        public ActionResult AddSchoolCalendarDesc(jw_schoolcalendar jsc)
            HttpCookie cookie   = Request.Cookies["Gaokao"];
            string     username = cookie["Name"].ToString();

            string schoolid = cookie["SchoolId"].ToString();

            jsc.jw_createTime = DateTime.Now;
            jsc.jw_delflag    = "1";
            jsc.jw_type       = "2";
            jsc.jw_schoolid   = schoolid;
            string where      = " and jw_schoolid='" + jsc.jw_schoolid + "' and jw_schoolyear='" + jsc.jw_schoolYear + "' and jw_semester='" + jsc.jw_semester + "' and jw_month='" + jsc.jw_month + "' and jw_type='2'  and jw_delflag='1'";
            List <jw_schoolcalendar> list = _jwSchoolBll.GetListByWhere(where);

            if (list.Count > 0)
                _jwSchoolBll.UpdateByWhere(jsc, where);
            var json = ConvertJson.ToJson(200, "", "{}");

        public ActionResult GetSchoolCalendar(jw_schoolcalendar jsc)
            HttpCookie cookie   = Request.Cookies["Gaokao"];
            string     username = cookie["Name"].ToString();
            string     schoolid = cookie["SchoolId"].ToString();

            jsc.jw_schoolid = schoolid;
            List <jw_schoolcalendar> list = _jwSchoolBll.GetListByWhere(" and jw_schoolid='" + jsc.jw_schoolid + "' and jw_schoolyear='" + jsc.jw_schoolYear + "' and jw_semester='" + jsc.jw_semester + "' and jw_delflag='1'");
            var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list);
            var json = ConvertJson.ToJson(200, "", data);
