Exemple #1
        private static void GCTM(lua_State L, int propagateerrors)
            global_State     g     = G(L);
            Udata            udata = udata2finalize(g);
            /*const*/ TValue tm    = gfasttm(g, udata.uv.metatable, TMS.TM_GC);

            if (tm != null && ttisfunction(tm))
                int     status;
                lu_byte oldah = L.allowhook;
                lu_mem  oldt  = (lu_mem)g.GCthreshold;
                L.allowhook   = 0;                /* stop debug hooks during GC tag method */
                g.GCthreshold = 2 * g.totalbytes; /* avoid GC steps */
                setobj2s(L, L.top, tm);
                setuvalue(L, L.top + 1, udata);
                L.top += 2;
                status = luaD_pcall(L, dothecall, null, savestack(L, L.top - 2), 0);
                if (status != LUA_OK && propagateerrors != 0) /* error while running __gc? */
                    if (status == LUA_ERRRUN)                 /* is there an error msg.? */
                        luaO_pushfstring(L, "error in __gc tag method (%s)",
                                         lua_tostring(L, -1));
                        status = LUA_ERRGCMM; /* error in __gc metamethod */
                    luaD_throw(L, status);    /* re-send error */
                L.allowhook   = oldah;        /* restore hooks */
                g.GCthreshold = (uint)oldt;   /* restore threshold */
Exemple #2
        private static void traceexec(lua_State L, InstructionPtr pc)
            lu_byte        mask  = L.hookmask;
            InstructionPtr oldpc = InstructionPtr.Assign(L.savedpc);

            L.savedpc = InstructionPtr.Assign(pc);
            if (((mask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) != 0) && (L.hookcount == 0))
                luaD_callhook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1);
            if ((mask & LUA_MASKLINE) != 0)
                Proto p       = ci_func(L.ci).l.p;
                int   npc     = pcRel(pc, p);
                int   newline = getline(p, npc);

                /* call linehook when enter a new function, when jump back (loop),
                 * or when enter a new line */
                if (npc == 0 || pc <= oldpc || newline != getline(p, pcRel(oldpc, p)))
                    luaD_callhook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, newline);
        public static lua_State lua_newstate(lua_Alloc f, object ud)
            int          i;
            lua_State    L;
            global_State g;
            LG           l = (LG)f(typeof(LG)); //FIXME:(LG)(f(ud, null, 0, (uint)(GetUnmanagedSize(typeof(LG)))));

            if (l == null)
            L              = l.l.l;
            g              = l.g;
            L.next         = null;
            L.tt           = LUA_TTHREAD;
            g.currentwhite = (lu_byte)bit2mask(WHITE0BIT, FIXEDBIT);
            L.marked       = luaC_white(g);
            g.gckind       = KGC_NORMAL;
            g.nCcalls      = 0;
            lu_byte marked = L.marked;          // can't pass properties in as ref ???//FIXME:???

            set2bits(ref marked, FIXEDBIT, SFIXEDBIT);
            L.marked = marked;       //remove this //FIXME:???
            preinit_state(L, g);
            g.frealloc        = f;
            g.ud              = ud;
            g.mainthread      = L;
            g.uvhead.u.l.prev = g.uvhead;
            g.uvhead.u.l.next = g.uvhead;
            g.GCthreshold     = MAX_LUMEM;    /* mark it as unfinished state */
            g.strt.size       = 0;
            g.strt.nuse       = 0;
            g.strt.hash       = null;
            g.l_gt = null;
            luaZ_initbuffer(L, g.buff);
            g.panic      = null;
            g.version    = lua_version(null);
            g.gcstate    = GCSpause;
            g.rootgc     = obj2gco(L);
            g.tobefnz    = null;
            g.totalbytes = (uint)GetUnmanagedSize(typeof(LG));
            g.gcpause    = LUAI_GCPAUSE;
            g.gcstepmul  = LUAI_GCMUL;
            for (i = 0; i < NUM_TAGS; i++)
                g.mt[i] = null;
            if (luaD_rawrunprotected(L, f_luaopen, null) != LUA_OK)
                /* memory allocation error: free partial state */
                L = null;
Exemple #4
        public static void luaS_fix(TString s)
            lu_byte marked = s.tsv.marked;              // can't pass properties in as ref

            l_setbit(ref marked, FIXEDBIT);
            s.tsv.marked = marked;
Exemple #5
        private static void GCTM(lua_State L, int propagateerrors)
            global_State     g = G(L);
            /*const*/ TValue tm;
            TValue           v = new TValue();

            setgcovalue(L, v, udata2finalize(g));
            tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, v, TMS.TM_GC);
            if (tm != null && ttisfunction(tm))          /* is there a finalizer? */
                int     status;
                lu_byte oldah   = L.allowhook;
                int     running = g.gcrunning;
                L.allowhook = 0;                                 /* stop debug hooks during GC tag method */
                g.gcrunning = 0;                                 /* avoid GC steps */
                setobj2s(L, L.top, tm);                          /* push finalizer... */
                setobj2s(L, L.top + 1, v);                       /* ... and its argument */
                L.top      += 2;                                 /* and (next line) call the finalizer */
                status      = luaD_pcall(L, dothecall, null, savestack(L, L.top - 2), 0);
                L.allowhook = oldah;                             /* restore hooks */
                g.gcrunning = (byte)running; /* restore state */ //FIXME:changed, (byte)
                if (status != LUA_OK && propagateerrors != 0)    /* error while running __gc? */
                    if (status == LUA_ERRRUN)                    /* is there an error msg.? */
                        luaO_pushfstring(L, "error in __gc tag method (%s)",
                                         lua_tostring(L, -1));
                        status = LUA_ERRGCMM; /* error in __gc metamethod */
                    luaD_throw(L, status);    /* re-send error */
Exemple #6
        private static void traceexec(LuaState L, InstructionPtr pc)
            lu_byte        mask  = L.hookmask;
            InstructionPtr oldpc = InstructionPtr.Assign(L.savedpc);

            L.savedpc = InstructionPtr.Assign(pc);
            if (((mask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) != 0) && (L.hookcount == 0))
                LuaDCallHook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1);
            if ((mask & LUA_MASKLINE) != 0)
                Proto p       = CIFunc(L.ci).l.p;
                int   npc     = PCRel(pc, p);
                int   newline = GetLine(p, npc);

                /* call linehook when enter a new function, when jump back (loop),
                 * or when enter a new line */
                if (npc == 0 || pc <= oldpc || newline != GetLine(p, PCRel(oldpc, p)))
                    LuaDCallHook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, newline);
        public static void markfinalized(Udata_uv u)
            lu_byte marked = u.marked;                  // can't pass properties in as ref

            l_setbit(ref marked, FINALIZEDBIT);
            u.marked = marked;
        private static void GCTM(lua_State L)
            global_State g     = G(L);
            GCObject     o     = g.tmudata.gch.next; /* get first element */
            Udata        udata = rawgco2u(o);
            TValue       tm;

            /* remove udata from `tmudata' */
            if (o == g.tmudata)        /* last element? */
                g.tmudata = null;
                g.tmudata.gch.next = udata.uv.next;
            udata.uv.next     = g.mainthread.next;    /* return it to `root' list */
            g.mainthread.next = o;
            makewhite(g, o);
            tm = fasttm(L, udata.uv.metatable, TMS.TM_GC);
            if (tm != null)
                lu_byte oldah = L.allowhook;
                lu_mem  oldt  = (lu_mem)g.GCthreshold;
                L.allowhook   = 0;                /* stop debug hooks during GC tag method */
                g.GCthreshold = 2 * g.totalbytes; /* avoid GC steps */
                setobj2s(L, L.top, tm);
                setuvalue(L, L.top + 1, udata);
                L.top += 2;
                luaD_call(L, L.top - 2, 0);
                L.allowhook   = oldah;        /* restore hooks */
                g.GCthreshold = (uint)oldt;   /* restore threshold */
Exemple #9
        public static int luaD_pcall(lua_State L, Pfunc func, object u,
                                     ptrdiff_t old_top, ptrdiff_t ef)
            int       status;
            ushort    oldnCcalls     = L.nCcalls;
            ptrdiff_t old_ci         = saveci(L, L.ci);
            lu_byte   old_allowhooks = L.allowhook;
            ptrdiff_t old_errfunc    = L.errfunc;

            L.errfunc = ef;
            status    = luaD_rawrunprotected(L, func, u);
            if (status != 0)          /* an error occurred? */
                StkId oldtop = restorestack(L, old_top);
                luaF_close(L, oldtop);          /* close eventual pending closures */
                luaD_seterrorobj(L, status, oldtop);
                L.nCcalls   = oldnCcalls;
                L.ci        = restoreci(L, old_ci);
                L.base_     = L.ci.base_;
                L.savedpc   = InstructionPtr.Assign(L.ci.savedpc);
                L.allowhook = old_allowhooks;
            L.errfunc = old_errfunc;
        public static void luaC_link(lua_State L, GCObject o, lu_byte tt)
            global_State g = G(L);

            o.gch.next   = g.rootgc;
            g.rootgc     = o;
            o.gch.marked = luaC_white(g);
            o.gch.tt     = tt;
Exemple #11
        public static lua_State lua_newstate(lua_Alloc f, object ud)
            int          i;
            lua_State    L;
            global_State g;
            LG           l = (LG)f(typeof(LG)); //FIXME:(LG)(f(ud, null, LUA_TTHREAD, (uint)(GetUnmanagedSize(typeof(LG))))); //FIXME:???not sync, LUA_TTHREAD

            if (l == null)
            L              = l.l.l;
            g              = l.g;
            L.next         = null;
            L.tt           = LUA_TTHREAD;
            g.currentwhite = (lu_byte)bitmask(WHITE0BIT);
            L.marked       = luaC_white(g);
            lu_byte marked = L.marked; // can't pass properties in as ref ???//FIXME:??? //FIXME:added

            L.marked = marked;         //remove this //FIXME:??? //FIXME:added
            preinit_thread(L, g);
            g.frealloc   = f;
            g.ud         = ud;
            g.mainthread = L;
            g.seed       = makeseed(L);
            g.gcrunning  = 0;       /* no GC while building state */
            g.GCestimate = 0;
            g.strt.size  = g.strt.nuse = 0;
            g.strt.hash  = null;
            luaZ_initbuffer(L, g.buff);
            g.panic      = null;
            g.version    = null;
            g.gcstate    = GCSpause;
            g.gckind     = KGC_NORMAL;
            g.allgc      = g.finobj = g.tobefnz = g.fixedgc = null;
            g.sweepgc    = null;
            g.gray       = g.grayagain = null;
            g.weak       = g.ephemeron = g.allweak = null;
            g.twups      = null;
            g.totalbytes = (uint)GetUnmanagedSize(typeof(LG));
            g.GCdebt     = 0;
            g.gcfinnum   = 0;
            g.gcpause    = LUAI_GCPAUSE;
            g.gcstepmul  = LUAI_GCMUL;
            for (i = 0; i < LUA_NUMTAGS; i++)
                g.mt[i] = null;
            if (luaD_rawrunprotected(L, f_luaopen, null) != LUA_OK)
                /* memory allocation error: free partial state */
                L = null;
Exemple #12
        public static void luaG_traceexec(lua_State L)
            CallInfo ci        = L.ci;
            lu_byte  mask      = L.hookmask;
            int      counthook = (--L.hookcount == 0 && (mask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) != 0)?1:0;

            if (counthook != 0)
                resethookcount(L);      /* reset count */
            else if (0 == (mask & LUA_MASKLINE))
                return;                                            /* no line hook and count != 0; nothing to be done */
            if ((ci.callstatus & CIST_HOOKYIELD) != 0)             /* called hook last time? */
                ci.callstatus &= (byte)((~CIST_HOOKYIELD) & 0xff); /* erase mark */
                return;                                            /* do not call hook again (VM yielded, so it did not move) */
            if (counthook != 0)
                luaD_hook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1);      /* call count hook */
            if ((mask & LUA_MASKLINE) != 0)
                Proto p       = ci_func(ci).p;
                int   npc     = pcRel(ci.u.l.savedpc, p);
                int   newline = getfuncline(p, npc);
                if (npc == 0 ||                                   /* call linehook when enter a new function, */
                    ci.u.l.savedpc <= L.oldpc ||                  /* when jump back (loop), or when */
                    newline != getfuncline(p, pcRel(L.oldpc, p))) /* enter a new line */
                    luaD_hook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, newline);          /* call line hook */
            L.oldpc = ci.u.l.savedpc;
            if (L.status == LUA_YIELD)          /* did hook yield? */
                if (counthook != 0)
                    L.hookcount = 1;                    /* undo decrement to zero */
                InstructionPtr.dec(ref ci.u.l.savedpc); /* undo increment (resume will increment it again) */
                ci.callstatus |= CIST_HOOKYIELD;        /* mark that it yielded */
                ci.func        = L.top - 1;             /* protect stack below results */
                luaD_throw(L, LUA_YIELD);
Exemple #13
        private static void GCTM(lua_State L)
            global_State     g     = G(L);
            Udata            udata = udata2finalize(g);
            /*const*/ TValue tm    = fasttm(L, udata.uv.metatable, TMS.TM_GC);

            if (tm != null)
                lu_byte oldah = L.allowhook;
                lu_mem  oldt  = (lu_mem)g.GCthreshold;
                L.allowhook   = 0;                /* stop debug hooks during GC tag method */
                g.GCthreshold = 2 * g.totalbytes; /* avoid GC steps */
                setobj2s(L, L.top, tm);
                setuvalue(L, L.top + 1, udata);
                L.top += 2;
                luaD_call(L, L.top - 2, 0);
                L.allowhook   = oldah;        /* restore hooks */
                g.GCthreshold = (uint)oldt;   /* restore threshold */
Exemple #14
		public static int luaD_pcall (lua_State L, Pfunc func, object u,
						ptrdiff_t old_top, ptrdiff_t ef) {
		  int status;
		  CallInfo old_ci = L.ci;
		  lu_byte old_allowhooks = L.allowhook;
          ushort old_nny = L.nny;
		  ptrdiff_t old_errfunc = L.errfunc;
		  L.errfunc = ef;
		  status = luaD_rawrunprotected(L, func, u);
		  if (status != LUA_OK) {  /* an error occurred? */
			StkId oldtop = restorestack(L, old_top);
			luaF_close(L, oldtop);  /* close possible pending closures */
			seterrorobj(L, status, oldtop);
			L.ci = old_ci;
			L.allowhook = old_allowhooks;
            L.nny = old_nny;
		  L.errfunc = old_errfunc;
		  return status;
Exemple #15
        private static void traceexec(lua_State L)
            lu_byte mask = L.hookmask;

            if (((mask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) != 0) && (L.hookcount == 0))
                luaD_callhook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1);
            if ((mask & LUA_MASKLINE) != 0)
                Proto p       = ci_func(L.ci).l.p;
                int   npc     = pcRel(L.savedpc, p);
                int   newline = getline(p, npc);
                if (npc == 0 ||                               /* call linehook when enter a new function, */
                    L.savedpc <= L.oldpc ||                   /* when jump back (loop), or when */
                    newline != getline(p, pcRel(L.oldpc, p))) /* enter a new line */
                    luaD_callhook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, newline);
            L.oldpc = L.savedpc;
 public static int resetbit(ref lu_byte x, int b)
     return(resetbits(ref x, bitmask(b)));
 public static bool testbit(lu_byte x, int b)
     return(testbits(x, bitmask(b)));
 public static int setbits(ref lu_byte x, int m)
     x |= (lu_byte)m; return(x);
 public static bool testbits(lu_byte x, int m)
     return((x & (lu_byte)m) != 0);
Exemple #20
		public static void luaC_link (LuaState L, GCObject o, lu_byte tt) {
		  GlobalState g = G(L);
		  o.gch.next = g.rootgc;
		  g.rootgc = o;
		  o.gch.marked = luaC_white(g);
		  o.gch.tt = tt;
 ** some userful bit tricks
 public static int resetbits(ref lu_byte x, int m)
     x &= (lu_byte) ~m; return(x);
Exemple #22
		private static void enterblock (FuncState fs, BlockCnt bl, lu_byte isbreakable) {
		  bl.breaklist = NO_JUMP;
		  bl.isbreakable = isbreakable;
		  bl.nactvar = fs.nactvar;
		  bl.upval = 0;
		  bl.previous = fs.bl;
		  fs.bl = bl;
		  LuaAssert(fs.freereg == fs.nactvar);
Exemple #23
			public priority_(lu_byte left, lu_byte right)
				this.left = left;
				this.right = right;
Exemple #24
		public static int resetbit(ref lu_byte x, int b) { return resetbits(ref x, bitmask(b)); }
Exemple #25
		public static bool test2bits(lu_byte x, int b1, int b2) { return testbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2))); }
Exemple #26
		public static int reset2bits(ref lu_byte x, int b1, int b2) { return resetbits(ref x, (bit2mask(b1, b2))); }
 public static bool test2bits(lu_byte x, int b1, int b2)
     return(testbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2))));
Exemple #28
        public static LuaState LuaNewState(lua_Alloc f, object ud)
            int         i;
            LuaState    L;
            GlobalState g;
            //object l = f(ud, null, 0, (uint)state_size(typeof(LG)));
            object l = f(typeof(LG));

            if (l == null)
            L              = tostate(l);
            g              = (L as LG).g;
            L.next         = null;
            L.tt           = LUA_TTHREAD;
            g.currentwhite = (lu_byte)Bit2Mask(WHITE0BIT, FIXEDBIT);
            L.marked       = LuaCWhite(g);
            lu_byte marked = L.marked;          // can't pass properties in as ref

            Set2Bits(ref marked, FIXEDBIT, SFIXEDBIT);
            L.marked = marked;
            preinit_state(L, g);
            g.frealloc        = f;
            g.ud              = ud;
            g.mainthread      = L;
            g.uvhead.u.l.prev = g.uvhead;
            g.uvhead.u.l.next = g.uvhead;
            g.GCthreshold     = 0;    /* mark it as unfinished state */
            g.strt.size       = 0;
            g.strt.nuse       = 0;
            g.strt.hash       = null;
            luaZ_initbuffer(L, g.buff);
            g.panic      = null;
            g.gcstate    = GCSpause;
            g.rootgc     = obj2gco(L);
            g.sweepstrgc = 0;
            g.sweepgc    = new RootGCRef(g);
            g.gray       = null;
            g.grayagain  = null;
            g.weak       = null;
            g.tmudata    = null;
            g.totalbytes = (uint)GetUnmanagedSize(typeof(LG));
            g.gcpause    = LUAI_GCPAUSE;
            g.gcstepmul  = LUAI_GCMUL;
            g.gcdept     = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < NUMTAGS; i++)
                g.mt[i] = null;
            if (LuaDRawRunProtected(L, f_luaopen, null) != 0)
                /* memory allocation error: free partial state */
                L = null;
Exemple #29
        private static void DumpByte(int y, DumpState D)
            lu_byte x = (lu_byte)y;

            DumpVar(x, D);
Exemple #30
 private static lu_byte opmode(lu_byte t, lu_byte a, OpArgMask b, OpArgMask c, OpMode m)
     return (lu_byte)(((t) << 7) | ((a) << 6) | (((lu_byte)b) << 4) | (((lu_byte)c) << 2) | ((lu_byte)m));
 public static int reset2bits(ref lu_byte x, int b1, int b2)
     return(resetbits(ref x, (bit2mask(b1, b2))));
Exemple #32
        ** Garbage-collection function

        public static int lua_gc(lua_State L, int what, int data)
            int          res = 0;
            global_State g;

            g = G(L);
            switch (what)
            case LUA_GCSTOP: {
                g.gcrunning = 0;

            case LUA_GCRESTART: {
                luaE_setdebt(g, 0);
                g.gcrunning = 1;

            case LUA_GCCOLLECT: {
                luaC_fullgc(L, 0);

            case LUA_GCCOUNT: {
                /* GC values are expressed in Kbytes: #bytes/2^10 */
                res = cast_int(gettotalbytes(g) >> 10);

            case LUA_GCCOUNTB: {
                res = cast_int(gettotalbytes(g) & 0x3ff);

            case LUA_GCSTEP: {
                l_mem   debt       = 1; /* =1 to signal that it did an actual step */
                lu_byte oldrunning = g.gcrunning;
                g.gcrunning = 1;        /* allow GC to run */
                if (data == 0)
                    luaE_setdebt(g, -GCSTEPSIZE);      /* to do a "small" step */
                else          /* add 'data' to total debt */
                    debt = ((l_mem)data) * 1024 + g.GCdebt;
                    luaE_setdebt(g, debt);
                g.gcrunning = oldrunning;              /* restore previous state */
                if (debt > 0 && g.gcstate == GCSpause) /* end of cycle? */
                    res = 1;                           /* signal it */

            case LUA_GCSETPAUSE: {
                res       = g.gcpause;
                g.gcpause = data;

            case LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL: {
                res = g.gcstepmul;
                if (data < 40)
                    data = 40;                       /* avoid ridiculous low values (and 0) */
                g.gcstepmul = data;

            case LUA_GCISRUNNING: {
                res = g.gcrunning;

            default: res = -1;         /* invalid option */
                break;                 //FIXME: added
 private static lu_byte opmode(lu_byte t, lu_byte a, OpArgMask b, OpArgMask c, OpMode m)
     return((lu_byte)(((t) << 7) | ((a) << 6) | (((lu_byte)b) << 4) | (((lu_byte)c) << 2) | ((lu_byte)m)));
Exemple #34
		public static bool testbit(lu_byte x, int b) { return testbits(x, bitmask(b)); }
Exemple #35
        public static lua_State lua_newstate(lua_Alloc f, object ud)
            int          i;
            lua_State    L;
            global_State g;
            //object l = f(ud, null, 0, (uint)state_size(typeof(LG)));
            object l = f(typeof(LG));

            if (l == null)
            L              = tostate(l);
            g              = (L as LG).g;
            L.next         = null;
            L.tt           = LUA_TTHREAD;
            g.currentwhite = (lu_byte)bit2mask(WHITE0BIT, FIXEDBIT);
            L.marked       = luaC_white(g);
            g.emergencygc  = 0;
            g.nCcalls      = 0;
            lu_byte marked = L.marked;          // can't pass properties in as ref ???//FIXME:???

            set2bits(ref marked, FIXEDBIT, SFIXEDBIT);
            L.marked = marked;       //remove this //FIXME:???
            preinit_state(L, g);
            g.frealloc        = f;
            g.ud              = ud;
            g.mainthread      = L;
            g.uvhead.u.l.prev = g.uvhead;
            g.uvhead.u.l.next = g.uvhead;
            g.GCthreshold     = MAX_LUMEM;    /* mark it as unfinished state */
            g.strt.size       = 0;
            g.strt.nuse       = 0;
            g.strt.hash       = null;
            luaZ_initbuffer(L, g.buff);
            g.panic      = null;
            g.gcstate    = GCSpause;
            g.rootgc     = obj2gco(L);
            g.sweepstrgc = 0;
            g.sweepgc    = new RootGCRef(g);
            g.gray       = null;
            g.grayagain  = null;
            g.weak       = g.ephemeron = g.allweak = null;
            g.tmudata    = null;
            g.totalbytes = (uint)GetUnmanagedSize(typeof(LG));
            g.gcpause    = LUAI_GCPAUSE;
            g.gcstepmul  = LUAI_GCMUL;
            g.gcdept     = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < NUM_TAGS; i++)
                g.mt[i] = null;
            if (luaD_rawrunprotected(L, f_luaopen, null) != LUA_OK)
                /* memory allocation error: free partial state */
                L = null;
Exemple #36
		public static int setbits(ref lu_byte x, int m) { x |= (lu_byte)m; return x; }
Exemple #37
		** some userful bit tricks
		public static int resetbits(ref lu_byte x, int m) { x &= (lu_byte)~m; return x; }
Exemple #38
		public static bool testbits(lu_byte x, int m) { return (x & (lu_byte)m) != 0; }