/* all parent posts are a working copy so we never 'make' this one
         *  /// <summary>
         *  /// In the version handling process this is the first stop.  This will make a copy of the object
         *  /// and or file (in the site_content>>...>>working folder) and make version adjustments to match.
         *  /// Really, it should only be done on the first ingestion of the post.
         *  /// </summary>
         *  /// <param name="post"></param>
         *  /// <param name="version"></param>
         *  /// <param name="revision"></param>
         *  /// <retruns></retruns>
         *  public static posting make_post_working_version(posting post, int version, int revision) {
         *      //first since the working version is the start of the edit saving process, we will
         *      //only have to do something if this is a file
         *      posting_type type = post.post_type;
         *      posting working_post = copy_post_to_post(new posting(), post);
         *      if (working_post.loads_file) {
         *          // get the content
         *          String content = working_post.content;
         *          if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(working_post.static_file)) {
         *              String fullpath = file_handler.true_file_path(working_path().Trim('/') + "/" + working_post.static_file.Trim('/'));
         *              content = file_handler.read_from_file(fullpath);
         *          }
         *          String dst = working_post.static_file;
         *          if (file_info.does_in_content_metadata(file_info.file_extension(dst))) {
         *              content = postingService.create_post_file_info(working_post) + "\r\n" + postingService.strip_post_file_info(content);
         *              working_post.content = content;
         *              dst = remove_filepath_version(working_post.static_file);
         *          }
         *          if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(working_post.static_file)) {
         *              dst = working_path().Trim('/') + "/" + type.alias + "/" + dst.Trim('/');
         *              String dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dst);
         *              if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) {
         *                  DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);
         *              }
         *              file_handler.write_to_file(dst, content);
         *          }
         *      }
         *      if (working_post.parent == null || working_post.parent.baseid <=0)
         *          working_post.parent = post;
         *      ActiveRecordMediator<posting>.Save(working_post);
         *      return working_post;
         *  }
         * //MAY BE update working?
        //DB to File  (um hardcoded?)
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static String make_post_working_file(posting working_post, String file)
            String dst     = file;
            String content = file_handler.read_from_file(dst);

            if (file_info.does_in_content_metadata(file_info.file_extension(dst)))
                content = postingService.create_post_file_info(working_post) + "\r\n" + content;
                dst     = remove_filepath_version(dst);
            String basepath = "/working/" + working_post.post_type.alias + "/" + dst.Trim('/');

            dst = file_info.site_content_path().Trim('/') + basepath;

            String dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dst);

            if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
                file_handler.write_to_file(dst, content);
                dst = file;
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void show_diff(int parent, int rev1id, int rev2id, Boolean ajxed)
            if (ajxed)
            posting parent_post = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(parent);

            posting rev1 = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindFirst(new Order("revision", false),
                                                                 new List <AbstractCriterion>() {
                Expression.Eq("revision", rev1id),
                Expression.Eq("parent", parent_post)

            posting rev2 = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindFirst(new Order("revision", false),
                                                                 new List <AbstractCriterion>() {
                Expression.Eq("revision", rev2id),
                Expression.Eq("parent", parent_post)

            String text1 = rev1.content;
            String text2 = rev2.content;

            PropertyBag["rev1"]        = rev1;
            PropertyBag["rev2"]        = rev2;
            PropertyBag["parent_post"] = parent_post;
            PropertyBag["rev1text"]    = text1;
            PropertyBag["rev2text"]    = text2;
            PropertyBag["diff"]        = cms.utils.Diff.PrintItems(cms.utils.Diff.DiffText(text1, text2, true, true, true));
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static Boolean restorePost(posting post, int version, int revision)
            posting copy = null;
            String  dest = "";

            if (copy.loads_file)
                String[] fileparts = copy.static_file.Split('.');
                dest = fileparts[0] + "." + version + "." + revision + "." + fileparts[0];

            try {
                copy = make_revision <posting>(post.baseid, version, revision);
                if (copy != null)
                    if (copy.loads_file)
                        file_handler.copyfile(copy.static_file, dest);
            } catch {
                ActiveRecordMediator <dynamic> .Delete(copy);

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dest))
        /* from file that exists */
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void createNewFile(object[] media)
            posting mediaObj    = (posting)media[0];
            String  types_path  = getUploadsPath("image\\" + mediaObj.taxonomy_types.First().alias + "\\" + mediaObj.taxonomy_types.First().alias, false);
            String  url         = getUploadsURL("image", true);
            string  newFilePath = types_path + mediaObj.id + ".ext";
            string  FileName    = mediaObj.id + ".ext";

            byte[] contents = null;

            contents = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Server.MapPath(mediaObj.static_file));
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(contents);

            System.Drawing.Image processed_image = null;
            processed_image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(memoryStream);

            try {
                log.Info("preping StartTheThread for " +
                         mediaObj.static_file + " with id " + mediaObj.id +
                         " at path " + newFilePath);
                StartTheThread(mediaObj, processed_image, newFilePath);
            } catch {
                log.Error("Failed trying to StartTheThread for " +
                          mediaObj.static_file + " with id " + mediaObj.id +
                          " at path " + newFilePath);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static IList <posting> get_postings(String type_alias, Boolean usedev, Boolean deleted, posting parent)
            List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>();

            filtering.Add(Expression.IsNull("parent"));    //make it the working post
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("deleted", deleted));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("post_type", ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(
                                            new List <AbstractCriterion>()
                Expression.Eq("alias", type_alias)
            posting[] postlist = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll(new Order[] { Order.Desc("baseid") }, filtering.ToArray());

            List <posting> outputlist = new List <posting>();

            if (postlist.Count() > 0)
                foreach (posting post in postlist)
                    posting posting = post.get_published();
                    if (posting != null)
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void applyMediaToObject(posting media, int id, string type)
            switch (type)
            case "events":
                posting events = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(id);

                //events.images.Add(media);//FIX IT

                ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(events);


                // So this should be abstracted to the bottom where the events is a var and same with the id
                String cachePath = file_info.root_path();
                cachePath += @"uploads\";
                cachePath += @"events\cache\";

                string file      = events.id + "_centralevents" + ".ext";
                String file_path = cachePath + file;
                if (File.Exists(file_path))

        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void save_stub([ARDataBind("item", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewRootInstanceIfInvalidKey)] posting item,
                              String post_type,
                              Boolean skiplayout
            if (skiplayout)

            item.site      = siteService.getCurrentSite();
            item.theme     = themeService.current_theme_alias();
            item.published = false;

            appuser user = userService.getUserFull();

            item.owner   = user;
            item.editors = new List <appuser>()

            item.post_type = getPostType(post_type);
            item.alias     = item.name.Replace(' ', '-').ToLower();//should add a check here
            ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(item);

Exemple #8
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public string[] get_feild_short_codes(posting cal_events)
            //log.Info("________________________________________________________________________________\nLoading feilds For:" + place.prime_name+"("+place.baseid+")\n");
            List <AbstractCriterion> typeEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>();

            typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("model", "placeController"));
            // typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("set", cal_events.model.baseid));

            field_types[] ft = ActiveRecordBase <field_types> .FindAll(typeEx.ToArray());

            List <string> fields = new List <string>();

            string[] codes = new string[ft.Length];
            int      i     = 0;

            if (ft != null)
                foreach (field_types ft_ in ft)
                    codes[i] = "${" + ft_.alias + "}";
Exemple #9
        /* this, the process order, bubbles out ... when started it bubbles in, like the event box model in html*/
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static String simple_field_layout(String text, posting post, Hashtable param)
            string processed = renderService.proccessText(param, text, false);
            string feild     = renderService.field_processing(processed, post, param);

            return(new renderService().processContentblocks(feild, post, param));
Exemple #10
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public string process_fields(string text, posting place, Hashtable param)
            String result = text;

            if (place.post_type != null)
                List <AbstractCriterion> typeEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>();
                typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("type", place.post_type.alias));

                field_types[] ft = ActiveRecordBase <field_types> .FindAll(typeEx.ToArray());

                List <string> fields = new List <string>();

                if (ft != null)
                    foreach (field_types ft_ in ft)
                        string value = "";
                        if (text.Contains("$!{" + ft_.alias + "}"))
                            //log.Error("on field:" + ft_.alias);
                            value  = get_field_value(ft_, place);
                            result = result.Replace("$!{" + ft_.alias + "}", value);
                            PropertyBag["" + ft_.alias] = value;
Exemple #11
        public ActionResult change(posting post)
            var    model = new List <posting>();
            string usdsa = Request.Form["111"];

            Session["111"] = usdsa;
            return(RedirectToAction("join", "join"));
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public Thread StartTheThread(posting media, System.Drawing.Image processed_image, string tmp_File)
            log.Info("StartTheThread for " + media.static_file + " with id " + media.id + " at path " + tmp_File);
            var t = new Thread(() => new image_handler().process(media.id, processed_image, tmp_File, image_handler.imageMethod.Constrain, 0, 0, 1000, image_handler.Dimensions.Width, true, "", media.get_meta("ext")));

        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void restorePostRevision(int id)
            posting post = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(id);

            if (versionService.restorePost(ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(post.parent.baseid), post.version, post.revision))
                Flash["message"] = "Restored post " + post.name + ".";
                logger.writelog("Restored post " + post.name + "", getView(), getAction(), post.baseid);
            RedirectToAction("posting_list", new string[] { "post_type=" + post.post_type.alias });
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void list_revisions(int id)
            posting post = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(id);

            posting[] lastversions = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll(new Order("revision", false),
                                                                         new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("parent", post), Expression.Gt("revision", 0) }.ToArray()

            PropertyBag["full"]         = true;
            PropertyBag["lastversions"] = lastversions;
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void render() {
            // I don't like this.. need a better way to tell it's installed.  More passive, 
            //like change the config file and reload it then read it from there the rest of the time??
            if (!Controllers.installController.is_installed()) Controllers.installController.start_install();
             * get regisitored routes
             * test if uri matches
             * get ogject id
             * get object
             * get query params
             * go to action with params
             * if no action or route 404
             * on eception 5xx
            HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
            if (httpRequest.Browser.IsMobileDevice) {
            String everUrl = Context.Request.Url;
            // URL comes in like http://sitename/edit/dispatch/handle404.castle?404;http://sitename/pagetorender.html
            // So strip it all out except http://sitename/pagetorender.html
            everUrl = Regex.Replace(everUrl, "(.*:80)(.*)", "$2");
            everUrl = Regex.Replace(everUrl, "(.*:443)(.*)", "$2");
            String urlwithnoparams = Regex.Replace(everUrl, @"(.*?)(\?.*)", "$1");
            String querystring = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Regex.Replace(everUrl, @"(.*?)(\?.*)", "$2"));

            Dictionary<string, string> queryparams = httpService.getUrlQueries(urlwithnoparams, querystring);

            //String sitePath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);

            int id = 0;
            Boolean usedev = (querystring.IndexOf("dev=1") > -1);
            urlwithnoparams = urlwithnoparams.Replace("/ams/", "/");
            posting post = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlwithnoparams))?postingService.get_posting_by_url(urlwithnoparams, usedev): new posting();
            if(post.baseid>0) id = post.baseid;

            //check is it a real place or do 404
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlwithnoparams) && urlwithnoparams != "/" && post.baseid == 0) {
                id = postingService.get_posting_by_url("/404.html", usedev).baseid;
                Response.StatusCode = 404;

            //check if we need to login
            if (post.baseid > 0 && !post.is_Public && !Context.Request.IsLocal && Controllers.BaseController.authenticated()) { Redirect("center", "login", new Hashtable()); }

Exemple #16
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static string get_field_value(field_types field_type, posting _post)
            string value = "";
            List <AbstractCriterion> typeEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>();

            typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("type", field_type));
            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(_post, null))
                typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("owner", _post.baseid));
            fields field = ActiveRecordBase <fields> .FindFirst(typeEx.ToArray());

            value = fieldsService.getFieldVal(field_type, field);
        //Should be benign to a working post but refit a published or revision configured post
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static posting make_working_post(posting working_post, String file)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                file = working_post.static_file;

            String dst = remove_filepath_version(file);

            String content = file_handler.read_from_file(dst);

            String basepath = relative_working_path().Trim('/') + "/" + working_post.post_type.alias;

            dst = basepath + "/" + dst.Trim('/');

            String dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dst);

            if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
                content = file_handler.read_from_file(dst);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
                if (file_info.does_in_content_metadata(file_info.file_extension(dst)))
                    content = postingService.create_post_file_info(working_post) + "\r\n" + postingService.strip_post_file_info(content);
                    dst     = remove_filepath_version(dst);
                file_handler.write_to_file(dst, content);
                String[] tmpf = dst.Split(new string[] { working_post.post_type.alias + "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                file = tmpf[tmpf.Length - 1];

                working_post.static_file = file.Trim('/');
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
                working_post.content = content;
            ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(working_post);

Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// This is to make the meta string block for a non-meta files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="post"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static String create_post_file_info(posting post)
            String Block = "";

            Block = @"
*   name:" + post.name + @"
*	alias:"     + post.alias + @"
*	theme:"     + post.theme + @"
*   version:" + post.version.ToString() + @"
*   revision:" + post.revision.ToString() + @"
*   owner:" + post.owner.nid + @"
*   discription: This is the comtentblock

        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static int get_last_revision(dynamic item)
            List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>();

            filtering.Add(Expression.Gt("revision", 0));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("deleted", false));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("parent", item));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("version", item.version));

            posting lastversion = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindFirst(
                new Order[] { Order.Desc("revision") },

            int rev = lastversion != null ? lastversion.revision : 0;

        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void delete_post(int id)
            posting post = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(id);

            if (post.owner.baseid == userService.getUser().baseid)
                Flash["message"] = "A Place, <strong>" + post.name + "</strong>, has been <strong>deleted</strong>.";
                logger.writelog("Moved event to the trash", getView(), getAction(), post.baseid);
                post.deleted = true;
                ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(post);
                Flash["message"] = "You can't delete something you don't own.  Contact the owner, " + post.owner.display_name + ", for farther action.";
                logger.writelog("Attepted to delete an event they didn't own", getView(), getAction(), post.baseid);

            RedirectToAction("posting_list", new string[] { "post_type=" + post.post_type.alias });
Exemple #21
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static bool smushit(int id, string image_name, String mimeType)
            // sent file to yahoo
            string url = "http://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php?";    // "http://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ws.php?";

            log.Info("trying smushit" + image_name);
            //reset the .ext file name
            posting image = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(id);

            string orgFile = image_name;

            image_name = Regex.Replace(image_name, ".ext", "." + image.get_meta("ext"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            File.Copy(orgFile, image_name, true);

            NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();
            //nvc.Add("id", "TTR");
            //nvc.Add("btn-submit-photo", "Upload");
            string yurl = "";

            try {
                String  responseData = httpService.HttpUploadFile(url, image_name, "files", file_mime.mime_type(image.get_meta("ext")), nvc);
                JObject obj          = JObject.Parse(responseData);
                yurl = (string)obj["dest"];     // what is the path?
            } catch {
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(yurl))
                log.Info("did smushit" + yurl);
                byte[] imagebytes = httpService.DownloadBinary(yurl);
                file_handler.ByteArrayToFile(image_name, imagebytes);
                File.Copy(image_name, orgFile, true);    // overwirte the .ext with the new file.
Exemple #22
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static String make_editable(String txt, posting post, int areacount)
            String draft = "";

            post = post.get_working_copy();
            if (post.has_draft())
                draft = "data-has_draft='true'";

            String status = "data-status='false'";

            if (post.is_published())
                status = "data-status='true'";

            txt = "<bdo data-id='" + post.baseid + "' " + draft + " " + status + " data-type='" + post.post_type.alias + "' data-name='" + post.name + "' data-alias='" + post.alias + "' data-blockid='" + areacount + "' class='editor_block'>" + txt + "</bdo>";

        /// <summary> </summary>
        public posting_type getPostType(String posttype)
            posting tmp = new posting();

            tmp.tmp = true;

            dynamic type;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(posttype))
                type = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(
                    new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("_default", 1) }.ToArray()
                type = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(
                    new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("alias", posttype) }.ToArray()
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void create(String post_type, Boolean skipLayout)
            posting tmp = new posting();

            tmp.tmp = true;

            tmp.site      = siteService.getCurrentSite();
            tmp.theme     = themeService.current_theme_alias();
            tmp.published = false;

            appuser user = userService.getUserFull();

            tmp.owner   = user;
            tmp.editors = new List <appuser>()
            tmp.editing   = user;
            tmp.post_type = getPostType(post_type);
            ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(tmp);

            RedirectToUrl("~/post/edit_post.castle?id=" + tmp.baseid + (skipLayout ? "&skipLayout=true" : ""));
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void New()
            String CreditList = GetCredit();

            PropertyBag["credits"]    = CreditList;
            PropertyBag["imagetypes"] = ActiveRecordBase <taxonomy> .FindAll();

            PropertyBag["images"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll();

        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void inlineupload()
            String CreditList = GetCredit();

            PropertyBag["credits"]    = CreditList;
            PropertyBag["imagetypes"] = ActiveRecordBase <taxonomy> .FindAll();

            PropertyBag["images"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll();


        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void Edit(int id)
            String CreditList = GetCredit();

            PropertyBag["credits"] = CreditList; // string should be "location1","location2","location3"

            PropertyBag["imagetypes"] = ActiveRecordBase <taxonomy> .FindAll();

            PropertyBag["image"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(id);

            PropertyBag["images"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll();


        /// <summary> </summary>
        public String GetCredit()
            String sql             = "SELECT DISTINCT s.credit FROM media_repo AS s WHERE NOT s.credit = 'NULL'";
            SimpleQuery <String> q = new SimpleQuery <String>(typeof(posting), sql);
            Array  credits         = q.Execute();
            String creditsList     = "";

            foreach (String s in credits)
                creditsList += '"' + s.ToString() + '"' + ',';

        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void removeImage(int image_id, int event_id, bool ajax)
            posting image = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(image_id);

            // a var for uploads will start here
            String uploadPath = file_info.root_path() + @"uploads\";

            if (event_id != 0)
                uploadPath += @"events\" + event_id + @"\";

            string newFile = uploadPath + image.id + ".ext";

            ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Delete(image);

            if (event_id != 0)
                posting events = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(event_id);

                //events.images.Remove(image);//FIX IT
                FileInfo ImgFile = new FileInfo(newFile);
                ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(events);

            if (ajax)
            Flash["message"] = "Image Added";
Exemple #26
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void update_user(
            [ARDataBind("user", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewInstanceIfInvalidKey)] appuser user,
            [ARDataBind("image", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewRootInstanceIfInvalidKey)] posting image,
            HttpPostedFile newimage,
            int[] Sections,
            string apply,
            string cancel,
            Boolean ajaxed,
            String[] value,
            String[] meta_key
            if (user.user_meta_data != null)
                user.user_meta_data = new List <user_meta_data>();
            int i = 0;

            foreach (String item in value)
                user_meta_data tmp = new user_meta_data()
                    value    = item,
                    meta_key = meta_key[i]

            if (cancel != null)
            if (user.groups == null || user.groups.baseid == 0)
                List <AbstractCriterion> baseEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>();
                baseEx.Add(Expression.Eq("default_group", true));
                baseEx.Add(Expression.Eq("isAdmin", true));
                user.groups = ActiveRecordBase <user_group> .FindFirst(baseEx.ToArray());

            try {
                ActiveRecordMediator <appuser> .Save(user);

                if (user == userService.getUser())
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Flash["error"] = ex.Message;
                Flash["user"]  = user;
            if (apply != null || ajaxed)
                logger.writelog("Applied user edits", getView(), getAction(), user.baseid);
                if (user.baseid > 0)
                    if (ajaxed)
                        RedirectToUrl("~/users/edit_user.castle?id=" + user.baseid);
                logger.writelog("Saved user edits on", getView(), getAction(), user.baseid);
Exemple #27
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public void update_field(
            [ARDataBind("field", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewRootInstanceIfInvalidKey)] field_types field,
            [DataBind("ele", Validate = false)] elementSet ele,
            [ARDataBind("template", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewRootInstanceIfInvalidKey)] posting template,
            [ARDataBind("note", Validate = true, AutoLoad = AutoLoadBehavior.NewRootInstanceIfInvalidKey)] posting note,
            string ele_type,
            int placemodel,
            bool ajaxed_update,
            string apply,
            string cancel
            if (cancel != null)

            //dynamic value;
            var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            ActiveRecordMediator <fields> .Save(field);

            field.type = this.GetType().Name;
            field.set  = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .Find(placemodel).baseid; // NOTE THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WE CAN ABSTRACT YET... FIX?

            ele.attr.name = "fields[" + field.baseid + "]";                        //+ (ele.type == "dropdown"?"[]":"");
            ele.options.RemoveAt(ele.options.Count - 1);                           //to remove ele.options[9999] at the end
            string  tmpNull = null;
            dynamic jsonstr = new {
                type    = ele.type,
                label   = ((ele.label == "") ? field.name : ele.label),
                attr    = ele.attr,
                events  = tmpNull,
                options = ele.options
            var json = jss.Serialize(jsonstr);

            field.attr = json;
            ActiveRecordMediator <fields> .Save(field);

            posting tmpTemplate = new posting();

            if (template.baseid == 0)
                tmpTemplate = new posting()
                    alias     = template.alias.Replace("__TEMP__", field.baseid.ToString()),
                    post_type = template.post_type,
                    content   = template.content
                tmpTemplate = template;
            ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(tmpTemplate);

            field.template = tmpTemplate;

            posting tmpNotes = new posting();

            if (note.baseid == 0)
                tmpNotes = new posting()
                    alias     = note.alias.Replace("__TEMP__", field.baseid.ToString()),
                    post_type = note.post_type,
                    content   = note.content
                tmpNotes = note;
            ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(tmpNotes);

            field.notes = tmpNotes;

            ActiveRecordMediator <fields> .Save(field);

            if (apply != null || ajaxed_update)
                if (field.baseid > 0)
                    RedirectToUrl("edit_field.castle?id=" + field.baseid);
Exemple #28
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static Hashtable make_post_json_table(int iid, String type, Boolean dev)
            //posting post = ActiveRecordBase<posting>.Find(iid);
            List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>();

            //if (!usedev) filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("revision", 0));
            if (iid > 0)
                posting tmp = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .Find(iid);

                if (tmp.children.Count > 0)
                    filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("parent", tmp));
                    filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("baseid", iid));
                filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("is_default", true));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("deleted", false));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
                filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("post_type", ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(
                                                new List <AbstractCriterion>()
                    Expression.Eq("alias", type)
            posting post = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindFirst(new Order[] { Order.Desc("revision"), Order.Desc("version") }, filtering.ToArray());

            Hashtable post_json_obj = new Hashtable();

            Hashtable post_options_object = new Hashtable();

            String        post_type  = post.post_type.alias;
            List <string> properties = objectService.get_type_properties("posting");
            Assembly      assembly   = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            dynamic       item       = assembly.CreateInstance("stellar.Models." + type);

            foreach (String prop in properties)
                PropertyInfo propInfo  = post.GetType().GetProperty(prop);
                String       prop_type = propInfo.PropertyType.Namespace;
                if (prop_type == "System")  //keep it to the basics to aviod a circular reference while serializing

                    dynamic value = propInfo.GetValue(post, null);

                    if (prop == "static_file")
                        if (post.post_type.alias == "media")
                            string   uploads_path          = file_info.relative_site_uploads_path();
                            string[] generalized_file_path = value.Split(new String[] { "uploads/", "images/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            string   file_path             = file_handler.normalize_path(uploads_path.Trim('/') + "/images/" + generalized_file_path[generalized_file_path.Length - 1].Trim('/'));
                            value = file_path;

                    post_options_object.Add(prop, value);

            Hashtable post_content_object = new Hashtable();

            post_content_object.Add("is_Code", post.is_Code);
            post_content_object.Add("useTiny", post.useTiny);

            List <Hashtable> post_partents = new List <Hashtable>();

            foreach (posting par_post in post.postparents)
                Hashtable post_partent = new Hashtable();
                post_partent.Add("id", par_post.baseid);
                post_partent.Add("alias", par_post.alias);
                post_partent.Add("name", par_post.name);
                post_partent.Add("post_type", par_post.post_type.alias);
            post_content_object.Add("post_parents", post_partents);

            List <Hashtable> post_children = new List <Hashtable>();

            foreach (posting par_post in post.postchildren)
                Hashtable post_child = new Hashtable();
                post_child.Add("id", par_post.baseid);
                post_child.Add("alias", par_post.alias);
                post_child.Add("name", par_post.name);
                post_child.Add("post_type", par_post.post_type.alias);
            post_content_object.Add("post_children", post_children);

            List <Hashtable> post_editors = new List <Hashtable>();

            foreach (appuser par_post in post.editors)
                Hashtable post_editor = new Hashtable();
                post_editor.Add("id", par_post.baseid);
                post_editor.Add("alias", par_post.nid);
                post_editor.Add("name", par_post.display_name);
            post_content_object.Add("editors", post_editors);

            post_content_object.Add("fields", post.fields);

            post_content_object.Add("content", post.content);

            post_content_object.Add("post_type", post.post_type.alias);

            post_json_obj.Add("post_content", post_content_object);

            post_json_obj.Add("post_options", post_options_object);
            post_json_obj.Add("meta_data", post.get_all_meta());
            post_json_obj.Add("post_id", post.baseid);

Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// This take a file, regardless of if there is a post already for this file,
        /// and ingests it to the database as a posting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">What file to use</param>
        /// <param name="name">Basic post data.</param>
        /// <param name="theme">What theme should it respond to?</param>
        /// <param name="posting_type">What posting type should be used</param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <param name="version">The starting version</param>
        /// <param name="revision">The starting revision</param>
        /// <param name="user">the user the post belongs to</param>
        /// <param name="loads_file">Should the post use the file or the database.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>A new pst from file may only be created from a file with in the working folder or it'll fail to make the post.</remarks>
        public static posting create_post_from_file(String file, String name, String theme, String posting_type, String mode, int version, int revision, appuser user, Boolean loads_file)
            posting doc_tmp = new posting();
            site    site    = siteService.getCurrentSite();

            file = file_handler.normalize_path(file);

            String[] fpath       = file.Split(new string[] { posting_type + "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            String   static_file = fpath[fpath.Length - 1].Trim('/');

            String dst = "";

            String basepath = themeService.theme_path(site, theme, mode, posting_type);

            dst = basepath.Trim('/') + "/" + static_file.Trim('/');

            if (!file_info.file_exists(dst))
                basepath = themeService.theme_path(site, "base", mode, posting_type);
                dst      = basepath.Trim('/') + "/" + static_file.Trim('/');

            /*if (!file_info.is_relative_path(file)) { //if it's not absoulte then lets try to figure out what was wanted
             * } else {
             *  //the path was absolute so lets trust it's what was meant to be
             *  dst = file;
             * }*/
            if (file_info.file_exists(dst))
                posting_type ptype = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("alias", posting_type) }.ToArray());

                Hashtable fileinfo = get_post_file_info(dst);
                // if there was any file metadata that belongs to this app, apply it to the post
                doc_tmp = new posting()
                    loads_file  = loads_file,
                    static_file = static_file,
                    content     = file_handler.read_from_file(dst),
                    post_type   = ptype,
                    useTiny     = ptype.useTiny,
                    is_Code     = ptype.is_Code,
                    owner       = user,
                    editors     = new List <appuser>()

                // loop over the object properties and see if they are in the file meta info
                // if they are apply them.
                List <string> properties = objectService.get_type_properties("posting");
                foreach (String property in fileinfo.Keys)
                    if (properties.Contains(property))
                        PropertyInfo propInfo = doc_tmp.GetType().GetProperty(property);
                        if (propInfo != null)
                            String prop_type = propInfo.PropertyType.Namespace;
                            if (prop_type == "System")
                                String value = fileinfo[property].ToString();
                                if (value != null && value != "")
                                    dynamic val = Convert.ChangeType(value, propInfo.PropertyType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    propInfo.SetValue(doc_tmp, val, null);
                ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .SaveAndFlush(doc_tmp);

                //backup minimums for a respectably factioning out object
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(doc_tmp.name))
                    doc_tmp.name = name;
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(doc_tmp.alias))
                    doc_tmp.alias = doc_tmp.name.Replace(' ', '-').ToLower();
                if (doc_tmp.version > 0)
                    doc_tmp.version = version;
                if (doc_tmp.revision > 0)
                    doc_tmp.revision = revision;
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(doc_tmp.theme))
                    doc_tmp.theme = theme;
                if (fileinfo["is_core"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_core = ptype.is_core;
                if (fileinfo["is_admin"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_admin = ptype.is_admin;
                if (fileinfo["is_frontend_editable"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_frontend_editable = true;
                if (fileinfo["is_visible"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_visible = true;
                if (fileinfo["is_default"] == null)
                    doc_tmp.is_default = true;

                ActiveRecordMediator <posting> .Save(doc_tmp);

                doc_tmp = versionService.make_working_post(doc_tmp, static_file);
Exemple #30
        /// <summary> </summary>
        public static IList <posting> get_general_postings(String type_alias, Boolean usedev, Boolean deleted, posting parent)
            List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>();

            if (parent == null)
                filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("parent", parent));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("deleted", deleted));
            filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("post_type", ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst(
                                            new List <AbstractCriterion>()
                Expression.Eq("alias", type_alias)
            posting[] postlist = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll(new Order[] { Order.Desc("baseid") }, filtering.ToArray());
