//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldDecodeFullChunk() public virtual void ShouldDecodeFullChunk() { // whole chunk with header and body arrives at once ByteBuf input = buffer(); input.writeShort(7); input.writeByte(1); input.writeByte(11); input.writeByte(2); input.writeByte(22); input.writeByte(3); input.writeByte(33); input.writeByte(4); // after buffer is written there should be something to read on the other side assertTrue(_channel.writeInbound(input)); assertTrue(_channel.finish()); // there should only be a single chunk available for reading assertEquals(1, _channel.inboundMessages().size()); // it should have no size header and expected body assertByteBufEquals(input.slice(2, 7), _channel.readInbound()); }