Exemple #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> updateWeek(oneWeek obj)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                List <shifts> shiftFound = (
                    from x in dal.WeekShifts
                    where x.userId.Equals(obj.WorkerId)
                    select x).ToList <shifts>();

                int serchValue = shiftFound[0].shiftsId;

                List <shifts.shift> week = (
                    from x in dal.Shifts1
                    where x.shiftsId.Equals(serchValue)
                    select x).ToList <shifts.shift>();
                week[0].shiftChose = obj.Sunday;
                week[1].shiftChose = obj.Monday;
                week[2].shiftChose = obj.Tuesday;
                week[3].shiftChose = obj.Wensday;
                week[4].shiftChose = obj.Thursday;
                week[5].shiftChose = obj.Friday;
                week[6].shiftChose = obj.Saturday;

                shiftFound[0].shiftList = week;
                return(Json(new { data = "finised update worker" + obj.name, status = "success" }));

            return(Json(new { data = "sql eror conction", status = "fail" }));
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult getOptions(string weeknum)
            List <oneWeek> weekly = new List <oneWeek>();

            //finds next sunday for the query
            int start  = (int)new DateTime().DayOfWeek;
            int target = (int)DayOfWeek.Sunday;

            if (target <= start)
                target += 7;
            DateTime nextS = new DateTime().AddDays(target - start);

            //first find the currect week id with the user id
            List <tempData> result =
                (from x in dal.WeekShifts
                 where x.week.Equals(3)
                 select new tempData {
                weekId = (int)x.shiftsId,
                userId = (int)x.userId
                ).ToList <tempData>();
            string data = "<form><table class=\"table table-hover table - striped\"><tr>" +
                          "<td>name</td>" +
                          "<td>Sunday</td>" +
                          "<td>Monday</td>" +
                          "<td>Tuesday</td>" +
                          "<td>Wensday</td>" +
                          "<td>Thursday</td>" +
                          "<td>Friday</td>" +
                          "<td>Saturday</td>" +
                          "</tr> ";

            //loop all weeks
            foreach (tempData y in result)
                oneWeek temp = new oneWeek();

                string        oneperosn = "<tr>";
                List <string> username  =
                    (from x in dal.users
                     where x.userId.Equals(y.userId)
                     select x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName
                    ).ToList <string>();
                if (username.Count > 0)
                    temp.name     = username[0];
                    temp.WorkerId = y.userId;
                    //add thr user name
                    oneperosn += "<td>" + username[0] + "</td>";
                    return(Content("problem with the user name"));
                //add each shift
                List <string> shifts =
                    (from x in dal.Shifts1
                     where x.shiftsId.Equals(y.weekId)
                     select x.shiftChose
                    ).ToList <string>();

                temp.Sunday   = shifts[0];
                temp.Monday   = shifts[1];
                temp.Tuesday  = shifts[2];
                temp.Wensday  = shifts[3];
                temp.Thursday = shifts[4];
                temp.Friday   = shifts[5];
                temp.Saturday = shifts[6];

                foreach (string shiftsnum in shifts)
                    oneperosn += "<td>" + shiftsnum + "</td>";
                oneperosn += "</tr>";
                data      += oneperosn;
            data += "</table></form>";
            return(PartialView("_shiftsForNextWeek", weekly));