private void btnDeleteRow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxResult delConf = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure delete this data?", "Delete data", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); switch (delConf) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: var data = tblSupplier.SelectedItem; emptyFields(); int id = Convert.ToInt32((tblSupplier.SelectedCells[0].Column.GetCellContent(data) as TextBlock).Text); var rowSupplier = con.Suppliers.Where(s => s.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); var rowRole = con.Roles.Where(s => s.Supplier.Id == rowSupplier.Id).FirstOrDefault(); con.Roles.Remove(rowRole); con.Suppliers.Remove(rowSupplier); var update = con.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show(update + " Data has been deleted"); emptyFields(); tblSupplier.ItemsSource = con.Suppliers.ToList(); break; case MessageBoxResult.No: break; } }
public void guardarClientes(List <Cliente> listaClientesCargados) { foreach (Cliente cliente in listaClientesCargados) { ctx.Cliente.Add(cliente); ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
public int Delete(int id) { var getByid = context.Departments.Find(id); context.Departments.Remove(getByid); var delete = context.SaveChanges(); return(delete); }
//DELETE public int Delete(int id) { // dapetin id nya var getByid = context.Divisions.Find(id); // execute delete context.Divisions.Remove(getByid); var delete = context.SaveChanges(); return(delete); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Name, Price, Stock, Supplierid")] Item item) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // TODO: Add insert logic here connection.Items.Add(item); connection.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.Id = new SelectList(connection.Suppliers, "Id", "Name", item.Supplier); return(View(item)); }
public ActionResult Create(Department department) { try { myConn.Departments.Add(department); myConn.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
private void Btn_Insert_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (TextBox_Name.Text == "" || TextBox_Address.Text == "" || TextBox_Email.Text == "") { if (TextBox_Name.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Name is required", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); TextBox_Name.Focus(); } else if (TextBox_Address.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Address is required", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); TextBox_Address.Focus(); } else if (TextBox_Email.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Email is required", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); TextBox_Email.Focus(); } } else { var check_email = connection.Suppliers.FirstOrDefault(S => S.Email == TextBox_Email.Text); if (check_email == null) { MessageBoxResult messageBoxResult = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Are You Sure?", "Insert Confirmation", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { var input_supplier = new Supplier(TextBox_Name.Text, TextBox_Address.Text, TextBox_Email.Text); connection.Suppliers.Add(input_supplier); var insert = connection.SaveChanges(); if (insert >= 1) { MessageBox.Show(insert + " Supplier has been inserted"); } TB_M_Supplier.ItemsSource = connection.Suppliers.ToList(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Email has been used"); } } } catch (Exception) { } reset_supplier(); Combo_Supplier.ItemsSource = connection.Suppliers.ToList(); }
public ActionResult Create(Division division) { try { myConn.Divisions.Add(division); myConn.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { ViewBag.id_department = new SelectList(myConn.Departments, "Id", "Name", division.Name); return(View()); } }
private void btnDeleteRow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var data = tblItem.SelectedItem; emptyFields(); int id = Convert.ToInt32((tblItem.SelectedCells[0].Column.GetCellContent(data) as TextBlock).Text); var rowItems = con.Items.Where(s => s.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); con.Items.Remove(rowItems); var update = con.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show(update + " Data has been deleted"); tblItem.ItemsSource = con.Items.ToList(); }
public ActionResult Create(Supplier supplier) { try { // TODO: Add insert logic here conn.Suppliers.Add(supplier); conn.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Add(Supplier supplier) { connection.Suppliers.Add(supplier); connection.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); //return Json(new { success = true, message = "Add Success" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
private void forgotpass_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (txb_email.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill Email"); txb_email.Focus(); } else { try { string password = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var row = con.Suppliers.Where(r => r.Email == txb_email.Text).FirstOrDefault(); var myid = con.Suppliers.Where(s => s.Id == row.Id).FirstOrDefault(); Sendmail(txb_email.Text, row.Name, password); myid.Password = password; con.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Success Reset Password \nPlease Check Your Email"); login.Show(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Email not Registered"); txb_email.Text = ""; txb_email.Focus(); } } }
private void EFbuttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Add new Blog entry to Blogs table try { using var dbContext = new myContext(); var newBlog = new Blog() { Title = "from EF", CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Subtitle = "SubFromEF" // Note : There is an issue with EF with this subtitle field // Although this field IS marked as 'allow nulls' in the sql server, the EF doesn't work if it is null // It is NOT a profiler issue, it is some issue with the EF core // See: }; dbContext.Blogs.Add(newBlog); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var lastBlogId = newBlog.Id; Console.WriteLine($"Added Blog: Blog with id {lastBlogId} was added"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public ActionResult ConfirmarReserva(CarteleraReserva cr) { myContext ctx = new myContext(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Reservas reserva = new Reservas(); string HoraInicio = cr.Horario.ToString(); int sitioDeCorte = 2; string parte1 = HoraInicio.Substring(0, sitioDeCorte); string parte2 = HoraInicio.Substring(3, sitioDeCorte); int HoraInicioParte1, HoraInicioParte2; Int32.TryParse(parte1, out HoraInicioParte1); Int32.TryParse(parte2, out HoraInicioParte2); DateTime Hora = DateTime.Today; Hora = Hora.AddHours(HoraInicioParte1); Hora = Hora.AddMinutes(HoraInicioParte2); reserva.IdPelicula = cr.IdPelicula; reserva.IdVersion = cr.IdVersion; reserva.IdSede = cr.IdSede; reserva.FechaHoraInicio = Hora; reserva.FechaCarga = DateTime.Now; reserva.Email = cr.Email; reserva.IdTipoDocumento = cr.IdTipoDocumento; reserva.NumeroDocumento = cr.NumeroDocumento; reserva.CantidadEntradas = cr.CantidadEntradas; ctx.Reservas.Add(reserva); ctx.SaveChanges(); cr.IdReserva = reserva.IdReserva; var sede = ctx.Sedes.Where(x => x.IdSede == cr.IdSede).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.PrecioTotal = cr.CantidadEntradas * sede.PrecioGeneral; return(View(cr)); } var a = ctx.Carteleras.Where(x => x.IdPelicula == cr.IdPelicula && x.IdSede == cr.IdSede && x.IdVersion == cr.IdVersion).First(); ViewBag.ImagenPelicula = ctx.Peliculas.Where(x => x.IdPelicula == cr.IdPelicula).FirstOrDefault().Imagen; ViewBag.TiposDocumentos = PeliculaServicio.TraeTiposDeDocumentos(); cr.IdPelicula = a.IdPelicula; cr.IdSede = a.IdSede; cr.NumeroSala = a.NumeroSala; cr.IdVersion = a.IdVersion; cr.Peliculas = a.Peliculas; cr.Sedes = a.Sedes; cr.Versiones = a.Versiones; cr.Horario = cr.Horario; cr.Dia = cr.Dia; return(View("FinalizarReserva", cr)); }
public static CookingInstruction AddCookInstr(CookingInstruction instr) { using (myContext db1 = new myContext()) { var newItem = db1.CookingInstructions.Add(instr); db1.SaveChanges(); return(newItem); } }
public static void RemoveCollectionOrder(int Id) { using (myContext db1 = new myContext()) { var order = db1.AwaitOrders.First(m => m.Id == Id); //db1.AwaitOrders.Remove(order); db1.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Deleted; db1.SaveChanges(); } }
// Insert Supplier private void Btn_Insert_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string password = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var iRole = conn.Roles.Where(S => S.Id == cb_role).FirstOrDefault(); var input = new Supplier(txtb_name.Text, txtb_address.Text, txtb_email.Text, password, iRole); // pattern email string pattern = @"^[a-zA-Z][\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9[\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\.]*[a-zA-Z]$"; // validasi_supplier if (txtb_name.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Nama tidak boleh kosong..."); txtb_name.Focus(); } else if (txtb_address.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Address tidak boleh kosong..."); txtb_address.Focus(); } else if (txtb_email.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Email tidak boleh kosong..."); txtb_email.Focus(); } else if (!Regex.Match(txtb_email.Text, pattern).Success) { MessageBox.Show("Format email salah..."); txtb_email.Focus(); } else { //push ke database conn.Suppliers.Add(input); conn.SaveChanges(); sendPassToEmail(txtb_email.Text, password, txtb_name.Text); // method send password to email txtb_name.Text = string.Empty; txtb_address.Text = string.Empty; txtb_email.Text = string.Empty; MessageBox.Show("Data Berhasil ditambahkan"); } tbl_supplier.ItemsSource = conn.Suppliers.ToList(); // refresh table }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Name, Price, Stock, SupplierID")] Item item) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { conn.Items.Add(item); conn.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } catch (DataException /* dex */) { //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log. ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator."); } PopulateSuppliersDropDownList(item.SupplierID); return(View(item)); }
public static void AddCollectionOrder(int orderId) { using (myContext db1 = new myContext()) { var awaitOrder = new AwaitOrder() { OrderId = orderId }; var result = db1.AwaitOrders.Add(awaitOrder); db1.SaveChanges(); } }
public IActionResult CreateUser(RegisUser user) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { PasswordHasher <RegisUser> Hasher = new PasswordHasher <RegisUser>(); user.Password = Hasher.HashPassword(user, user.Password); User NewUser = new User { Firstname = user.Firstname, Lastname = user.Lastname, Email = user.Email, Password = user.Password, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now }; _context.Add(NewUser); _context.SaveChanges(); User justCreated = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(User => user.Email == user.Email); HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("UserId", justCreated.UserId); HttpContext.Session.SetString("Firstname", justCreated.Firstname); return(RedirectToAction("ActivityList")); } return(View("Index")); }
public static void AddDeliverytoDespatch(int orderId) { using (myContext db1 = new myContext()) { var deliveryOrder = new DeliverytoDespatch() { OrderId = orderId, AssignedDriverId = 0 }; var result = db1.DeliveriestoDespatch.Add(deliveryOrder); db1.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult AltaSede(Sedes sede) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { myContext ctx = new myContext(); sede.PrecioGeneral = Decimal.Parse(Request.Form["precioGeneral"]); ctx.Sedes.Add(sede); ctx.SaveChanges(); var a = (ctx.Sedes).ToList(); return(View("Sedes", a)); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult AltaCartelera(Carteleras cartelera) { myContext ctx = new myContext(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { ViewBag.Mensaje = ""; cartelera.FechaCarga = DateTime.Now; var sede = (ctx.Sedes).ToList(); var peli = (ctx.Peliculas).ToList(); var version = (ctx.Versiones).ToList(); ViewBag.Sedes = sede; ViewBag.Peli = peli; ViewBag.Version = version; if (cartelera.IdSede == 0) { ViewBag.Mensaje = "Debe ingresar una sede"; return(View()); } if (cartelera.IdPelicula == 0) { ViewBag.Mensaje = "Debe ingresar una película"; return(View()); } if (AdministracionServicio.ValidaCartelera(cartelera)) { ctx.Carteleras.Add(cartelera); ctx.SaveChanges(); var a = (ctx.Carteleras).ToList(); return(View("Carteleras", a)); } else { ViewBag.Mensaje = "ATENCIÓN !!! La cartelera ingresada no se encuentra disponible en las fechas: " + cartelera.FechaInicio.ToShortDateString() + " - " + cartelera.FechaFin.ToShortDateString(); return(View()); } } var b = (ctx.Sedes).ToList(); var c = (ctx.Peliculas).ToList(); var d = (ctx.Versiones).ToList(); ViewBag.Sedes = b; ViewBag.Peli = c; ViewBag.Version = d; return(View()); }
public ActionResult editarPelicula(Peliculas peli, HttpPostedFileBase image) { myContext ctx = new myContext();//Instancio el contexto if (ModelState.IsValid) { var file = image; var id = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["idPelicula"]); Peliculas peli2 = (from pel in ctx.Peliculas where pel.IdPelicula == id select pel).FirstOrDefault(); if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) // Agregar IMAGEN { try { string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images"), Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); file.SaveAs(path); peli2.Imagen = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = "ERROR:" + ex.Message.ToString(); } } else { if (peli2.Imagen != Request.Form["Imagen"] && Request.Form["Imagen"] != "" && Request.Form["Imagen"] != null) { peli2.Imagen = Request.Form["Imagen"]; } } peli2.Nombre = peli.Nombre; peli2.Descripcion = peli.Descripcion; peli2.Duracion = peli.Duracion; peli2.FechaCarga = DateTime.Now; peli2.IdGenero = peli.IdGenero; peli2.IdCalificacion = peli.IdCalificacion; ctx.SaveChanges(); //persisto los datos en la bdd var a = (ctx.Peliculas).ToList(); //Cargo el modelo para Peliculas return(View("Peliculas", a)); } ViewBag.Generos = AdministracionServicio.GetGeneros(); ViewBag.Calificaciones = AdministracionServicio.GetCalificaciones(); return(View(peli)); }
private void Btn_SendEmail_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (TBEmail_Forget.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Email is required", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); TBEmail_Forget.Focus(); } else { var check_email = connection.Users.FirstOrDefault(S => S.Email == TBEmail_Forget.Text); if (check_email != null) { var this_email = check_email.Email; if (TBEmail_Forget.Text == this_email) { string New_Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var check_user = connection.Users.FirstOrDefault(S => S.Email == TBEmail_Forget.Text); check_user.Password = New_Password; var chagepassword = connection.SaveChanges(); if (chagepassword >= 1) { MessageBox.Show("Password has been updated"); } Outlook._Application openapp = new Outlook.Application(); Outlook.MailItem sentmail = (Outlook.MailItem)openapp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); sentmail.To = TBEmail_Forget.Text; sentmail.Subject = "Forgot Password " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); sentmail.Body = "Dear " + TBEmail_Forget.Text + "\nThis Is Your Password : "******"Check Your Email for Your New Password", "Message", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } else { MessageBox.Show("That Email Not Registered Yet!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } } catch (Exception) { } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, Supplier supplier) { try { // TODO: Add update logic here using (myContext connection = new myContext()) { connection.Entry(supplier).State = EntityState.Modified; connection.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
private void btnSendPassword_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var userData = con.Suppliers.Where(s => s.Email == txtEmail.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (userData == null) { MessageBox.Show("Email tidak terdaftar"); } else { string newPassword = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); userData.Password = newPassword; var update = con.SaveChanges(); sendPasswordToEmail(userData.Email, newPassword, userData.Name); MessageBox.Show("Please check your email"); } }
public ActionResult Create(Customer customer) { myContext conn = new myContext(); try { // TODO: Add insert logic here conn.Customers.Add(customer); conn.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult EditarSede(Sedes sede) { myContext ctx = new myContext(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Sedes sedeOrig = (from se in ctx.Sedes where se.IdSede == sede.IdSede select se).FirstOrDefault(); sedeOrig.Nombre = sede.Nombre; sedeOrig.Direccion = sede.Direccion; sedeOrig.PrecioGeneral = sede.PrecioGeneral; ctx.SaveChanges(); var a = (ctx.Sedes).ToList(); return(View("Sedes", a)); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Create(Supplier supplier) { try { using (myContext connection = new myContext()) { connection.Suppliers.Add(supplier); connection.SaveChanges(); } // TODO: Add insert logic here return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }