// Insert
        protected bool Insert(bool multi, bool sorted, int num)
            (llnode insertnode, bool found, Case cases) = search(num);

            // Not possible
            if (multi == false && found == true)

            // Easiest cases
            if ((multi == true && sorted == false) ||                   // Is a MultiSet and Unsorted => Just Prepend
                (multi == false && sorted == false && found == false || // Not Multi and Unsorted and searched num is not found => Just Prepend
                 cases == Case.SmallerFirst))                           // After NOTHING was found in any List variety => Just Prepend

            // Inbetween Inputs
            llnode newNode = new llnode(num, insertnode.Next);

            insertnode.Next = newNode;
        public (llnode, bool, Case) search(int num)  // added Enum, cause we need one more case for smaller than first
            llnode find = First;

            (llnode, bool, Case)gothroughMarker = (null, false, Case.Default);  // Necessary for not sorted Multiset; e.g.: 1 100 1 1 1 1 80 input: 80

            // Empty List
            if (First == null)
                return(null, false, Case.SmallerFirst);  // Enum None (if you like)

            // One Element in List
            if (num == First.Key)
                return(First, true, Case.Default);

            // More Elements in List
            while (find.Next != null)
                // We'll watch the successors
                // If searched num is successor it returns predecessor and bool => node was found
                if (find.Next.Key == num)
                    return(find, true, Case.Default);

                // Haven't found it yet, mark the place where it (would) belong. Don't return it immediately, go through List,
                // 'cause it's needed for not sorted Multisets; e.g.: 1 100 1 1 1 1 80 input: 80
                // For Lucas: Can put that into Insert function (If you like...)
                if (num > find.Key && num < find.Next.Key)
                    gothroughMarker = (find, false, Case.Default);
                find = find.Next;

            // After it wasn't found, check if smaller than first element
            if (num < First.Key)
                return(null, false, Case.SmallerFirst);

            // After it wasn't found, check if bigger than last element
            if (num > find.Key)
                return(find, false, Case.Default);
        // Print
        public void Print()
            llnode temp = First;

            if (temp == null)
                Console.Write("List is empty");
            while (temp != null)
                Console.Write($"{temp.Key} ");
                temp = temp.Next;
        public bool Delete(int value)
            llnode foundnode;
            Case   _case;
            bool   found;

            (foundnode, found, _case) = search(value);

            if (found == false) // Node not found  => do nothing
            else if (first.Key == value) // Special case : Root is the value
                first = first.Next;
            else        // Inbetween nodes
                llnode temp = foundnode.Next.Next;
                foundnode.Next = temp;
 // Reset  // Does not work for instance of IDictionary. Maybe we'll put it in...
 public void Reset()
     first = null;
        // Prepend
        public void Prepend(int num)
            llnode newNode = new llnode(num, First);

            first = newNode;