public virtual void Populate(net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, int
                                     i, int j)
            net.minecraft.src.BlockSand.fallInstantly = true;
            int k = i * 16;
            int l = j * 16;

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 8; i1++)
                int k1 = k + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                int i3 = hellRNG.Next(120) + 4;
                int k4 = l + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenHellLava(net.minecraft.src.Block.LAVA.ID
                                                        )).Generate(field_4235_n, hellRNG, k1, i3, k4);
            int j1 = hellRNG.Next(hellRNG.Next(10) + 1) + 1;

            for (int l1 = 0; l1 < j1; l1++)
                int j3 = k + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                int l4 = hellRNG.Next(120) + 4;
                int i6 = l + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFire()).Generate(field_4235_n, hellRNG, j3, l4, i6
            j1 = hellRNG.Next(hellRNG.Next(10) + 1);
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < j1; i2++)
                int k3 = k + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                int i5 = hellRNG.Next(120) + 4;
                int j6 = l + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenGlowStone1()).Generate(field_4235_n, hellRNG, k3,
                                                                      i5, j6);
            for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 10; j2++)
                int l3 = k + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                int j5 = hellRNG.Next(128);
                int k6 = l + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenGlowStone2()).Generate(field_4235_n, hellRNG, l3,
                                                                      j5, k6);
            if (hellRNG.Next(1) == 0)
                int k2 = k + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                int i4 = hellRNG.Next(128);
                int k5 = l + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.BROWN_MUSHROOM.ID
                                                       )).Generate(field_4235_n, hellRNG, k2, i4, k5);
            if (hellRNG.Next(1) == 0)
                int l2 = k + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                int j4 = hellRNG.Next(128);
                int l5 = l + hellRNG.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.RED_MUSHROOM.ID
                                                       )).Generate(field_4235_n, hellRNG, l2, j4, l5);
            net.minecraft.src.BlockSand.fallInstantly = false;
Exemple #2
 public static net.minecraft.src.ChunkCoordinates Func_25051_a(net.minecraft.src.World
                                                               world, net.minecraft.src.ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates)
     net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider = world.GetChunkProvider();
     ichunkprovider.LoadChunk(chunkcoordinates.posX - 3 >> 4, chunkcoordinates.posZ -
                              3 >> 4);
     ichunkprovider.LoadChunk(chunkcoordinates.posX + 3 >> 4, chunkcoordinates.posZ -
                              3 >> 4);
     ichunkprovider.LoadChunk(chunkcoordinates.posX - 3 >> 4, chunkcoordinates.posZ +
                              3 >> 4);
     ichunkprovider.LoadChunk(chunkcoordinates.posX + 3 >> 4, chunkcoordinates.posZ +
                              3 >> 4);
     if (world.GetBlockId(chunkcoordinates.posX, chunkcoordinates.posY, chunkcoordinates
                          .posZ) != net.minecraft.src.Block.BED.ID)
         net.minecraft.src.ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates1 = net.minecraft.src.BlockBed
                                                                .Func_22021_g(world, chunkcoordinates.posX, chunkcoordinates.posY, chunkcoordinates
                                                                              .posZ, 0);
Exemple #3
 public virtual void Populate(net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, int
                              i, int j)
     net.minecraft.src.Chunk chunk = ProvideChunk(i, j);
     if (!chunk.isTerrainPopulated)
         chunk.isTerrainPopulated = true;
         if (serverChunkGenerator != null)
             serverChunkGenerator.Populate(ichunkprovider, i, j);
 public ChunkProvider(net.minecraft.src.World world, net.minecraft.src.IChunkLoader
                      ichunkloader, net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider)
     // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
     //            IChunkProvider, EmptyChunk, ChunkCoordIntPair, Chunk,
     //            IChunkLoader, World, IProgressUpdate
     field_28062_a  = new SharpBukkitLive.NullSafeDictionary <int, Chunk>();
     field_28065_e  = new SharpBukkitLive.NullSafeDictionary <int, Chunk>();
     field_28064_f  = new List <Chunk>();
     field_28061_b  = new net.minecraft.src.EmptyChunk(world, new byte[32768], 0, 0);
     worldObj       = world;
     field_28066_d  = ichunkloader;
     chunkGenerator = ichunkprovider;
Exemple #5
 public ChunkProviderServer(net.minecraft.src.WorldServer worldserver, net.minecraft.src.IChunkLoader
                            ichunkloader, net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider)
     // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
     //            IChunkProvider, EmptyChunk, ChunkCoordIntPair, WorldServer,
     //            ChunkCoordinates, Chunk, IChunkLoader, IProgressUpdate
     field_725_a          = new HashSet <int>();
     chunkLoadOverride    = false;
     id2ChunkMap          = new NullSafeDictionary <int, Chunk>();
     field_727_f          = new List <Chunk>();
     dummyChunk           = new net.minecraft.src.EmptyChunk(worldserver, new byte[32768], 0, 0);
     world                = worldserver;
     chunkLoader          = ichunkloader;
     serverChunkGenerator = ichunkprovider;
Exemple #6
        public virtual void Func_667_a(net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, net.minecraft.src.World
                                       world, int i, int j, byte[] abyte0)
            int k = field_947_a;

            long l  = (rand.NextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;
            long l1 = (rand.NextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;

            for (int i1 = i - k; i1 <= i + k; i1++)
                for (int j1 = j - k; j1 <= j + k; j1++)
                    rand.SetSeed((long)i1 * l + (long)j1 * l1 ^ world.GetSeed());
                    Func_666_a(world, i1, j1, i, j, abyte0);
Exemple #7
        public virtual void Populate(net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, int
                                     i, int j)
            net.minecraft.src.BlockSand.fallInstantly = true;
            int k = i * 16;
            int l = j * 16;

            net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = worldObj.GetWorldChunkManager().GetBiomeGenAt
                                                              (k + 16, l + 16);
            long l1 = (rand.NextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;
            long l2 = (rand.NextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;

            rand.SetSeed((long)i * l1 + (long)j * l2 ^ worldObj.GetSeed());
            double d = 0.25D;

            if (rand.Next(4) == 0)
                int i1 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int l4 = rand.Next(128);
                int i8 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLakes(net.minecraft.src.Block.STATIONARY_WATER.ID))
                .Generate(worldObj, rand, i1, l4, i8);
            if (rand.Next(8) == 0)
                int j1 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int i5 = rand.Next(rand.Next(120) + 8);
                int j8 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                if (i5 < 64 || rand.Next(10) == 0)
                    (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLakes(net.minecraft.src.Block.STATIONARY_LAVA.ID)).
                    Generate(worldObj, rand, j1, i5, j8);
            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 8; k1++)
                int j5  = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int k8  = rand.Next(128);
                int j11 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenDungeons()).Generate(worldObj, rand, j5, k8, j11);
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 10; i2++)
                int k5  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int l8  = rand.Next(128);
                int k11 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenClay(32)).Generate(worldObj, rand, k5, l8, k11);
            for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 20; j2++)
                int l5  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int i9  = rand.Next(128);
                int l11 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.DIRT.ID, 32))
                .Generate(worldObj, rand, l5, i9, l11);
            for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 10; k2++)
                int i6  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int j9  = rand.Next(128);
                int i12 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.GRAVEL.ID, 32
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, i6, j9, i12);
            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < 20; i3++)
                int j6  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int k9  = rand.Next(128);
                int j12 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.COAL_ORE.ID, 16
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, j6, k9, j12);
            for (int j3 = 0; j3 < 20; j3++)
                int k6  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int l9  = rand.Next(64);
                int k12 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.IRON_ORE.ID, 8
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, k6, l9, k12);
            for (int k3 = 0; k3 < 2; k3++)
                int l6  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int i10 = rand.Next(32);
                int l12 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.GOLD_ORE.ID, 8
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, l6, i10, l12);
            for (int l3 = 0; l3 < 8; l3++)
                int i7  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int j10 = rand.Next(16);
                int i13 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.REDSTONE_ORE.ID
                                                       , 7)).Generate(worldObj, rand, i7, j10, i13);
            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < 1; i4++)
                int j7  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int k10 = rand.Next(16);
                int j13 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.DIAMOND_ORE.ID
                                                       , 7)).Generate(worldObj, rand, j7, k10, j13);
            for (int j4 = 0; j4 < 1; j4++)
                int k7  = k + rand.Next(16);
                int l10 = rand.Next(16) + rand.Next(16);
                int k13 = l + rand.Next(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.LAPIS_ORE.ID,
                                                       6)).Generate(worldObj, rand, k7, l10, k13);
            d = 0.5D;
            int k4 = (int)((mobSpawnerNoise.Func_647_a((double)k * d, (double)l * d) / 8D + rand
                            .NextDouble() * 4D + 4D) / 3D);
            int l7 = 0;

            if (rand.Next(10) == 0)
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.forest)
                l7 += k4 + 5;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.rainforest)
                l7 += k4 + 5;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.seasonalForest)
                l7 += k4 + 2;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.taiga)
                l7 += k4 + 5;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.desert)
                l7 -= 20;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.tundra)
                l7 -= 20;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.plains)
                l7 -= 20;
            for (int i11 = 0; i11 < l7; i11++)
                int l13 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int j14 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                net.minecraft.src.WorldGenerator worldgenerator = biomegenbase.GetRandomWorldGenForTrees
                worldgenerator.Func_420_a(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
                worldgenerator.Generate(worldObj, rand, l13, worldObj.GetHeightValue(l13, j14), j14
            byte byte0 = 0;

            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.forest)
                byte0 = 2;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.seasonalForest)
                byte0 = 4;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.taiga)
                byte0 = 2;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.plains)
                byte0 = 3;
            for (int i14 = 0; i14 < byte0; i14++)
                int k14 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int l16 = rand.Next(128);
                int k19 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.YELLOW_FLOWER.ID
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, k14, l16, k19);
            byte byte1 = 0;

            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.forest)
                byte1 = 2;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.rainforest)
                byte1 = 10;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.seasonalForest)
                byte1 = 2;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.taiga)
                byte1 = 1;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.plains)
                byte1 = 10;
            for (int l14 = 0; l14 < byte1; l14++)
                byte byte2 = 1;
                if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.rainforest && rand.Next(3)
                    != 0)
                    byte2 = 2;
                int l19 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int k22 = rand.Next(128);
                int j24 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenTallGrass(net.minecraft.src.Block.LONG_GRASS.ID
                                                         , byte2)).Generate(worldObj, rand, l19, k22, j24);
            byte1 = 0;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.desert)
                byte1 = 2;
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < byte1; i15++)
                int i17 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int i20 = rand.Next(128);
                int l22 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenDeadBush(net.minecraft.src.Block.DEAD_BUSH.ID)
                ).Generate(worldObj, rand, i17, i20, l22);
            if (rand.Next(2) == 0)
                int j15 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int j17 = rand.Next(128);
                int j20 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.RED_ROSE.ID))
                .Generate(worldObj, rand, j15, j17, j20);
            if (rand.Next(4) == 0)
                int k15 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int k17 = rand.Next(128);
                int k20 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.BROWN_MUSHROOM.ID
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, k15, k17, k20);
            if (rand.Next(8) == 0)
                int l15 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int l17 = rand.Next(128);
                int l20 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.RED_MUSHROOM.ID
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, l15, l17, l20);
            for (int i16 = 0; i16 < 10; i16++)
                int i18 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int i21 = rand.Next(128);
                int i23 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenReed()).Generate(worldObj, rand, i18, i21, i23);
            if (rand.Next(32) == 0)
                int j16 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int j18 = rand.Next(128);
                int j21 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenPumpkin()).Generate(worldObj, rand, j16, j18, j21);
            int k16 = 0;

            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.desert)
                k16 += 10;
            for (int k18 = 0; k18 < k16; k18++)
                int k21 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int j23 = rand.Next(128);
                int k24 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenCactus()).Generate(worldObj, rand, k21, j23, k24);
            for (int l18 = 0; l18 < 50; l18++)
                int l21 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int k23 = rand.Next(rand.Next(120) + 8);
                int l24 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLiquids(net.minecraft.src.Block.WATER.ID
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, l21, k23, l24);
            for (int i19 = 0; i19 < 20; i19++)
                int i22 = k + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                int l23 = rand.Next(rand.Next(rand.Next(112) + 8) + 8);
                int i25 = l + rand.Next(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLiquids(net.minecraft.src.Block.LAVA.ID
                                                       )).Generate(worldObj, rand, i22, l23, i25);
            generatedTemperatures = worldObj.GetWorldChunkManager().GetTemperatures(generatedTemperatures
                                                                                    , k + 8, l + 8, 16, 16);
            for (int j19 = k + 8; j19 < k + 8 + 16; j19++)
                for (int j22 = l + 8; j22 < l + 8 + 16; j22++)
                    int    i24 = j19 - (k + 8);
                    int    j25 = j22 - (l + 8);
                    int    k25 = worldObj.GetTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(j19, j22);
                    double d1  = generatedTemperatures[i24 * 16 + j25] - ((double)(k25 - 64) / 64D) *
                    if (d1 < 0.5D && k25 > 0 && k25 < 128 && worldObj.IsAirBlock(j19, k25, j22) && worldObj
                        .GetBlockMaterial(j19, k25 - 1, j22).GetIsSolid() && worldObj.GetBlockMaterial(j19
                                                                                                       , k25 - 1, j22) !=
                        worldObj.SetBlockWithNotify(j19, k25, j22, net.minecraft.src.Block.SNOW.ID);
            net.minecraft.src.BlockSand.fallInstantly = false;
Exemple #8
        public virtual void Populate(net.minecraft.src.IChunkProvider ichunkprovider, int
                                     i, int j)
            net.minecraft.src.BlockSand.fallInstantly = true;
            int k = i * 16;
            int l = j * 16;

            net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = field_28079_p.GetWorldChunkManager(
                ).GetBiomeGenAt(k + 16, l + 16);
            long l1 = (field_28085_j.NextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;
            long l2 = (field_28085_j.NextLong() / 2L) * 2L + 1L;

            field_28085_j.SetSeed((long)i * l1 + (long)j * l2 ^ field_28079_p.GetSeed()
            double d = 0.25D;

            if (field_28085_j.NextInt(4) == 0)
                int i1 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int l4 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int i8 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLakes(net.minecraft.src.Block.STATIONARY_WATER.ID))
                .Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, i1, l4, i8);
            if (field_28085_j.NextInt(8) == 0)
                int j1 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int i5 = field_28085_j.NextInt(field_28085_j.NextInt(120) + 8);
                int j8 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                if (i5 < 64 || field_28085_j.NextInt(10) == 0)
                    (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLakes(net.minecraft.src.Block.STATIONARY_LAVA.ID)).
                    Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, j1, i5, j8);
            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 8; k1++)
                int j5  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int k8  = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int i13 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenDungeons()).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j,
                                                                    j5, k8, i13);
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 10; i2++)
                int k5  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int l8  = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int j13 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenClay(32)).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, k5
                                                                  , l8, j13);
            for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 20; j2++)
                int l5  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int i9  = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int k13 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.DIRT.ID, 32))
                .Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, l5, i9, k13);
            for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 10; k2++)
                int i6  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int j9  = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int l13 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.GRAVEL.ID, 32
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, i6, j9, l13);
            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < 20; i3++)
                int j6  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int k9  = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int i14 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.COAL_ORE.ID, 16
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, j6, k9, i14);
            for (int j3 = 0; j3 < 20; j3++)
                int k6  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int l9  = field_28085_j.NextInt(64);
                int j14 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.IRON_ORE.ID, 8
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, k6, l9, j14);
            for (int k3 = 0; k3 < 2; k3++)
                int l6  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int i10 = field_28085_j.NextInt(32);
                int k14 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.GOLD_ORE.ID, 8
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, l6, i10, k14);
            for (int l3 = 0; l3 < 8; l3++)
                int i7  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int j10 = field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int l14 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.REDSTONE_ORE.ID
                                                       , 7)).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, i7, j10, l14);
            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < 1; i4++)
                int j7  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int k10 = field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int i15 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.DIAMOND_ORE.ID
                                                       , 7)).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, j7, k10, i15);
            for (int j4 = 0; j4 < 1; j4++)
                int k7  = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int l10 = field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                int j15 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16);
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable(net.minecraft.src.Block.LAPIS_ORE.ID,
                                                       6)).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, k7, l10, j15);
            d = 0.5D;
            int k4 = (int)((field_28092_c.Func_647_a((double)k * d, (double)l * d) / 8D + field_28085_j
                            .NextDouble() * 4D + 4D) / 3D);
            int l7 = 0;

            if (field_28085_j.NextInt(10) == 0)
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.forest)
                l7 += k4 + 5;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.rainforest)
                l7 += k4 + 5;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.seasonalForest)
                l7 += k4 + 2;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.taiga)
                l7 += k4 + 5;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.desert)
                l7 -= 20;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.tundra)
                l7 -= 20;
            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.plains)
                l7 -= 20;
            for (int i11 = 0; i11 < l7; i11++)
                int k15 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int j18 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                net.minecraft.src.WorldGenerator worldgenerator = biomegenbase.GetRandomWorldGenForTrees
                worldgenerator.Func_420_a(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
                worldgenerator.Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, k15, field_28079_p.GetHeightValue
                                            (k15, j18), j18);
            for (int j11 = 0; j11 < 2; j11++)
                int l15 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int k18 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int i21 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.YELLOW_FLOWER.ID
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, l15, k18, i21);
            if (field_28085_j.NextInt(2) == 0)
                int k11 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int i16 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int l18 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.RED_ROSE.ID))
                .Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, k11, i16, l18);
            if (field_28085_j.NextInt(4) == 0)
                int l11 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int j16 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int i19 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.BROWN_MUSHROOM.ID
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, l11, j16, i19);
            if (field_28085_j.NextInt(8) == 0)
                int i12 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int k16 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int j19 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenFlowers(net.minecraft.src.Block.RED_MUSHROOM.ID
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, i12, k16, j19);
            for (int j12 = 0; j12 < 10; j12++)
                int l16 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int k19 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int j21 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenReed()).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, l16
                                                                , k19, j21);
            if (field_28085_j.NextInt(32) == 0)
                int k12 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int i17 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int l19 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenPumpkin()).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j,
                                                                   k12, i17, l19);
            int l12 = 0;

            if (biomegenbase == net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.desert)
                l12 += 10;
            for (int j17 = 0; j17 < l12; j17++)
                int i20 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int k21 = field_28085_j.NextInt(128);
                int k22 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenCactus()).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, i20
                                                                  , k21, k22);
            for (int k17 = 0; k17 < 50; k17++)
                int j20 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int l21 = field_28085_j.NextInt(field_28085_j.NextInt(120) + 8);
                int l22 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLiquids(net.minecraft.src.Block.WATER.ID
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, j20, l21, l22);
            for (int l17 = 0; l17 < 20; l17++)
                int k20 = k + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                int i22 = field_28085_j.NextInt(field_28085_j.NextInt(field_28085_j.NextInt(112)
                                                                      + 8) + 8);
                int i23 = l + field_28085_j.NextInt(16) + 8;
                (new net.minecraft.src.WorldGenLiquids(net.minecraft.src.Block.LAVA.ID
                                                       )).Generate(field_28079_p, field_28085_j, k20, i22, i23);
            field_28072_w = field_28079_p.GetWorldChunkManager().GetTemperatures(field_28072_w
                                                                                 , k + 8, l + 8, 16, 16);
            for (int i18 = k + 8; i18 < k + 8 + 16; i18++)
                for (int l20 = l + 8; l20 < l + 8 + 16; l20++)
                    int    j22 = i18 - (k + 8);
                    int    j23 = l20 - (l + 8);
                    int    k23 = field_28079_p.GetTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(i18, l20);
                    double d1  = field_28072_w[j22 * 16 + j23] - ((double)(k23 - 64) / 64D) * 0.29999999999999999D;
                    if (d1 < 0.5D && k23 > 0 && k23 < 128 && field_28079_p.IsAirBlock(i18, k23, l20) &&
                        field_28079_p.GetBlockMaterial(i18, k23 - 1, l20).GetIsSolid() && field_28079_p
                        .GetBlockMaterial(i18, k23 - 1, l20) !=
                        field_28079_p.SetBlockWithNotify(i18, k23, l20, net.minecraft.src.Block.SNOW.ID
            net.minecraft.src.BlockSand.fallInstantly = false;