Exemple #1
        void ExtrudeEdge()
            pb_Face sourceFace = lastExtrudedFace;

            // fetch a random perimeter edge connected to the last face extruded
            List <pb_WingedEdge>        wings       = pb_WingedEdge.GetWingedEdges(pb);
            IEnumerable <pb_WingedEdge> sourceWings = wings.Where(x => x.face == sourceFace);
            List <pb_Edge> nonManifoldEdges         = sourceWings.Where(x => x.opposite == null).Select(y => y.edge.local).ToList();
            int            rand       = (int)Random.Range(0, nonManifoldEdges.Count);
            pb_Edge        sourceEdge = nonManifoldEdges[rand];

            // get the direction this edge should extrude in
            Vector3 dir = ((pb.vertices[sourceEdge.x] + pb.vertices[sourceEdge.y]) * .5f) -
                          sourceFace.distinctIndices.Average(x => pb.vertices[x]);


            // this will be populated with the extruded edge
            pb_Edge[] extrudedEdges;

            // perform extrusion
            pb.Extrude(new pb_Edge[] { sourceEdge }, 0f, false, true, out extrudedEdges);

            // get the last extruded face
            lastExtrudedFace = pb.faces.Last();

            // translate the vertices-
            pb.TranslateVertices(extrudedEdges[0].ToArray(), dir * distance);

            // rebuild mesh with new geometry added by extrude

            // rebuild mesh normals, textures, collisions, etc
Exemple #2
         *  Do the thing.  Return a pb_ActionResult indicating the success/failure of action.
        public override pb_ActionResult DoAction()
            #if !UNITY_4_6 && !UNITY_4_7
            ShadowCastingMode shadowMode = (ShadowCastingMode)pb_PreferencesInternal.GetInt("pb_CreateShadowObject_shadowMode", (int)ShadowCastingMode.ShadowsOnly);
            float         extrudeDistance = pb_PreferencesInternal.GetFloat("pb_CreateShadowObject_volumeSize", .08f);
            ExtrudeMethod extrudeMethod   = (ExtrudeMethod)pb_PreferencesInternal.GetInt("pb_CreateShadowObject_extrudeMethod", (int)ExtrudeMethod.FaceNormal);

            foreach (pb_Object pb in selection)
                pb_Object shadow = GetShadowObject(pb);

                if (shadow == null)

                foreach (pb_Face f in shadow.faces)
                    f.ReverseIndices(); f.manualUV = true;
                shadow.Extrude(shadow.faces, extrudeMethod, extrudeDistance);

                #if !UNITY_4_6 && !UNITY_4_7
                MeshRenderer mr = shadow.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                mr.shadowCastingMode = shadowMode;
                if (shadowMode == ShadowCastingMode.ShadowsOnly)
                    mr.receiveShadows = false;

                Collider collider = shadow.GetComponent <Collider>();

                while (collider != null)
                    collider = shadow.GetComponent <Collider>();

            // This is necessary!  Otherwise the pb_Editor will be working with caches from
            // outdated meshes and throw errors.

            return(new pb_ActionResult(Status.Success, "Create Shadow Object"));
Exemple #3
        private void Start()
            audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
            if (audioSource.clip == null)
                missingClipWarning.SetActive(value: true);
            ico = pb_ShapeGenerator.IcosahedronGenerator(icoRadius, icoSubdivisions);
            pb_Face[] faces = ico.faces;
            pb_Face[] array = faces;
            foreach (pb_Face pb_Face in array)
                pb_Face.material = material;
            ico.Extrude(faces, ExtrudeMethod.IndividualFaces, startingExtrusion);
            outsides = new FaceRef[faces.Length];
            Dictionary <int, int> lookup = ico.sharedIndices.ToDictionary();

            for (int j = 0; j < faces.Length; j++)
                outsides[j] = new FaceRef(faces[j], pb_Math.Normal(ico, faces[j]), ico.sharedIndices.AllIndicesWithValues(lookup, faces[j].distinctIndices).ToArray());
            original_vertices = new Vector3[ico.vertices.Length];
            Array.Copy(ico.vertices, original_vertices, ico.vertices.Length);
            displaced_vertices     = ico.vertices;
            icoMesh                = ico.msh;
            icoTransform           = ico.transform;
            faces_length           = outsides.Length;
            icoPosition            = icoTransform.position;
            waveform.positionCount = 1024;
            if (bounceWaveform)
                waveform.transform.parent = icoTransform;
    private void ExtrudeEdge()
        pb_Face sourceFace = lastExtrudedFace;
        List <pb_WingedEdge>        wingedEdges = pb_WingedEdge.GetWingedEdges(pb);
        IEnumerable <pb_WingedEdge> source      = wingedEdges.Where((pb_WingedEdge x) => x.face == sourceFace);
        List <pb_Edge> list = (from x in source
                               where x.opposite == null
                               select x into y
                               select y.edge.local).ToList();
        int     index   = Random.Range(0, list.Count);
        pb_Edge pb_Edge = list[index];
        Vector3 a       = (pb.vertices[pb_Edge.x] + pb.vertices[pb_Edge.y]) * 0.5f - sourceFace.distinctIndices.Average((int x) => pb.vertices[x]);

        pb.Extrude(new pb_Edge[1]
        }, 0f, extrudeAsGroup: false, enableManifoldExtrude: true, out pb_Edge[] extrudedEdges);
        lastExtrudedFace = pb.faces.Last();
        pb.TranslateVertices(pb.SelectedTriangles, a * distance);
Exemple #5
         * Creates the icosphere, and loads all the cache information.
        void Start()
            audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

            if (audioSource.clip == null)

            // Create a new icosphere.
            ico = pb_ShapeGenerator.IcosahedronGenerator(icoRadius, icoSubdivisions);

            // Shell is all the faces on the new icosphere.
            pb_Face[] shell = ico.faces;

            // Materials are set per-face on pb_Object meshes.  pb_Objects will automatically
            // condense the mesh to the smallest set of subMeshes possible based on materials.
            foreach (pb_Face f in shell)
            ico.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = material;

            pb_Face[] connectingFaces;

            // Extrude all faces on the icosphere by a small amount.  The third boolean parameter
            // specifies that extrusion should treat each face as an individual, not try to group
            // all faces together.
            ico.Extrude(shell, startingExtrusion, false, out connectingFaces);

            // ToMesh builds the mesh positions, submesh, and triangle arrays.  Call after adding
            // or deleting vertices, or changing face properties.

            // Refresh builds the normals, tangents, and UVs.

            outsides = new FaceRef[shell.Length];
            Dictionary <int, int> lookup = ico.sharedIndices.ToDictionary();

            // Populate the outsides[] cache.  This is a reference to the tops of each extruded column, including
            // copies of the sharedIndices.
            for (int i = 0; i < shell.Length; ++i)
                outsides[i] = new FaceRef(shell[i],
                                          pb_Math.Normal(ico, shell[i]),
                                          ico.sharedIndices.AllIndicesWithValues(lookup, shell[i].distinctIndices).ToArray()

            // Store copy of positions array un-modified
            original_vertices = new Vector3[ico.vertices.Length];
            System.Array.Copy(ico.vertices, original_vertices, ico.vertices.Length);

            // displaced_vertices should mirror icosphere mesh vertices.
            displaced_vertices = ico.vertices;

            icoMesh      = ico.msh;
            icoTransform = ico.transform;

            faces_length = (float)outsides.Length;

            // Build the waveform ring.
            icoPosition = icoTransform.position;

            if (bounceWaveform)
                waveform.transform.parent = icoTransform;

		 * Creates the icosphere, and loads all the cache information.
		void Start()
			audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

			if( audioSource.clip == null )

			// Create a new icosphere.
			ico = pb_ShapeGenerator.IcosahedronGenerator(icoRadius, icoSubdivisions);

			// Shell is all the faces on the new icosphere.
			pb_Face[] shell = ico.faces;
			// Materials are set per-face on pb_Object meshes.  pb_Objects will automatically
			// condense the mesh to the smallest set of subMeshes possible based on materials.
			foreach(pb_Face f in shell)
				f.SetMaterial( material );

			pb_Face[] connectingFaces;

			// Extrude all faces on the icosphere by a small amount.  The third boolean parameter
			// specifies that extrusion should treat each face as an individual, not try to group
			// all faces together.
			ico.Extrude(shell, startingExtrusion, false, out connectingFaces);

			// ToMesh builds the mesh positions, submesh, and triangle arrays.  Call after adding
			// or deleting vertices, or changing face properties.

			// Refresh builds the normals, tangents, and UVs.

			outsides = new FaceRef[shell.Length];
			Dictionary<int, int> lookup = ico.sharedIndices.ToDictionary();

			// Populate the outsides[] cache.  This is a reference to the tops of each extruded column, including
			// copies of the sharedIndices.
			for(int i = 0; i < shell.Length; ++i)
				outsides[i] = new FaceRef( 	shell[i],
											pb_Math.Normal(ico, shell[i]),
											ico.sharedIndices.AllIndicesWithValues(lookup, shell[i].distinctIndices).ToArray()

			// Store copy of positions array un-modified
			original_vertices = new Vector3[ico.vertices.Length];
			System.Array.Copy(ico.vertices, original_vertices, ico.vertices.Length);

			// displaced_vertices should mirror icosphere mesh vertices.
			displaced_vertices = ico.vertices;

			icoMesh = ico.msh;
			icoTransform = ico.transform;

			faces_length = (float)outsides.Length;

			// Build the waveform ring.
			icoPosition = icoTransform.position;

			if( bounceWaveform )
				waveform.transform.parent = icoTransform;

Exemple #7
 public static void Extrude(this pb_Object pb, pb_Face[] faces)
     pb.Extrude(faces, EXTRUDE_DISTANCE);