public IActionResult Create(newUser user)
            PasswordHasher <User> hasher = new PasswordHasher <User>();

            //check uniquness of username
            if (_context.users.Where(u => ==
                .Count() > 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("userName", "Username already exists");

            else if (ModelState.IsValid)
                User toCreate = new User()
                    name     =,
                    alias    = user.alias,
                    email    =,
                    password = hasher.HashPassword(user, user.password)


                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

Exemple #2
        private void newUserBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            newUser form = new newUser();

            if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                user felhasznalo = new user();
                felhasznalo.username    = form.usernameTextBox.Text;
                felhasznalo.userpass    = AccountManager.getHash(form.usernameTextBox.Text);
                felhasznalo.adminstatus = form.adminCheckBox.Checked;
                    MessageBox.Show("A felhasználó hozzá lett adva az adatbázishoz");
                catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("A felhasználó nem lett hozzáadva az adatbázishoz");
Exemple #3
        public JsonResult Registration(newUser u)
            if (u.password != u.passwordRepeat)
                    status = 1

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.password) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.passwordRepeat) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ||
                    status = 1,
                    responseObject = u

                User us = new User
                    Name          =,
                    Surname       = u.surname,
                    Email         =,
                    Role          = 50,
                    Password      = Helper.MD5Hash(u.password),
                    ResetPassword = Helper.Random32()
                    status = 2

                    status = 3
Exemple #4
        public App()
            userDatabase = new UserDatabaseController(DependencyService.Get <ISQLHelper>().getLocalFilePath("LifeBudgetDB.db3"));    // always get instance of the database at the opening of the app
            //DeleteUsers();                 // this is for development purposes

            // Determine if there is already a user in the data base
            if (userDatabase.CountUsers() == 0)
                MainPage = new newUser();
                MainPage = new MasterDetail("Nick");   // change this back to loginPage()
Exemple #5
        public async Task <Users> signUpUsers(string fullname, string CC, string phone, string password, string confirm_password)
            newUser user = new newUser()
                id               = "",
                fullname         = fullname,
                CC               = CC,
                phone            = phone,
                password         = password,
                confirm_password = confirm_password
            HttpClient cliente  = GetConection();
            var        response = await cliente.PostAsync(url,
                                                          new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Users>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()));
        public JsonResult UserRegistration(//String __RequestVerificationToken,
            String firstname, String lastname, String email, String userPass
            newUser user_reg = new newUser();

            user_reg.msg    = "test";
            user_reg.status = true;

                userlogin new_user2 = new userlogin();

                new_user2.username    = firstname + "." + lastname;
                new_user2.password    = Hash(userPass);
             = email;
                new_user2.roleID      = 1;
                new_user2.datecreated = DateTime.Now;


                user_reg.msg    = "User created succesfully!!";
                user_reg.status = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                user_reg.msg    = "Error in user creation -- " + ex.Message;
                user_reg.status = false;
Exemple #7
        // checks to see what message we are dealing with.
        // e.g. "$To" , "$Search" etc
        private Message DeterminMessage(string StartOfMessage, int firstSpacePosition, Message msg)
            Message simpleMessage = new Message();

            string[]       splitMessage;
            serverUserInfo userInfo;

            GHub.client.userInfo usinfo;
            string nick;

            switch (StartOfMessage)
            // another server is connecting to us and have sent
            // there username and pass.
            //$LogginIn UserName Pass
            case "$LogginIn":

                splitMessage = msg.stringFormat.Split(' ');
                if (splitMessage.Length < 3)
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;
                serverLogInInfo logIn = new serverLogInInfo();

                logIn.userName = splitMessage[1];
                logIn.pass     = splitMessage[2];

                logIn.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.LoggingIn;
                logIn.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                logIn.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                logIn.soc          = this.soc;
                logIn.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;


            // we are telling this server that it has send a correct
            // user name and password.
            case "$loggedIn":

                simpleMessage.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.loggedIn;
                simpleMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                simpleMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                simpleMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                simpleMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

            case "$Badpass|":

                simpleMessage.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.BadLogIn;
                simpleMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                simpleMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                simpleMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                simpleMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

            // server is closing down
            case "$Exit":

                simpleMessage.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.Exit;
                simpleMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                simpleMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                simpleMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                simpleMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

            // another server is asking us for our username and pass
            // to be able to log into there server
            case "$Lock":

                simpleMessage.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.LogInInfoPlz;
                simpleMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                simpleMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                simpleMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                simpleMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

            // a new user has logged into another server and they are
            // telling us about it. the format of the user is as follows.
            // $NewUser IsOP=<True/False> $MyINFO $ALL <nick> <interest>$ $<speed>$<e-mail>$<sharesize>$
            case "$NewUser":

                newUser NewUser = new newUser();

                userInfo = new serverUserInfo();

                nick = userInfo.parseNickFromMyInfo(msg.stringFormat.Substring(msg.stringFormat.IndexOf("$MyINFO")));
                if ((usinfo = GHub.client.Client.getnickInfo(nick)) != null)
                    this.SendMessage("$Exit " + usinfo.nick + "|");
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                // add the nick to the list of users held on another server
                userInfo.rawUserInfo = msg.stringFormat.Substring(msg.stringFormat.IndexOf("$MyINFO"));

                usinfo             = new userInfo(msg.soc, this.ServerList, this.ClientList, this.core);
                usinfo.rawUserInfo = userInfo.rawUserInfo;
                // add the new usersinfo string to the main array list that holds all the myINFO's
//					GHub.client.Client.AddToUserInfoList(  usinfo  );

                NewUser.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.NewUser;
                NewUser.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                NewUser.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                NewUser.soc          = this.soc;
                NewUser.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

                NewUser.slots       = userInfo.slots;
                NewUser.normHubs    = userInfo.normHubs;
                NewUser.regHubs     = userInfo.regHubs;
                NewUser.opHubs      = userInfo.opHubs;
                NewUser.description = userInfo.description;
             = userInfo.eMail;
                NewUser.nick        = userInfo.nick;

            // the server is sending us a users MyINFO that exists
            // there end.
            case "$MyINFO":

                // myINFO string done incorectly so ignore it.
                if (msg.stringFormat.Length < 9)
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                userInfo = new serverUserInfo();

                nick = userInfo.parseNickFromMyInfo(msg.stringFormat);
                // if this the the time were 2 servers are connecting to each other
                // there should be a chance bother servers could have the same nick logged
                // into there server. We can not let this happen.  If this does happen
                // we will inform the other server we are droping the connection and let them
                // know why

 *                                      if (   (usinfo = GHub.client.Client.getnickInfo(nick)) != null)
 *                                      {
 *                                              this.SendMessage("$Exit " + usinfo.nick + "|");
 *                                              //this.closeAndRemoveUser();
 *                                              recievedMessages.Clear();
 *                                              simpleMessage.type = -1;
 *                                              return simpleMessage;
 *                                      }*/
                usinfo             = GHub.client.Client.getnickInfo(nick);
                usinfo.rawUserInfo = msg.stringFormat;

                userInfo             = usersToServer.Get(nick);
                userInfo.rawUserInfo = msg.stringFormat;


                myInfo info = new myInfo();

                info.type         = (int)Messagetype.MyINFO;
                info.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                info.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                info.soc          = this.soc;
                info.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

                info.slots       = userInfo.slots;
                info.normHubs    = userInfo.normHubs;
                info.regHubs     = userInfo.regHubs;
                info.opHubs      = userInfo.opHubs;
                info.description = userInfo.description;
             = userInfo.eMail;
                info.nick        = userInfo.nick;


 *                                      // the user does not exist in the array list so add it
 *                                      if (userInfo == null)
 *                                      {
 *                                              userInfo = new serverUserInfo();
 *                                              userInfo.rawUserInfo = msg.stringFormat;
 *                                              usersToServer.Add(userInfo);
 *                                              info.type =(int)Messagetype.MyINFO;
 *                                              info.RawFormat = msg.RawFormat;
 *                                              info.From = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
 *                                              info.soc = this.soc;
 *                                              info.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;
 *                                              info.slots = userInfo.slots;
 *                                              info.normHubs = userInfo.normHubs;
 *                                              info.regHubs = userInfo.regHubs;
 *                                              info.opHubs = userInfo.opHubs;
 *                                              info.description = userInfo.description;
 *                                     = userInfo.eMail;
 *                                              info.nick = userInfo.nick;
 *                                              usinfo = new userInfo(msg.soc,this.ServerList,this.ClientList);
 *                                              usinfo.rawUserInfo = msg.stringFormat;
 *                                              // add the new usersinfo string to the main array list that holds all the myINFO's
 *                                              GHub.client.Client.AddToUserInfoList(  usinfo  );
 *                                              return info;
 *                                      }*/
 *                                      // update the users info with there new myINFO string.
 *                                      userInfo.rawUserInfo = msg.stringFormat;
 *                                      usinfo = GHub.client.Client.getnickInfo(userInfo.nick);
 *                                      usinfo.rawUserInfo = userInfo.rawUserInfo;
 *                                      GHub.client.Client.upDateInfoList();
 *                                      info.type =(int)Messagetype.MyINFO;
 *                                      info.RawFormat = msg.RawFormat;
 *                                      info.From = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
 *                                      info.soc = this.soc;
 *                                      info.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;
 *                                      info.slots = userInfo.slots;
 *                                      info.normHubs = userInfo.normHubs;
 *                                      info.regHubs = userInfo.regHubs;
 *                                      info.opHubs = userInfo.opHubs;
 *                                      info.description = userInfo.description;
 *                             = userInfo.eMail;
 *                                      info.nick = userInfo.nick;
 *                                      return info;*/

            // this will only be sent during server to server log in.
            // We will find out about any new user that connects after that
            // through $NewUser
            case "$OpList":

                // OpList string done incorectly so ignore it.
                if (msg.stringFormat.Length < 9)
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                simpleMessage.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.OPList;
                simpleMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                simpleMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                simpleMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                simpleMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

            // a server is asking for our users list
            // this will happen at the log in process.
            case "$AllUserInfo":

                simpleMessage.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.AllUsersInfo;
                simpleMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                simpleMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                simpleMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                simpleMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

            // a user is leaving on another server
            case "$Quit":

                // Quit string done incorectly so ignore it.
                if (msg.stringFormat.Length < 7)
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                simpleMessage.type         = (int)ServerMessageTypes.UserLeft;
                simpleMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                simpleMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Server;
                simpleMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                simpleMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;


            // a user on another server is atempting to chat to a user
            // on our server.
            case "$To:":

                splitMessage = msg.stringFormat.Split('$');
                string[] FirstPartOfSplit;

                // not enough parameters in the string for it to be right
                if (splitMessage.Length < 3)
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                FirstPartOfSplit = splitMessage[1].Split(' ');

                // not enough parameters in the string for it to be right
                if (FirstPartOfSplit.Length < 5)
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                messageToUser PrivateMessage = new messageToUser();

                PrivateMessage.type      = (int)Messagetype.ChatPM;
                PrivateMessage.RawFormat = msg.RawFormat;
                PrivateMessage.From      = (int)MessageFrom.Client;
                PrivateMessage.soc       = this.soc;

                PrivateMessage.sender            = FirstPartOfSplit[3];
                PrivateMessage.reciever          = FirstPartOfSplit[1];
                PrivateMessage.messageToReciever = splitMessage[2];
                PrivateMessage.stringFormat      = msg.stringFormat;


            // a user on another server is searching for somthing
            // this message must be relayed to all the clients on this
            // server.
            case "$Search":

                splitMessage = msg.stringFormat.Split(' ');
                if (splitMessage.Length < 3)
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                messageToUser Search = new messageToUser();
                Search.sender = splitMessage[1];

                Search.type         = (int)Messagetype.Search;
                Search.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                Search.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Client;
                Search.soc          = this.soc;
                Search.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;



                if (StartOfMessage.StartsWith("$"))
                    // -1 indicates we are just going to ignore this message
                    simpleMessage.type = -1;

                mainChat MainChatMessage = new mainChat();

                MainChatMessage.type         = (int)Messagetype.MainChatMessage;
                MainChatMessage.RawFormat    = msg.RawFormat;
                MainChatMessage.From         = (int)MessageFrom.Client;
                MainChatMessage.soc          = this.soc;
                MainChatMessage.stringFormat = msg.stringFormat;

Exemple #8
            public static async Task Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
                using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(
                           serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <ApplicationDbContext> >()))
                    var userManager = serviceProvider.GetService <UserManager <ApplicationUser> >();
                    var roleManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >();

                    if (roleManager == null || userManager == null)
                        throw new Exception("roleManager or userManager is null");

                    // Roles
                    var roleNames = new[] { "Teacher", "Student" };
                    foreach (var name in roleNames)
                        // Lägg till rollen om den inte finns
                        bool adminRoleExists = await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(name);

                        if (!adminRoleExists)
                            var role = new IdentityRole {
                                Name = name
                            var result = await roleManager.CreateAsync(role);

                            if (!result.Succeeded)
                                throw new Exception(string.Join("\n", result.Errors));

                    // Teacher
                    var newUser = new newUser();
                    newUser.Name     = "Dimitris";
                    newUser.Email    = "*****@*****.**";
                    newUser.Password = "******";
                    newUser.Role     = "Teacher";
                    await CreateUserAsync(userManager, roleManager, newUser);

                    // Student
                    newUser          = new newUser();
                    newUser.Name     = "Fredrik";
                    newUser.Email    = "*****@*****.**";
                    newUser.Password = "******";
                    newUser.Role     = "Student";
                    await CreateUserAsync(userManager, roleManager, newUser);

                    newUser          = new newUser();
                    newUser.Name     = "Göran";
                    newUser.Email    = "*****@*****.**";
                    newUser.Password = "******";
                    newUser.Role     = "Student";
                    await CreateUserAsync(userManager, roleManager, newUser);

                    newUser          = new newUser();
                    newUser.Name     = "Jacob";
                    newUser.Email    = "*****@*****.**";
                    newUser.Password = "******";
                    newUser.Role     = "Student";
                    await CreateUserAsync(userManager, roleManager, newUser);

                    newUser          = new newUser();
                    newUser.Name     = "Saber";
                    newUser.Email    = "*****@*****.**";
                    newUser.Password = "******";
                    newUser.Role     = "Student";
                    await CreateUserAsync(userManager, roleManager, newUser);

                    newUser          = new newUser();
                    newUser.Name     = "Melania";
                    newUser.Email    = "*****@*****.**";
                    newUser.Password = "******";
                    newUser.Role     = "Student";
                    await CreateUserAsync(userManager, roleManager, newUser);

                    newUser          = new newUser();
                    newUser.Name     = "Carola";
                    newUser.Email    = "*****@*****.**";
                    newUser.Password = "******";
                    newUser.Role     = "Student";
                    await CreateUserAsync(userManager, roleManager, newUser);

                    var indexPicker = new Random();

                    // Seed ActivityType
                    if (context.ActivityType.Count() == 0)
                        var activityTypes = new List <ActivityType>();
                        activityTypes.Add(new ActivityType {
                            Name = "E-Learning", Description = "Studenten lär sig på egen hand genom att se på video på datorn."
                        activityTypes.Add(new ActivityType {
                            Name = "Föreläsning", Description = "Läraren går igenom ett ämne."
                        activityTypes.Add(new ActivityType {
                            Name = "Övningstillfälle", Description = "Studenten får göra övningar för att se om hen behärskar ett ämne."
                        activityTypes.Add(new ActivityType {
                            Name = "Annat", Description = "Diverse andra aktiviteter."

                    // Seed Course
                    if (context.Course.Count() == 0)
                        var courses = new List <Course>();
                        courses.Add(new Course {
                            Name = ".NET", Description = "Programmeringskurs i Microsoft .NET.", StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-11-26")
                        courses.Add(new Course {
                            Name = "Java", Description = "Programmeringskurs i Java.", StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2019-01-05")
                        courses.Add(new Course {
                            Name = "Tekniker", Description = "Lär dig bli datatekniker.", StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2019-02-25")

                    // Seed ApplicationUserCourse
                    if (context.UserCourse.Count() == 0)
                        var courseIds = context.Course.Where(c => c.Name == ".NET").Select(a => a.Id).ToArray();
                        var userIds   = context.Users.Select(a => a.Id).ToArray();

                        var userCourses = new List <ApplicationUserCourse>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < userIds.Length; i++)
                            userCourses.Add(new ApplicationUserCourse
                                ApplicationUserId = userIds[i]
                                CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)]


                    // Seed Module .NET Påbyggnadsutbildning
                    if (context.Module.Count() == 0)
                        var courseIds = context.Course.Where(c => c.Name == ".NET").Select(a => a.Id).ToArray();
                        var modules   = new List <Module>();
                        modules.Add(new Module {
                            Name = "C#", CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)], Description = "C# 7 (Objektorienterad programmering, Generics, Linq)", StartTime = DateTime.Parse("2018-11-26"), EndTime = DateTime.Parse("2018-12-14")
                        modules.Add(new Module {
                            Name = "Testning", CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)], Description = "Unittestning mm.", StartTime = DateTime.Parse("2018-12-17"), EndTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-01-02")
                        modules.Add(new Module {
                            Name = "Webb", CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)], Description = "HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript.", StartTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-01-03"), EndTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-01-14")
                        modules.Add(new Module {
                            Name = "MVC", CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)], Description = "ASP.NET MVC Core.", StartTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-01-15"), EndTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-01-30")
                        modules.Add(new Module {
                            Name = "Databaser", CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)], Description = "Entity framework & SQL.", StartTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-01-31"), EndTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-02-08")
                        modules.Add(new Module {
                            Name = "Webbapplikationer", CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)], Description = "Förhöj användarupplevelsen.", StartTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-02-11"), EndTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-02-21")
                        modules.Add(new Module {
                            Name = "MVC Fördjupning", CourseId = courseIds[indexPicker.Next(0, courseIds.Length - 1)], Description = "Projektarbete Full-stack applikation.", StartTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-02-22"), EndTime = DateTime.Parse("2019-03-22")

                    // Seed ActivityModel
                    if (context.ActivityModel.Count() == 0)
                        string[] randomNames    = { "Scott Allen", "Susan Johnson", "Bill Gates", "Jeff Bezos", "Steve Balmer" };
                        string[] randomWords    = { "Fördjupning", "Grunderna", "Info om", "Mera om" };
                        var      activityTypes  = context.ActivityType.ToArray();
                        var      modules        = context.Module.ToArray();
                        var      activityModels = new List <ActivityModel>();
                        foreach (var module in modules)
                            for (int i = 0; i < indexPicker.Next(1, 10); i++)
                                var activityTypeIndex = indexPicker.Next(0, activityTypes.Length - 1);
                                var dateIndex         = (module.EndTime - module.StartTime).Days;
                                var startDate         = module.StartTime.AddDays(indexPicker.Next(0, dateIndex - 3)).AddHours(9);
                                var stopDate          = startDate.AddDays(indexPicker.Next(0, 3)).AddHours(8);
                                activityModels.Add(new ActivityModel
                                    Name           = randomWords[indexPicker.Next(0, randomWords.Length - 1)] + " " + module.Name,
                                    ModuleId       = module.Id,
                                    ActivityTypeId = activityTypes[activityTypeIndex].Id,
                                    Description    = activityTypes[activityTypeIndex].Name + " med " + randomNames[indexPicker.Next(0, randomNames.Length - 1)] + ".",
                                    StartDate      = startDate,
                                    StopDate       = stopDate
Exemple #9
            private static async Task <bool> CreateUserAsync(UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager, newUser newUser)
                Boolean success = false;

                if (userManager != null && roleManager != null)
                    var foundUser = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(newUser.Email);

                    if (foundUser == null)
                        var user = new ApplicationUser {
                            Name = newUser.Name, UserName = newUser.Email, Email = newUser.Email
                        var addUserResult = await userManager.CreateAsync(user, newUser.Password);

                        if (addUserResult.Succeeded)
                            var addToRoleResultAdmin = await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, newUser.Role);

                            if (addToRoleResultAdmin.Succeeded)
                                success = true;
