public AdminController()
     db  = new dbOperation();
     vm  = new StartUpViewModel();
     Cvm = new ContactVM();
     AB  = new AzureBlobHelper();
     pfm = new postedFileModel();
     ws  = new Webshop();
Exemple #2
 public HomeController()
     db  = new dbOperation();
     vm  = new StartUpViewModel();
     Cvm = new ContactVM();
     AB  = new AzureBlobHelper();
     pfm = new postedFileModel();
     ES  = new EmailService();
        public GalleryViewModel GetListOfData(postedFileModel filemodel, string containerName)
            GalleryViewModel        galleryvm      = new GalleryViewModel();
            List <GalleryViewModel> list           = new List <GalleryViewModel>();
            CloudStorageAccount     storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
            //Create the blob client.
            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            //Retrieve reference to a previously created container.
            CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);

            //Loop over items within the container and output the length and URI.
            foreach (IListBlobItem item in container.ListBlobs(null, false))
                if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob))
                    CloudBlockBlob   blob = (CloudBlockBlob)item;
                    GalleryViewModel gvm  = new GalleryViewModel()
                        URIName = blob.Uri.ToString(), PictureName = blob.Name.ToString(), ContainerName = containerName
                else if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudPageBlob))
                    CloudPageBlob    pageBlob = (CloudPageBlob)item;
                    GalleryViewModel gvm      = new GalleryViewModel()
                        URIName = pageBlob.Uri.ToString(), PictureName = pageBlob.Name.ToString(), ContainerName = containerName

                else if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlobDirectory))
                    CloudBlobDirectory directory = (CloudBlobDirectory)item;
                    GalleryViewModel   gvm       = new GalleryViewModel()
                        URIName = directory.Uri.ToString(), ContainerName = containerName


            galleryvm.BlobList = list;
        //public AzureBlobHelper()
        //    _blobcontainer.CreateIfNotExists();
        public void SaveDataToAzureBlob(postedFileModel filemodel, string ContainerName)
            //CloudBlobContainer _blobcontainer = new CloudBlobContainer(null);
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
            CloudBlobClient    blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudBlobContainer container  = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ContainerName);

            HttpWebRequest  _requestPage     = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(filemodel.filePath);
            HttpWebResponse _responseRequest = (HttpWebResponse)_requestPage.GetResponse();
            CloudBlockBlob  _blockblob       = container.GetBlockBlobReference(filemodel.filename); //Createing a Blob

            // Create or overwrite the blob with contents from a local file.

 // GET: Gallery
 public GalleryController()
     AB  = new AzureBlobHelper();
     gvm = new GalleryViewModel();
     pfm = new postedFileModel();