Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a color sampler to the specified localization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app">Photoshop Application object</param>
        /// <param name="doc">Photoshop Document object</param>
        /// <param name="x">X-Axis color sampler localization</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y-Axis color sampler localization</param>
        public static void SetColorSampler(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc, int x, int y)
            // Code from action listener plugin
            int idMk   = (int)cst.phEventMake;
            var desc3  = new ps.ActionDescriptorClass();
            int idnull = (int)cst.phClassNull;
            var ref1   = new ps.ActionReferenceClass();
            int idClSm = (int)cst.phClassColorSampler;

            desc3.PutReference(idnull, ref1);
            int idPstn = (int)cst.phKeyPosition;
            var desc4  = new ps.ActionDescriptorClass();
            int idHrzn = (int)cst.phEnumHorizontal;
            int idPxl  = (int)cst.phUnitPixels;

            desc4.PutUnitDouble(idHrzn, idPxl, (double)x);
            int idVrtc = (int)cst.phEnumVertical;

            desc4.PutUnitDouble(idVrtc, idPxl, (double)y);
            int idPnt = (int)cst.phClassPoint;

            desc3.PutObject(idPstn, idPnt, desc4);
            app.ExecuteAction(idMk, desc3, ps.PsDialogModes.psDisplayNoDialogs);
Exemple #2
        public void OpenWithConstraints(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file, double width, double height)
            // Set EPS openning options
            // Open with Width constraint
            ps.EPSOpenOptionsClass EpsOpenOptsWidth = new ps.EPSOpenOptionsClass();
            EpsOpenOptsWidth.AntiAlias            = _antiAlias;
            EpsOpenOptsWidth.ConstrainProportions = _constrainProportions;
            EpsOpenOptsWidth.Mode       = _mode;
            EpsOpenOptsWidth.Resolution = _resolution;
            EpsOpenOptsWidth.Width      = PsTools.GetPixelUnit(width, _resolution);

            // Open with Height constraint
            ps.EPSOpenOptionsClass EpsOpenOptsHeight = new ps.EPSOpenOptionsClass();
            EpsOpenOptsHeight.AntiAlias            = _antiAlias;
            EpsOpenOptsHeight.ConstrainProportions = _constrainProportions;
            EpsOpenOptsHeight.Mode       = _mode;
            EpsOpenOptsHeight.Resolution = _resolution;
            EpsOpenOptsHeight.Height     = PsTools.GetPixelUnit(height, _resolution);

            doc = app.Open(file.FullName, EpsOpenOptsWidth);

            if (doc.Height > height)
                Close(ref doc);
                doc = app.Open(file.FullName, EpsOpenOptsHeight);
Exemple #3
        public void Save(ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file)
            ps.ExportOptionsIllustratorClass SaveOpts = new ps.ExportOptionsIllustratorClass();
            SaveOpts.Path = _path;

            doc.Export(file.FullName, ps.PsExportType.psIllustratorPaths, SaveOpts);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the background of the document is transparent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app">Photoshop Application Object</param>
        /// <param name="doc">Photoshop Document Object</param>
        /// <returns>if document background is transparent </returns>
        public static bool IsTransparent(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc)
            //Make Transparent pixels as selection
            var desc = new ps.ActionDescriptorClass();
            var ref1 = new ps.ActionReferenceClass();

            ref1.PutProperty((int)cst.phClassChannel, (int)cst.phKeySelection);
            desc.PutReference((int)cst.phClassNull, ref1);
            var ref2 = new ps.ActionReferenceClass();

            ref2.PutEnumerated((int)cst.phClassChannel, (int)cst.phClassChannel, (int)cst.phEnumTransparency);
            desc.PutReference((int)cst.phKey_Source, ref2);
            app.ExecuteAction((int)cst.phEventSet, desc, ps.PsDialogModes.psDisplayNoDialogs);

            // Verify if the Selection is consistent
            if (doc.Selection.Solid)
                Deselect(ref doc);;
                Deselect(ref doc);
Exemple #5
 public void ResizeImageWithConstraints(ref ps.Document doc, double width, double height)
     if (doc.Width / doc.Height <= width / height)
         doc.ResizeImage(Height: height, ResampleMethod: ps.PsPDFResampleType.psPDFBicubic);
         doc.ResizeImage(Width: width, ResampleMethod: ps.PsPDFResampleType.psPDFBicubic);
Exemple #6
        public void SetBackGroundTransparent(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc)
            bool isTransparent = PsTools.IsTransparent(ref app, ref doc);

            if (!isTransparent)
                doc.ArtLayers[0].Name  = "Background";
                doc.LayerComps[0].Name = "Background";
                PsTools.SetBckgTransparentAction(ref app);
Exemple #7
        public void Save(ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file)
            // Save png for web format
            ps.EPSSaveOptionsClass SaveOpts = new ps.EPSSaveOptionsClass();
            SaveOpts.Preview       = _preview;
            SaveOpts.VectorData    = _vectorData;
            SaveOpts.Interpolation = true;
            SaveOpts.Encoding      = ps.PsSaveEncoding.psJPEGMedium;

            doc.SaveAs(file.FullName, SaveOpts, true, ps.PsExtensionType.psLowercase);
Exemple #8
        public void Save(ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file)
            // Save png for web format
            ps.TiffSaveOptionsClass SaveOpts = new ps.TiffSaveOptionsClass();
            SaveOpts.AlphaChannels    = _alphaChannel;
            SaveOpts.Annotations      = _annotations;
            SaveOpts.ByteOrder        = _byteOrder;
            SaveOpts.JPEGQuality      = _jpgQuality;
            SaveOpts.LayerCompression = _layerCompression;
            SaveOpts.Layers           = _layers;
            SaveOpts.SpotColors       = _spotColors;
            SaveOpts.Transparency     = _transparency;

            doc.SaveAs(file.FullName, SaveOpts, true, ps.PsExtensionType.psLowercase);
Exemple #9
        private const int _quality     = 70;                                                     // Percentage quality of the png generated

        public void Save(ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file)
            // Save png for web format
            ps.ExportOptionsSaveForWebClass SaveOpts = new ps.ExportOptionsSaveForWebClass();
            SaveOpts.Format     = _format;
            SaveOpts.Interlaced = _interlaced;

            ps.RGBColorClass _rgbColor = new ps.RGBColorClass();
            _rgbColor.Red   = 255;
            _rgbColor.Green = 255;
            _rgbColor.Blue  = 255;

            SaveOpts.MatteColor = _rgbColor;

            doc.Export(file.FullName, ps.PsExportType.psSaveForWeb, SaveOpts);
Exemple #10
        public void OpenWithConstraints(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file, double width, double height)
            //Width Constraint
            ps.PDFOpenOptionsClass PdfOpenOptsWidth = new ps.PDFOpenOptionsClass();
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.AntiAlias            = _antiAlias;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.BitsPerChannel       = _bitsPerChannel;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.ConstrainProportions = _constrainProportions;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.SuppressWarnings     = _suppressWarnings;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.CropPage             = _cropPage;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.Mode          = _mode;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.Page          = _page;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.UsePageNumber = _usePageNumber;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.Resolution    = _resolution;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.Width         = PsTools.GetPixelUnit(width, _resolution);

            //Height Constraint
            ps.PDFOpenOptionsClass PdfOpenOptsHeight = new ps.PDFOpenOptionsClass();
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.AntiAlias            = _antiAlias;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.BitsPerChannel       = _bitsPerChannel;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.ConstrainProportions = _constrainProportions;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.SuppressWarnings     = _suppressWarnings;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.CropPage             = _cropPage;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.Mode         = _mode;
            PdfOpenOptsWidth.UsePageNumber = _usePageNumber;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.Page         = _page;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.Resolution   = _resolution;
            PdfOpenOptsHeight.Height       = PsTools.GetPixelUnit(height, _resolution);

            //Open the file

            doc = app.Open(file.FullName, PdfOpenOptsWidth);

            if (doc.Height > height)
                Close(ref doc);
                //Open the file
                doc = app.Open(file.FullName, PdfOpenOptsHeight);
Exemple #11
 public void Close(ref ps.Document doc)
     _def.Close(ref doc);
Exemple #12
 public void Save(ref ps.Document doc, IFileSaver fileSaver, FileInfo file)
     _def.Save(ref doc, fileSaver, file);
Exemple #13
 public void SetBackGroundTransparent(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc)
     _def.SetBackGroundTransparent(ref app, ref doc);
Exemple #14
 public void ExtendCanvas(ref ps.Document doc, double width, double height)
     _def.ExtendCanvas(ref doc, width, height);
Exemple #15
 public void SetUnits(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc)
     _def.SetUnits(ref app, ref doc);
Exemple #16
 public void OpenWithConstraints(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file, double width, double height)
     _def.OpenWithConstraints(ref app, ref doc, file, width, height);
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Deslect current document selection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doc">Photoshop Document Object</param>
 public static void Deselect(ref ps.Document doc)
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete the current selection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doc">Photoshop Document Object</param>
 public static void DeleteSelection(ref ps.Document doc)
Exemple #19
 public void Close(ref ps.Document doc)
Exemple #20
 public void ExtendCanvas(ref ps.Document doc, double width, double height)
     doc.ResizeCanvas(width, height, ps.PsAnchorPosition.psMiddleCenter);
Exemple #21
 public void OpenWithConstraints(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc, FileInfo file, double width, double height)
     //Open any bitmap image
     doc = app.Open(file.FullName);
     ResizeImageWithConstraints(ref doc, width, height);
Exemple #22
 public void SetUnits(ref ps.ApplicationClass app, ref ps.Document doc)
     app.Preferences.RulerUnits = _rulerUnits;
     app.Preferences.TypeUnits  = _typeUnits;