Exemple #1
 // Changes the text in each item holder. If the avatar has been bought by the user, this method will
 // change the text from the price of the avatar to "SOLD".
 public void update_sprite(int weapon_id)
     for (int i = 0; i < item_holder_list.Count; i++)
         item_holder holder_script = item_holder_list[i].GetComponent <item_holder>();
         if (holder_script.item_id == weapon_id)
             for (int j = 0; j < weapon_list.Count; j++)
                 if (weapon_list[j].weapon_id == weapon_id)
                     // If the avatar has been bought, change the text to "SOLD".
                     if (weapon_list[j].bought)
                         holder_script.item_price.text = "SOLD";
Exemple #2
    // Used to populate the avatar shop list with all the avatars and their prices, etc.
    void fillList()
        for (int i = 0; i < weapon_list.Count; i++)
            GameObject  holder        = Instantiate(item_holder_prefab, grid, false);
            item_holder holder_script = holder.GetComponent <item_holder>();

            holder_script.item_name.text  = weapon_list[i].weapon_name;
            holder_script.item_price.text = weapon_list[i].weapon_price.ToString();
            holder_script.item_id         = weapon_list[i].weapon_id;

            // can check here if the char is male or female then load in the appropriate image
            holder_script.item_image.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + game_manager.gameManager.gender + "/" + "hero" + weapon_list[i].weapon_id + "/1");

            //BUY button
            holder_script.buy_button.GetComponent <buy_button>().weapon_id = weapon_list[i].weapon_id;
