Exemple #1
    protected void Verify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((txt_response_date.Text != "") && (comment.Text != ""))
            Verify.Visible  = true;
            Confirm.Visible = false;
            Verify.Visible  = false;
            Confirm.Visible = true;
        zues.Contact_form cf    = new zues.Contact_form();
        Email             email = new Email();

        cf.pwalletID         = pID;
        cf.response_deadline = txt_response_date.Text;
        cf.xofficerID        = admin;
        cf.xmsg        = comment.Text;
        cf.sent_status = "0";
        cf.reg_date    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        cf.xvisible    = "1";
        succ           = z.a_contact_form(cf);
        if (succ != "0")
            x_admin = z.getAdminDetails(admin);
            string subject = "Message from " + z.getRoleNameByID(x_admin.xroleID) + " concerning application: " + t.ValidationIDByPwalletID(lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            string from    = ody.DecryptString(x_admin.xemail, file_len, file_string);
            html_msg = html_msg + "<html><head id='Head1' runat='server'><title></title>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<style type='text/css'>";
            html_msg = html_msg + ".tbbg{padding:0;margin:0 auto;width:100%;height:20px;background-color:#006699;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;border-color:#006699;}";
            html_msg = html_msg + "</style></head><body><form id='form1' runat='server'><div>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<table align='center' width='800px' >";
            if (lt_mi.Count > 0)
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td width='100%' colspan='2' style='background-color:#999999;' align='center'>---<b>CONTACT APPLICANT FORM</b> ---</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr> <td width='50%' align='right'> &nbsp;FILING/APPLICATION DATE : </td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + lt_mi[0].reg_date + "&nbsp;</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>REGISTRATION NUMBER :</td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + lt_mi[0].reg_number + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>&nbsp;ONLINE APPLICATION ID : </td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td>OAI/PT/" + t.ValidationIDByPwalletID(lt_mi[0].log_staff) + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td colspan='2' class='tbbg'>---PATENT INFORMATION --- </td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>&nbsp;PATENT TYPE :</td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + lt_mi[0].xtype + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>&nbsp;TITLE OF INVENTION :</td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + lt_mi[0].title_of_invention + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>TRANSACTION ID :</td><td>" + lt_stage[0].validationID + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>TRANSACTION AMOUNT :</td><td>" + lt_stage[0].amt + " NGN</td></tr>";
            if (lt_app.Count > 0)
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td class='tbbg' colspan='2'>--- APPLICANT INFORMATION ---</td></tr>";
                for (int i = 0; i < lt_app.Count; i++)
                    html_msg = string.Concat(new object[] { html_msg, "<tr><td align='left' colspan='2' style='background-color:#999999;'><strong>APPLICANT ", i, 1, "</strong></td></tr>" });
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NAME :</td><td>" + lt_app[i].xname + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>ADDRESS :</td><td>" + lt_app[i].address + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>PHONE NUMBER :</td><td>" + lt_app[i].xmobile + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>E-MAILS :</td><td>" + lt_app[i].xemail + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NATIONALITY :</td><td>" + t.getCountryName(lt_app[i].nationality) + "</td></tr>";
            if (lt_inv.Count > 0)
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td class='tbbg' colspan='2'>--- TRUE INVENTOR INFORMATION ---</td></tr>";
                for (int j = 0; j < lt_inv.Count; j++)
                    html_msg = string.Concat(new object[] { html_msg, "<tr><td align='left' colspan='2' style='background-color:#999999;'><strong>INVENTOR ", j, 1, "</strong></td></tr>" });
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NAME :</td><td>" + lt_inv[j].xname + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>ADDRESS :</td><td>" + lt_inv[j].address + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>PHONE NUMBER :</td><td>" + lt_inv[j].xmobile + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>E-MAILS :</td><td>" + lt_inv[j].xemail + "</td></tr>";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NATIONALITY :</td><td>" + t.getCountryName(lt_inv[j].nationality) + "</td></tr>";
            if (lt_assinfo.Count > 0)
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td class='tbbg' colspan='2'>--- ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION ---</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>DATE OF ASSIGNMENT :</td><td>" + lt_assinfo[0].date_of_assignment + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='left' colspan='2' style='background-color:#999999;'><strong>ASSIGNEE >></strong></td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NAME :</td><td>" + lt_assinfo[0].assignee_name + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>ADDRESS :</td><td>" + lt_assinfo[0].assignee_address + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NATIONALITY :</td><td>" + t.getCountryName(lt_assinfo[0].assignee_nationality) + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='left' colspan='2' style='background-color:#999999;'><strong>ASSIGNOR >></strong></td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NAME :</td><td>" + lt_assinfo[0].assignor_name + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>ADDRESS&nbsp; :</td><td>" + lt_assinfo[0].assignor_address + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NATIONALITY :</td><td>" + t.getCountryName(lt_assinfo[0].assignor_nationality) + "</td></tr>";
            if (lt_xpri.Count > 0)
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td colspan='2' class='tbbg'>--- PRIORITY INFORMATION ---</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td colspan='2' style='border:0px outset silver; padding: 0px;'><table width='100%'>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr style='background-color:#999999;'><td style='width:10%;'><strong>S/N</strong></td><td style='width:30%;'><strong>COUNTRY</strong></td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td style='width:30%;'><strong>APPLICATION NUMBER</strong></td><td style='width:30%;'><strong>DATE</strong></td></tr>";
                for (int k = 0; k < lt_xpri.Count; k++)
                    html_msg = string.Concat(new object[] { html_msg, "<tr ><td>", k, 1, "</td><td>", t.getCountryName(lt_xpri[k].countryID), "</td>" });
                    html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + lt_xpri[k].app_no + "</td><td>" + lt_xpri[k].xdate + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "</table></td></tr>";
            if (lt_rep.Count > 0)
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td colspan='2' class='tbbg'>--- ADDRESS OF SERVICE IN NIGERIA ---</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>ATTORNEY CODE :</td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + lt_rep[0].agent_code + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>ATTORNEY NAME :</td><td>" + lt_rep[0].xname + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>NATIONALITY :</td><td>" + t.getCountryName(lt_rep[0].nationality) + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>COUNTRY :</td><td>" + t.getCountryName(lt_rep[0].country) + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>STATE :</td><td>" + t.getStateName(lt_rep[0].state) + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>&nbsp;ADDRESS :</td>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<td>" + lt_rep[0].address + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>PHONE NUMBER : </td><td>" + lt_rep[0].xmobile + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>E-MAIL : </td><td>" + lt_rep[0].xemail + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td colspan='2' class='tbbg'>--- DOCUMENTS ATTACHED ---</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT(FORM 2) :</td><td >";
                if (lt_mi[0].loa_doc != "")
                    html_msg = html_msg + "ATTACHED";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "NONE";
                html_msg = html_msg + "</td></tr><tr><td align='right'>CLAIM(S) :</td><td >";
                if (lt_mi[0].claim_doc != "")
                    html_msg = html_msg + "ATTACHED";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "NONE";
                html_msg = html_msg + "</td></tr><tr><td align='right'>PCT DOCUMENT:</td><td >";
                if (lt_mi[0].pct_doc != "")
                    html_msg = html_msg + "ATTACHED";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "NONE";
                html_msg = html_msg + "</td></tr><tr><td align='right'>DEED OF ASSIGNMENT:</td><td >";
                if (lt_mi[0].doa_doc != "")
                    html_msg = html_msg + "ATTACHED";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "NONE";
                html_msg = html_msg + "</td></tr>";
                html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (FORM 3):</td><td >";
                if (lt_mi[0].spec_doc != "")
                    html_msg = html_msg + "ATTACHED";
                    html_msg = html_msg + "NONE";
                html_msg = html_msg + "</td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td class='tbbg' colspan='2' align='center'>  --- MESSAGE FROM COMMERCIAL LAW DEPARTMENT --- </td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'>" + comment.Text + "</td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td class='tbbg' colspan='2' align='center'>  &nbsp;</td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>REQUESTING UNIT: </td><td >" + z.getRoleNameByID(x_admin.xroleID) + "</td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>REQUESTING OFFICER: </td><td >" + x_admin.xname + "</td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>DEADLINE FOR RESPONSE:</td><td >" + txt_response_date.Text + "</td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "<tr><td align='right'>CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: </td><td >" + x_admin.xtelephone1 + "</td></tr><tr><td class='tbbg' colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
            html_msg = html_msg + "</table></div></form></body></html>";
            if (email.sendMail(z.getRoleNameByID(x_admin.xroleID).ToUpper(), lt_rep[0].xemail, from, subject, html_msg, "") == "sent")
                if (z.e_Contact_formStatus(succ, "1") > 0)
                    Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript>alert('Message sent successfully')</script>");
                    Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript>alert('The form could not be updated, Please check your internet connection or try again later')</script>");
                Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript>alert('The E-mail could not be sent, Please check your internet connection or try again later')</script>");
            Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript>alert('The form could not be saved, Please check your internet connection or try again later')</script>");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.Verify.Visible = false;
        this.Refuse.Visible = false;
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            this.admin_status   = "4";
            this.Verify.Visible = true;
            this.Refuse.Visible = false;
        else if (this.rbValid.SelectedValue == "Further Search")
            this.admin_status   = "3";
            this.Verify.Visible = true;
            this.Refuse.Visible = false;
        else if (this.rbValid.SelectedValue == "E_Contact")
            this.admin_status   = "3";
            this.Verify.Visible = true;
            this.Refuse.Visible = false;

        else if (this.rbValid.SelectedValue == "Refused")
            this.admin_status   = "3";
            this.Verify.Visible = false;
            this.Refuse.Visible = true;
        else if (this.rbValid.SelectedValue == "Patentable")
            this.admin_status   = "5";
            this.Verify.Visible = true;
            this.Refuse.Visible = false;
        if (base.Request.QueryString["x"] != null)
            if (base.Session["pwalletID"] != null)
                if (base.Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != "")
                    this.admin = base.Session["pwalletID"].ToString();
            this.pID          = base.Request.QueryString["x"].ToString();
            this.swallet      = this.t.getSwalletByID(this.pID);
            this.lt_mi        = this.t.getPtInfoByUserID(this.pID);
            this.lt_p         = this.t.getPwalletDetailsByID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getPtOfficeDetailsByID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_rep       = this.t.getRepListByUserID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_stage     = this.t.getStageByUserID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_app       = this.t.getApplicantByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_inv       = this.t.getInventorByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_assinfo   = this.t.getAssignment_infoByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_xpri      = this.t.getPriority_infoByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);

            xname.Value  = lt_rep[0].agent_code;
            xname2.Value = lt_mi[0].title_of_invention;

            xname3.Value = lt_mi[0].reg_number;
            xname4.Value = "OAI/PT/" + t.ValidationIDByPwalletID(lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            xname5.Value = lt_mi[0].log_staff;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.lt_tm_office.Count; i++)
                this.xcomments          = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                this.xcomments          = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">";
                this.xcomments          = this.xcomments + "<strong>" + this.lt_tm_office[i].xcomment.ToUpper() + "</strong><br />";
                this.lt_x_admin_details = this.z.getTmAdminDetailsByID(this.lt_tm_office[i].xofficer);
                if (lt_x_admin_details.Count > 0)
                    xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong>" + lt_x_admin_details[0].xname.ToUpper() + "( " + z.getRoleNameByID(lt_x_admin_details[0].xroleID).ToUpper() + " )</strong><br />   Date: <strong>" + lt_tm_office[i].reg_date.ToUpper() + "</strong>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong> NA</strong>";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                if (this.lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 != "")
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 1: <a href=" + this.lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                if (this.lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 != "")
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 2: <a href=" + this.lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                if (this.lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 != "")
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 3: <a href=" + this.lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                if (this.lt_tm_office[i].admin_status == "3")
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "--- SUPPORTING SEARCH DOCUMENTS ---";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"right\">";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "Attached Document:";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td>";
                    if ((this.swallet.search_str != "") && (this.swallet.search_str != null))
                        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<a href=view_search_details.aspx?x=" + this.pID + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "NONE";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
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        if (rbValid.SelectedValue == "Approved")
            admin_status   = "3";
            Verify.Visible = true;
        else if (rbValid.SelectedValue == "Refused")
            admin_status   = "2";
            Verify.Visible = true;
        if (Request.QueryString["x"] != null)
            if (Session["pwalletID"] != null)
                if (Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != "")
                    admin = Session["pwalletID"].ToString();
            pID          = Request.QueryString["x"].ToString();
            c_x          = t.getRenewalByID(pID);
            c_p          = t.getXPwalletDetailsByID(c_x.log_staff);
            lt_tm_office = z.getXPtOfficeDetailsByID(c_x.log_staff);
            this.lt_mi   = this.t.getPtInfoByUserID(this.pID);
            this.lt_rep  = this.t.getRepListByUserID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            xname.Value  = lt_rep[0].agent_code;
            xname2.Value = lt_mi[0].title_of_invention;

            xname3.Value = lt_mi[0].reg_number;
            xname4.Value = "OAI/PT/" + t.ValidationIDByPwalletID(lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            xname5.Value = lt_mi[0].log_staff;
            for (int i = 0; i < lt_tm_office.Count; i++)
                xcomments          = xcomments + "<tr>";
                xcomments          = xcomments + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">";
                xcomments          = xcomments + "<strong>" + lt_tm_office[i].xcomment.ToUpper() + "</strong><br />";
                lt_x_admin_details = z.getTmAdminDetailsByID(lt_tm_office[i].xofficer);
                if (lt_x_admin_details.Count > 0)
                    xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong>" + lt_x_admin_details[0].xname.ToUpper() + "( " + z.getRoleNameByID(lt_x_admin_details[0].xroleID).ToUpper() + " )</strong><br />   Date: <strong>" + lt_tm_office[i].reg_date.ToUpper() + "</strong>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong> NA</strong>";

                xcomments = xcomments + "</td>";
                xcomments = xcomments + "</tr>";
                if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 != "")
                    xcomments = xcomments + "<tr>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "View Document 1: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "</td>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "</tr>";
                if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 != "")
                    xcomments = xcomments + "<tr>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "View Document 2: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "</td>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "</tr>";
                if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 != "")
                    xcomments = xcomments + "<tr>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "View Document 3: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "</td>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "</tr>";
            payment_date.Text    = c_p.reg_date;
            transID.Text         = c_p.validationID;
            p_type.Text          = c_x.type;
            p_title.Text         = c_x.title;
            p_item_code.Text     = c_p.item_code;
            p_app_no.Text        = c_x.app_no;
            p_app_date.Text      = c_x.app_date;
            p_xname.Text         = c_x.xname;
            p_xaddy.Text         = c_x.xaddy;
            p_xemail.Text        = c_x.xemail;
            p_xmobile.Text       = c_x.xmobile;
            p_agt_addy.Text      = c_x.agt_addy;
            p_agt_code.Text      = c_x.agt_code;
            p_agt_email.Text     = c_x.agt_email;
            p_agt_mobile.Text    = c_x.agt_mobile;
            p_agt_name.Text      = c_x.agt_name;
            p_last_rwl_date.Text = c_x.last_rwl_date;
            p_due_date.Text      = Convert.ToDateTime(c_x.last_rwl_date).AddYears(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
Exemple #4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
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        string path = this.serverpath + @"Handlers\bf.kez";

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            this.file_string = reader.ReadToEnd();
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                this.file_string = this.file_string.Replace(oldValue, "");
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            this.Verify.Visible  = true;
            this.Confirm.Visible = false;
            this.Verify.Visible  = false;
            this.Confirm.Visible = true;
        if (base.Request.QueryString["x"] != null)
            if (base.Session["pwalletID"] != null)
                if (base.Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != "")
                    this.admin = base.Session["pwalletID"].ToString();
            this.pID          = base.Request.QueryString["x"].ToString();
            this.lt_mi        = this.t.getPtInfoByUserID(this.pID);
            this.lt_rep       = this.t.getRepListByUserID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_stage     = this.t.getStageByUserID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_app       = this.t.getApplicantByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_inv       = this.t.getInventorByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_assinfo   = this.t.getAssignment_infoByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_xpri      = this.t.getPriority_infoByvalidationID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getPtOfficeDetailsByID(this.lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            xname.Value       = lt_rep[0].agent_code;
            xname2.Value      = lt_mi[0].title_of_invention;

            xname3.Value = lt_mi[0].reg_number;
            xname4.Value = "OAI/PT/" + t.ValidationIDByPwalletID(lt_mi[0].log_staff);
            xname5.Value = lt_mi[0].log_staff;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.lt_tm_office.Count; i++)
                this.xcomments          = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                this.xcomments          = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">";
                this.xcomments          = this.xcomments + "<strong>" + this.lt_tm_office[i].xcomment.ToUpper() + "</strong><br />";
                this.lt_x_admin_details = this.z.getTmAdminDetailsByID(this.lt_tm_office[i].xofficer);
                if (lt_x_admin_details.Count > 0)
                    xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong>" + lt_x_admin_details[0].xname.ToUpper() + "( " + z.getRoleNameByID(lt_x_admin_details[0].xroleID).ToUpper() + " )</strong><br />   Date: <strong>" + lt_tm_office[i].reg_date.ToUpper() + "</strong>";
                    xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong> NA</strong>";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";