafeHost, oauth2ClientId, Request.Url.ToString().Replace("oauth2Request", "oauthreturn"), state);
                    Response.Redirect(redirectUrl, true);

            //	If we're here LTI validation failed, return a dead view
            model         = new resultModel();
            model.title   = "What happened...";
            model.message = "Uh-oh looks like LTI validation failed, the user should never see this view.";
            return(View("result", model));
Exemple #5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string state = null)
            // Beginning of the OAuth workflow
            oauthHelper oauth  = new oauthHelper(Request);
            bool        letsGo = false;

            // Useful for development in a local Canvas Instance while hosted on local machine.
            if (devMode || state == null)
                if (!oauth.verifySignature() && !devMode)
                    resultModel model = new resultModel();
                    model.title   = "Error Forbidden";
                    model.message = "Bad access. Relaunch LTI app to request new token.";
                    return(View("result", model));

                if (oauth.verifySignature())
                    oauth.accessToken = new userAccessToken(acToken, Convert.ToInt64(oauth.custom_canvas_user_id), 15000);
                    letsGo            = true;
                else if (state != null)
                    oauth             = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <oauthHelper>(sqlHelper.getStateJson(Guid.Parse(state)));
                    oauth.accessToken = sqlHelper.getUserAccessToken(long.Parse(oauth.custom_canvas_user_id));
                    letsGo            = true;
                    oauth.accessToken = new userAccessToken(acToken, 2033, 15000);

                if (devMode && state == null)
                    Guid   stateId   = Guid.NewGuid();
                    string jsonState = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oauth);
                    sqlHelper.storeState(stateId, jsonState);
                    state = stateId.ToString();
                //let's deserialize that [state] json into an object so we can reference the variables
                oauth = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <oauthHelper>(sqlHelper.getStateJson(Guid.Parse(state)));

                oauth.accessToken = sqlHelper.getUserAccessToken(long.Parse(oauth.custom_canvas_user_id));

                if (oauth.accessToken != null)
                    //now validate the token to make sure it's still good
                    //if the token is no good try to refresh it
                    if (oauth.accessToken.tokenRefreshRequired)
                        if (await userCalls.requestUserToken(oauth, oauth.accessToken.responseUrl, "refresh_token", null, oauth.accessToken.refreshToken) == false)
                            //	If we're here it the user may have deleted the access token in their profile.
                            //  In this case we will request a brand new token, forcing the user to "Authorize" again.
                            //  To test this, delete the token in your Canvas user profile.

                            resultModel model = new resultModel();
                            model.title   = "Error Forbidden";
                            model.message = "Bad access token. Relaunch LTI app to request new token.";
                            return(View("result", model));

                    letsGo = true;

            //	Make sure the LTI signature is valid
            if (letsGo)
                string course_id = oauth.custom_canvas_course_id;
                Uri    testUri   = oauth.Url;

                // Get user key from storage
                // Get all questions or something
                JArray sectionsJSON = await userCalls.getSectionList(oauth.accessToken.accessToken, "https://" +, course_id);

                JArray quizListJSON = await userCalls.getListQuizzesInCourse(oauth.accessToken.accessToken, "https://" +, course_id);

                // Get quesiton data ready to go
                NavigationModel nav = new NavigationModel();

                // Objects for section names and IDs to pass in
                List <string> sections = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, string> sectionIDs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // Objects for quiz names and IDs to pass in
                List <string> quizzes = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, string> quizIDs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // Get section data extracted
                JToken        token  = sectionsJSON.First;
                List <JToken> tokens = new List <JToken>();

                // Get all tokens from section data
                    token = token.Next;
                } while (token != null);
                // Parse out name and ID for use later
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                    sections.Add(tokens[i].Value <string>("name"));
                    sectionIDs.Add(tokens[i].Value <string>("name"), tokens[i].Value <string>("id"));

                // Now do quiz data
                token  = quizListJSON.First;
                tokens = new List <JToken>();

                // Get all tokens from quiz data
                while (token != null)
                    token = token.Next;
                // Parse out name and ID for use later
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                    if (tokens[i].Value <string>("published").ToLower() == "true")
                        quizzes.Add(tokens[i].Value <string>("title"));
                        quizIDs.Add(tokens[i].Value <string>("title"), tokens[i].Value <string>("id"));
                        nav.quizColor.Add(tokens[i].Value <string>("title"), "unstarted");

                // Put rubric stuff in model
                nav.rubic = sqlHelper.getAllRubricNames();

                // Put section and quiz info into nav model
                nav.sections  = sections;
                nav.sectionID = sectionIDs;

                nav.quizzes = quizzes;
                nav.quizID  = quizIDs;

                nav.state = state;


            _logger.Error("Bad Index Login attempt! " + state);

            NavigationModel nav2 = new NavigationModel();

            nav2.state = state;
            nav2.rubic = sqlHelper.getAllRubricNames();

Exemple #6
        // Returns the grading page with the selected question
        // quiz - quizID passed from previous page
        // section[] - array of all sections selected, can include "all" as section
        // question - questionID to grade
        // state - unique stateID of user
        public async Task <ActionResult> Grade(string quiz, string[] section, string question, string state, string rubric)
            // Create a grade model
            GradeModel model = new GradeModel();

            // Let's pull in a save state!
            _logger.Error("Pulling in a saved state: " + state);
            oauthHelper oauth = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <oauthHelper>(sqlHelper.getStateJson(Guid.Parse(state)));

            oauth.accessToken = sqlHelper.getUserAccessToken(long.Parse(oauth.custom_canvas_user_id));
            _logger.Error("State loaded: " + state);

            // Refresh token time! just keeps stuff updated
            if (oauth.accessToken != null)
                _logger.Error("Checking token validity for state: " + state);
                //now validate the token to make sure it's still good
                //if the token is no good try to refresh it
                if (oauth.accessToken.tokenRefreshRequired)
                    if (await userCalls.requestUserToken(oauth, oauth.accessToken.responseUrl, "refresh_token", null, oauth.accessToken.refreshToken) == false)
                        //	If we're here it the user may have deleted the access token in their profile.
                        //  In this case we will request a brand new token, forcing the user to "Authorize" again.
                        //  To test this, delete the token in your Canvas user profile.
                        _logger.Error("Token bad, renewal failed! state: " + state);
                        resultModel modelFail = new resultModel();
                        modelFail.title   = "Error Forbidden";
                        modelFail.message = "Bad access token. Relaunch LTI app to request new token.";
                        return(View("result", modelFail));
                    _logger.Error("token renewed! state: " + state);

            // Okay we good, let's load data into the model and dispatch it

            /* Need:
             * quiz name
             * question name
             * question score
             * question instructions/text
             * per student:
             * *student name
             * *student response
             * *student score
             * *student comment

            // Grab the quiz object from Canvas
            JObject quizJSON = await userCalls.getQuizInCourse(oauth.accessToken.accessToken, "https://" +, oauth.custom_canvas_course_id, quiz);

            // Load quiz name and ID
            model.quizName = jsonHelpers.GetJObjectValue(quizJSON, "title");
            model.quizID   = quiz;

            model.state = state;

            // Remove everything after : including :
            model.questionNumber = question.Substring(question.IndexOf("-") + 1);
            question             = question.Substring(0, question.IndexOf("-"));
            model.questionID     = question;

            // Load question name, ID, score
            model.questionName = sqlHelper.getQuestionName(quiz, oauth.custom_canvas_course_id, question);

            string stuff = sqlHelper.getQuestionMaxScore(quiz, oauth.custom_canvas_course_id, question);

            model.gradeOutOf = (int)Convert.ToDouble(sqlHelper.getQuestionMaxScore(quiz, oauth.custom_canvas_course_id, question));

            // Here's some rubric stuff
            model.rubricParsed = 1; // Dammit Tanner, why does 1 mean no rubric?

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rubric))
                model.rubicCols = (int)Convert.ToDouble(sqlHelper.getRubricColsByName(rubric));
                model.rubicRows = (int)Convert.ToDouble(sqlHelper.getRubricRowsByName(rubric));

                model.rubricJSON = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(sqlHelper.getRubricJsonByName(rubric));

                if (model.rubricJSON != "")
                    model.rubricParsed = 0;


            model.buildNavBar((int)Convert.ToDouble(sqlHelper.getNumberQuestions(quiz, oauth.custom_canvas_course_id)));

            // Load some student data

            // loop to add all student IDs as names along with creating entry with answer, grade, comment in namesGrades
            string[] students = sqlHelper.getStudentListSQL(quiz, oauth.custom_canvas_course_id, question);

            for (int x = 0; x < students.Length; x++)
                string[] studentshit = sqlHelper.getStudentSubmissionSQL(quiz, oauth.custom_canvas_course_id, question, students[x]);

                model.names.Add(students[x]);                     //TODO: If using the student's real name is a desired feature, that needs to be done here
                model.namesGrades.Add(students[x], studentshit);
                model.userNameToID.Add(students[x], students[x]); //TODO:If using the student's real name is a desired feature, that needs to be done here
            //TODO: for the TODO statements above, make sure that implementing real names into the app complies to FERPA regulations and guidelines befoer adding

            model.numStudent = model.names.Count; //TODO: fix it so this is NOT needed CODE CLEANUP

            // Return that model