void OnTriggerEnter()
        // get the Track Controller
        GameObject    TrackController = GameObject.Find("TrackController");
        roadStructure rs = TrackController.GetComponent <roadStructure>();

        // get the Navigation Controller
        GameObject        navController = GameObject.Find("NavigationController");
        navigationManager nav           = navController.GetComponent <navigationManager>();

        roadController rc = TrackController.GetComponent <roadController>();

        // Shift the road generation to our alternate path.

        // Dump the current navigation and set it to start with our new path.
        foreach (GameObject trackSegment in trackSegments)
            nav.queDirection(trackSegment.GetComponent <Direction>());

        // Generate the next set of track on the alt path.

        // Mark that we've reached this segment for the car reset functionality.
        passed = true;

        // We're done with this trigger...shut it off.
        gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
    void LoadNextSegment()
        if (TrackSegment02 != null)
            // Make the 2nd track segment into the 1st track segment
            TrackSegment01 = TrackSegment02;

            // instantiate a new track segment at the same position as Segment 01, and assign as Track Segment 02
            TrackSegment02 = CreateTrackSegment(TrackSegment01);

            // move the new track segment so it connects with the end of the previous track segment
            OverlayTrackSegments(TrackSegment01, TrackSegment02);
            // instantiate a new track segment at the same position as Segment 01, and assign as Track Segment 02
            TrackSegment02 = CreateTrackSegment(TrackSegment01);

            // move the new track segment so it connects with the end of the previous track segment
            OverlayTrackSegments(TrackSegment01, TrackSegment02);

        // add directions from this segment to the navigation queue
        nav.queDirection(TrackSegment02.GetComponent <Direction>());