public ProveResult ExecuteSharp(Term thisTerm, PartListImpl goalList, PEnv environment, PDB db, int level,
                                        reportDelegate reportFunction)
            Term       collect0   = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[1], environment).AsTerm();
            string     methodName = collect0.fname;
            var        partObj    = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[0], environment);
            object     result;
            TextWriter warns = new StringWriter();

                if (partObj.IsObject)
                    if (!CanInvokeObject(partObj.Functor0, methodName, collect0.ArgList, out result, warns))
                        return(new ProveResult()
                            Failed = true
                    if (!CanInvokeObjectByName(partObj.Text, methodName, collect0.ArgList, true, out result, warns))
                        return(new ProveResult()
                            Failed = true
            catch (Exception e2)
                throw e2;
                return(new ProveResult()
                    Failed = true
            //print("Debug: unifying "); into.print(); print(" with "); answers.print(); print("\n");
            var env2 = unify(thisTerm.ArgList[2], ObjectToPart(result), environment);

            if (env2 == null)
                //print("Debug: bagof cannot unify anslist with "); into.print(); print(", failing\n");

            // Just prove the rest of the goallist, recursively.
            return(prove(goalList, env2, db, level + 1, reportFunction));
Exemple #2
        private void SetText(Control control, string text)
            if (control.InvokeRequired)
                reportDelegate d = new reportDelegate(SetText);

                control.Invoke(d, new object[] { control, text });
                control.Text += text;
        public ProveResult TripleQuery(Term thisTerm, PartListImpl goalList, PEnv environment, PDB db, int level, reportDelegate reportFunction)
            // bagof(Term, ConditionTerm, ReturnList)
            //  PartList goalList = (PartList)goalIn;

            Part collect0 = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[0], environment);
            Part subgoal  = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[1], environment);
            Part into     = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[2], environment);

            Part collect = renameVariables(collect0, level, thisTerm);
            //var newGoal = new Term(, renameVariables(subgoal.ArgList, level, thisTerm));
            Term newGoal = new Term(subgoal.fname, false,
                                    (PartListImpl)renameVariables(((PartListImpl)subgoal), level, thisTerm));

            newGoal.parent = thisTerm;

            //var newGoals = [];
            //newGoals[0] = newGoal;
            PartListImpl newGoals = new PartListImpl();


            // Prove this subgoal, collecting up the environments...
            PartListImpl anslist = new PartListImpl();

            anslist.renumber = -1;
            var ret = prove(newGoals, environment, db, level + 1, BagOfCollectFunction(collect, anslist));

            // Turn anslist into a proper list and unify with 'into'

            // optional here: nil anslist -> fail?
            Part answers = Atom.FromSource(FUNCTOR_NIL);

             * print("Debug: anslist = [");
             *  for (var j = 0; j < anslist.length; j++) {
             *      anslist[j].print();
             *      print(", ");
             *  }
             * print("]\n");

            for (int i = anslist.Arity; i > 0; i--)
                answers = MakeList(anslist.ArgList[i - 1], answers);

            //print("Debug: unifying "); into.print(); print(" with "); answers.print(); print("\n");
            var env2 = unify(into, answers, environment);

            if (env2 == null)
                //print("Debug: bagof cannot unify anslist with "); into.print(); print(", failing\n");

            // Just prove the rest of the goallist, recursively.
            return(prove(goalList, env2, db, level + 1, reportFunction));