Exemple #1
    public static void Main()
        rectangle r1 = new rectangle(10, 20);

        triangle t1 = new triangle(30, 40);
Exemple #2
        public void Render(long time, rectangle r)
            var c  = (test++ % 25) / 25f;
            var cc = new Color(c, c, c, 255);

            //GL.Viewport(0, 0, r.width, r.height);
            GL.ClearColor((float)cc.Red, (float)cc.Green, (float)cc.Blue, (float)cc.Alpha);
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit /*ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit*/); // We're not using stencil buffer so why bother with clearing?

            GL.DrawArrays(BeginMode.Triangles, 0, 3);     // Starting from vertex 0; 3 vertices total -> 1 triangle
            //   this.vertices.Apply(this.shader);

            if (this.frame != null)
                GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, (this.frame.Buffer as IOpenGLFrame).Textures[0]);


                GL.DrawArrays(BeginMode.Triangles, 0, 6); // Starting from vertex 0; 6 vertices total -> 2 triangle

                frame = null;
Exemple #3
// Main Method
    public static void Main(String [] args)
        // creating object of class
        // "rectangle", named as "rect"
        rectangle rect = new rectangle();

        // these two lines are normal calling
        // of that two methods
        // rect.area(6.3, 4.2);
        // rect.perimeter(6.3, 4.2);

        // creating delegate object, name as "rectdele"
        // and pass the method as parameter by
        // class object "rect"
        rectDelegate rectdele = new rectDelegate(rect.area);

        // also can be written as
        // rectDelegate rectangle = rect.area;

        // call 2nd method "perimeter"
        // Multicasting
        rectdele += rect.perimeter;

        // pass the values in two method
        // by using "Invoke" method
        rectdele.Invoke(6.3, 4.2);

        // call the methods with
        // different values
        rectdele.Invoke(16.3, 10.3);
Exemple #4
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var rec1 = new rectangle();

            this.shps.Text += rec1.heigth.ToString() + " " + rec1.width.ToString() + "\r\n";
            var rec2 = new rectangle();

            this.shps.Text += rec2.heigth.ToString() + " " + rec2.width.ToString() + "\r\n";
            var tr1 = new triangle();

            this.shps.Text += tr1.a + " " + tr1.b + " " + tr1.c + "\r\n";
            var tr2 = new triangle();

            this.shps.Text += tr2.a + " " + tr2.b + " " + tr2.c + "\r\n";
            var ccl1 = new circle();
            var ccl2 = new circle();

            //rec1 - composition, rec2- composition chi, ccl2- composition chi
 public QuadTree(int pLevel, rectangle pBounds)
     level       = pLevel;
     QuadObjects = new List <Prism>();
     bounds      = pBounds;
     subnodes    = new QuadTree[4];
Exemple #6
        void IRenderOwner.render(IRenderFrame destination, long time, rectangle r)
            //       using (var lck = this.Renderer.GetDrawLock())
                //      var state = this.Renderer.StartRender(destination, r);

                //   GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection);
                //   GL.LoadIdentity();

                //   this.xwt.StartRender(renderer, this);

                var c = (test++ % 25) / 25f;

                var cc = new Xwt.Drawing.Color(c, c, c, 255);

                GL.ClearColor((float)cc.Red, (float)cc.Green, (float)cc.Blue, (float)cc.Alpha);
                GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit /*ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit*/); // We're not using stencil buffer so why bother with clearing?


                GL.DrawArrays(BeginMode.Triangles, 0, 3); // Starting from vertex 0; 3 vertices total -> 1 triangle

                //      this.Renderer.EndRender(state);

                this.Renderer.Present(destination, r, IntPtr.Zero);
    void Start()
        m_TargetBuildingBehaviour = GetComponent <UserDefinedTargetBuildingBehaviour>();

        if (m_TargetBuildingBehaviour)
            Debug.Log("Registering User Defined Target event handler.");

        m_FrameQualityMeter = FindObjectOfType <FrameQualityMeter>();
        m_TrackableSettings = FindObjectOfType <TrackableSettings>();
        m_QualityDialog     = FindObjectOfType <QualityDialog>();

        if (m_QualityDialog)
            m_QualityDialog.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
        textobj  = GameObject.Find("wordobj");
        musicobj = GameObject.Find("music");
        status   = GameObject.Find("status");
        tempObj  = GameObject.Find("TargetBuilderCanvas");
        obj      = tempObj.GetComponent <rectangle>();
        //   tm = textobj.GetComponent<TextMesh>();
        //tm.text = "hello";
        // print(textobj);
        // print(textobj.GetComponent<TextMesh>().text);
Exemple #8
            private void RenderScene() // present (using IRenderOwner)
                //       owner.Lock();
                    var oldtargets = new Surface[1];

                    for (int nit = 0; nit < 1; nit++)
                            oldtargets[nit] = this.owner.device.GetRenderTarget(nit);
                        catch { }
                    this.owner.device.SetRenderTarget(0, this.rt);

                    // clear the surface to transparent
                    //     this.owner.device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, new global::SharpDX.Color(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.0f, 0);

                    // this.owner.device.BeginScene();

                    //      using (var dl = (this.owner as ).GetDrawLock()) // render using opengl
                        var state = this.owner.StartRender(null, rectangle.Zero);
                        var r     = new rectangle(0, 0, this.owner.renderframe.Width, this.owner.renderframe.Height);
                        this.owner.renderer.render(this.owner.renderframe, this.frametime, r);

                     *              // render the scene
                     *              if (SUCCEEDED(g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene()))
                     *              {
                     *                  // setup the world, view, and projection matrices
                     *                  SetupMatrices();
                     *                  // render the vertex buffer contents
                     *                  g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource(0, g_pVB, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX));
                     *                  g_pd3dDevice->SetFVF(D3DFVF_CUSTOMVERTEX);
                     *                  g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 1);
                     *                  // end the scene
                     *                  g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
                     *              }
                     *              // return the full size of the surface
                     *              pSize->cx = WIDTH;
                     *              pSize->cy = HEIGHT;*/
                    //  this.dev.EndScene();

                    //      this.owner.device.EndScene();
                    this.owner.device.SetRenderTarget(0, oldtargets[0]);
                    //     owner.Unlock();
Exemple #9
    public static BaseShape createShape(string type)
        BaseShape shape = null;

        switch (type)
        case "三角形":
            shape      = new triangle();
            shape.type = type;

        case "圆形":
            shape      = new circle();
            shape.type = type;

        case "正方形":
            shape      = new rectangle();
            shape.type = type;

        case "矩形":
            shape      = new square();
            shape.type = type;
Exemple #10
        object IRenderer.StartRender(IRenderFrame destination, rectangle r)
            var oldframebuffer = (uint)GL.GetInteger(GetPName.FramebufferBinding);

                if (destination == null)
                    GL.Viewport(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);// new Rectangle(this.window.Location,this.window.ClientSize));
                    var frame = (RenderFrame)destination;

                    GL.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, frame.framebuffer);

                    GL.Viewport(0, 0, frame.Width, frame.Height);// new Rectangle(this.window.Location,this.window.ClientSize));
            catch (Exception e)
                //      Log.LogException(e);
            return(oldframebuffer);// destination;
Exemple #11
        public void FirmarUserPDF_POLICY_SELLO_GENERICO_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Recuperamos la instancia del cliente
            ViafirmaClient clienteViafirma = ViafirmaClientFactory.GetInstance();

            // Recuperamos el documento a firmar.
            //string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            //FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path + "\\resources\\exampleSign.pdf");
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            Stream   fs       = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(Global.DEMO_FILE_PDF_PATH);

            byte[] datos_a_firmar = new byte[fs.Length];
            fs.Read(datos_a_firmar, 0, datos_a_firmar.Length);

            //Obtengo la imagen a estampar
            Stream stampImage = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(Global.DEMO_STAMPER_PATH);

            byte[] image = new byte[stampImage.Length];
            stampImage.Read(image, 0, image.Length);
            String imageB64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(image);

            // Enviamos a firmar el documento

            //Creamos el objeto documento con los datos a firmar
            documento doc = new documento();

            doc.nombre         = "PDF_SELLOIMAGEN.pdf";
            doc.datos          = datos_a_firmar;
            doc.typeFormatSign = typeFormatSign.PAdES_BASIC;
            doc.tipo           = typeFile.PDF;

            // En algunos casos, por ejemplo en el arranque de la aplicación puede ser interesante
            // Comprobar que efectivamente el servidor de firma está disponible
            System.Console.Write(clienteViafirma.ping("Prueba Conexión") + "\n");

            //Creamos la politica de firma
            policy pol = PolicyUtil.newPolicy(typeFormatSign.PAdES_BASIC, typeSign.ATTACHED);

            PolicyUtil.AddParameter(pol, PolicyParams.DIGITAL_SIGN_PAGE, "1");
            //creamos el rectangle
            rectangle r = PolicyUtil.newRectangle(140, 200, 100, 50);

            PolicyUtil.AddParameter(pol, PolicyParams.DIGITAL_SIGN_RECTANGLE, PolicyUtil.rectangleToJson(r));

            // Registramos el documento que deseamos firmar. Obteniendo un identificador temporal.
            // Este identificador temporal no es necesario que sea almacenado ya que sólo tiene validez durante el proceso de firma.
            string idTemporalFirma = clienteViafirma.PrepareSignWithPolicy(pol, doc);

            System.Console.Write("idTemporalFirma: " + idTemporalFirma);

            //Logica del ejemplo para descagar el fichero con la extension correcta
            Session["extension"] = ".pdf";

            // Iniciamos el proceso de firma redireccionando al usuario a Viafirma..
            // Esto redireccionará al usuario a Viafirma para la firma del documento con el
            // identificador de firma indicado.
Exemple #12
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     barrier    = new rectangle[rec_number];
     barrier[0] = new rectangle(1, 3, -2, -1);
     barrier[1] = new rectangle(-6, -4, -1, 0);
     barrier[2] = new rectangle(-2, -0, 0, 1);
Exemple #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            square    s1   = new square(5);
            rectangle r1   = new rectangle(5, 6);
            rectangle r2   = new rectangle(6, 6);
            circle    c1   = new circle(5);
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            foreach (var x in list)
                Console.Write("{0} ", x);
            Console.WriteLine("\nArray list after sorting");
            foreach (var x in list)
                Console.Write("{0} ", x);
            List <geom_shape> list1 = new List <geom_shape>();

            Console.WriteLine("\nList before sorting");
            foreach (var x in list1)
                Console.Write("{0} ", x);
            Console.WriteLine("\nList after sorting");
            foreach (var x in list1)
                Console.Write("{0} ", x);
            Matrix3dimensional <geom_shape> figure = new Matrix3dimensional <geom_shape>(4, 4, 4, null);

            figure[0, 0, 0] = r1;
            figure[1, 1, 1] = c1;
            figure[2, 2, 2] = s1;
            figure[1, 2, 3] = r2;
            SimpleStack <geom_shape> Stack = new SimpleStack <geom_shape>();

            while (Stack.Count > 0)
Exemple #14
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position)
            Vector2 weaponOffset = new Vector2(-11, 5);

            Rectangle sourceRectangleAvatar;
            Rectangle destinationRectangleAvatar;
            Rectangle sourceRectangleWeapon;
            Rectangle destinationRectangleWeapon;

            //Rectangle sourceRectangleProjectile;
            //Rectangle destinationRectangleProjectile;

            if (currentframe == 0)
                sourcerectangleavatar      = new rectangle(432, 16, 16, 16);
                destinationrectangleavatar = new rectangle((int)location.x, (int)location.y, 16 * constant.displayscalex, 16 * constant.displayscaley);

                sourcerectangleweapon      = new rectangle(432 + (int)weaponoffset.x, 16 + (int)weaponoffset.y, 11, 8);
                destinationrectangleweapon = new rectangle((int)location.x + (int)weaponoffset.x * constant.displayscalex, (int)location.y + (int)weaponoffset.y * constant.displayscaley, 11 * constant.displayscalex, 8 * constant.displayscaley);

            if (currentFrame == 1)
                sourceRectangleAvatar      = new Rectangle(464, 16, 16, 16);
                destinationRectangleAvatar = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 16 * Constant.DisplayScaleX, 16 * Constant.DisplayScaleY);

                sourceRectangleWeapon      = new Rectangle(464 + (int)weaponOffset.X, 16 + (int)weaponOffset.Y, 11, 8);
                destinationRectangleWeapon = new Rectangle((int)position.X + (int)weaponOffset.X * Constant.DisplayScaleX, (int)position.Y + (int)weaponOffset.Y * Constant.DisplayScaleY, 11 * Constant.DisplayScaleX, 8 * Constant.DisplayScaleY);
            else if (currentFrame == 2)
                sourceRectangleAvatar      = new Rectangle(496, 16, 16, 16);
                destinationRectangleAvatar = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 16 * Constant.DisplayScaleX, 16 * Constant.DisplayScaleY);

                weaponOffset               = new Vector2(-7, 5);
                sourceRectangleWeapon      = new Rectangle(496 + (int)weaponOffset.X, 16 + (int)weaponOffset.Y, 7, 8);
                destinationRectangleWeapon = new Rectangle((int)position.X + (int)weaponOffset.X * Constant.DisplayScaleX, (int)position.Y + (int)weaponOffset.Y * Constant.DisplayScaleY, 7 * Constant.DisplayScaleX, 8 * Constant.DisplayScaleY);
                sourceRectangleAvatar      = new Rectangle(528, 16, 16, 16);
                destinationRectangleAvatar = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 16 * Constant.DisplayScaleX, 16 * Constant.DisplayScaleY);

                weaponOffset               = new Vector2(-3, 5);
                sourceRectangleWeapon      = new Rectangle(528 + (int)weaponOffset.X, 16 + (int)weaponOffset.Y, 3, 8);
                destinationRectangleWeapon = new Rectangle((int)position.X + (int)weaponOffset.X * Constant.DisplayScaleX, (int)position.Y + (int)weaponOffset.Y * Constant.DisplayScaleY, 3 * Constant.DisplayScaleX, 8 * Constant.DisplayScaleY);

            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, destinationRectangleAvatar, sourceRectangleAvatar, Color.White);
            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, destinationRectangleWeapon, sourceRectangleWeapon, Color.White);
Exemple #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            rectangle rect = new rectangle(10, 10);
            circle    circ = new circle(20);
            square    sqr  = new square(15);
            ArrayList figures_array_list = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < figures_array_list.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < figures_array_list.Count; i++)
            List <abstract_figure> figure_list_t = new List <abstract_figure> ();

            foreach (var i in figure_list_t)
            foreach (var i in figure_list_t)
            Console.WriteLine("3d Sparse-matrix:");
            Matrix <abstract_figure> figure_matrix = new Matrix <abstract_figure>(10, 10, 10, null);

            figure_matrix[1, 1, 1] = circ;
            figure_matrix[9, 0, 9] = sqr;
            figure_matrix[6, 9, 1] = rect;
            SimpleStack <abstract_figure> figure_stack = new SimpleStack <abstract_figure>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Exemple #16
        static void Main()
            rectangle rect   = new rectangle(5, 4);
            square    square = new square(5);
            circle    circle = new circle(5);

            ArrayList l1 = new ArrayList();

            foreach (object i in l1)
                Console.Write(i.ToString() + " ");

            List <geometr_figur> l2 = new List <geometr_figur>();

            Console.WriteLine("\nПеред сортировкой:");
            foreach (object i in l2)
                Console.Write(i.ToString() + " ");
            Console.WriteLine("\nПосле сортировки:");
            foreach (object i in l2)
                Console.Write(i.ToString() + " ");

            SimpleStack <geometr_figur> stack = new SimpleStack <geometr_figur>();

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                geometr_figur f = stack.Pop();
            Matrix <geometr_figur> matrix = new Matrix <geometr_figur>(3, 3, 3, new FigureMatrixCheckEmpty());

            matrix[0, 0, 0] = rect;
            matrix[1, 1, 1] = square;
            matrix[2, 2, 2] = circle;
Exemple #17
 bool exam_rec(Vector3 par, rectangle rec)
     if (exam_linex(par, rec.x1, rec.y1, rec.y2) && exam_linex(par, rec.x2, rec.y1, rec.y2) && exam_liney(par, rec.y1, rec.x1, rec.x2) && exam_liney(par, rec.y2, rec.x1, rec.x2))
Exemple #18
    public static void Main(String [] args)
        rectangle r = new rectangle(2, 3);

        Console.WriteLine("From Main: length {0}, breadth {1}", r.length, r.breadth);
        Console.WriteLine("From Main after fun1: length {0}, breadth {1}", r.length, r.breadth);
        fun2(ref r);
        Console.WriteLine("From Main after fun2: length {0}, breadth {1}", r.length, r.breadth);
Exemple #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double a = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            double    b = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            rectangle s = new rectangle(a, b);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            rectangle rectangle = new rectangle(23.21, 23.23);

            circle circle = new circle(23.12);

            Console.WriteLine("area of rectangle is" + rectangle.getArea());
            Console.WriteLine("area of circle is" + circle.getArea());
Exemple #21
        //  render_triangle - render a triangle that
        //  is used for up/down arrows and left/right
        //  indicators
        static void render_triangle(bitmap_argb32 dest, bitmap_argb32 source, rectangle sbounds, object param)  //void *param)
            int halfwidth = dest.width() / 2;
            int height = dest.height();
            int x, y;

            // start with all-transparent
            dest.fill(new rgb_t(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));

            // render from the tip to the bottom
            for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
                int linewidth = (y * (halfwidth - 1) + (height / 2)) * 255 * 2 / height;
                //uint32_t *target = &dest.pix32(y, halfwidth);
                RawBuffer targetBuf;
                UInt32    targetOffset = dest.pix32(out targetBuf, y, halfwidth);

                // don't antialias if height < 12
                if (dest.height() < 12)
                    int pixels = (linewidth + 254) / 255;
                    if (pixels % 2 == 0)
                    linewidth = pixels * 255;

                // loop while we still have data to generate
                for (x = 0; linewidth > 0; x++)
                    int dalpha;

                    // first column we only consume one pixel
                    if (x == 0)
                        dalpha = Math.Min(0xff, linewidth);
                        targetBuf.set_uint32((int)targetOffset + x, new rgb_t((byte)dalpha, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));  //target[x] = new rgb_t(dalpha, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

                    // remaining columns consume two pixels, one on each side
                        dalpha = Math.Min(0x1fe, linewidth);
                        targetBuf.set_uint32((int)targetOffset + x, new rgb_t((byte)(dalpha / 2), 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));  //target[x] = target[-x] = new rgb_t((byte)(dalpha / 2), 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
                        targetBuf.set_uint32((int)targetOffset + (-x), new rgb_t((byte)(dalpha / 2), 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));

                    // account for the weight we consumed */
                    linewidth -= dalpha;
Exemple #22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            rectangle rec = new rectangle(5, 6);

            square sq = new square(5);

            circle cir = new circle(5);

        public void ChangerectangleWidth_Input8_Returns8()
            int       l             = 7;
            int       w             = 5;
            int       Width         = 8;
            rectangle testrectangle = new rectangle(l, w);
            double changedWidth = testrectangle.ChangerectangleWidth(8);

            Assert.AreEqual(changedWidth, Width);
        public void GetrectangleWidth_Input6_Returns6()
            int l = 4;
            int w = 6;

            rectangle testrectangle = new rectangle(l, w);
            double width = testrectangle.GetrectangleWidth();

            Assert.AreEqual(width, w);
        public void Getrectanglelength_Input11_Returns11()
            int l = 4;
            int w = 5;

            rectangle testrectangle = new rectangle(l, w);
            double length = testrectangle.Getrectanglelength();

            Assert.AreEqual(length, l);
Exemple #26
 static void Main(string[] args)
     Shapes[] s = new Shapes[2];
     s[0] = new rectangle()
         x = 10, y = 20
     s[1] = new square()
         x = 2
     Console.WriteLine("Area of object={0}", Area(s));
        public void Changerectanglelength_Input7_Returns7()
            int       l             = 7;
            int       w             = 5;
            int       Length        = 7;
            rectangle testrectangle = new rectangle(l, w);
            double changedLength = testrectangle.ChangerectangleLength(7);

            Assert.AreEqual(changedLength, Length);
        public static void Main()
            Delegates_demo3 obj  = new Delegates_demo3();
            rectangle       del3 = null;

            del3 += new rectangle(obj.rectangle_area);
            del3 += new rectangle(obj.rectangle_perimeter);

            del3(4, 4);

            del3(5, 4);
Exemple #29
        private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            circles c = new circles(e.X, e.Y);

            rectangle r = new rectangle(e.X, e.Y);

        public void GetrectanglePerimeter_Input4andinput5_Returns18()
            int l         = 4;
            int w         = 5;
            int perimeter = 18;

            rectangle testrectangle = new rectangle(l, w);
            double outputperimeter = testrectangle.GetrectanglePerimeter();

            Assert.AreEqual(outputperimeter, perimeter);
 static bool insiderectangle(rectangle a, int x, int y)
     return x >= a.xa && x <= a.xb && y >= a.ya && y <= a.yb;
Exemple #32
        public static void copybitmap(osd_bitmap dest, osd_bitmap src, bool flipx, bool flipy, int sx, int sy, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color)
            FuncDict["copybitmap"] = "copybitmap";
            rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

            /* if necessary, remap the transparent color */
            if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR)
                transparent_color = Machine.pens[transparent_color];

            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) != 0)
                int temp = sx;
                sx = sy;
                sy = temp;

                bool tb = flipx;
                flipx = flipy;
                flipy = tb;

                if (clip != null)
                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.min_y = temp;
                    temp = clip.max_x;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_y;
                    myclip.max_y = temp;
                    clip = myclip;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) != 0)
                sx = dest.width - src.width - sx;
                if (clip != null)
                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    int temp = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.min_x = dest.width - 1 - clip.max_x;
                    myclip.max_x = dest.width - 1 - temp;
                    myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;
                    clip = myclip;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) != 0)
                sy = dest.height - src.height - sy;
                if (clip != null)
                    int temp;

                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;
                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.min_y = dest.height - 1 - clip.max_y;
                    myclip.max_y = dest.height - 1 - temp;
                    clip = myclip;

            if (dest.depth != 16)
                copybitmap_core8(dest, src, flipx, flipy, sx, sy, clip, transparency, transparent_color);
                copybitmap_core16(dest, src, flipx, flipy, sx, sy, clip, transparency, transparent_color);
Exemple #33
 static void drawgfx_core16(osd_bitmap dest, GfxElement gfx, uint code, uint color, bool flipx, bool flipy, int sx, int sy, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color)
     int ox; int oy; int ex; int ey;
     /* check bounds */
     ox = sx; oy = sy;
     ex = sx + gfx.width - 1; if (sx < 0) sx = 0;
     if (clip != null && sx < clip.min_x) sx = clip.min_x;
     if (ex >= dest.width) ex = dest.width - 1;
     if (clip != null && ex > clip.max_x) ex = clip.max_x;
     if (sx > ex) return; ey = sy + gfx.height - 1;
     if (sy < 0) sy = 0;
     if (clip != null && sy < clip.min_y) sy = clip.min_y;
     if (ey >= dest.height) ey = dest.height - 1;
     if (clip != null && ey > clip.max_y) ey = clip.max_y;
     if (sy > ey) return; osd_mark_dirty(sx, sy, ex, ey, 0); /* ASG 971011 */
         _BytePtr sd = new _BytePtr(gfx.gfxdata, (int)(code * gfx.char_modulo)); /* source data */
         int sw = ex - sx + 1; /* source width */
         int sh = ey - sy + 1; /* source height */
         int sm = gfx.line_modulo; /* source modulo */
         _ShortPtr dd = new _ShortPtr(dest.line[sy], sx); /* dest data */
         int dm = dest.line[1].offset - dest.line[0].offset; /* dest modulo */
         UShortSubArray paldata = new UShortSubArray(gfx.colortable, (int)((gfx.color_granularity * color)));
         if (flipx)
             sd.offset += gfx.width - 1 - (sx - ox);
             sd.offset += (sx - ox); if (flipy)
             sd.offset += sm * (gfx.height - 1 - (sy - oy));
             sm = -sm;
             sd.offset += sm * (sy - oy); switch (transparency)
             case TRANSPARENCY_NONE:
                 if (flipx) blockmove_opaque_flipx16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata);
                     blockmove_opaque16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata);
             case TRANSPARENCY_PEN:
                 if (flipx)
                     blockmove_transpen_flipx16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
                     blockmove_transpen16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
             case TRANSPARENCY_PENS: if (flipx)
                     blockmove_transmask_flipx16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
                     blockmove_transmask16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
             case TRANSPARENCY_COLOR: if (flipx)
                     blockmove_transcolor_flipx16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
                     blockmove_transcolor16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
             case TRANSPARENCY_THROUGH: if (flipx)
                     blockmove_transthrough_flipx16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
                     blockmove_transthrough16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
             case TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE: if (flipx)
                     blockmove_pen_table_flipx16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
                     blockmove_pen_table16(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, paldata, transparent_color);
Exemple #34
        public static void drawgfx(osd_bitmap dest, GfxElement gfx, uint code, uint color, bool flipx, bool flipy, int sx, int sy, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color)
            rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

            if (gfx == null)
                usrintf_showmessage("drawgfx() gfx == 0");
            if (gfx.colortable == null)
                usrintf_showmessage("drawgfx() gfx.colortable == 0");

            code %= gfx.total_elements;
            color %= (uint)gfx.total_colors;

            if (gfx.pen_usage != null && (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN || transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS))
                int transmask = 0;

                if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN)
                    transmask = 1 << transparent_color;
                else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS)
                    transmask = transparent_color;

                if ((gfx.pen_usage[(int)code] & ~transmask) == 0)
                    /* character is totally transparent, no need to draw */
                else if ((gfx.pen_usage[(int)code] & transmask) == 0 && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_THROUGH && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE)
                    /* character is totally opaque, can disable transparency */
                    transparency = TRANSPARENCY_NONE;

            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) != 0)
                int temp;

                temp = sx;
                sx = sy;
                sy = temp;

                bool tempb = flipx;
                flipx = flipy;
                flipy = tempb;

                if (clip != null)
                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.min_y = temp;
                    temp = clip.max_x;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_y;
                    myclip.max_y = temp;
                    clip = myclip;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) != 0)
                sx = dest.width - gfx.width - sx;
                if (clip != null)
                    int temp;

                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.min_x = dest.width - 1 - clip.max_x;
                    myclip.max_x = dest.width - 1 - temp;
                    myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;
                    clip = myclip;
                flipx = !flipx;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) != 0)
                sy = dest.height - gfx.height - sy;
                if (clip != null)
                    int temp;

                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;
                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.min_y = dest.height - 1 - clip.max_y;
                    myclip.max_y = dest.height - 1 - temp;
                    clip = myclip;
                flipy = !flipy;

            if (dest.depth != 16)
                drawgfx_core8(dest, gfx, code, color, flipx, flipy, sx, sy, clip, transparency, transparent_color);
                drawgfx_core16(dest, gfx, code, color, flipx, flipy, sx, sy, clip, transparency, transparent_color);

Exemple #35
        public static void drawgfxzoom(osd_bitmap dest_bmp, GfxElement gfx, uint code, uint color, bool flipx, bool flipy, int sx, int sy, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color, int scalex, int scaley)
            FuncDict["drawgfxzoom"] = "drawgfxzoom";
            rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

            /* only support TRANSPARENCY_PEN and TRANSPARENCY_COLOR */
            if (transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PEN && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_COLOR)

            if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR)
                transparent_color = Machine.pens[transparent_color];

            scalex and scaley are 16.16 fixed point numbers
            1<<15 : shrink to 50%
            1<<16 : uniform scale
            1<<17 : double to 200%

            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) != 0)
                int temp;

                temp = sx;
                sx = sy;
                sy = temp;

                var tempb = flipx;
                flipx = flipy;
                flipy = tempb;

                temp = scalex;
                scalex = scaley;
                scaley = temp;

                if (clip != null)
                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.min_y = temp;
                    temp = clip.max_x;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_y;
                    myclip.max_y = temp;
                    clip = myclip;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) != 0)
                sx = dest_bmp.width - ((gfx.width * scalex + 0x7fff) >> 16) - sx;
                if (clip != null)
                    int temp;

                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.min_x = dest_bmp.width - 1 - clip.max_x;
                    myclip.max_x = dest_bmp.width - 1 - temp;
                    myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;
                    clip = myclip;
                flipx = !flipx;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) != 0)
                sy = dest_bmp.height - ((gfx.height * scaley + 0x7fff) >> 16) - sy;
                if (clip != null)
                    int temp;

                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;
                    /* clip and myclip might be the same, so we need a temporary storage */
                    temp = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.min_y = dest_bmp.height - 1 - clip.max_y;
                    myclip.max_y = dest_bmp.height - 1 - temp;
                    clip = myclip;
                flipy = !flipy;

            /* KW 991012 -- Added code to force clip to bitmap boundary */
            if (clip != null)
                myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;
                myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;

                if (myclip.min_x < 0) myclip.min_x = 0;
                if (myclip.max_x >= dest_bmp.width) myclip.max_x = dest_bmp.width - 1;
                if (myclip.min_y < 0) myclip.min_y = 0;
                if (myclip.max_y >= dest_bmp.height) myclip.max_y = dest_bmp.height - 1;

                clip = myclip;

            /* ASG 980209 -- added 16-bit version */
            if (dest_bmp.depth != 16)
                if (gfx != null && gfx.colortable != null)
                    UShortSubArray pal = new UShortSubArray(gfx.colortable, (int)(gfx.color_granularity * (color % gfx.total_colors))); /* ASG 980209 */
                    int source_base = (int)((code % gfx.total_elements) * gfx.height);

                    int sprite_screen_height = (scaley * gfx.height + 0x8000) >> 16;
                    int sprite_screen_width = (scalex * gfx.width + 0x8000) >> 16;

                    /* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */
                    int dx = (gfx.width << 16) / sprite_screen_width;
                    int dy = (gfx.height << 16) / sprite_screen_height;

                    int ex = sx + sprite_screen_width;
                    int ey = sy + sprite_screen_height;

                    int x_index_base;
                    int y_index;

                    if (flipx)
                        x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width - 1) * dx;
                        dx = -dx;
                        x_index_base = 0;

                    if (flipy)
                        y_index = (sprite_screen_height - 1) * dy;
                        dy = -dy;
                        y_index = 0;

                    if (clip != null)
                        if (sx < clip.min_x)
                        { /* clip left */
                            int pixels = clip.min_x - sx;
                            sx += pixels;
                            x_index_base += pixels * dx;
                        if (sy < clip.min_y)
                        { /* clip top */
                            int pixels = clip.min_y - sy;
                            sy += pixels;
                            y_index += pixels * dy;
                        /* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */
                        if (ex > clip.max_x + 1)
                        { /* clip right */
                            int pixels = ex - clip.max_x - 1;
                            ex -= pixels;
                        if (ey > clip.max_y + 1)
                        { /* clip bottom */
                            int pixels = ey - clip.max_y - 1;
                            ey -= pixels;

                    if (ex > sx)
                    { /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */
                        int y;

                        /* case 1: TRANSPARENCY_PEN */
                        if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN)
                            for (y = sy; y < ey; y++)
                                _BytePtr source = new _BytePtr(gfx.gfxdata, (source_base + (y_index >> 16)) * gfx.line_modulo);
                                _BytePtr dest = dest_bmp.line[y];

                                int x, x_index = x_index_base;
                                for (x = sx; x < ex; x++)
                                    int c = source[x_index >> 16];
                                    if (c != transparent_color) dest[x] = (byte)pal[c];
                                    x_index += dx;

                                y_index += dy;

                        /* case 2: TRANSPARENCY_COLOR */
                        else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR)
                            for (y = sy; y < ey; y++)
                                _BytePtr source = new _BytePtr(gfx.gfxdata, (source_base + (y_index >> 16)) * gfx.line_modulo);
                                _BytePtr dest = dest_bmp.line[y];

                                int x, x_index = x_index_base;
                                for (x = sx; x < ex; x++)
                                    int c = pal[source[x_index >> 16]];
                                    if (c != transparent_color) dest[x] = (byte)c;
                                    x_index += dx;

                                y_index += dy;


            /* ASG 980209 -- new 16-bit part */
                if (gfx != null && gfx.colortable != null)
                    UShortSubArray pal = new UShortSubArray(gfx.colortable, (int)(gfx.color_granularity * (color % gfx.total_colors))); /* ASG 980209 */
                    int source_base = (int)((code % gfx.total_elements) * gfx.height);

                    int sprite_screen_height = (scaley * gfx.height + 0x8000) >> 16;
                    int sprite_screen_width = (scalex * gfx.width + 0x8000) >> 16;

                    /* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */
                    int dx = (gfx.width << 16) / sprite_screen_width;
                    int dy = (gfx.height << 16) / sprite_screen_height;

                    int ex = sx + sprite_screen_width;
                    int ey = sy + sprite_screen_height;

                    int x_index_base;
                    int y_index;

                    if (flipx)
                        x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width - 1) * dx;
                        dx = -dx;
                        x_index_base = 0;

                    if (flipy)
                        y_index = (sprite_screen_height - 1) * dy;
                        dy = -dy;
                        y_index = 0;

                    if (clip != null)
                        if (sx < clip.min_x)
                        { /* clip left */
                            int pixels = clip.min_x - sx;
                            sx += pixels;
                            x_index_base += pixels * dx;
                        if (sy < clip.min_y)
                        { /* clip top */
                            int pixels = clip.min_y - sy;
                            sy += pixels;
                            y_index += pixels * dy;
                        /* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */
                        if (ex > clip.max_x + 1)
                        { /* clip right */
                            int pixels = ex - clip.max_x - 1;
                            ex -= pixels;
                        if (ey > clip.max_y + 1)
                        { /* clip bottom */
                            int pixels = ey - clip.max_y - 1;
                            ey -= pixels;

                    if (ex > sx)
                    { /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */
                        int y;

                        /* case 1: TRANSPARENCY_PEN */
                        if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN)
                            for (y = sy; y < ey; y++)
                                _BytePtr source = new _BytePtr(gfx.gfxdata, (source_base + (y_index >> 16)) * gfx.line_modulo);
                                _ShortPtr dest = new _ShortPtr(dest_bmp.line[y]);

                                int x, x_index = x_index_base;
                                for (x = sx; x < ex; x++)
                                    int c = source[x_index >> 16];
                                    if (c != transparent_color) dest[x] = (byte)pal[c];
                                    x_index += dx;

                                y_index += dy;

                        /* case 2: TRANSPARENCY_COLOR */
                        else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR)
                            for (y = sy; y < ey; y++)
                                _BytePtr source = new _BytePtr(gfx.gfxdata, (source_base + (y_index >> 16)) * gfx.line_modulo);
                                _ShortPtr dest = new _ShortPtr(dest_bmp.line[y]);

                                int x, x_index = x_index_base;
                                for (x = sx; x < ex; x++)
                                    int c = pal[source[x_index >> 16]];
                                    if (c != transparent_color) dest.write16(x, (ushort)c);
                                    x_index += dx;

                                y_index += dy;
Exemple #36
 static void copybitmapzoom(osd_bitmap dest_bmp, osd_bitmap source_bmp, bool flipx, bool flipy, int sz, int sy, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color, int scalex, int scaley)
     throw new Exception();
Exemple #37
        public static void fillbitmap(osd_bitmap dest, int pen, rectangle clip)
            FuncDict["fillbitmap"] = "fillbitmap";
            rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) != 0)
                if (clip != null)
                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_y;
                    myclip.min_y = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_y = clip.max_x;
                    clip = myclip;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) != 0)
                if (clip != null)
                    int temp = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.min_x = dest.width - 1 - clip.max_x;
                    myclip.max_x = dest.width - 1 - temp;
                    myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;
                    clip = myclip;
            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) != 0)
                if (clip != null)
                    myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;
                    int temp = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.min_y = dest.height - 1 - clip.max_y;
                    myclip.max_y = dest.height - 1 - temp;
                    clip = myclip;

            int sx = 0;
            int ex = dest.width - 1;
            int sy = 0;
            int ey = dest.height - 1;

            if (clip != null && sx < clip.min_x) sx = clip.min_x;
            if (clip != null && ex > clip.max_x) ex = clip.max_x;
            if (sx > ex) return;
            if (clip != null && sy < clip.min_y) sy = clip.min_y;
            if (clip != null && ey > clip.max_y) ey = clip.max_y;
            if (sy > ey) return;

            osd_mark_dirty(sx, sy, ex, ey, 0);	/* ASG 971011 */

            /* ASG 980211 */
            if (dest.depth == 16)
                if ((pen >> 8) == (pen & 0xff))
                    for (int y = sy; y <= ey; y++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < (ex - sx + 1) * 2; k++)
                            dest.line[y][sx * 2 + k] = (byte)(pen & 0xff);
                    _ShortPtr sp = new _ShortPtr(dest.line[sy]);
                    int x;

                    for (x = sx; x <= ex; x++)
                        sp.write16(x, (ushort)pen);
                    sp.offset += sx * 2;
                    for (int y = sy + 1; y <= ey; y++)
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(sp.buffer, sp.offset, dest.line[y].buffer, sx * 2, (ex - sx + 1) * 2);
                for (int y = sy; y <= ey; y++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < ex - sx + 1; k++) dest.line[y][sx + k] = (byte)pen;
Exemple #38
        public static void copyscrollbitmap(osd_bitmap dest, osd_bitmap src, int rows, int[] rowscroll, int cols, int[] colscroll, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color)
            FuncDict["copyscrollbitmap"] = "copyscrollbitmap";
            int srcwidth, srcheight, destwidth, destheight;

            if (rows == 0 && cols == 0)
                copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, 0, 0, clip, transparency, transparent_color);

            if ((Machine.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) != 0)
                srcwidth = src.height;
                srcheight = src.width;
                destwidth = dest.height;
                destheight = dest.width;
                srcwidth = src.width;
                srcheight = src.height;
                destwidth = dest.width;
                destheight = dest.height;

            if (rows == 0)
                /* scrolling columns */
                int col, colwidth;
                rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

                colwidth = srcwidth / cols;

                myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;

                col = 0;
                while (col < cols)
                    int cons, scroll;

                    /* count consecutive columns scrolled by the same amount */
                    scroll = colscroll[col];
                    cons = 1;
                    while (col + cons < cols && colscroll[col + cons] == scroll)

                    if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcheight - (-scroll) % srcheight;
                    else scroll %= srcheight;

                    myclip.min_x = col * colwidth;
                    if (myclip.min_x < clip.min_x) myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_x = (col + cons) * colwidth - 1;
                    if (myclip.max_x > clip.max_x) myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;

                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, 0, scroll, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);
                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, 0, scroll - srcheight, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);

                    col += cons;
            else if (cols == 0)
                /* scrolling rows */
                int row, rowheight;
                rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

                rowheight = srcheight / rows;

                myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;

                row = 0;
                while (row < rows)
                    int cons, scroll;

                    /* count consecutive rows scrolled by the same amount */
                    scroll = rowscroll[row];
                    cons = 1;
                    while (row + cons < rows && rowscroll[row + cons] == scroll)

                    if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcwidth - (-scroll) % srcwidth;
                    else scroll %= srcwidth;

                    myclip.min_y = row * rowheight;
                    if (myclip.min_y < clip.min_y) myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_y = (row + cons) * rowheight - 1;
                    if (myclip.max_y > clip.max_y) myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;

                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scroll, 0, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);
                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scroll - srcwidth, 0, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);

                    row += cons;
            else if (rows == 1 && cols == 1)
                /* XY scrolling playfield */
                int scrollx, scrolly, sx, sy;

                if (rowscroll[0] < 0) scrollx = srcwidth - (-rowscroll[0]) % srcwidth;
                else scrollx = rowscroll[0] % srcwidth;

                if (colscroll[0] < 0) scrolly = srcheight - (-colscroll[0]) % srcheight;
                else scrolly = colscroll[0] % srcheight;

                for (sx = scrollx - srcwidth; sx < destwidth; sx += srcwidth)
                    for (sy = scrolly - srcheight; sy < destheight; sy += srcheight)
                        copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, sx, sy, clip, transparency, transparent_color);
            else if (rows == 1)
                /* scrolling columns + horizontal scroll */
                int col, colwidth;
                int scrollx;
                rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

                if (rowscroll[0] < 0) scrollx = srcwidth - (-rowscroll[0]) % srcwidth;
                else scrollx = rowscroll[0] % srcwidth;

                colwidth = srcwidth / cols;

                myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;

                col = 0;
                while (col < cols)
                    int cons, scroll;

                    /* count consecutive columns scrolled by the same amount */
                    scroll = colscroll[col];
                    cons = 1;
                    while (col + cons < cols && colscroll[col + cons] == scroll)

                    if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcheight - (-scroll) % srcheight;
                    else scroll %= srcheight;

                    myclip.min_x = col * colwidth + scrollx;
                    if (myclip.min_x < clip.min_x) myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_x = (col + cons) * colwidth - 1 + scrollx;
                    if (myclip.max_x > clip.max_x) myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;

                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scrollx, scroll, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);
                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scrollx, scroll - srcheight, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);

                    myclip.min_x = col * colwidth + scrollx - srcwidth;
                    if (myclip.min_x < clip.min_x) myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                    myclip.max_x = (col + cons) * colwidth - 1 + scrollx - srcwidth;
                    if (myclip.max_x > clip.max_x) myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;

                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scrollx - srcwidth, scroll, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);
                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scrollx - srcwidth, scroll - srcheight, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);

                    col += cons;
            else if (cols == 1)
                /* scrolling rows + vertical scroll */
                int row, rowheight;
                int scrolly;
                rectangle myclip = new rectangle();

                if (colscroll[0] < 0) scrolly = srcheight - (-colscroll[0]) % srcheight;
                else scrolly = colscroll[0] % srcheight;

                rowheight = srcheight / rows;

                myclip.min_x = clip.min_x;
                myclip.max_x = clip.max_x;

                row = 0;
                while (row < rows)
                    int cons, scroll;

                    /* count consecutive rows scrolled by the same amount */
                    scroll = rowscroll[row];
                    cons = 1;
                    while (row + cons < rows && rowscroll[row + cons] == scroll)

                    if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcwidth - (-scroll) % srcwidth;
                    else scroll %= srcwidth;

                    myclip.min_y = row * rowheight + scrolly;
                    if (myclip.min_y < clip.min_y) myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_y = (row + cons) * rowheight - 1 + scrolly;
                    if (myclip.max_y > clip.max_y) myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;

                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scroll, scrolly, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);
                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scroll - srcwidth, scrolly, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);

                    myclip.min_y = row * rowheight + scrolly - srcheight;
                    if (myclip.min_y < clip.min_y) myclip.min_y = clip.min_y;
                    myclip.max_y = (row + cons) * rowheight - 1 + scrolly - srcheight;
                    if (myclip.max_y > clip.max_y) myclip.max_y = clip.max_y;

                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scroll, scrolly - srcheight, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);
                    copybitmap(dest, src, false, false, scroll - srcwidth, scrolly - srcheight, myclip, transparency, transparent_color);

                    row += cons;
Exemple #39
 static void copybitmap_core16(osd_bitmap dest, osd_bitmap src, bool flipx, bool flipy, int sx, int sy, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color)
     throw new Exception();
Exemple #40
        static void copybitmap_core8(osd_bitmap dest, osd_bitmap src, bool flipx, bool flipy, int sx, int sy, rectangle clip, int transparency, int transparent_color)
            FuncDict["copybitmap_core8"] = "copybitmap_core8";
            int ox; int oy; int ex; int ey; /* check bounds */
            ox = sx;
            oy = sy;
            ex = sx + src.width - 1;
            if (sx < 0) sx = 0;
            if (clip != null && sx < clip.min_x) sx = clip.min_x;
            if (ex >= dest.width) ex = dest.width - 1;
            if (clip != null && ex > clip.max_x) ex = clip.max_x;
            if (sx > ex) return;
            ey = sy + src.height - 1; if (sy < 0) sy = 0;
            if (clip != null && sy < clip.min_y) sy = clip.min_y;
            if (ey >= dest.height) ey = dest.height - 1;
            if (clip != null && ey > clip.max_y) ey = clip.max_y;
            if (sy > ey) return;

            _BytePtr sd = new _BytePtr(src.line[0]); /* source data */
            int sw = ex - sx + 1; /* source width */
            int sh = ey - sy + 1; /* source height */
            int sm = (int)(src.line[1].offset - src.line[0].offset); /* source modulo */
            _BytePtr dd = new _BytePtr(dest.line[sy], sx); /* dest data */
            int dm = (int)(dest.line[1].offset - dest.line[0].offset); /* dest modulo */
            if (flipx)
                sd.offset += src.width - 1 - (sx - ox);
                sd.offset += (sx - ox);
            if (flipy)
                sd.offset += sm * (src.height - 1 - (sy - oy));
                sm = -sm;
                sd.offset += (sm * (sy - oy));

            switch (transparency)
                case TRANSPARENCY_NONE:
                    if (flipx)
                        blockmove_opaque_noremap_flipx8(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm);
                        blockmove_opaque_noremap8(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm); break;
                case TRANSPARENCY_PEN:
                case TRANSPARENCY_COLOR:
                    if (flipx)
                        blockmove_transpen_noremap_flipx8(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, transparent_color);
                        blockmove_transpen_noremap8(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, transparent_color);
                case TRANSPARENCY_THROUGH:
                    if (flipx)
                        blockmove_transthrough_noremap_flipx8(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, transparent_color);
                        blockmove_transthrough_noremap8(sd, sw, sh, sm, dd, dm, transparent_color);

Exemple #41
        public static void tilemap_set_clip(tilemap _tilemap, rectangle clip)
            int left, top, right, bottom;

            if (clip != null)
                left = clip.min_x;
                top = clip.min_y;
                right = clip.max_x + 1;
                bottom = clip.max_y + 1;

                if ((_tilemap.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) != 0)
                    var temp = left; left = top; top = temp;//SWAP(left,top)
                    temp = right; right = bottom; bottom = temp;//SWAP(right,bottom)
                if ((_tilemap.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) != 0)
                    var temp = left; left = right; right = temp;
                    left = screen_width - left;
                    right = screen_width - right;
                if ((_tilemap.orientation & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) != 0)
                    var temp = top; top = bottom; bottom = temp;
                    top = screen_height - top;
                    bottom = screen_height - bottom;
                left = 0;
                top = 0;
                right = _tilemap.width;
                bottom = _tilemap.height;

            _tilemap.clip_left = left;
            _tilemap.clip_right = right;
            _tilemap.clip_top = top;
            _tilemap.clip_bottom = bottom;
            //if( errorlog ) fprintf( errorlog, "clip: %d,%d,%d,%d\n", left,top,right,bottom );
Exemple #42
 public artwork_element(rectangle box, byte[] colors, byte alpha)
     this.box = box;
     this.red = colors[0]; this.green = colors[1]; this.blue = colors[2]; this.alpha = alpha;