// implementation of canEncode
        private bool implCanEncode(java.nio.CharBuffer cb)
            if (status == FLUSH || status == INIT)
                status = READY;
            if (status != READY)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("encoding already in progress");
            java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction malformBak = _malformedInputAction;
            java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction unmapBak   = _unmappableCharacterAction;
            bool result = true;

            catch (java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException)
                result = false;
 internal CharsetEncoder(java.nio.charset.Charset cs, float averageBytesPerChar_1,
                         float maxBytesPerChar_1, byte[] replacement_1, bool trusted)
     // internal status indicates encode(CharBuffer) operation is finished
     // decoder instance for this encoder's charset, used for replacement value checking
     if (averageBytesPerChar_1 <= 0 || maxBytesPerChar_1 <= 0)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("averageBytesPerChar and maxBytesPerChar must both be positive"
     if (averageBytesPerChar_1 > maxBytesPerChar_1)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("averageBytesPerChar is greater than maxBytesPerChar"
     this.cs = cs;
     this._averageBytesPerChar = averageBytesPerChar_1;
     this._maxBytesPerChar     = maxBytesPerChar_1;
     status = INIT;
     _malformedInputAction      = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
     _unmappableCharacterAction = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
     if (trusted)
         // The RI enforces unnecessary restrictions on the replacement bytes. We trust ICU to
         // know what it's doing. Doing so lets us support ICU's EUC-JP, SCSU, and Shift_JIS.
         this.replacementBytes = replacement_1;
 /// <summary>Sets this encoder's action on unmappable character error.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Sets this encoder's action on unmappable character error.
 /// This method will call the
 /// <see cref="implOnUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction)">implOnUnmappableCharacter
 ///     </see>
 /// method with the given new action as argument.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="newAction">the new action on unmappable character error.</param>
 /// <returns>this encoder.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">if the given newAction is null.</exception>
 public java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder onUnmappableCharacter(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
     if (newAction == null)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("newAction == null");
     _unmappableCharacterAction = newAction;
 /// <summary>Sets this encoder's action on malformed input error.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Sets this encoder's action on malformed input error.
 /// This method will call the
 /// <see cref="implOnMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction)">implOnMalformedInput</see>
 /// method with the given new action as argument.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="newAction">the new action on malformed input error.</param>
 /// <returns>this encoder.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">if the given newAction is null.</exception>
 public java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder onMalformedInput(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
     if (newAction == null)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("newAction == null");
     _malformedInputAction = newAction;
Exemple #5
 public virtual global::java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder onMalformedInput(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction arg0)
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv @__env = global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
     if (!IsClrObject)
         return(global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.WrapJavaObject(@__env.CallObjectMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder._onMalformedInput14702, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0))) as java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder);
         return(global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.WrapJavaObject(@__env.CallNonVirtualObjectMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.staticClass, global::java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder._onMalformedInput14702, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0))) as java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder);
Exemple #6
 protected virtual void implOnUnmappableCharacter(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction arg0)
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv @__env = global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
     if (!IsClrObject)
         @__env.CallVoidMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder._implOnUnmappableCharacter14710, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0));
         @__env.CallNonVirtualVoidMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.staticClass, global::java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder._implOnUnmappableCharacter14710, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new <code>CharsetDecoder</code> using the given
 /// <code>Charset</code>, average number and maximum number of characters
 /// created by this decoder for one input byte, and the default replacement
 /// string "\uFFFD".
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Constructs a new <code>CharsetDecoder</code> using the given
 /// <code>Charset</code>, average number and maximum number of characters
 /// created by this decoder for one input byte, and the default replacement
 /// string "\uFFFD".
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="charset">the <code>Charset</code> to be used by this decoder.</param>
 /// <param name="averageCharsPerByte">
 /// the average number of characters created by this decoder for
 /// one input byte, must be positive.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="maxCharsPerByte">
 /// the maximum number of characters created by this decoder for
 /// one input byte, must be positive.
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
 /// if <code>averageCharsPerByte</code> or
 /// <code>maxCharsPerByte</code> is negative.
 /// </exception>
 protected internal CharsetDecoder(java.nio.charset.Charset charset_1, float averageCharsPerByte_1
                                   , float maxCharsPerByte_1)
     if (averageCharsPerByte_1 <= 0 || maxCharsPerByte_1 <= 0)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("averageCharsPerByte and maxCharsPerByte must be positive"
     if (averageCharsPerByte_1 > maxCharsPerByte_1)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("averageCharsPerByte is greater than maxCharsPerByte"
     this._averageCharsPerByte = averageCharsPerByte_1;
     this._maxCharsPerByte     = maxCharsPerByte_1;
     cs     = charset_1;
     status = INIT;
     _malformedInputAction      = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
     _unmappableCharacterAction = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
     replacementChars           = "\ufffd";
 // default implementation is empty
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies that this encoder's <code>CodingErrorAction</code> specified
 /// for unmappable character error has been changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Notifies that this encoder's <code>CodingErrorAction</code> specified
 /// for unmappable character error has been changed. The default
 /// implementation does nothing; this method can be overridden if needed.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="newAction">the new action.</param>
 protected internal virtual void implOnUnmappableCharacter(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies that this encoder's <code>CodingErrorAction</code> specified
 /// for malformed input error has been changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Notifies that this encoder's <code>CodingErrorAction</code> specified
 /// for malformed input error has been changed. The default implementation
 /// does nothing; this method can be overridden if needed.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="newAction">the new action.</param>
 protected internal virtual void implOnMalformedInput(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Encodes characters starting at the current position of the given input
 /// buffer, and writes the equivalent byte sequence into the given output
 /// buffer from its current position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Encodes characters starting at the current position of the given input
 /// buffer, and writes the equivalent byte sequence into the given output
 /// buffer from its current position.
 /// <p>
 /// The buffers' position will be changed with the reading and writing
 /// operation, but their limits and marks will be kept intact.
 /// <p>
 /// A <code>CoderResult</code> instance will be returned according to
 /// following rules:
 /// <ul>
 /// <li>A
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.malformedForLength(int)">malformed input</see>
 /// result
 /// indicates that some malformed input error was encountered, and the
 /// erroneous characters start at the input buffer's position and their
 /// number can be got by result's
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.length()">length</see>
 /// . This
 /// kind of result can be returned only if the malformed action is
 /// <see cref="CodingErrorAction.REPORT">CodingErrorAction.REPORT</see>
 /// .</li>
 /// <li>
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.UNDERFLOW">CoderResult.UNDERFLOW</see>
 /// indicates that
 /// as many characters as possible in the input buffer have been encoded. If
 /// there is no further input and no characters left in the input buffer then
 /// this task is complete. If this is not the case then the client should
 /// call this method again supplying some more input characters.</li>
 /// <li>
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.OVERFLOW">CoderResult.OVERFLOW</see>
 /// indicates that the
 /// output buffer has been filled, while there are still some characters
 /// remaining in the input buffer. This method should be invoked again with a
 /// non-full output buffer.</li>
 /// <li>A
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.unmappableForLength(int)">unmappable character</see>
 /// result indicates that some unmappable character error was encountered,
 /// and the erroneous characters start at the input buffer's position and
 /// their number can be got by result's
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.length()">length</see>
 /// .
 /// This kind of result can be returned only on
 /// <see cref="CodingErrorAction.REPORT">CodingErrorAction.REPORT</see>
 /// .</li>
 /// </ul>
 /// <p>
 /// The <code>endOfInput</code> parameter indicates if the invoker can
 /// provider further input. This parameter is true if and only if the
 /// characters in the current input buffer are all inputs for this encoding
 /// operation. Note that it is common and won't cause an error if the invoker
 /// sets false and then has no more input available, while it may cause an
 /// error if the invoker always sets true in several consecutive invocations.
 /// This would make the remaining input to be treated as malformed input.
 /// input.
 /// <p>
 /// This method invokes the
 /// <see cref="encodeLoop(java.nio.CharBuffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer)">encodeLoop</see>
 /// method to
 /// implement the basic encode logic for a specific charset.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="in">the input buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="out">the output buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="endOfInput">true if all the input characters have been provided.</param>
 /// <returns>a <code>CoderResult</code> instance indicating the result.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
 /// if the encoding operation has already started or no more
 /// input is needed in this encoding process.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="CoderMalfunctionError">
 /// If the
 /// <see cref="encodeLoop(java.nio.CharBuffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer)">encodeLoop</see>
 /// method threw an <code>BufferUnderflowException</code> or
 /// <code>BufferUnderflowException</code>.
 /// </exception>
 public java.nio.charset.CoderResult encode(java.nio.CharBuffer @in, java.nio.ByteBuffer
                                            @out, bool endOfInput)
     // If the previous step is encode(CharBuffer), then no more input is needed
     // thus endOfInput should not be false
     if (status == READY && finished && !endOfInput)
         throw new System.InvalidOperationException();
     if ((status == FLUSH) || (!endOfInput && status == END))
         throw new System.InvalidOperationException();
     java.nio.charset.CoderResult result;
     while (true)
             result = encodeLoop(@in, @out);
         catch (java.nio.BufferOverflowException e)
             throw new java.nio.charset.CoderMalfunctionError(e);
         catch (java.nio.BufferUnderflowException e)
             throw new java.nio.charset.CoderMalfunctionError(e);
         if (result == java.nio.charset.CoderResult.UNDERFLOW)
             status = endOfInput ? END : ONGOING;
             if (endOfInput)
                 int remaining = @in.remaining();
                 if (remaining > 0)
                     result = java.nio.charset.CoderResult.malformedForLength(remaining);
             if (result == java.nio.charset.CoderResult.OVERFLOW)
                 status = endOfInput ? END : ONGOING;
         java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction action = _malformedInputAction;
         if (result.isUnmappable())
             action = _unmappableCharacterAction;
         // If the action is IGNORE or REPLACE, we should continue
         // encoding.
         if (action == java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)
             if (@out.remaining() < replacementBytes.Length)
             if (action != java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.IGNORE)
         @in.position(@in.position() + result.length());
Exemple #11
		/// <summary>Sets this decoder's action on unmappable character errors.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Sets this decoder's action on unmappable character errors.
		/// This method will call the
		/// <see cref="implOnUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction)">implOnUnmappableCharacter
		/// 	</see>
		/// method with the given new action as argument.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="newAction">the new action on unmappable character error.</param>
		/// <returns>this decoder.</returns>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// if
		/// <code>newAction</code>
		/// is
		/// <code>null</code>
		/// .
		/// </exception>
		public java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder onUnmappableCharacter(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
			if (newAction == null)
				throw new System.ArgumentException();
			_unmappableCharacterAction = newAction;
			return this;
Exemple #12
		/// <summary>Sets this decoder's action on malformed input errors.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Sets this decoder's action on malformed input errors.
		/// This method will call the
		/// <see cref="implOnMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction)">implOnMalformedInput</see>
		/// method with the given new action as argument.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="newAction">the new action on malformed input error.</param>
		/// <returns>this decoder.</returns>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// if
		/// <code>newAction</code>
		/// is
		/// <code>null</code>
		/// .
		/// </exception>
		public java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder onMalformedInput(java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction
			if (newAction == null)
				throw new System.ArgumentException();
			_malformedInputAction = newAction;
			return this;
Exemple #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a new <code>CharsetDecoder</code> using the given
		/// <code>Charset</code>, average number and maximum number of characters
		/// created by this decoder for one input byte, and the default replacement
		/// string "\uFFFD".
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Constructs a new <code>CharsetDecoder</code> using the given
		/// <code>Charset</code>, average number and maximum number of characters
		/// created by this decoder for one input byte, and the default replacement
		/// string "\uFFFD".
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="charset">the <code>Charset</code> to be used by this decoder.</param>
		/// <param name="averageCharsPerByte">
		/// the average number of characters created by this decoder for
		/// one input byte, must be positive.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="maxCharsPerByte">
		/// the maximum number of characters created by this decoder for
		/// one input byte, must be positive.
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// if <code>averageCharsPerByte</code> or
		/// <code>maxCharsPerByte</code> is negative.
		/// </exception>
		protected internal CharsetDecoder(java.nio.charset.Charset charset_1, float averageCharsPerByte_1
			, float maxCharsPerByte_1)
			if (averageCharsPerByte_1 <= 0 || maxCharsPerByte_1 <= 0)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("averageCharsPerByte and maxCharsPerByte must be positive"
			if (averageCharsPerByte_1 > maxCharsPerByte_1)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("averageCharsPerByte is greater than maxCharsPerByte"
			this._averageCharsPerByte = averageCharsPerByte_1;
			this._maxCharsPerByte = maxCharsPerByte_1;
			cs = charset_1;
			status = INIT;
			_malformedInputAction = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
			_unmappableCharacterAction = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
			replacementChars = "\ufffd";
Exemple #14
		internal CharsetEncoder(java.nio.charset.Charset cs, float averageBytesPerChar_1, 
			float maxBytesPerChar_1, byte[] replacement_1, bool trusted)
			// internal status indicates encode(CharBuffer) operation is finished
			// decoder instance for this encoder's charset, used for replacement value checking
			if (averageBytesPerChar_1 <= 0 || maxBytesPerChar_1 <= 0)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("averageBytesPerChar and maxBytesPerChar must both be positive"
			if (averageBytesPerChar_1 > maxBytesPerChar_1)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("averageBytesPerChar is greater than maxBytesPerChar"
			this.cs = cs;
			this._averageBytesPerChar = averageBytesPerChar_1;
			this._maxBytesPerChar = maxBytesPerChar_1;
			status = INIT;
			_malformedInputAction = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
			_unmappableCharacterAction = java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
			if (trusted)
				// The RI enforces unnecessary restrictions on the replacement bytes. We trust ICU to
				// know what it's doing. Doing so lets us support ICU's EUC-JP, SCSU, and Shift_JIS.
				this.replacementBytes = replacement_1;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes bytes starting at the current position of the given input buffer,
 /// and writes the equivalent character sequence into the given output buffer
 /// from its current position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Decodes bytes starting at the current position of the given input buffer,
 /// and writes the equivalent character sequence into the given output buffer
 /// from its current position.
 /// <p>
 /// The buffers' position will be changed with the reading and writing
 /// operation, but their limits and marks will be kept intact.
 /// <p>
 /// A <code>CoderResult</code> instance will be returned according to
 /// following rules:
 /// <ul>
 /// <li>
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.OVERFLOW">CoderResult.OVERFLOW</see>
 /// indicates that
 /// even though not all of the input has been processed, the buffer the
 /// output is being written to has reached its capacity. In the event of this
 /// code being returned this method should be called once more with an
 /// <code>out</code> argument that has not already been filled.</li>
 /// <li>
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.UNDERFLOW">CoderResult.UNDERFLOW</see>
 /// indicates that
 /// as many bytes as possible in the input buffer have been decoded. If there
 /// is no further input and no remaining bytes in the input buffer then this
 /// operation may be regarded as complete. Otherwise, this method should be
 /// called once more with additional input.</li>
 /// <li>A
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.malformedForLength(int)">malformed input</see>
 /// result
 /// indicates that some malformed input error has been encountered, and the
 /// erroneous bytes start at the input buffer's position and their number can
 /// be got by result's
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.length()">length</see>
 /// . This kind of
 /// result can be returned only if the malformed action is
 /// <see cref="CodingErrorAction.REPORT">CodingErrorAction.REPORT</see>
 /// . </li>
 /// <li>A
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.unmappableForLength(int)">unmappable character</see>
 /// result indicates that some unmappable character error has been
 /// encountered, and the erroneous bytes start at the input buffer's position
 /// and their number can be got by result's
 /// <see cref="CoderResult.length()">length</see>
 /// . This kind of result can be returned
 /// only if the unmappable character action is
 /// <see cref="CodingErrorAction.REPORT">CodingErrorAction.REPORT</see>
 /// . </li>
 /// </ul>
 /// <p>
 /// The <code>endOfInput</code> parameter indicates that the invoker cannot
 /// provide further input. This parameter is true if and only if the bytes in
 /// current input buffer are all inputs for this decoding operation. Note
 /// that it is common and won't cause an error if the invoker sets false and
 /// then can't provide more input, while it may cause an error if the invoker
 /// always sets true in several consecutive invocations. This would make the
 /// remaining input to be treated as malformed input.
 /// <p>
 /// This method invokes the
 /// <see cref="decodeLoop(java.nio.ByteBuffer, java.nio.CharBuffer)">decodeLoop</see>
 /// method to
 /// implement the basic decode logic for a specific charset.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="in">the input buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="out">the output buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="endOfInput">true if all the input characters have been provided.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// a <code>CoderResult</code> instance which indicates the reason
 /// of termination.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
 /// if decoding has started or no more input is needed in this
 /// decoding progress.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="CoderMalfunctionError">
 /// if the
 /// <see cref="decodeLoop(java.nio.ByteBuffer, java.nio.CharBuffer)">decodeLoop</see>
 /// method threw an <code>BufferUnderflowException</code> or
 /// <code>BufferOverflowException</code>.
 /// </exception>
 public java.nio.charset.CoderResult decode(java.nio.ByteBuffer @in, java.nio.CharBuffer
                                            @out, bool endOfInput)
     if ((status == FLUSH) || (!endOfInput && status == END))
         throw new System.InvalidOperationException();
     java.nio.charset.CoderResult result = null;
     // begin to decode
     while (true)
         java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction action = null;
             result = decodeLoop(@in, @out);
         catch (java.nio.BufferOverflowException ex)
             // unexpected exception
             throw new java.nio.charset.CoderMalfunctionError(ex);
         catch (java.nio.BufferUnderflowException ex)
             // unexpected exception
             throw new java.nio.charset.CoderMalfunctionError(ex);
         if (result.isUnderflow())
             int remaining = @in.remaining();
             status = endOfInput ? END : ONGOING;
             if (endOfInput && remaining > 0)
                 result = java.nio.charset.CoderResult.malformedForLength(remaining);
         if (result.isOverflow())
         // set coding error handle action
         action = _malformedInputAction;
         if (result.isUnmappable())
             action = _unmappableCharacterAction;
         // If the action is IGNORE or REPLACE, we should continue decoding.
         if (action == java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)
             if (@out.remaining() < replacementChars.Length)
             if (action != java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.IGNORE)
         @in.position(@in.position() + result.length());