private void ProcessEntityTablePerSubClass(Entity entity, joinedsubclass joinedSubClassNode)
            foreach (var childEntity in entity.Children)
                var mappedTable = childEntity.MappedTables().First();

                var subclassNode = new joinedsubclass();
                subclassNode.table  = mappedTable.Name.BackTick();
                subclassNode.schema = mappedTable.Schema.BackTick();
         = childEntity.Name;

                key keyNode = GetKeyNode(mappedTable);
                subclassNode.key = keyNode;

                foreach (var property in childEntity.ConcreteProperties)
                    IColumn column = property.MappedColumn();
                    if (column == null)

                    property propNode = ProcessProperty(property, column);

                var referenceMapper = new ReferenceMapper();
                referenceMapper.ProcessReferences(childEntity, item => subclassNode.AddItem(item));
        private void ProcessInheritance(Entity entity, joinedsubclass newJoinedSubClass)
            EntityImpl.InheritanceType inheritanceType = EntityImpl.DetermineInheritanceTypeWithChildren(entity);

            switch (inheritanceType)
            case EntityImpl.InheritanceType.None:
            case EntityImpl.InheritanceType.TablePerConcreteClass:
                // Table per concrete class doesn't need special treatment.

            case EntityImpl.InheritanceType.TablePerClassHierarchy:
                // All child entities are mapped to the same table as the parent.
                //ProcessEntityTablePerClassHierarchy(entity, newJoinedSubClass);

            case EntityImpl.InheritanceType.TablePerSubClass:
                ProcessEntityTablePerSubClass(entity, newJoinedSubClass);

            case EntityImpl.InheritanceType.Unsupported:
                throw new Exception("An unsupported inheritance structure was detected. "
                                    + "We only support Table Per Class Hierarchy, Table Per Sub Class, and Table Per Concrete Class. "
                                    + "See the NHibernate documentation for more details.");

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
        public static void AddItem(this joinedsubclass theClass, object property)
            if (theClass.Items == null)
                theClass.Items = new object[0];

            object[] items = theClass.Items;
            Array.Resize(ref items, theClass.Items.Length + 1);
            items[items.Length - 1] = property;
            theClass.Items          = items;
        public static void AddJoinedSubclass(this joinedsubclass theJoinedSubclass, joinedsubclass child)
            if (theJoinedSubclass.joinedsubclass1 == null)
                theJoinedSubclass.joinedsubclass1 = new joinedsubclass[0];

            joinedsubclass[] items = theJoinedSubclass.joinedsubclass1;
            Array.Resize(ref items, theJoinedSubclass.joinedsubclass1.Length + 1);
            items[items.Length - 1]           = child;
            theJoinedSubclass.joinedsubclass1 = items;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a collection of properties in the subclass
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="theClass"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IEnumerable <property> Properties(this joinedsubclass theClass)
     if (theClass.Items == null)
         yield break;
     foreach (var item in theClass.Items)
         if (item is property)
             yield return(item as property);