/// <summary>
        /// This test shows that glm.rotate() and Quaternion.ToRotationMatrix() give the same result.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Test()
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter("test-quaternion.txt"))
                int length = 5;
                for (int angleDegree = 1; angleDegree < 361; angleDegree++)
                    for (int x = -length; x < length; x++)
                        for (int y = -length; y < length; y++)
                            for (int z = -length; z < length; z++)
                                var  quaternion = new Quaternion(angleDegree, new vec3(x, y, z));
                                mat3 matrix1    = quaternion.ToRotationMatrix();
                                //mat4 tmp = glm.rotate((float)(angleDegree * Math.PI / 180.0f), new vec3(x, y, z));
                                mat4 tmp     = glm.rotate(angleDegree, new vec3(x, y, z));
                                mat3 matrix2 = tmp.to_mat3();
                                writer.WriteLine("{3}° x[{0}] y[{1}] z[{2}]", x, y, z, angleDegree);
                                writer.WriteLine(matrix1.ToArray().PrintVectors(3, ",", ";" + Environment.NewLine));
                                writer.WriteLine(matrix2.ToArray().PrintVectors(3, ",", ";" + Environment.NewLine));

                writer.WriteLine("Test finished.");
        public static unsafe void glusRaytraceLookAtf(this float[] positionBuffer, float[] directionBuffer, float[] originDirectionBuffer, byte padding, int width, int height, float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
            //float forward[3], side[3], up[3];
            //float rotation[9];
            vec3 forward, side, up;

            float[] rotation;
            int     i, k;

            forward = new vec3(centerX - eyeX, centerY - eyeY, centerZ - eyeZ);
            forward = forward.normalize();

            up = new vec3(upX, upY, upZ);

            side = forward.cross(up);
            side = side.normalize();

            up = side.cross(forward);

            mat3 matrix = new mat3(side, up, -forward);

            rotation = matrix.ToArray();

            for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                positionBuffer[i * 4 + 0] = eyeX;
                positionBuffer[i * 4 + 1] = eyeY;
                positionBuffer[i * 4 + 2] = eyeZ;
                positionBuffer[i * 4 + 3] = 1.0f;

                //glusMatrix3x3MultiplyVector3f(&directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding)], rotation, &originDirectionBuffer[i * (3 + padding)]);
                float[] result = new float[3];
                result[0] = directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 0];
                result[1] = directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 1];
                result[2] = directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 2];
                float[] vector = new float[3];
                vector[0] = originDirectionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 0];
                vector[1] = originDirectionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 1];
                vector[2] = originDirectionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 2];
                glusMatrix3x3MultiplyVector3f(result, rotation, vector);
                directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 0] = result[0];
                directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 1] = result[1];
                directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 2] = result[2];

                for (k = 0; k < padding; k++)
                    directionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 3 + k] = originDirectionBuffer[i * (3 + padding) + 3 + k];
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniformName"></param>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        internal int glUniform(string uniformName, mat3 m)
            int location = GetUniformLocation(uniformName);

            if (location >= 0)
                if (glUniformMatrix3fv == null)
                    glUniformMatrix3fv = GL.Instance.GetDelegateFor("glUniformMatrix3fv", GLDelegates.typeof_void_int_int_bool_floatN) as GLDelegates.void_int_int_bool_floatN;
                float[] array = m.ToArray();
                glUniformMatrix3fv(location, 1, false, array);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniformName"></param>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        public int glUniform(string uniformName, mat3 m)
            int location = GetUniformLocation(uniformName);

            if (location >= 0)
                if (glUniformMatrix3fv == null)
                    glUniformMatrix3fv = OpenGL.GetDelegateFor <OpenGL.glUniformMatrix3fv>();
                float[] array = m.ToArray();
                glUniformMatrix3fv(location, 1, false, array);