Exemple #1
    public void HandleCollisions(Collider2D c)
        var o = c.GetComponent <Obstacle>();

        if (canTakeDamage && o != null)
            if (!o.isBroken)
                var scripts = c.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Obstacle>();
                for (int i = 0; i < scripts.Length; i++)
        if (c.gameObject.name == "shotgunPickup")
            //TODO: add pickup sound effect
            heldPowerup        = powerup.Shotgun;
            armRenderer.sprite = armShotgun;
        else if (c.gameObject.name == "forcePickup")
            //TODO: add pickup sound effect
            heldPowerup        = powerup.ForceBlast;
            armRenderer.sprite = armForce;
Exemple #2
 void StartingPowerupConditions()
     // Start powerup conditions.
     CurrentPowerup = powerup.RegularShot;
 private void MakeLoot()
     //drops loot
     if (thisLoot != null)
         powerup current = thisLoot.LootPowerup();
         if (current != null)
             Instantiate(current.gameObject, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Exemple #4
    public GameObject spawnPowerup(powerup powerup, Vector3 position)
        GameObject powerupGameObject = Instantiate(powerupPrefab);

        var powerupBehavior = powerupGameObject.GetComponent <powerupBehavior>();

        powerupBehavior.controller = this;


        powerupGameObject.transform.position = position;

Exemple #5
    public void activatePowerup(powerup powerup)
        if (!activePowerups.ContainsKey(powerup))
            activePowerups.Add(powerup, Player.GetComponent <playerStats>().energy);
            activePowerups[powerup] += Player.GetComponent <playerStats>().energy;

        keys = new List <powerup>(activePowerups.Keys);
    public void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        GameObject canvas       = GameObject.Find("Canvas");
        powerup    powerupsound = canvas.GetComponent <powerup>();

        GameObject laserobj    = GameObject.Find("Canvas");
        laser      laserscript = laserobj.GetComponent <laser>();

        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "ship")
            GameObject     particles = GameObject.Find("powerup");
            ParticleSystem power     = particles.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

            powerupsound.powersound.volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("sfxvolume");


Exemple #7
 public void AddPowerDown(powerup skull)
Exemple #8
 public void AddPowerUp(powerup power)
    private void UpdatePowerUps()
        // No powerup.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.RegularShot)
            fireRate = 0.25f;

            GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("MainCamera").GetComponent<Camera>().enabled = true;
            MainCanvas.worldCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("MainCamera").GetComponent<Camera> ();
            shot = RegularShot;
            if (GameObject.Find ("Clone(Clone)") != null)
                Destroy (GameObject.Find ("Clone(Clone)"));
            BeamShot.SetActive (false); 					// Turns off the vertical beam.
            //Shield.SetActive (false);					    // Turns off the shield.
            HorizontalBeam.SetActive (false); 				// Turns off the horizontal beam.
            HelixObject.SetActive (false);

            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "" + ""; // Shows how much each bullet costs as the powerup text.
            BeamShot.SetActive (false);						 // Turns off the beam shot.
            HorizontalBeam.SetActive (false); 				 // Turns off the horizontal beam shot.

            LensScript.enabled = true;

            // if the lens script radius is greater than 0.
            if (LensScript.radius > 0 && Health > 25)
                LensScript.radius -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

            // if the lens script radius is less than 0.
            if (LensScript.radius < 0)
                LensScript.radius = 0; 						// Make it equal to exactly 0.

        // Double shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.DoubleShot)
            shot = DoubleShot;								 // Assigns free double shot powerup.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "DOUBLE SHOT!"; // UI displays double shot text.

        // WIFI shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.wifi)
            fireRate = 0.5f;
            shot = WifiShot; 								// Assigns free wifi shot powerup.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "RIPPLE!"; // UI displays double shot text.

        // Tri shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.TriShot)
            shot = TriShot; 								// Assigns free triple shot powerup.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "TRIPLE SHOT"; // UI displays triple shot text.

        // Beam shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.BeamShot)
            BeamShot.SetActive (true); 						// Turns on vertical beam.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "ULTRA BEAM!"; // UI displays vertical beam text.

            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost; 					// Make it the free version.

        // Shield.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.shield)
            //Shield.GetComponent<LensController> ().enabled = true;

            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.

            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "GIGA SHIELD!"; // UI text to display shield.
            collisionCooldown = 3;
            PlayerCollider.enabled = false;

            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost; // Make it the free version.

        // Horizontal beam.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.horizontalBeam)
            HorizontalBeam.SetActive (true); // Turns on the horizontal beam.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "TERROR BEAM!"; // UI display for powerup text.
            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost; // Make it the free version.

        // Clone player.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.Clone)
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "CLONE!"; // UI display clones.

            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost; // Make it the free version.

        // Helix bullets.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.helix)
            HelixObject.SetActive (true);

            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; 			 // Decreases powerup time linearly.

            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "MEGA HELIX!"; // UI display clones.

            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost; // Make it the free version.

        // Warning powerup time.
        if (powerupTime < 3.0f && powerupTime > 2.8f)
            ActivePowerupParticles.Stop (); // Turns off main powerup particles.
            powerupTimeRunningOut.Play (); // Turns on running out particles.
            TimeRunningOutParticles.Play (); // Plays running out sound.

        // When powerup runs out.
        if (powerupTime < 0)
            powerupTime = 0; // Reset powerup time.
            CurrentPowerup = powerup.RegularShot; // Powerup type is now regular.
            BeamShot.SetActive (false); // Turns off the beam.

            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.no)
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            if (GameObject.Find ("Clone(Clone)") != null)
                Destroy (GameObject.Find ("Clone(Clone)"));

            if (Shield.GetComponent<Animator> ().GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0).IsName ("ShieldSustain"))
                Shield.GetComponent<Animator> ().Play ("ShieldExit");
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            HorizontalBeam.SetActive (false); // Turns off the horizontal beam.
            shot = RegularShot; // Assigns shot to cost points.

        // Powerup ran out.
        if (powerupTime > 0 && powerupTime < 0.05f && !powerupDeactivateAudio.GetComponent<AudioSource> ().isPlaying)
            powerupDeactivateAudio.Play (); // Plays powerup ran out sound.

        if (powerupTime > 40)
            powerupTime = 40;
 void StartingPowerupConditions()
     // Start powerup conditions.
     CurrentPowerup = powerup.RegularShot;
     BeamShot.SetActive (false);
     HorizontalBeam.SetActive (false);
     HelixObject.SetActive (false);
Exemple #11
 public void setPowerup(powerup powerup)
     this.powerup    = powerup;
     gameObject.name = powerup.name;
Exemple #12
    private void UpdatePowerUps()
        // No powerup.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.RegularShot)
            fireRate = 0.25f;

            GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera>().enabled = true;
            MainCanvas.worldCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera> ();
            shot = RegularShot;
            if (GameObject.Find("Clone(Clone)") != null)
            BeamShot.SetActive(false);                                                  // Turns off the vertical beam.
            //Shield.SetActive (false);					    // Turns off the shield.
            HorizontalBeam.SetActive(false);                                            // Turns off the horizontal beam.

            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "" + "";             // Shows how much each bullet costs as the powerup text.
            BeamShot.SetActive(false);                                   // Turns off the beam shot.
            HorizontalBeam.SetActive(false);                             // Turns off the horizontal beam shot.

            LensScript.enabled = true;

            // if the lens script radius is greater than 0.
            if (LensScript.radius > 0 && Health > 25)
                LensScript.radius -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

            // if the lens script radius is less than 0.
            if (LensScript.radius < 0)
                LensScript.radius = 0;                                                          // Make it equal to exactly 0.

        // Double shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.DoubleShot)
            shot = DoubleShot;                                                                           // Assigns free double shot powerup.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                          // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "DOUBLE SHOT!";             // UI displays double shot text.

        // WIFI shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.wifi)
            fireRate = 0.5f;
            shot     = WifiShot;                                                                        // Assigns free wifi shot powerup.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                     // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "RIPPLE!";             // UI displays double shot text.

        // Tri shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.TriShot)
            shot = TriShot;                                                                             // Assigns free triple shot powerup.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                         // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "TRIPLE SHOT";             // UI displays triple shot text.

        // Beam shot.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.BeamShot)
            BeamShot.SetActive(true);                                                           // Turns on vertical beam.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                         // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "ULTRA BEAM!";             // UI displays vertical beam text.

            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost;                                                       // Make it the free version.

        // Shield.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.shield)
            //Shield.GetComponent<LensController> ().enabled = true;

            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                                   // Decreases powerup time linearly.

            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "GIGA SHIELD!";             // UI text to display shield.
            collisionCooldown      = 3;
            PlayerCollider.enabled = false;

            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost;                 // Make it the free version.

        // Horizontal beam.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.horizontalBeam)
            HorizontalBeam.SetActive(true);              // Turns on the horizontal beam.
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                          // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "TERROR BEAM!";             // UI display for powerup text.
            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost;                 // Make it the free version.

        // Clone player.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.Clone)
            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                    // Decreases powerup time linearly.
            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "CLONE!";             // UI display clones.

            // If shot is the regular shot.
            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost;                 // Make it the free version.

        // Helix bullets.
        if (CurrentPowerup == powerup.helix)

            if (Time.timeScale > 0)
                powerupTime -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;                                   // Decreases powerup time linearly.

            gameControllerScript.PowerupText.text = "MEGA HELIX!";             // UI display clones.

            if (shot == RegularShot)
                shot = RegularShotNoCost;                 // Make it the free version.

        // Warning powerup time.
        if (powerupTime < 3.0f && powerupTime > 2.8f)
            ActivePowerupParticles.Stop();             // Turns off main powerup particles.
            powerupTimeRunningOut.Play();              // Turns on running out particles.
            TimeRunningOutParticles.Play();            // Plays running out sound.

        // When powerup runs out.
        if (powerupTime < 0)
            powerupTime    = 0;                   // Reset powerup time.
            CurrentPowerup = powerup.RegularShot; // Powerup type is now regular.
            BeamShot.SetActive(false);            // Turns off the beam.

            if (AbilityActive == abilityActive.no)
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            if (GameObject.Find("Clone(Clone)") != null)

            if (Shield.GetComponent <Animator> ().GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("ShieldSustain"))
                Shield.GetComponent <Animator> ().Play("ShieldExit");
                PlayerCollider.enabled = true;

            HorizontalBeam.SetActive(false); // Turns off the horizontal beam.
            shot = RegularShot;              // Assigns shot to cost points.

        // Powerup ran out.
        if (powerupTime > 0 && powerupTime < 0.05f && !powerupDeactivateAudio.GetComponent <AudioSource> ().isPlaying)
            powerupDeactivateAudio.Play();              // Plays powerup ran out sound.

        if (powerupTime > 40)
            powerupTime = 40;
Exemple #13
    public static powerup instance; // creates a new instance of the powerup class, we make this static so that it can be used without needing a reference to this class

    #region Setup
    public powerup()
        instance = this; // initialises instance and sets it to this class