Exemple #1
        //! A top-level function taking in a complete profile and two lists <string>.

         * \param model_data Object representing the model and all it's possible parameter values.
         * \param build_input List<string> List of the OME input overrides written in OME format
         * \param build_output List<string> List of LRP output strings.
        public static void nameCreator(modelProfile model_data, List <string> build_input, List <string> build_output)
            //Calculate all combinations, fill in output file names and input string to engine accordingly
            List <paramLRP>       pd           = model_data.plist;
            List <List <string> > all_combos   = new List <List <string> >();
            List <List <string> > combo_result = new List <List <string> >();

            //Create the list consisting of list's of values each paramater can take up
            //In OME input format. Additionally hashes the corresponding output var name
            foreach (var entry in pd)

            //Now develop each combination and add it to the build inputs and outputs.
            combo_result = AllCombinationsOf(all_combos);

            //Merge each list of strings into the command for OME Engine
            //and the output string for the csv files
            foreach (var string_list in combo_result)
                build_input.Add(Concat(string_list, null));
                build_output.Add(Concat(string_list, model_data.name_map));
Exemple #2
            //! A void member taking in path as string
            //Add the new modelProfile object to the list
            public void BaseProfileFactory(string directory_path)
                string[] file_paths = Directory.GetFiles(directory_path, "profile*");

                //We get each file path, need to open it and parse it, filling in all the values in the modelProfile
                foreach (string each in file_paths)
                    modelProfile prof = new modelProfile();
Exemple #3
        //! A top level function taking in 5 arguments.

         * \param args Input parameters for OMEEngine (see OMEEngine.cpp).
         * \param output_fp File path for output data as a csv.
         * \param model_base Profile object, used primarily for keeping track of running processes.
         * \param log_file Log file in case of an error occuring.
        //The engine arguments and each base model along with its parameters are passed in
        public static void LaunchOMEMultiProc(string result_Path, string eng_args, modelProfile model)
            string startTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");

            Console.WriteLine("Time started: {0}\r\n", startTime);
            Queue model_queue = new Queue();

            Console.WriteLine("Amount of Processers: {0}", Environment.ProcessorCount);
            //First get the amount of combinations to get the file count

            //List of models to be ran with complete path
            //Add this list to Queue
            string        exec_path    = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            string        test_path    = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(exec_path, @"..\..\OMEMultiProc\items\compiled_tests"));
            string        main_path    = Directory.GetFiles(test_path, "*.omec")[0];
            List <string> out_fnames   = new List <string>();
            List <string> input_params = new List <string>();
            Logger        log_file     = new Logger(test_path, model_queue.Count);

            //Fill all the input/output names.
            nameCreator(model, input_params, out_fnames);

            // Merge both lists into a list of tuples and chuck it into a queue
            IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > in_out = input_params.Zip(out_fnames, (a, b) => Tuple.Create(a, b));

            foreach (var atuple in in_out)

            Console.WriteLine("Finished processing files, starting the Engines...");
            int idx = main_path.LastIndexOf('\\');

            while (model_queue.Count > 0)
                //Retrieve the next item and build the output string
                Tuple <string, string> int_out = (Tuple <string, string>)model_queue.Dequeue();
                string out_path = paramLRP.outputStr(result_Path + "\\..\\LRP_results\\", model.base_name, int_out.Item2);

                string in_path = eng_args + "-f\"" + out_path + "\" " + int_out.Item1 + "\"" + main_path + "\"";

                launchEngines(in_path, out_path, model, log_file);
                log_file.printLog(model.ProcCounter, model_queue.Count, model.base_name);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished starting last set of processes. Please wait for these to complete, then press any button to exit");
            Console.WriteLine("Time started: {0}\r\n", startTime);
            Console.WriteLine("Time ended: {0}\r\n", DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt"));
Exemple #4
        //! A top level function taking in 5 arguments.

         * \param args Input parameters for OMEEngine (see OMEEngine.cpp).
         * \param output_fp File path for output data as a csv.
         * \param model_base Profile object, used primarily for keeping track of running processes.
         * \param log_file Log file in case of an error occuring.
        public static void launchEngines(string args, string output_fp, modelProfile model_base, Logger log_file)
            //Prepare a process to start up OMEengine with the proper filepaths and flags
            Process proc_engine = new Process();

            proc_engine.StartInfo.FileName = "OMEEngine.exe";;

            proc_engine.StartInfo.Arguments       = args;
            proc_engine.EnableRaisingEvents       = true;
            proc_engine.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow  = true;
            proc_engine.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            //proc_engine.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            //proc_engine.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

            //Manage the amount of processes running at once to maximize performace
            while (model_base.ProcCounter > Environment.ProcessorCount)

            //listener for each process, signals when they exit
            proc_engine.Exited += (sender, EventArgs) =>

                if (proc_engine.ExitCode != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occured, check log for details.");
                    log_file.appendLog(Environment.NewLine + "Error occured with the following input: \n\n " + proc_engine.StartInfo.Arguments
                                       + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "The file in question is: " + output_fp.Split('\\').Last());
            //Start up the given subprocess consisting of a call to OMEENGINE