Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to generate a list of qualifiers in a ValuesDataSet
        /// This is done as a separate method since Values can could contain other VariableValue Types
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds">ValuesDataSet with the values used in the timeSeries</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <qualifier> datasetQualifiers(ValuesDataSet ds)
            /* generate a list
             * create a distinct DataSet
             * - new data view
             * - set filter (no nulls)
             * - use toTable with unique to get unique list
             * foreach to generate qualifiers
             * */

            List <qualifier> qualifiers = new List <qualifier>();

                DataView qview = new DataView(ds.DataValues);
                qview.RowFilter = "QualifierID is not Null";
                DataTable qids = qview.ToTable("qualifiers", true, new string[] { "QualifierID" });

                foreach (DataRow q in qids.Rows)
                        Object qid = q["QualifierID"];

                        ValuesDataSet.QualifiersRow qual = ds.Qualifiers.FindByQualifierID((int)qid);
                        if (qual != null)
                            qualifier qt = new qualifier();
                            qt.qualifierID = qual.QualifierID.ToString();

                            if (!qual.IsQualifierCodeNull())
                                qt.qualifierCode = qual.QualifierCode;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qual.QualifierDescription))
                                qt.Value = qual.QualifierDescription;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.Error("Error generating a qualifier " + q.ToString() + e.Message);

            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("Error generating a qualifiers " + e.Message);
                // non fatal exceptions
Exemple #2
            public static TsValuesSingleVariableType CreateTimeSeriesValuesElement(
                //TimeSeriesResponseType result,
                VariableParam vp,
                string aURL,
                Boolean provisional)
                // add the URL to be requested to the result
                //result.queryInfo.queryURL = aURL;

                // download the iformation
                String resultFile = GetHTTPFile(aURL, 10);

                //result.timeSeries.values = new TsValuesSingleVariableType();
                //result.TimeSeries.Values.valueUnits = units; // this needs to be done earlier
                TsValuesSingleVariableType values = new TsValuesSingleVariableType();

                DataTable aTable = NWISDelimitedTextParser.ParseFileIntoDT(resultFile);

                // dwv add code to get the code, and use that to find the correct columns
                int time = 2; // present location of time column
                // String code = result.timeSeries.variable.variableCode[0].Value;
                String code = vp.Code;
                String stat = null;

                    stat = option2UsgsStatCode(vp);
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Debug("option2UsgsStatCode() failed :" + ex.ToString());
                    stat = null;

                int aValue;
                int qualifier;

                //if (result.timeSeries.variable.options != null)
                //    stat = result.timeSeries.variable.options[0].Value;

                    aValue    = getVarColumn(aTable, code, stat);
                    qualifier = getVarQualifiersColumn(aTable, code, stat);
                catch (WaterOneFlowException we)
                    /* even I'm confused here...
                     * parsing column names gives an error
                     * This is post data rereiveal, so
                     * if we do not find the correct column, then throw an error
                     * */
                    string mess = "BAD COLUMN HEADER FROM USGS URL: " + aURL;
                    // need to insert the URL in the exception
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stat))
                        log.Error("Bad Column varCode:" + code + " stat_cd:NULL " + mess, we);
                        throw new WaterOneFlowSourceException("Improper COLUMN HEADER FROM USGS URL: " + aURL, we);
                        //+"' variable '"+code+"' not found at site.");
                        log.Error("Bad Column varCode:" + code + " Stat_cd: " + stat + "  " + mess, we);
                        throw new WaterOneFlowSourceException("Improper COLUMN HEADER FROM USGS URL: " + aURL, we);
                        //+ "' variable '"+code+"' statistic '"+stat +"' not found at site. Try not using the statistic", we);

                List <ValueSingleVariable> tsTypeList = new List <ValueSingleVariable>();

                TimeSeriesFromRDB(aTable, time, aValue, qualifier,
                                  tsTypeList, provisional);

                values.count = tsTypeList.Count.ToString();
                values.value = tsTypeList.ToArray();
                if (provisional)
                    List <qualifier> quals = new List <qualifier>();
                    if (values.qualifier != null)
                        quals = new List <qualifier>(values.qualifier);
                    // this code is take from the daily values remark code
                    // unit values just says provisional data in the header
                    qualifier qual = new qualifier();
                    qual.qualifierCode = "P";
                    qual.network       = "USGS";
                    qual.vocabulary    = "dv_rmk_cd";
                    qual.Value         = "Provisional data subject to revision.";
                    values.qualifier = quals.ToArray();

Exemple #3
 return((false, item).Match(qualifier, action));