Exemple #1
         * okim6258_status_r -- read the status port of an OKIM6258-compatible chip

        //READ8_DEVICE_HANDLER( okim6258_status_r )

        /*UINT8 okim6258_status_r(UINT8 ChipID, offs_t offset)
         * {
         *  //okim6258_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
         *  okim6258_state *info = &OKIM6258Data[ChipID];
         *  //stream_update(info->stream);
         *  return (info->status & STATUS_PLAYING) ? 0x00 : 0x80;
         * }*/

         *   okim6258_data_w -- write to the control port of an OKIM6258-compatible chip
        //WRITE8_DEVICE_HANDLER( okim6258_data_w )
        private static void okim6258_data_w(byte ChipID, /*offs_t offset, */ byte data)
            //okim6258_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];

            /* update the stream */

            //info->data_in = data;
            //info->nibble_shift = 0;

            if (info.data_empty >= 0x02)
                info.data_buf_pos = 0x00;
            info.data_in_last = data;
            info.data_buf[info.data_buf_pos & 0x0F] = data;
            info.data_buf_pos += 0x01;
            info.data_buf_pos &= 0xf7;
            if ((info.data_buf_pos >> 4) == (info.data_buf_pos & 0x0F))
                //logerror("Warning: FIFO full!\n");
                info.data_buf_pos = (byte)((info.data_buf_pos & 0xF0) | ((info.data_buf_pos - 1) & 0x07));
            info.data_empty = 0x00;
Exemple #2
        //static DEVICE_RESET( okim6258 )
        private void device_reset_okim6258(byte ChipID)
            //okim6258_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];


            info.master_clock       = info.initial_clock;
            info.clock_buffer[0x00] = (byte)((info.initial_clock & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
            info.clock_buffer[0x01] = (byte)((info.initial_clock & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
            info.clock_buffer[0x02] = (byte)((info.initial_clock & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
            info.clock_buffer[0x03] = (byte)((info.initial_clock & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
            info.divider            = (uint)dividers[info.initial_div];
            if (info.SmpRateFunc != null)
                info.SmpRateFunc(info.SmpRateData, get_vclk(info));

            info.signal = -2;
            info.step   = 0;
            info.status = 0;

            // Valley Bell: Added reset of the Data In register.
            info.data_in      = 0x00;
            info.data_buf[0]  = info.data_buf[1] = 0x00;
            info.data_buf_pos = 0x00;
            info.data_empty   = 0xFF;
            info.pan          = 0x00;
Exemple #3
         *   okim6258_get_vclk -- get the VCLK/sampling frequency

        //int okim6258_get_vclk(running_device *device)
        private int okim6258_get_vclk(byte ChipID)
            //okim6258_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];

            return(get_vclk(info)); //(int)(info.master_clock / info.divider);
Exemple #4
        private static short clock_adpcm(okim6258_state chip, byte nibble)
            int max = (int)chip.output_mask - 1;
            int min = -(int)chip.output_mask;

            int sample = diff_lookup[chip.step * 16 + (nibble & 15)];

            chip.signal = ((sample << 8) + (chip.signal * 245)) >> 8;

            /* clamp to the maximum */
            if (chip.signal > max)
                chip.signal = max;
            else if (chip.signal < min)
                chip.signal = min;

            /* adjust the step size and clamp */
            chip.step += index_shift[nibble & 7];
            if (chip.step > 48)
                chip.step = 48;
            else if (chip.step < 0)
                chip.step = 0;

            /* return the signal scaled up to 32767 */
            return((short)(chip.signal << 4));
Exemple #5
        private static void okim6258_pan_w(byte ChipID, byte data)
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];

            info.pan = data;

Exemple #6
        private static void okim6258_set_clock_byte(byte ChipID, byte Byte, byte val)
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];

            info.clock_buffer[Byte] = val;

Exemple #7
         *   state save support for MAME

        /*static void okim6258_state_save_register(okim6258_state *info, running_device *device)
         * {
         *  state_save_register_device_item(device, 0, info->status);
         *  state_save_register_device_item(device, 0, info->master_clock);
         *  state_save_register_device_item(device, 0, info->divider);
         *  state_save_register_device_item(device, 0, info->data_in);
         *  state_save_register_device_item(device, 0, info->nibble_shift);
         *  state_save_register_device_item(device, 0, info->signal);
         *  state_save_register_device_item(device, 0, info->step);
         * }*/

        private static int get_vclk(okim6258_state info)
            int clk_rnd;

            clk_rnd  = (int)info.master_clock;
            clk_rnd += (int)(info.divider / 2);    // for better rounding - should help some of the streams
            return((int)(clk_rnd / info.divider));
Exemple #8
        public void okim6258_set_srchg_cb(byte ChipID, dlgSRATE_CALLBACK CallbackFunc, MDSound.Chip chip)
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];

            // set Sample Rate Change Callback routine
            info.SmpRateFunc = CallbackFunc;
            info.SmpRateData = chip;

Exemple #9
         *   okim6258_set_divider -- set the master clock divider
        //void okim6258_set_divider(running_device *device, int val)
        private void okim6258_set_divider(byte ChipID, int val)
            //okim6258_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            okim6258_state info    = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];
            int            divider = dividers[val];

            info.divider = (uint)dividers[val];
            //stream_set_sample_rate(info->stream, info->master_clock / divider);
            if (info.SmpRateFunc != null)
                info.SmpRateFunc(info.SmpRateData, get_vclk(info));
Exemple #10
         *   okim6258_ctrl_w -- write to the control port of an OKIM6258-compatible chip

        //WRITE8_DEVICE_HANDLER( okim6258_ctrl_w )
        private static void okim6258_ctrl_w(byte ChipID, /*offs_t offset, */ byte data)
            //okim6258_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];


            if ((data & COMMAND_STOP) != 0)
                //info.status &= (byte)(~((byte)STATUS_PLAYING | (byte)STATUS_RECORDING)));
                info.status &= (byte)(0x2 + 0x4);

            if ((data & COMMAND_PLAY) != 0)
                if ((info.status & STATUS_PLAYING) == 0)
                    info.status |= STATUS_PLAYING;

                    /* Also reset the ADPCM parameters */
                    info.signal       = -2;
                    info.step         = 0;
                    info.nibble_shift = 0;

                    info.data_buf[0x00] = data;
                    info.data_buf_pos   = 0x01; // write pos 01, read pos 00
                    info.data_empty     = 0x00;
                info.step         = 0;
                info.nibble_shift = 0;
                //info.status &= ~STATUS_PLAYING;
                info.status &= 0xd;

            if ((data & COMMAND_RECORD) != 0)
                //logerror("M6258: Record enabled\n");
                info.status |= STATUS_RECORDING;
                //info.status &= ~STATUS_RECORDING;
                info.status &= 0xb;
Exemple #11
         *   okim6258_set_clock -- set the master clock

        //void okim6258_set_clock(running_device *device, int val)
        private void okim6258_set_clock(byte ChipID, int val)
            //okim6258_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            okim6258_state info = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];

            if (val != 0)
                info.master_clock = (uint)val;
                info.master_clock = (uint)((info.clock_buffer[0x00] << 0) |
                                           (info.clock_buffer[0x01] << 8) |
                                           (info.clock_buffer[0x02] << 16) |
                                           (info.clock_buffer[0x03] << 24));
            //stream_set_sample_rate(info->stream, info->master_clock / info->divider);
            if (info.SmpRateFunc != null)
                info.SmpRateFunc(info.SmpRateData, get_vclk(info));
Exemple #12
         * okim6258_update -- update the sound chip so that it is in sync with CPU execution

        //static STREAM_UPDATE( okim6258_update )
        override public void Update(byte ChipID, int[][] outputs, int samples)
            //okim6258_state *chip = (okim6258_state *)param;
            okim6258_state chip = OKIM6258Data[ChipID];

            //stream_sample_t *buffer = outputs[0];
            int[] bufL = outputs[0];
            int[] bufR = outputs[1];
            int   ind  = 0;

            //memset(outputs[0], 0, samples * sizeof(*outputs[0]));

            if ((chip.status & STATUS_PLAYING) != 0)
                int nibble_shift = chip.nibble_shift;

                while (samples != 0)
                    //System.Console.Write("status={0} chip.nibble_shift={1} ", chip.status, chip.nibble_shift);
                    /* Compute the new amplitude and update the current step */
                    //int nibble = (chip->data_in >> nibble_shift) & 0xf;
                    int   nibble;
                    short sample;

                    //System.Console.Write("chip.data_empty={0} ", chip.data_empty);
                    if (nibble_shift == 0)
                        // 1st nibble - get data
                        if (chip.data_empty == 0)
                            chip.data_in       = chip.data_buf[chip.data_buf_pos >> 4];
                            chip.data_buf_pos += 0x10;
                            chip.data_buf_pos &= 0x7f;
                            if ((chip.data_buf_pos >> 4) == (chip.data_buf_pos & 0x0F))
                            if (chip.data_empty < 0x80)
                    nibble = (chip.data_in >> nibble_shift) & 0xf;

                    /* Output to the buffer */
                    //INT16 sample = clock_adpcm(chip, nibble);
                    if (chip.data_empty < 0x02)
                        sample         = clock_adpcm(chip, (byte)nibble);
                        chip.last_smpl = sample;
                        // Valley Bell: data_empty behaviour (loosely) ported from XM6
                        if (chip.data_empty >= 0x02 + 0x01)
                            chip.data_empty -= 0x01;
                            //if (chip.signal < 0)
                            //    chip.signal++;
                            //else if (chip.signal > 0)
                            //    chip.signal--;
                            chip.signal    = chip.signal * 15 / 16;
                            chip.last_smpl = chip.signal << 4;
                        sample = (short)chip.last_smpl;

                    nibble_shift ^= 4;

                    //*buffer++ = sample;
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("chip.pan={0} sample={1} ", chip.pan, sample);
                    bufL[ind] = ((chip.pan & 0x02) != 0) ? 0x00 : sample;
                    bufR[ind] = ((chip.pan & 0x01) != 0) ? 0x00 : sample;
                    //Console.WriteLine("001  bufL[{0}]={1}  bufR[{2}]={3}", ind, bufL[ind], ind, bufR[ind]);

                /* Update the parameters */
                chip.nibble_shift = (byte)nibble_shift;
                /* Fill with 0 */
                while ((samples--) != 0)
//                    System.Console.Write("passed ");
                    //*buffer++ = 0;
                    bufL[ind] = 0;
                    bufR[ind] = 0;

            visVolume[ChipID][0][0] = outputs[0][0];
            visVolume[ChipID][0][1] = outputs[1][0];