Exemple #1
 public void AddLoadList(List<mapClass> mapLoaded)
     Debug.Log ("heard from loading!");
     foreach (mapClass m in mapLoaded){
         mapClass newMapObject = new mapClass(m.objName, m.index, m.objLoc);
         currentMap.Add (newMapObject);
         currentVector.Add (m.objLoc);
Exemple #2
    public void SavePosition()
        float X = frame.transform.position.x;
        float minX = X - 600;
        float maxX = X + 600;
        List<mapClass> wholeMapList = new List<mapClass>();
        int levelVersion = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("currentVersion");
        if (levelVersion == 2 || levelVersion == 0){
        wholeMapList = mainCamera.GetComponent<editorControl>().currentMap;
        }else if (levelVersion == 1 || levelVersion == 3){
            wholeMapList = mainCamera.GetComponent<editorControlBuildOnly>().currentMap;
        //Debug.Log (wholeMapList.Count);
        foreach(mapClass block in wholeMapList){
            //Debug.Log(block.objLoc.x + "vs" + minX + "and" + maxX);
            if (block.objLoc.x >= minX && block.objLoc.x <= maxX){

                /*JPATT EDIT START */
                mapClass copiedWholeMapBlock = new mapClass(block.objName, block.index, block.objLoc); //Creating a new mapclass object so we're not directly referencing the old one
                /*JPATT EDIT END */

                //Debug.Log ("save position of blocks counts: " + copyMap.Count);
        //Debug.Log (copyMap.Count);
Exemple #3
    public void PasteCopyList(List<mapClass> pasteMap)
        foreach(mapClass block in pasteMap){
            if( !currentVector.Contains(block.objLoc)){
                if ( block.objName == "PhaseChangeLine"){
                } else {
                chosenBlock = (GameObject)Resources.Load(block.objName, typeof (GameObject));
                pointCost = chosenBlock.GetComponent<BlockAttribute>().buildCost;

                    if(curPoint >= 392 && pointCost < 0){
                    } else {
                        GameObject newItem = Instantiate (chosenBlock, block.objLoc,chosenBlock.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                        newItem.name = block.objName + objIndex;
                        mapClass newMapObject = new mapClass(block.objName, objIndex, block.objLoc);
                        currentMap.Add (newMapObject);
                        newItem.transform.parent = terrainBlock;
                        currentVector.Add (block.objLoc);
                        objIndex = objIndex+1;

                        curPoint = curPoint - pointCost;