private bool IsMatch(float value, ArrayList values) { foreach (object v in values) { if (Math.Abs(((mzint)v).mz - value) < MaxDiff) { mzint newv = new mzint(); = ((mzint)v).mz; newv.intensity = ((mzint)v).intensity; newv.bMatched = true; values[values.IndexOf(v)] = newv; return(true); } } return(false); }
private bool IsMatch(float value, ArrayList values) { bool result = false; for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++) { if (Math.Abs(((mzint)values[i]).mz - value) < MaxDiff) { mzint newv = new mzint(); = ((mzint)values[i]).mz; newv.intensity = ((mzint)values[i]).intensity; newv.bMatched = true; values[i] = newv; result = true; } } return(result); }
private void ShowTheoryValues(string PepSeq) { //PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); if (dtaSpectra != "") { string[] lines = dtaSpectra.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string line in lines) { if (char.IsDigit(line, 0)) { string[] tokens = line.Split(new string[] { " ", "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string mz = tokens[0]; string intensity = tokens[1];// line.Substring(sperator); SpectrumData s = new SpectrumData(float.Parse(tokens[0]), float.Parse(tokens[1])); sd.Add(s); mzint mzi = new mzint(); = float.Parse(mz); mzi.intensity = float.Parse(intensity); mzi.bMatched = false; MZS.Add(mzi); } } bFileReaded = true; } string modifiedSeq = PepSeq; PeptideMW PMW = new PeptideMW(PepSeq); float[] Bs = PMW.GetPepFragmentBValues(); float[] Ys = PMW.GetPepFragmentYValues(); PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); int Length = PepSeq.Length; for (int i = 0; i <= Length - 1; i++) { TableRow trValues = new TableRow(); TableCell tcAA = new TableCell(); TableCell tcYA = new TableCell(); float ModifiedWeight = 0.0F; if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) { tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1, ModifiedWeight); } else { tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1); } tcAA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trValues.Cells.Add(tcAA); /* B format */ float B1; if (i > (Length - 2)) { B1 = Bs[0]; } else { B1 = Bs[i]; } if (i < Length - 1) { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B1); if (IsMatch(B1, MZS)) { tcB1.ForeColor = B1Color; } console.Text += ""; tcB1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(B1 - OH, MZS)) { tcB2.ForeColor = B2Color; } tcB2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(B1 - H2O, MZS)) { tcB3.ForeColor = B3Color; } tcB3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); float B2 = (B1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B2); if (IsMatch(B2, MZS)) { tc2B.ForeColor = B1Color; } tc2B.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } else { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } /* Y format */ float Y1; if (i > (Length - 2) || i == 0) { Y1 = Ys[0]; } else { Y1 = Ys[Length - 1 - i]; } if (i != 0) { float Y2 = (Y1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y2); if (IsMatch(Y2, MZS)) { tc2Y.ForeColor = Y1Color; } tc2Y.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - H2O, MZS)) { tcY3.ForeColor = Y3Color; } tcY3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - OH, MZS)) { tcY2.ForeColor = Y2Color; } tcY2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y1); if (IsMatch(Y1, MZS)) { tcY1.ForeColor = Y1Color; } tcY1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); } else { TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); } if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) { tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}</span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i, ModifiedWeight); } else { tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub></span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i); } tcYA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcYA); tbTheoryValues.Rows.Add(trValues); } }
private void ShowTheoryValues(string PepSeq) { //PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); if (!bFileReaded) { if (SearchType == "DTA") { if (GuestSpectrums == "") { GuestSpectrums = (string)(Session[SessionID]); } dtaconent = GuestSpectrums; string[] lines = GuestSpectrums.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string line in lines) { if (char.IsDigit(line, 0)) { int sperator = line.IndexOf(" "); string mz = line.Substring(0, sperator); string intensity = line.Substring(sperator); mzint mzi = new mzint(); = float.Parse(mz); mzi.intensity = float.Parse(intensity); mzi.bMatched = false; MZS.Add(mzi); } } } else { string TaskID = Request.QueryString["TaskID"]; string dtaFilePath = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["UploadPath"].ConnectionString + TaskID + string.Format("\\{0}_dta\\", MSFile) + SessionID + ".dta"; FileInfo fiDta = new FileInfo(dtaFilePath); if (!fiDta.Exists) { Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx?Err=1"); return; } dtaconent = ""; // get from the generated dta file FileStream gfs = File.Open(dtaFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); StreamReader gsr = new StreamReader(gfs); string line; while ((line = gsr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (char.IsDigit(line, 0)) { int sperator = line.IndexOf(" "); string mz = line.Substring(0, sperator); string intensity = line.Substring(sperator); mzint mzi = new mzint(); = float.Parse(mz); mzi.intensity = float.Parse(intensity); mzi.bMatched = false; MZS.Add(mzi); } dtaconent += line + "\r\n"; } gsr.Close(); } bFileReaded = true; } string modifiedSeq = PepSeq; PeptideMW PMW = new PeptideMW(PepSeq); float[] Bs = PMW.GetPepFragmentBValues(); float[] Ys = PMW.GetPepFragmentYValues(); PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); int Length = PepSeq.Length; // started here! 123,456,,789 for (int i = 0; i <= Length - 1; i++) { TableRow trValues = new TableRow(); TableCell tcAA = new TableCell(); TableCell tcYA = new TableCell(); float ModifiedWeight = 0.0F; if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) { tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1, ModifiedWeight); } else { tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1); } tcAA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trValues.Cells.Add(tcAA); /* B format */ float B1; if (i > (Length - 2)) { B1 = Bs[0]; } else { B1 = Bs[i]; } if (i < Length - 1) { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B1); if (IsMatch(B1, MZS)) { tcB1.ForeColor = B1Color; } tcB1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(B1 - OH, MZS)) { tcB2.ForeColor = B2Color; } tcB2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(B1 - H2O, MZS)) { tcB3.ForeColor = B3Color; } tcB3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); float B2 = (B1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B2); if (IsMatch(B2, MZS)) { tc2B.ForeColor = B1Color; } tc2B.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } else { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } /* Y format */ float Y1; if (i > (Length - 2) || i == 0) { Y1 = Ys[0]; } else { Y1 = Ys[Length - 1 - i]; } if (i != 0) { float Y2 = (Y1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y2); if (IsMatch(Y2, MZS)) { tc2Y.ForeColor = Y1Color; } tc2Y.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - H2O, MZS)) { tcY3.ForeColor = Y3Color; } tcY3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - OH, MZS)) { tcY2.ForeColor = Y2Color; } tcY2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y1); if (IsMatch(Y1, MZS)) { tcY1.ForeColor = Y1Color; } tcY1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); } else { TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); } if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) { tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}</span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i, ModifiedWeight); } else { tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub></span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i); } tcYA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcYA); tbTheoryValues.Rows.Add(trValues); } }
private void ShowTheoryValues(string PepSeq) { //PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); if (dtaSpectra != "") { string[] lines = dtaSpectra.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string line in lines) { if (char.IsDigit(line, 0)) { string[] tokens = line.Split(new string[] { " ", "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string mz = tokens[0]; string intensity = tokens[1];// line.Substring(sperator); SpectrumData s = new SpectrumData(float.Parse(tokens[0]), float.Parse(tokens[1])); sd.Add(s); mzint mzi = new mzint(); = float.Parse(mz); mzi.intensity = float.Parse(intensity); mzi.bMatched = false; MZS.Add(mzi); } } bFileReaded = true; } string modifiedSeq = PepSeq; PeptideMW PMW = new PeptideMW(PepSeq); float[] Bs = PMW.GetPepFragmentBValues(); float[] Ys = PMW.GetPepFragmentYValues(); PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); int Length = PepSeq.Length; for (int i = 0; i <= Length - 1; i++) { TableRow trValues = new TableRow(); TableCell tcAA = new TableCell(); TableCell tcYA = new TableCell(); float ModifiedWeight = 0.0F; if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1, ModifiedWeight); else tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1); tcAA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trValues.Cells.Add(tcAA); /* B format */ float B1; if (i > (Length - 2)) B1 = Bs[0]; else B1 = Bs[i]; if (i < Length - 1) { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B1); if (IsMatch(B1, MZS)) tcB1.ForeColor = B1Color; console.Text += ""; tcB1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(B1 - OH, MZS)) tcB2.ForeColor = B2Color; tcB2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(B1 - H2O, MZS)) tcB3.ForeColor = B3Color; tcB3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); float B2 = (B1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B2); if (IsMatch(B2, MZS)) tc2B.ForeColor = B1Color; tc2B.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } else { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } /* Y format */ float Y1; if (i > (Length - 2) || i == 0) Y1 = Ys[0]; else Y1 = Ys[Length - 1 - i]; if (i != 0) { float Y2 = (Y1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y2); if (IsMatch(Y2, MZS)) tc2Y.ForeColor = Y1Color; tc2Y.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - H2O, MZS)) tcY3.ForeColor = Y3Color; tcY3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - OH, MZS)) tcY2.ForeColor = Y2Color; tcY2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y1); if (IsMatch(Y1, MZS)) tcY1.ForeColor = Y1Color; tcY1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); } else { TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); } if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}</span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i, ModifiedWeight); else tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub></span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i); tcYA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcYA); tbTheoryValues.Rows.Add(trValues); } }
private bool IsMatch(float value, ArrayList values) { foreach (object v in values) { if (Math.Abs(((mzint)v).mz - value) < MaxDiff) { mzint newv = new mzint(); = ((mzint)v).mz; newv.intensity = ((mzint)v).intensity; newv.bMatched = true; values[values.IndexOf(v)] = newv; return true; } } return false; }
private void ShowTheoryValues(string PepSeq) { //PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); if (!bFileReaded) { if (SearchType == "DTA") { if (GuestSpectrums == "") GuestSpectrums = (string)(Session[SessionID]); dtaconent = GuestSpectrums; string[] lines = GuestSpectrums.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string line in lines) { if (char.IsDigit(line, 0)) { int sperator = line.IndexOf(" "); string mz = line.Substring(0, sperator); string intensity = line.Substring(sperator); mzint mzi = new mzint(); = float.Parse(mz); mzi.intensity = float.Parse(intensity); mzi.bMatched = false; MZS.Add(mzi); } } } else { string TaskID = Request.QueryString["TaskID"]; string dtaFilePath = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["UploadPath"].ConnectionString + TaskID + string.Format ("\\{0}_dta\\",MSFile ) + SessionID + ".dta"; FileInfo fiDta = new FileInfo(dtaFilePath); if (!fiDta.Exists) { Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.aspx?Err=1"); return; } dtaconent = ""; // get from the generated dta file FileStream gfs = File.Open(dtaFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite ); StreamReader gsr = new StreamReader(gfs); string line; while ((line = gsr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (char.IsDigit(line, 0)) { int sperator = line.IndexOf(" "); string mz = line.Substring(0, sperator); string intensity = line.Substring(sperator); mzint mzi = new mzint(); = float.Parse(mz); mzi.intensity = float.Parse(intensity); mzi.bMatched = false; MZS.Add(mzi); } dtaconent += line +"\r\n"; } gsr.Close(); } bFileReaded = true; } string modifiedSeq = PepSeq; PeptideMW PMW = new PeptideMW(PepSeq); float[] Bs = PMW.GetPepFragmentBValues(); float[] Ys = PMW.GetPepFragmentYValues(); PepSeq = ValidePepSeq(PepSeq); int Length = PepSeq.Length; // started here! 123,456,,789 for (int i = 0; i <= Length - 1; i++) { TableRow trValues = new TableRow(); TableCell tcAA = new TableCell(); TableCell tcYA = new TableCell(); float ModifiedWeight = 0.0F; if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1, ModifiedWeight); else tcAA.Text = string.Format("{0}<sub>{1}</sub>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), i + 1); tcAA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; trValues.Cells.Add(tcAA); /* B format */ float B1; if (i > (Length - 2)) B1 = Bs[0]; else B1 = Bs[i]; if (i < Length - 1) { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B1); if (IsMatch(B1, MZS)) tcB1.ForeColor = B1Color; tcB1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(B1 - OH, MZS)) tcB2.ForeColor = B2Color; tcB2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (B1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(B1 - H2O, MZS)) tcB3.ForeColor = B3Color; tcB3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); float B2 = (B1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", B2); if (IsMatch(B2, MZS)) tc2B.ForeColor = B1Color; tc2B.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } else { TableCell tcB1 = new TableCell(); tcB1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB1); TableCell tcB2 = new TableCell(); tcB2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB2); TableCell tcB3 = new TableCell(); tcB3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcB3); TableCell tc2B = new TableCell(); tc2B.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2B); trValues.Height = new Unit("20px"); } /* Y format */ float Y1; if (i > (Length - 2) || i == 0) Y1 = Ys[0]; else Y1 = Ys[Length - 1 - i]; if (i != 0) { float Y2 = (Y1 + 1) / 2; TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y2); if (IsMatch(Y2, MZS)) tc2Y.ForeColor = Y1Color; tc2Y.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - H2O)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - H2O, MZS)) tcY3.ForeColor = Y3Color; tcY3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", (Y1 - OH)); if (IsMatch(Y1 - OH, MZS)) tcY2.ForeColor = Y2Color; tcY2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Y1); if (IsMatch(Y1, MZS)) tcY1.ForeColor = Y1Color; tcY1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); } else { TableCell tcY1 = new TableCell(); tcY1.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY1); TableCell tcY2 = new TableCell(); tcY2.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY2); TableCell tcY3 = new TableCell(); tcY3.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tcY3); TableCell tc2Y = new TableCell(); tc2Y.Text = ""; trValues.Cells.Add(tc2Y); } if (HadModifed(i + 1, modifiedSeq, ref ModifiedWeight)) tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub>+{2:F2}</span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i, ModifiedWeight); else tcYA.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"offset9 span3\"><span class=\"pull-left\">{0}<sub>{1}</sub></span></div>", PepSeq.Substring(i, 1), Length - i); tcYA.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; trValues.Cells.Add(tcYA); tbTheoryValues.Rows.Add(trValues); } }
private bool IsMatch(float value, ArrayList values) { bool result = false; for (int i=0;i<values.Count ;i++) { if (Math.Abs(((mzint)values[i]).mz - value) < MaxDiff) { mzint newv = new mzint(); = ((mzint)values[i]).mz; newv.intensity = ((mzint)values[i]).intensity; newv.bMatched = true; values[i] = newv; result = true; } } return result; }