Exemple #1
 public static void AreEqual(int4x4 a, int4x4 b)
     AreEqual(a.c0, b.c0);
     AreEqual(a.c1, b.c1);
     AreEqual(a.c2, b.c2);
     AreEqual(a.c3, b.c3);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs this matrix from a int4x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public int2x2(int4x4 m)
     this.m00 = m.m00;
     this.m01 = m.m01;
     this.m10 = m.m10;
     this.m11 = m.m11;
        static void TestInt4x4_Select_WorksCorrectly()
            var zero        = int4x4.zero;
            var identity    = int4x4.identity;
            var one         = (int4x4)1;
            var zebraLoInts = new int4x4(1, 0, 1, 0);
            var zebraHiInts = new int4x4(0, 1, 0, 1);

            var zebraLoIdentity = new int4x4(new int4(1, 0, 0, 0), 0, new int4(0, 0, 1, 0), 0);
            var zebraHiIdentity = new int4x4(0, new int4(0, 1, 0, 0), 0, new int4(0, 0, 0, 1));

            var t = new bool4x4(true);
            var f = new bool4x4(false);

            var zebraLo = new bool4x4(true, false, true, false);
            var zebraHi = new bool4x4(false, true, false, true);

            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, one, f), zero);
            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, one, t), one);
            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, one, zebraLo), zebraLoInts);
            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, one, zebraHi), zebraHiInts);

            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, identity, f), zero);
            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, identity, t), identity);
            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, identity, zebraLo), zebraLoIdentity);
            Validate(Maths.Select(zero, identity, zebraHi), zebraHiIdentity);
Exemple #4
 public half4x4(int4x4 v)
     this.c0 = new half4(v.c0);
     this.c1 = new half4(v.c1);
     this.c2 = new half4(v.c2);
     this.c3 = new half4(v.c3);
Exemple #5
 public fp4x4(int4x4 v)
     this.c0 = (fp4)v.c0;
     this.c1 = (fp4)v.c1;
     this.c2 = (fp4)v.c2;
     this.c3 = (fp4)v.c3;
 public static void AreEqual(int4x4 expected, int4x4 actual)
     AreEqual(expected.c0, actual.c0);
     AreEqual(expected.c1, actual.c1);
     AreEqual(expected.c2, actual.c2);
     AreEqual(expected.c3, actual.c3);
        public int GetTex(int4x4 guidValue, bool isNormal = false)
            AssetReference guid = clusterRes.GetReference(ref guidValue);
            int            index;

            if (guidToIndex.TryGetValue(guid, out index))
                if (indexPool.Length <= 0)
                    Debug.Log("Texture Pool out of Range!!");
                index = indexPool[indexPool.Length - 1];
                usageCount[index] = 1;
                guidToIndex.Add(guid, index);
                clusterRes.AddLoadCommand(guid, rt, index, isNormal);
                //Streaming Load Texture

Exemple #8
 public static int4x4 Select(int4x4 a, int4x4 b, bool4x4 c)
     return(new int4x4(
                math.select(a.c0, b.c0, c.c0),
                math.select(a.c1, b.c1, c.c1),
                math.select(a.c2, b.c2, c.c2),
                math.select(a.c3, b.c3, c.c3)));
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs this matrix from a int4x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public int3x2(int4x4 m)
     this.m00 = m.m00;
     this.m01 = m.m01;
     this.m10 = m.m10;
     this.m11 = m.m11;
     this.m20 = m.m20;
     this.m21 = m.m21;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs this matrix from a int4x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public int2x3(int4x4 m)
     this.m00 = m.m00;
     this.m01 = m.m01;
     this.m02 = m.m02;
     this.m10 = m.m10;
     this.m11 = m.m11;
     this.m12 = m.m12;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs this matrix from a int4x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public int2x4(int4x4 m)
     this.m00 = m.m00;
     this.m01 = m.m01;
     this.m02 = m.m02;
     this.m03 = m.m03;
     this.m10 = m.m10;
     this.m11 = m.m11;
     this.m12 = m.m12;
     this.m13 = m.m13;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs this matrix from a int4x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public int3x3(int4x4 m)
     this.m00 = m.m00;
     this.m01 = m.m01;
     this.m02 = m.m02;
     this.m10 = m.m10;
     this.m11 = m.m11;
     this.m12 = m.m12;
     this.m20 = m.m20;
     this.m21 = m.m21;
     this.m22 = m.m22;
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs this matrix from a int4x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public int3x4(int4x4 m)
     this.m00 = m.m00;
     this.m01 = m.m01;
     this.m02 = m.m02;
     this.m03 = m.m03;
     this.m10 = m.m10;
     this.m11 = m.m11;
     this.m12 = m.m12;
     this.m13 = m.m13;
     this.m20 = m.m20;
     this.m21 = m.m21;
     this.m22 = m.m22;
     this.m23 = m.m23;
        public void RemoveTex(int4x4 guidValue)
            AssetReference guid = clusterRes.GetReference(ref guidValue);
            int            index;

            if (guidToIndex.TryGetValue(guid, out index))
                if (usageCount[index] <= 0)
        private static void CustomVisit(ref int4x4 i)
            var field0 = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("", ConvertToVector4(i[0]));
            var field1 = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("", ConvertToVector4(i[1]));
            var field2 = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("", ConvertToVector4(i[2]));
            var field3 = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("", ConvertToVector4(i[3]));

            i[0] = ConvertVector4ToInt4(field0);
            i[1] = ConvertVector4ToInt4(field1);
            i[2] = ConvertVector4ToInt4(field2);
            i[3] = ConvertVector4ToInt4(field3);
        public AssetReference GetReference(ref int4x4 guid)
            if (!referenceCacheDict.isCreated)
                referenceCacheDict = new NativeDictionary <int4x4, int, Int4x4Equal>(100, Allocator.Persistent, new Int4x4Equal());
            int index;

            if (referenceCacheDict.Get(guid, out index))
            string guidCache = new string((char *)guid.Ptr(), 0, 32);

            referenceCacheDict.Add(guid, allReferenceCache.Count);
            AssetReference aref = new AssetReference(guidCache);

Exemple #17
 public static fp4x4 fp4x4(int4x4 v)
     return(new fp4x4(v));
 static void Validate(int4x4 test, int4x4 control)
     Assert.That(test.Equals(control), $"There was an error in selecting the ints! {test} {control}");
        public unsafe static Dictionary <Material, int> GetMaterialsData(MeshRenderer[] allRenderers, ref SceneStreamLoader loader)
            float3 ColorToVector(Color c)
                return(pow(float3(c.r, c.g, c.b), 2.2f));

            float2 GetVector2(float4 vec)
                return(float2(vec.x, vec.y));

            var dict = new Dictionary <Material, int>(allRenderers.Length);

            loader.allProperties = new NativeList <MaterialProperties>(allRenderers.Length, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);
            var albedoTexs       = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var normalTexs       = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var smoTexs          = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var emissionTex      = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var heightTex        = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var secondAlbedoTex  = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var secondBumpTex    = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var secondSpecTex    = new List <Texture>(allRenderers.Length);
            var albedoDict       = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            var normalDict       = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            var smoDict          = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            var emissionDict     = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            var heightDict       = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            var secondAlbedoDict = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            var secondBumpDict   = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            var secondSpecDict   = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(allRenderers.Length);
            int len = 0;

            int GetTextureIndex(List <Texture> lst, Dictionary <Texture, int> texDict, Texture tex)
                int ind = -1;

                if (tex)
                    if (!texDict.TryGetValue(tex, out ind))
                        ind = lst.Count;
                        texDict.Add(tex, ind);

            foreach (var r in allRenderers)
                var ms = r.sharedMaterials;
                foreach (var m in ms)
                    if (!m)
                        throw new System.Exception(r.name + " Has Null Mat");
                    if (!dict.ContainsKey(m))
                        dict.Add(m, len);
                        Texture albedo            = m.GetTexture("_MainTex");
                        Texture normal            = m.GetTexture("_BumpMap");
                        Texture smo               = m.GetTexture("_SpecularMap");
                        Texture emission          = m.GetTexture("_EmissionMap");
                        Texture height            = m.GetTexture("_HeightMap");
                        Texture secondBump        = m.GetTexture("_SecondaryBumpMap");
                        Texture secondAlbedo      = m.GetTexture("_SecondaryMainTex");
                        Texture secondSpec        = m.GetTexture("_SecondarySpecularMap");
                        int     albedoIndex       = GetTextureIndex(albedoTexs, albedoDict, albedo);
                        int     normalIndex       = GetTextureIndex(normalTexs, normalDict, normal);
                        int     smoIndex          = GetTextureIndex(smoTexs, smoDict, smo);
                        int     emissionIndex     = GetTextureIndex(emissionTex, emissionDict, emission);
                        int     heightIndex       = GetTextureIndex(heightTex, heightDict, height);
                        int     secondBumpIndex   = GetTextureIndex(secondBumpTex, secondBumpDict, secondBump);
                        int     secondAlbedoIndex = GetTextureIndex(secondAlbedoTex, secondAlbedoDict, secondAlbedo);
                        int     secondSpecIndex   = GetTextureIndex(secondSpecTex, secondSpecDict, secondSpec);
                        loader.allProperties.Add(new MaterialProperties
                            _Color                = ColorToVector(m.GetColor("_Color")),
                            _Glossiness           = m.GetFloat("_Glossiness"),
                            _DecalLayer           = (uint)m.GetInt("_DecalLayer"),
                            _EmissionColor        = ColorToVector(m.GetColor("_EmissionColor") * m.GetFloat("_EmissionMultiplier")),
                            _MetallicIntensity    = m.GetFloat("_MetallicIntensity"),
                            _SpecularIntensity    = m.GetFloat("_SpecularIntensity"),
                            _Occlusion            = m.GetFloat("_Occlusion"),
                            _NormalIntensity      = GetVector2(m.GetVector("_NormalIntensity")),
                            _TileOffset           = m.GetVector("_TileOffset"),
                            _BumpMap              = normalIndex,
                            _EmissionMap          = emissionIndex,
                            _MainTex              = albedoIndex,
                            _SpecularMap          = smoIndex,
                            _HeightMap            = heightIndex,
                            _HeightMapIntensity   = m.GetFloat("_HeightmapIntensity"),
                            _SecondaryBumpMap     = secondBumpIndex,
                            _SecondaryMainTex     = secondAlbedoIndex,
                            _SecondarySpecularMap = secondSpecIndex,
                            _SecondaryTileOffset  = m.GetVector("_SecondaryTileOffset")
            ComputeShader readRTDataShader = Resources.Load <ComputeShader>("ReadRTData");

            void GetGUIDs(out NativeList <int4x4> strs, List <Texture> texs, int typeIndex)
                strs = new NativeList <int4x4>(texs.Count, Allocator.Persistent);
                for (int i = 0; i < texs.Count; ++i)
                    string guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texs[i]));
                    MEditorLib.SetObjectAddressable(texs[i], guid);
                    int4x4 value = 0;
                    fixed(char *c = guid)
                        UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(value.Ptr(), c, sizeof(int4x4));


            GetGUIDs(out loader.albedoGUIDs, albedoTexs, 0);
            GetGUIDs(out loader.secondAlbedoGUIDs, secondAlbedoTex, 0);
            GetGUIDs(out loader.normalGUIDs, normalTexs, 1);
            GetGUIDs(out loader.secondNormalGUIDs, secondBumpTex, 1);
            GetGUIDs(out loader.smoGUIDs, smoTexs, 0);
            GetGUIDs(out loader.secondSpecGUIDs, secondSpecTex, 0);
            GetGUIDs(out loader.emissionGUIDs, emissionTex, 2);
            GetGUIDs(out loader.heightGUIDs, heightTex, 3);
Exemple #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an enumerator that iterates through all fields.
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerator <int> GetEnumerator(int4x4 m) => m.GetEnumerator();
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a 1D array with all values (internal order)
 /// </summary>
 public static int[] Values1D(int4x4 m) => m.Values1D;
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a 2D array with all values (address: Values[x, y])
 /// </summary>
 public static int[,] Values(int4x4 m) => m.Values;