public static void Export_VBUF(this StreamWriter w, MyProgressBar mpb, meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[] av, VRTF vrtf)
            mpb.Init("Export VBUF...", av.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < av.Length; i++)
                meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex v = av[i];
                int nUV = 0;
                foreach (var layout in vrtf.Layouts)
                    w.Write(string.Format("{0} {1}", i, (byte)layout.Usage));
                    switch (layout.Usage)
                        case VRTF.ElementUsage.Position:
                            if (v.Position != null) foreach (float f in v.Position) w.Write(string.Format(" {0:F6}", f));
                            else w.Write(" Position is null.");
                        case VRTF.ElementUsage.Normal:
                            if (v.Normal != null) foreach (float f in v.Normal) w.Write(string.Format(" {0:F6}", f));
                            else w.Write(" Normal is null.");
                        case VRTF.ElementUsage.UV:
                            if (v.UV != null) foreach (float f in v.UV[nUV]) w.Write(string.Format(" {0:F6}", f));
                            else w.Write(string.Format(" UV[{0}] is null.", nUV));
                        case VRTF.ElementUsage.BlendIndex:
                            if (v.BlendIndices != null) foreach (byte b in v.BlendIndices) w.Write(string.Format(" {0}", b));
                            else w.Write(" BlendIndices is null.");
                        case VRTF.ElementUsage.BlendWeight:
                            if (v.BlendWeights != null) foreach (float f in v.BlendWeights) w.Write(string.Format(" {0:F6}", f));
                            else w.Write(" BlendWeight is null.");
                        case VRTF.ElementUsage.Tangent:
                            if (v.Tangents != null) foreach (float f in v.Tangents) w.Write(string.Format(" {0:F6}", f));
                            else w.Write(" Tangents is null.");
                        case VRTF.ElementUsage.Colour:
                            if (v.Color != null) foreach (float f in v.Color) w.Write(string.Format(" {0:F6}", f));
                            else w.Write(" Colour is null.");

Exemple #2
 private IEnumerable<offScale> getOffScales(int meshGroup, int geoState, meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[] verts, float[] uvScales)
     for (int v = 0; v < verts.Length; v++)
         foreach (float[] uvs in verts[v].UV)
             for (int u = 0; u < uvs.Length; u++)
                 float max = (u < uvScales.Length && uvScales[u] != 0 ? uvScales[u] : uvScales[0]) * short.MaxValue;
                 if (uvs[u] > max)
                     yield return new offScale() { meshGroup = meshGroup, geoState = geoState, vertex = v, nUV = u, actual = uvs[u], max = max };
Exemple #3

        public void Import_Mesh(StreamReader r, MLOD.Mesh mesh, GenericRCOLResource rcolResource, MLOD mlod, IResourceKey defaultRK, out meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[] mverts)
            #region Import VRTF
            bool isDefaultVRTF = false;
            VRTF defaultForMesh = VRTF.CreateDefaultForMesh(mesh);

            VRTF vrtf = new VRTF(rcolResource.RequestedApiVersion, null) { Version = 2, Layouts = null, };
            r.Import_VRTF(mpb, vrtf);

            IResourceKey vrtfRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.VertexFormatIndex);
            if (vrtfRK == null)
                vrtfRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.SkinControllerIndex);
                if (vrtfRK == null) vrtfRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.ScaleOffsetIndex);
                if (vrtfRK == null) vrtfRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, 0, 0,
                    System.Security.Cryptography.FNV64.GetHash(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString() + defaultRK.ToString()));
                vrtfRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, vrtfRK) { ResourceType = vrtf.ResourceType, };

            if (vrtf.Equals(defaultForMesh))
                isDefaultVRTF = true;
                mesh.VertexFormatIndex = new GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference(0, null, 0);//Clear the reference
                rcolResource.ReplaceChunk(mesh, "VertexFormatIndex", vrtfRK, vrtf);

            #region Import SKIN
            // we need to read the data in the file...
            SKIN skin = new SKIN(rcolResource.RequestedApiVersion, null) { Version = 1, Bones = null, };
            r.Import_SKIN(mpb, skin);

            // However, we do *NOT* want to update the RCOL with what we read - we are not replacing the object skeleton here
            if (skin.Bones != null)
                IResourceKey skinRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.SkinControllerIndex);
                if (skinRK == null)
                    skinRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, vrtfRK) { ResourceType = skin.ResourceType, };

                rcolResource.ReplaceChunk(mesh, "SkinControllerIndex", skinRK, skin);

            mverts = Import_VBUF_Main(r, mlod, mesh, vrtf, isDefaultVRTF);

            #region Import IBUF
            IBUF ibuf = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetBlock(rcolResource, mesh.IndexBufferIndex) as IBUF;
            if (ibuf == null)
                ibuf = new IBUF(rcolResource.RequestedApiVersion, null) { Version = 2, Flags = IBUF.FormatFlags.DifferencedIndices, DisplayListUsage = 0, };
            Import_IBUF_Main(r, mlod, mesh, ibuf);

            IResourceKey ibufRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.IndexBufferIndex);
            if (ibufRK == null)
                ibufRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, defaultRK) { ResourceType = ibuf.ResourceType, };

            rcolResource.ReplaceChunk(mesh, "IndexBufferIndex", ibufRK, ibuf);

            #region Update the JointReferences
            UIntList joints = CreateJointReferences(mesh, mverts, skin);

            List<uint> added = new List<uint>(joints);
            List<uint> removed = new List<uint>();
            foreach (var j in mesh.JointReferences)
                if (joints.Contains(j)) added.Remove(j);
                else removed.Add(j);

            // Remove root

            if (added.Count != 0)

                System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBox.Show(String.Format("Mesh: 0x{0:X8}\nJointReferences with newly assigned (via BlendIndex) vertex: {1}\n({2})",
                    String.Join(", ", added.ConvertAll<string>(a => "0x" + a.ToString("X8")).ToArray())),
                    "Warning", System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            // with the 20120601 change to export, this warning on import has lost its severity... and been dropped.
            if (removed.Count != 0)
//#if UNDEF
                removed.ForEach(j => mesh.JointReferences[mesh.JointReferences.IndexOf(j)] = 0);
                // However, OM felt more comfortable if there was some indication something a little odd was going on.
                System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBox.Show(String.Format("Mesh: 0x{0:X8}\nJointReferences with no assigned (via BlendIndex) vertex: {1}\n({2})",
                    String.Join(", ", removed.ConvertAll<string>(a => "0x" + a.ToString("X8")).ToArray())),
                    "Warning", System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Exemple #4
        UIntList CreateJointReferences(MLOD.Mesh mesh, meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[] mverts, List<meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[]> lverts, SKIN skin)
            if (skin == null || skin.Bones == null) return new UIntList(null);

            int maxReference = -1;

            lverts.Insert(0, mverts);
            foreach (var vertices in lverts)
                if (vertices != null) foreach (var vert in vertices)
                        if (vert.BlendIndices != null)
                            foreach (var reference in vert.BlendIndices)
                                if ((sbyte)reference > maxReference) maxReference = reference;

            return maxReference > -1 ? new UIntList(null, skin.Bones.GetRange(0, maxReference + 1).ConvertAll<uint>(x => x.NameHash)) : new UIntList(null);