public IRasterDataset saveRasterToDatasetM(object inRaster, string outName, IWorkspace wks, rasterType rastertype, object noDataVl=null, int IntBlockWidth= 512, int IntBlockHeight=512)
            IFunctionRasterDataset fDset = null;
            if ((rastertype == rasterType.GRID) && (((IRasterProps)inRaster).PixelType == rstPixelType.PT_DOUBLE))
                fDset = createIdentityRaster(inRaster, rstPixelType.PT_FLOAT);
                fDset = createIdentityRaster(inRaster);
            IRasterDataset newRasterDataset = createNewRaster(inRaster, wks, outName,rastertype);
            IRasterBandCollection rsbc = (IRasterBandCollection)newRasterDataset;
            int bndCnt = rsbc.Count;
            IRasterFunctionHelper fHelp = new RasterFunctionHelperClass();
            IRaster nRs = ((IRasterDataset3)newRasterDataset).CreateFullRaster();
            int tRasterWidth = fDset.RasterInfo.Width;
            int tRasterHeight = fDset.RasterInfo.Height;
            IPnt pntSize = new PntClass();
            IPnt topLeft = new PntClass();
            int intW = IntBlockWidth;
            int intH = IntBlockHeight;
            int nw = intW;
            int nh = intH;
            IRasterEdit nRsE = (IRasterEdit)nRs;
            if (rastertype == rasterType.GDB)
                IRasterProps rsPropOut = (IRasterProps)nRs;
                IEnvelope env = fDset.RasterInfo.Extent;
                IPnt mcellSize = fDset.RasterInfo.CellSize;
                rsPropOut.Extent = env;
                rsPropOut.Width = (int)(env.Width / mcellSize.X);
                rsPropOut.Height = (int)(env.Height / mcellSize.Y);
                for (int pbh = 0; pbh < tRasterHeight; pbh += intW)

                    for (int pbw = 0; pbw < tRasterWidth; pbw += intH)
                        topLeft.SetCoords(pbw, pbh);
                        getPbWidthHeight(tRasterWidth, tRasterHeight, topLeft, intW, intH, out nw, out nh);
                        //Console.WriteLine("PBTL = " + pbh.ToString() + ", " + pbw.ToString() + ", PBH = " + nh.ToString() + ", PBW = " + nw.ToString());
                        pntSize.SetCoords(nw, nh);
                        IPixelBlock3 inPb = (IPixelBlock3)fHelp.Raster.CreatePixelBlock(pntSize);
                        fHelp.Raster.Read(topLeft, (IPixelBlock)inPb);
                        IPixelBlock3 outPb = (IPixelBlock3)nRs.CreatePixelBlock(pntSize);
                        for (int b = 0; b < bndCnt; b++)
                            outPb.set_PixelData(b, inPb.get_PixelDataByRef(b));
                            outPb.set_NoDataMask(b, inPb.get_NoDataMaskByRef(b));
                        nRsE.Write(topLeft, (IPixelBlock)outPb);
                object uNoDataVl = convertToActualNoDataVl(noDataVl,fDset.RasterInfo.PixelType);
                    double nDv;
                    if (!(Double.TryParse(noDataVl.ToString(), out nDv)))

                catch(Exception e)
                    for (int b = 0; b < bndCnt; b++)
                        IRasterProps rsPropsOut = (IRasterProps)rsbc.Item(b);
                        rsPropsOut.NoDataValue = uNoDataVl;
                catch (Exception e)
                for (int pbh = 0; pbh < tRasterHeight; pbh += intH)
                    for (int pbw = 0; pbw < tRasterWidth; pbw += intW)
                        topLeft.SetCoords(pbw, pbh);
                        getPbWidthHeight(tRasterWidth, tRasterHeight, topLeft, intW, intH, out nw, out nh);
                        Console.WriteLine("PBTL = " + pbh.ToString() + ", " + pbw.ToString() + ", PBH = " + nh.ToString() + ", PBW = " + nw.ToString());
                        pntSize.SetCoords(nw, nh);
                        IPixelBlock3 inPb = (IPixelBlock3)fHelp.Raster.CreatePixelBlock(pntSize);
                        fHelp.Raster.Read(topLeft, (IPixelBlock)inPb);
                        IPixelBlock3 outPb = (IPixelBlock3)nRs.CreatePixelBlock(pntSize);
                        for (int b = 0; b < bndCnt; b++)
                            System.Array outSArr = (System.Array)outPb.get_PixelData(b);
                            for (int r = 0; r < nh; r++)
                                for (int c = 0; c < nw; c++)
                                    object objVl = inPb.GetVal(b, c, r);
                                    if (objVl == null)
                                        objVl = uNoDataVl;
                                    outSArr.SetValue(objVl, c, r);
                            outPb.set_PixelData(b, outSArr);
                        nRsE.Write(topLeft, (IPixelBlock)outPb);
            return newRasterDataset;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new raster dataset based on the template Raster. If a raster with the same outRaster name exist it will be overwritten
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templateRaster">a raster that has the size and shape desired</param>
        /// <param name="outWks">the output workspace</param>
        /// <param name="outRasterName">the name of the raster</param>
        /// <param name="numBands">the number of raster bands</param>
        /// <param name="pixelType">the pixel type</param>
        /// <param name="env">the extent</param>
        /// <param name="meanCellSize"> the mean Cell Size of the new raster</param>
        /// <param name="spRf"> the spatial reference of the raster</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IRasterDataset createNewRaster(IEnvelope env, IPnt meanCellSize,IWorkspace outWks, string outRasterName, int numBands, rstPixelType pixelType, rasterType rType, ISpatialReference spRf)
            outRasterName = getSafeOutputName(outWks, outRasterName);
            IRasterDataset3 newRstDset = null;
            if (outWks.Type == esriWorkspaceType.esriFileSystemWorkspace)
                outRasterName = getSafeOutputName(outWks, outRasterName);
                string rasterTypeStr = rType.ToString();
                if (rType== rasterType.IMAGINE)
                    rasterTypeStr = "IMAGINE Image";
                    outRasterName = outRasterName + ".img";
                else if (rType == rasterType.TIFF)
                    outRasterName = outRasterName + ".tif";
                else if (rType == rasterType.GRID)

                else if (rType == rasterType.BMP)
                    outRasterName = outRasterName + ".bmp";
                else if (rType == rasterType.RST)
                    outRasterName = outRasterName + ".rst";
                    rasterTypeStr = "IMAGINE Image";
                    outRasterName = outRasterName + ".img";
                double dX = meanCellSize.X;
                double dY = meanCellSize.Y;
                IRasterWorkspace2 rsWks = (IRasterWorkspace2)outWks;
                newRstDset = (IRasterDataset3)rsWks.CreateRasterDataset(outRasterName, rasterTypeStr, env.LowerLeft, System.Convert.ToInt32(env.Width / dX), System.Convert.ToInt32(env.Height / dY), dX, dY, numBands, pixelType, spRf, true);
                IRasterWorkspaceEx rsWks = (IRasterWorkspaceEx)outWks;
                IRasterDef rsDef = new RasterDefClass();
                IRasterStorageDef rsStDef = new RasterStorageDefClass();
                rsStDef.Origin = env.LowerLeft;
                rsStDef.CellSize = meanCellSize;
                rsDef.SpatialReference = spRf;
                newRstDset = (IRasterDataset3)rsWks.CreateRasterDataset(outRasterName, numBands, pixelType, rsStDef, null, rsDef, null);
            return newRstDset;
        public IRasterDataset saveRasterToDataset(IRaster inRaster, string outName, IWorkspace wks,rasterType rastertype)
            string rsTypeStr = rastertype.ToString();
            string ext = "";
            if (rastertype== rasterType.IMAGINE)
                rsTypeStr = "IMAGINE Image";
                ext = ".img";
            else if (rastertype == rasterType.HDF4)
                ext = ".hdf";
            else if (rastertype == rasterType.ENV)
                ext = ".hdr";
                ext = "." + rastertype.ToString().ToLower();
            esriWorkspaceType tp = wks.Type;
            if (tp == esriWorkspaceType.esriLocalDatabaseWorkspace)
                rsTypeStr = rasterType.GDB.ToString();
            if (rastertype == rasterType.GRID || rastertype == rasterType.GDB)
                outName = getSafeOutputName(wks, outName);
                if (outName.Length > 12)
                if ((rastertype==rasterType.GRID)&&(((IRasterProps)inRaster).PixelType == rstPixelType.PT_FLOAT))
                    inRaster = returnRaster(inRaster,rstPixelType.PT_FLOAT);
                if (outName.IndexOf(ext) == -1)
                    outName = outName + ext;

            if (geoUtil.ftrExists(wks, outName))
                outName = "_" + outName;
            IRasterDataset rsDset = null;
                IRasterStorageDef2 rsStorDef = new RasterStorageDefClass();
                rsStorDef.PyramidLevel = 0;
                ISaveAs2 sv = (ISaveAs2)inRaster;
                rsDset = (IRasterDataset)sv.SaveAsRasterDataset(outName, wks, rsTypeStr,rsStorDef);

                IRaster2 rs2 = (IRaster2)calcStatsAndHist(rsDset);
                ITable vat = rs2.AttributeTable;
                int rwCnt = 0;
                    rwCnt = vat.RowCount(null);
                    rwCnt = 0;
                if (rwCnt > 0)
                    IRasterDatasetEdit2 rsDsetE = (IRasterDatasetEdit2)rsDset;
                    if (((IRasterBandCollection)rs2).Count == 1)
            catch (Exception e)
                rsDset = ((IRaster2)returnRaster(wks.PathName + "\\" + outName)).RasterDataset;
            return rsDset;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new raster dataset based on the template Raster. If a raster with the same outRaster name exist it will be overwritten
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="templateRaster">a raster that has the size and shape desired</param>
 /// <param name="outWks">the output workspace</param>
 /// <param name="outRasterName">the name of the raster</param>
 /// <param name="numBands">the number of raster bands</param>
 /// <param name="pixelType">the pixel type</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IRasterDataset createNewRaster(object templateRaster, IWorkspace outWks, string outRasterName, rasterType rType)
     IFunctionRasterDataset fDset = createIdentityRaster(templateRaster);
     //IRasterBandCollection rsBC = (IRasterBandCollection)fDset;
     IEnvelope env = fDset.RasterInfo.Extent;
     IPnt meanCellSize = fDset.RasterInfo.CellSize;
     int numBands = fDset.RasterInfo.BandCount;
     rstPixelType pType = fDset.RasterInfo.PixelType;
     ISpatialReference spRef = fDset.RasterInfo.SpatialReference;
     IRasterDataset rsDset = createNewRaster(env, meanCellSize, outWks, outRasterName, numBands, pType, rType, spRef);
     return rsDset;