Exemple #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        GameObject       playerFuel = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
        playerController pc1        = playerFuel.GetComponent <playerController>();

        if (pc1.moveCount == -1000)
            fuel = fuel + 25;
            GameObject playerHP = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").gameObject; //6-1-20, double function now- gas and health!
            if (playerHP.GetComponent <Shields>().curHP < playerHP.GetComponent <Shields>().totHP)
                playerHP.GetComponent <Shields>().nextUsage777   = Time.time; //get the interface updated as well
                playerHP.GetComponent <Shields>().overrideWaitHP = true;
                //   playerHP.GetComponent<Shields>().curHP++;

            //player is lucky, can move again!
            GameObject      transportShip = GameObject.Find("transportShip");
            masterShipEnter introShip     = transportShip.GetComponent <masterShipEnter>();
            introShip.introScene = false;
        else if (pc1.shipHitDetect == -2000)
            fuel = fuel - 15;
Exemple #2
    private void FixedUpdate()
        GameObject       playerFuel = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
        playerController pc1        = playerFuel.GetComponent <playerController>();

        if (Time.time > nextUsage) //continue scrolling
            if (pc1.moveCount != 0)
                //subtract fuel
                fuel = fuel - 1;
            if (fuel < 0)
                delay = 0.1f; //lets speed this up eh?
                GameObject      transportShip = GameObject.Find("transportShip");
                masterShipEnter introShip     = transportShip.GetComponent <masterShipEnter>();
                introShip.introScene = true;
                fuel = 0;
                //wait for if the player is off the screen
                if (pc1.shipHitDetect == 2 || pc1.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity.magnitude < 8 || redothisdu == true)
                    redothisdu = true;
                    //player is off screen

                    if (locCnt > fail.Length)
                        Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel);     //this seems to be old but might work :)
                    //the case is gone, retry stage-
                    GameObject uiAltiText2 = GameObject.Find("txt_Fail");
                    Text       delta21     = uiAltiText2.GetComponent <Text>();
                    delta21.text = fail.Substring(0, locCnt);

                    nextUsage = Time.time + delay;     //it is on display

            nextUsage = Time.time + delay; //it is on display

        GameObject uiAltiText = GameObject.Find("txt_Fuel");
        Text       delta1     = uiAltiText.GetComponent <Text>();

        delta1.text = "Fuel: " + fuel + "";
    private void FixedUpdate()
        m_Scene   = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
        sceneName = m_Scene.name;
        if (sceneName.Contains("stage"))
            GameObject      transportShip = GameObject.Find("transportShip");
            masterShipEnter introShip     = transportShip.GetComponent <masterShipEnter>();
            if (introShip.introScene == false) //enable standard game rules
                if (Time.time > 4 && introShip.introScene == false)
                    moveVertical = 0;
                    // Debug.Log("Controller" + controlerUsed);
                    if (controlerUsed == false)
                        moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
                        if (moveVertical != 0)
                            PlayerMoneyUp = PlayerMoneyUp + 0.0025f;
                            PlayerMoney   = PlayerMoney + 0.0025f;

                    moveHorizantal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

                    //if (Input.GetButtonDown("360_RightBumper"))
                    float TriggerRight = Input.GetAxis("Cont_Trigger");
                    //   Debug.Log("Your Value for Trigger is " + TriggerRight);
                    if (TriggerRight != 0) //controller support
                        moveVertical = TriggerRight * -1;
                        if (moveVertical != 0)
                            PlayerMoneyUp = PlayerMoneyUp + 0.0025f;
                            PlayerMoney   = PlayerMoney + 0.0025f;

                    moveHorizantal = moveHorizantal * 2;
                    if (moveHorizantal > 0)
                        PlayerMoneyRight = PlayerMoneyRight + 0.001f;
                        //rb.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                        PlayerMoney = PlayerMoney + 0.001f;
                    else if (moveHorizantal < 0)
                        PlayerMoneyLeft = PlayerMoneyLeft + 0.001f;
                        PlayerMoney     = PlayerMoney + 0.001f;
                        // rb.velocity = Vector3.zero;

                    if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
                        if (Time.time > nextUsage) //delete otherwise
                            PlayerMoney     = PlayerMoney + 0.005f;
                            PlayerMoneyShot = PlayerMoneyShot + 0.005f;
                            nextUsage       = Time.time + delay; //it is on display
Exemple #4
    private void FixedUpdate()
        GameObject       playerFuel = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
        playerController pc1        = playerFuel.GetComponent <playerController>();

        if (Time.time > nextUsage) //continue scrolling
            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) < 75)
                int numberOfTaggedObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Girder").Length;
                if (numberOfTaggedObjects < 1) // wee only want 3 on screen at a given time
                    if (this.transform.position.x < xTransitionScene)
                        GameObject FallingGerter = Instantiate(Resources.Load("convention\\girder")) as GameObject;
                        FallingGerter.name = "FallingGerter";
                        FallingGerter.transform.position = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x + 7, 5);

            GameObject      transportShip = GameObject.Find("transportShip");
            masterShipEnter introShip     = transportShip.GetComponent <masterShipEnter>();
            if (introShip.introScene == false)
                transportShip.transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 100); //4-20-20 push this up and away
                playerFuel.GetComponent <ConstantForce2D>().force = new Vector2(85, 0);
            if (pc1.moveCount != 0)
                //subtract fuel
                fuel = fuel - 1;
            if (fuel < 0)
                delay = 0.1f; //lets speed this up eh?

                introShip.introScene = true;
                fuel = 0;
                //wait for if the player is off the screen
                if (pc1.shipHitDetect == 2 || pc1.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity.magnitude < 8 || redothisdu == true)
                    redothisdu = true;
                    //player is off screen

                    if (locCnt > fail.Length)
                        Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); //this seems to be old but might work :)
                    //the case is gone, retry stage-
                    GameObject uiAltiText2 = GameObject.Find("txt_Fail");
                    Text       delta21     = uiAltiText2.GetComponent <Text>();
                    delta21.text = fail.Substring(0, locCnt);

                    nextUsage = Time.time + delay; //it is on display

            nextUsage = Time.time + delay; //it is on display

        GameObject uiAltiText = GameObject.Find("txt_Fuel");
        Text       delta1     = uiAltiText.GetComponent <Text>();

        delta1.text = "Fuel: " + fuel + "";
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //  if (objectCollider.IsTouching(anotherCollider))
        //  {
        //      Debug.Log("HI I GOT IT");
        //  }
        float shipDistToGround = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").transform.position.y - GameObject.Find("danTower").transform.position.y;

        GameObject uiAltiText = GameObject.Find("txt_altitude");
        Text       delta1     = uiAltiText.GetComponent <Text>();

        delta1.text = "Altitude: " + shipDistToGround + "";

        if (GameObject.Find("case") != null) //ensure the player has not got the objective yet
            float      PackageDistToGround = GameObject.Find("case").transform.position.y - GameObject.Find("danTower").transform.position.y;
            GameObject MastCont            = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
            Transform  playerLocation      = MastCont.GetComponent <Transform>();

            GameObject objCase       = GameObject.Find("case");
            Transform  transformCase = objCase.GetComponent <Transform>();

            GameObject uiPackageDistanceGround = GameObject.Find("txt_packAlt");
            Text       delta2 = uiPackageDistanceGround.GetComponent <Text>();
            delta2.text = "PCKG Altitude: " + PackageDistToGround + "";

            //Get the Screen positions of the object
            Vector2 positionOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(transformCase.transform.position);

            //Get the Screen position of the mouse
            //  Vector2 mouseOnScreen = (Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            //     Vector2 mouseOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").transform.position);
            Vector2 mouseOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(playerLocation.transform.position);

            //Get the angle between the points
            float angle = AngleBetweenTwoPoints(positionOnScreen, mouseOnScreen);

            //Ta Daaa
            this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0f, angle));

            float dist = Vector3.Distance(playerLocation.position, transformCase.position);

            GameObject uiDeltaDist = GameObject.Find("txt_distancePack");
            Text       delta       = uiDeltaDist.GetComponent <Text>();
            delta.text = "Package Distance: " + dist + "";
            GameObject objCase23 = GameObject.Find("case");
            if (init == false)
                if (!objCase23.GetComponent <Renderer>().isVisible&& dumbcnt > 500)
                    init = true;
                    //case is no longer on screen so enter free range mode

                    GameObject CameFind = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");

                    CameraController CamControl = CameFind.GetComponent <CameraController>();

                    //CamControl.GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize = 10;
                    //  StartCoroutine(Example(angle));
                    //  CamControl.GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize = 10;
            GameObject uiPackageDistanceGround = GameObject.Find("txt_packAlt");
            Text       delta2 = uiPackageDistanceGround.GetComponent <Text>();
            delta2.text = "PCKG GOT: " + shipDistToGround + "";

            GameObject objCase       = GameObject.Find("transportShip");
            Transform  transformCase = objCase.GetComponent <Transform>();

            if (trig == false)
                //we only want to run this once
                //reposition the ship for immediate pickup

                objCase.transform.position = new Vector2(10, 0);
                objCase.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezeAll;
                masterShipEnter shiphandler = objCase.GetComponent <masterShipEnter>();
                objCase.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                shiphandler.pauseOperations        = 2;
            trig = true;
            GameObject MastCont       = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
            Transform  playerLocation = MastCont.GetComponent <Transform>();
            GameObject objCase2       = GameObject.Find("backShip45");

            // Renderer  m_Renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
            if (objCase2.GetComponent <Renderer>().isVisible) //&& trig2==false)
                if (objectCollider.IsTouching(anotherCollider))
                    GameObject CameFind = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
                    trig2 = true;
                    //unset child from camera
                    //deattach camera
                    //    MastCont.gameObject.transform.parent = null;
                    GameObject       backToZero = GameObject.Find("NucWasteRoll_0");
                    CameraController CamControl = CameFind.GetComponent <CameraController>();
                    CamControl.player = backToZero.gameObject;
                    //  CamControl.GetComponent<Camera>().orthographicSize = 8;

            //Get the Screen positions of the object
            Vector2 positionOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(transformCase.transform.position);

            //Get the Screen position of the mouse
            //  Vector2 mouseOnScreen = (Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            //     Vector2 mouseOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").transform.position);
            Vector2 mouseOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(playerLocation.transform.position);

            //Get the angle between the points
            float angle = AngleBetweenTwoPoints(positionOnScreen, mouseOnScreen);

            //Ta Daaa
            this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0f, angle));

            float dist = Vector3.Distance(playerLocation.position, transformCase.position);

            GameObject uiDeltaDist = GameObject.Find("txt_distancePack");
            Text       delta       = uiDeltaDist.GetComponent <Text>();
            delta.text = "Pickup Distance: " + dist + "";
            //Package Distance: 000 (feet)
Exemple #6
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
            if (m_Renderer.isVisible)
                //case is visible, so stop movingv
                if (specVar == 0 && Time.time > 5) //ensure we have been playing for a while before we check
                    specVar = 1;
                    GameObject.Find("thePackage(0,0)").transform.position = new Vector2(GameObject.Find("thePackage(0,0)").transform.position.x + 2, 2);
                if (m_RendererShip.isVisible) //the ship is on screen
                    if (clearToMove == 0)
                        nextUsage   = Time.time + delay; //it is on display
                        clearToMove = 1;

                    if (clearToMove == 2)
                        transform.Translate(Vector3.right * speed * Time.deltaTime);
                        // clearToMove = 10;//standby mode
            if (GameObject.Find("thePackage(0,0)") != null)
                m_Renderer = GameObject.Find("thePackage(0,0)").GetComponent <Renderer>();
            else if (atEnd == false)
                GameObject objCase       = GameObject.Find("transportShip");
                Transform  transformCase = objCase.GetComponent <Transform>();
                // GameObject.Find("WestTrigger").GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().isTrigger = true;
                //  GameObject.Find("EastTrigger").GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().isTrigger = true;
                GameObject.Find("NorthTrigger").GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().isTrigger = true;

                atEnd = true; //only do this once
                //player is at the end, spawn in ship

                //we only want to run this once
                //reposition the ship for immediate pickup

                objCase.transform.position = new Vector2(GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").transform.position.x + 10, 10);
                objCase.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezePositionX;
                masterShipEnter shiphandler = objCase.GetComponent <masterShipEnter>();
                objCase.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                shiphandler.pauseOperations        = 1;

                //10-28-19 how to disable collision for just one object (no layers)
                //   Physics2D.IgnoreCollision(GameObject.Find("NorthTrigger").GetComponent<Collider2D>(),objCase.GetComponent<Collider2D>());

                objCase.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(0, -999999));
                //   AudioSource AudSrc = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(AudioSource)) as AudioSource;
                //   AudSrc.volume = 1;
                //   AudSrc.PlayOneShot(_audio);
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audio, new Vector3(objCase.transform.position.x, objCase.transform.position.y, 0.0f));
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audio, new Vector3(objCase.transform.position.x, objCase.transform.position.y, 0.0f));
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audio, new Vector3(objCase.transform.position.x, objCase.transform.position.y, 0.0f));
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audio, new Vector3(objCase.transform.position.x, objCase.transform.position.y, 0.0f));
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(_audio, new Vector3(objCase.transform.position.x, objCase.transform.position.y, 0.0f));
            m_RendererShip = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip").GetComponent <Renderer>();