/// <summary> Display search results in simple XML format </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Stream to which to write the text for this main writer </param>
        protected internal void display_search_results(TextWriter Output)
            // Get the URL and network roots
            string url      = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_URL;
            string network  = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_Server_Network;
            string base_url = currentMode.Base_URL.Replace("sobekcm_data.aspx", "");

            // Write the header first
            Output.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> ");
            Output.WriteLine("<ResultSet Page=\"" + currentMode.Page + "\" Total=\"" + base.results_statistics.Total_Titles + "\">");

            // Now, add XML for each title
            string lastBibID = string.Empty;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result thisResult in base.paged_results)
                if (thisResult.BibID != lastBibID)
                    if (lastBibID.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("<TitleResult ID=\"" + thisResult.BibID + "\">");
                    lastBibID = thisResult.BibID;

                // Determine folder from BibID
                string folder = thisResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(8);

                // Now, add XML for each item
                for (int i = 0; i < thisResult.Item_Count; i++)
                    iSearch_Item_Result itemResult = thisResult.Get_Item(i);
                    Output.WriteLine("\t<ItemResult ID=\"" + thisResult.BibID + "_" + itemResult.VID + "\">");
                    Write_XML(Output, itemResult.Title);
                    if (itemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                        Write_XML(Output, itemResult.PubDate);
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t<URL>" + base_url + thisResult.BibID + "/" + itemResult.VID + "</URL>");
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t<Folder type=\"web\">" + url + folder + "/" + itemResult.VID + "</Folder>");
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t<Folder type=\"network\">" + network + folder.Replace("/", "\\") + "\\" + itemResult.VID + "</Folder>");

            if (base.paged_results.Count > 0)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary> Writes the search or browse information in JSON format directly to the output stream  </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Stream to which to write the JSON search or browse information </param>
        /// <param name="All_Items_Lookup"> Lookup object used to pull basic information about any item loaded into this library </param>
        protected internal void display_search_results(TextWriter Output)
            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((RequestSpecificValues.Paged_Results == null) || (RequestSpecificValues.Results_Statistics == null) || (RequestSpecificValues.Results_Statistics.Total_Items <= 0))


            // Step through all the results
            int i = 1;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in RequestSpecificValues.Paged_Results)
                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Determine a thumbnail
                string thumb = currentGreenstoneImageRoot + titleResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(8) + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "/" + firstItemResult.MainThumbnail;
                if ((thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPG") < 0) && (thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".GIF") < 0))
                    thumb = Static_Resources_Gateway.Nothumb_Jpg;
                thumb = thumb.Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/").Replace("http:/", "http://");

                // Was a previous item/title included here?
                if (i > 1)
                Output.Write("{\"collection_item\":{\"name\":\"" + firstItemResult.Title.Trim().Replace("\"", "'") + "\",\"url\":\"" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.System_Base_URL + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "\",\"collection_code\":\"\",\"id\":\"" + titleResult.BibID + "_" + firstItemResult.VID + "\",\"thumb_url\":\"" + thumb + "\"}}");


Exemple #3
        /// <summary> Writes the search or browse information in JSON format directly to the output stream  </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Stream to which to write the JSON search or browse information </param>
        /// <param name="All_Items_Lookup"> Lookup object used to pull basic information about any item loaded into this library </param>
        protected internal void display_search_results(TextWriter Output, Item_Lookup_Object All_Items_Lookup)
            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((paged_results == null) || (results_statistics == null) || (results_statistics.Total_Items <= 0))


            // Step through all the results
            int i = 1;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in paged_results)
                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Determine a thumbnail
                string thumb = currentGreenstoneImageRoot + titleResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(8) + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "/" + firstItemResult.MainThumbnail;
                if ((thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPG") < 0) && (thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".GIF") < 0))
                    thumb = currentMode.Default_Images_URL + "NoThumb.jpg";
                thumb = thumb.Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/").Replace("http:/", "http://");

                // Was a previous item/title included here?
                if (i > 1)
                Output.Write("{\"collection_item\":{\"name\":\"" + firstItemResult.Title.Trim().Replace("\"", "'") + "\",\"url\":\"" + SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Base_URL + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "\",\"collection_code\":\"\",\"id\":\"" + titleResult.BibID + "_" + firstItemResult.VID + "\",\"thumb_url\":\"" + thumb + "\"}}");


        /// <summary> Adds the controls for this result viewer to the place holder on the main form </summary>
        /// <param name="MainPlaceHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the the bulk of the result viewer's output is displayed</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Sorted tree with the results in hierarchical structure with volumes and issues under the titles and sorted by serial hierarchy </returns>
        public override void Add_HTML(PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Custom_Thumbnail_ResultsViewer.Add_HTML", "Rendering results in thumbnail view");

            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((PagedResults == null) || (ResultsStats == null) || (ResultsStats.Total_Items <= 0))

            // Get the text search redirect stem and (writer-adjusted) base url
            string textRedirectStem = Text_Redirect_Stem;
            string base_url         = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL;

            if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Writer_Type == Writer_Type_Enum.HTML_LoggedIn)
                base_url = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "l/";

            // Should the publication date be shown?
            bool showDate = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Sort >= 10;

            // Start this table
            StringBuilder resultsBldr = new StringBuilder(5000);

            //Add the necessary JavaScript, CSS files
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + Static_Resources_Gateway.Sobekcm_Thumb_Results_Js + "\"></script>");

            // Start this table
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<div style=\"width:80%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto\">");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<h2>Timeline View</h2>");

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in PagedResults)
                bool multiple_title = titleResult.Item_Count > 1;

                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Determine the internal link to the first (possibly only) item
                string internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // For browses, just point to the title
                if ((RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.Aggregation) && (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Aggregation_Type == Aggregation_Type_Enum.Browse_Info))
                    internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + textRedirectStem;

                string title;
                if (multiple_title)
                    // Determine term to use
                    string multi_term = "volume";
                    if (titleResult.MaterialType.ToUpper() == "NEWSPAPER")
                        multi_term = titleResult.Item_Count > 1 ? "issues" : "issue";
                        if (titleResult.Item_Count > 1)
                            multi_term = "volumes";

                    if ((showDate))
                        if (firstItemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                            title = "[" + firstItemResult.PubDate + "] " + titleResult.GroupTitle;
                            title = titleResult.GroupTitle;
                        title = titleResult.GroupTitle + "<br />( " + titleResult.Item_Count + " " + multi_term + " )";
                    if (showDate)
                        if (firstItemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                            title = "[" + firstItemResult.PubDate + "] " + firstItemResult.Title;
                            title = firstItemResult.Title;
                        title = firstItemResult.Title;

                // Add the title
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + internal_link + "\">" + title + "</a><br />");

            // End this div

            // Add this to the html table
            Literal mainLiteral = new Literal {
                Text = resultsBldr.ToString()

Exemple #5
        protected void Write_Single_Row(StringBuilder resultsBldr, iSearch_Title_Result titleRow, int index_in_page, string textRedirectStem, string base_url, bool internal_user)
            // Start this row
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\">");
            iSearch_Item_Result itemRow = titleRow.Get_Item(0);
            string identifier           = titleRow.BibID.ToUpper() + "_" + itemRow.VID;

            // Add the actions as the first column
            resultsBldr.Append("\t\t<td class=\"SobekFolderActionLink\" width=\"170px\" >( ");
            resultsBldr.Append("<a title=\"Remove this item from your bookshelf\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return remove_item( '" + identifier + "' );\">remove</a> | ");
            resultsBldr.Append("<a title=\"Move this item to a new bookshelf\" href=\"\" name=\"item_move_" + index_in_page + "\" id=\"item_move_" + index_in_page + "\" onclick=\"return move_form_open('item_move_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "' );\">move</a> | ");
            resultsBldr.Append("<a title=\"Send this item to a friend\" href=\"\" name=\"item_send_" + index_in_page + "\" id=\"item_send_" + index_in_page + "\" onclick=\"return email_form_open('item_send_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "' );\">send</a>");

            if (internal_user)
                resultsBldr.Append(" | <a title=\"Edit this item\" href=\"" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "my/edit/" + titleRow.BibID + "/" + itemRow.VID + "\" name=\"item_edit_" + index_in_page + "\" id=\"item_edit_" + index_in_page + "\" >edit</a> )</td>\n");
                resultsBldr.AppendLine(" ) </td>");

            // Add the check box
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td><input title=\"Select or unselect this item\"  type=\"checkbox\" name=\"item_select_" + index_in_page.ToString() + "\" id=\"item_select_" + index_in_page.ToString() + "\" value=\"" + identifier + "\" /></td>");

            string user_notes = titleRow.UserNotes;

            // Add the title and user notes next
            resultsBldr.Append("\t\t<td><a href=\"" + base_url + titleRow.BibID + "/" + itemRow.VID + textRedirectStem + "\">" + itemRow.Title);
            if ((itemRow.Level1_Text.Length > 0) || (itemRow.Level2_Text.Length > 0) || (itemRow.Level3_Text.Length > 0))
                resultsBldr.Append(" ( ");
                if (itemRow.Level1_Text.Length > 0)
                if (itemRow.Level2_Text.Length > 0)
                    resultsBldr.Append(" - " + itemRow.Level2_Text);
                if (itemRow.Level3_Text.Length > 0)
                    resultsBldr.Append(" - " + itemRow.Level3_Text);
                resultsBldr.Append(" ) ");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_notes))
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<br />" + user_notes + " <span class=\"SobekFolderActionLink\">( <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return edit_notes_form_open('item_send_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "','" + user_notes.Replace("\"", "%22").Replace("'", "%27").Replace("=", "%3D").Replace("&", "%26") + "' );\">edit note</a> )</span></td>");
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<br /><span class=\"SobekFolderActionLink\">( <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return edit_notes_form_open('item_send_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "','' );\" >add note</a> )</span></td>");

            // End this row
        /// <summary> Adds the controls for this result viewer to the place holder on the main form </summary>
        /// <param name="placeHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the the bulk of the result viewer's output is displayed</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Sorted tree with the results in hierarchical structure with volumes and issues under the titles and sorted by serial hierarchy </returns>
        public override void Add_HTML(PlaceHolder placeHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Export_File_ResultsViewer.Add_HTML", "Rendering results in text view");

            //// Sort this by BIbID

            //// Determine which rows to display
            //int lastRow = base.LastRow;
            //int startRow = base.StartRow(lastRow);

            //// prepare to step through each title to display
            //List<SobekCM_Item_Collection.SobekCM_Item_Row> itemRows = new List<SobekCM_Item_Collection.SobekCM_Item_Row>();

            // Prepare to build an output
            StringBuilder resultsBldr = new StringBuilder(5000);

            int currentPage = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page.HasValue ? RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page.Value : 1;

            if (currentPage < 2)
                resultsBldr.Append("<br />" + Environment.NewLine + "<div class=\"SobekHomeText\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<blockquote>" + Environment.NewLine);
                resultsBldr.Append("This option allows you to export the list of results which match your search or browse to an excel document or CSV file for download.<br /><br />");
                resultsBldr.Append("Select the file type below to create the report:");

                //currentMode.Page = 2;
                //resultsBldr.Append("<a href=\"" + currentMode.Redirect_URL() + "\">Excel Spreadsheet file (XLSX)</a><br /><br />");

                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page = 3;
                resultsBldr.Append("<a href=\"" + UrlWriterHelper.Redirect_URL(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode) + "\">Excel Spreadsheet file (XLS)</a><br /><br />");

                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page = 4;
                resultsBldr.Append("<a href=\"" + UrlWriterHelper.Redirect_URL(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode) + "\">Comma-seperated value text file (CSV)</a><br /><br />");

                //currentMode.Page = 5;
                //resultsBldr.Append("<a href=\"" + currentMode.Redirect_URL() + "\">HTML Table (HTML)</a><br /><br />");

                resultsBldr.Append("<br /><br />");

                // Add this to the page
                Literal mainLiteral = new Literal {
                    Text = resultsBldr.ToString()
                string filename = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Instance_Name;

                // Set the Gembox spreadsheet license key

                string from_db = String.Empty;
                string key     = String.Empty;
                if (UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Contains_Additional_Setting("Spreadsheet Library License"))
                        key = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Get_Additional_Setting("Spreadsheet Library License");

                        SecurityInfo thisDecryptor     = new SecurityInfo();
                        string       encryptedPassword = thisDecryptor.DecryptString(from_db, "*h3kj(83", "unsalted");
                    catch (Exception)


                // Create the excel file and worksheet
                ExcelFile      excelFile  = new ExcelFile();
                ExcelWorksheet excelSheet = excelFile.Worksheets.Add(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Instance_Name);
                excelFile.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = excelSheet;

                // Create the header cell style
                CellStyle headerStyle = new CellStyle
                    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Left, Font = { Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight }
                headerStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Outside, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);

                // Create the title cell style
                CellStyle titleStyle = new CellStyle
                    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Left, Font = { Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight, Size = 12 * 20 }

                // Set the default style
                CellStyle defaultStyle = new CellStyle();
                defaultStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Outside, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);

                const int columnSelector = 0;
                int       row            = 0;

                if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page != 4)
                    // Add the title
                    excelSheet.Cells[1, columnSelector].Value = "Search or browse result list";
                    excelSheet.Cells[1, columnSelector].Style = titleStyle;
                    row = 3;

                // Add the column headers
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector].Value      = "System ID";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector].Style      = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 1].Value  = "Link";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 1].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 2].Value  = "Group Title";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 2].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 3].Value  = "Item Title";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 3].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 4].Value  = "Date";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 4].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 5].Value  = "Author";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 5].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 6].Value  = "Publisher";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 6].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 7].Value  = "Format";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 7].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 8].Value  = "Edition";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 8].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 9].Value  = "Subjects";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 9].Style  = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 10].Value = "Measurement";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 10].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 11].Value = "Style / Period";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 11].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 12].Value = "Technique";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 12].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 13].Value = "Institution";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 13].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 14].Value = "Donor";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 14].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 15].Value = "OCLC";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 15].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 16].Value = "ALEPH";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 16].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 17].Value = "Serial1";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 17].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 18].Value = "Serial2";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 18].Style = headerStyle;
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 19].Value = "Serial3";
                excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 19].Style = headerStyle;

                // Set the correct widths
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector].Width      = 12 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 1].Width  = 8 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 2].Width  = 40 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 3].Width  = 40 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 4].Width  = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 5].Width  = 14 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 6].Width  = 14 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 7].Width  = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 8].Width  = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 9].Width  = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 10].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 11].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 12].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 13].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 14].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 15].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 16].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 17].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 18].Width = 20 * 256;
                excelSheet.Columns[columnSelector + 19].Width = 20 * 256;

                // Add each row
                foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in PagedResults)
                    for (int item_count = 0; item_count < titleResult.Item_Count; item_count++)
                        iSearch_Item_Result itemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(item_count);

                        excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector].Value     = titleResult.BibID + "_" + itemResult.VID;
                        excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 1].Value = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + titleResult.BibID + "/" + itemResult.VID;
                        excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 2].Value = titleResult.GroupTitle.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 3].Value = itemResult.Title.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 4].Value = itemResult.PubDate.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 5].Value = titleResult.Author.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 6].Value = titleResult.Publisher.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 7].Value = titleResult.Format.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 8].Value = titleResult.Edition.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 9].Value = titleResult.Subjects.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 10].Value = titleResult.Measurement.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 11].Value = titleResult.Style_Period.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 12].Value = titleResult.Technique.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 13].Value = titleResult.Institution.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 14].Value = titleResult.Donor.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //if (titleResult.OCLC_Number > 1)
                        //	excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 15].Value = titleResult.OCLC_Number.ToString();
                        //if (titleResult.ALEPH_Number > 1)
                        //	excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 16].Value = titleResult.ALEPH_Number.ToString();
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 17].Value = itemResult.Level1_Text.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 18].Value = itemResult.Level2_Text.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                        //excelSheet.Cells[row, columnSelector + 19].Value = itemResult.Level3_Text.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("&amp;", "&");


                // Set the border
                excelSheet.Cells.GetSubrange("A4", "T" + row).SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Outside, Color.Black, LineStyle.Medium);
                excelSheet.Cells.GetSubrange("A4", "t4").SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Outside, Color.Black, LineStyle.Medium);

                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Export_File_ResultsViewer.Add_HTML", "Clearing response");

                // Clear any response until now

                // Output in proper format to the user
                switch (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page)
                //case 2:
                //    System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats";
                //    System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename + ".xlsx");
                //    // With XLSX it is a bit more complicated as MS Packaging API can't write
                //    // directly to Response.OutputStream. Therefore we use temporary MemoryStream.
                //    System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
                //    excelFile.SaveXlsx(ms);
                //    ms.WriteTo(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream);
                //    break;

                case 3:
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename + ".xls");

                case 4:
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename + ".csv");
                    excelFile.SaveCsv(HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream, CsvType.CommaDelimited);

                    //case 5:
                    //    System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                    //    System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "Report18.html");
                    //    System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream, new UTF8Encoding(false));
                    //    excelFile.SaveHtml(writer, null, true);
                    //    writer.Close();
                    //    break;

                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Export_File_ResultsViewer.Add_HTML", "Ending response");

        /// <summary> Adds the controls for this result viewer to the place holder on the main form </summary>
        /// <param name="MainPlaceHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the the bulk of the result viewer's output is displayed</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Sorted tree with the results in hierarchical structure with volumes and issues under the titles and sorted by serial hierarchy </returns>
        public override void Add_HTML(PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Thumbnail_ResultsWriter.Add_HTML", "Rendering results in thumbnail view");

            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((Paged_Results == null) || (Results_Statistics == null) || (Results_Statistics.Total_Items <= 0))

            // Get the text search redirect stem and (writer-adjusted) base url
            string textRedirectStem = Text_Redirect_Stem;
            string base_url         = CurrentMode.Base_URL;

            if (CurrentMode.Writer_Type == Writer_Type_Enum.HTML_LoggedIn)
                base_url = CurrentMode.Base_URL + "l/";

            // Should the publication date be shown?
            bool showDate = false;

            if (CurrentMode.Sort >= 10)
                showDate = true;

            // Start this table
            StringBuilder resultsBldr = new StringBuilder(5000);

            //Add the necessary JavaScript, CSS files
            //resultsBldr.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + "default/scripts/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.min.js\"></script>");
            //resultsBldr.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + "default/scripts/jquery/jquery.qtip.min.js\"></script>");
            //resultsBldr.AppendLine("  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + "default/scripts/jquery/jquery.qtip.min.css\" /> ");

            //        resultsBldr.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + "default/scripts/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.1.js\"></script>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + "default/scripts/sobekcm_thumb_results.js\"></script>");

            // Start this table
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<table align=\"center\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"15px\">");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\">");

            // Step through all the results
            int col         = 0;
            int title_count = 0;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in Paged_Results)
                // Should a new row be started
                if (col == 4)
                    col = 0;
                    // Horizontal Line
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"4\"></td></tr>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\">");

                bool multiple_title = titleResult.Item_Count > 1;

                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Determine the internal link to the first (possibly only) item
                string internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // For browses, just point to the title
                if ((CurrentMode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.Aggregation) && (CurrentMode.Aggregation_Type == Aggregation_Type_Enum.Browse_Info))
                    internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + textRedirectStem;

                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td align=\"center\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableRowHighlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableRowNormal'\" onclick=\"window.location.href='" + internal_link + "';\" >");

                string title;
                if (multiple_title)
                    // Determine term to use
                    string multi_term = "volume";
                    if (titleResult.MaterialType.ToUpper() == "NEWSPAPER")
                        multi_term = titleResult.Item_Count > 1 ? "issues" : "issue";
                        if (titleResult.Item_Count > 1)
                            multi_term = "volumes";

                    if ((showDate))
                        if (firstItemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                            title = "[" + firstItemResult.PubDate + "] " + titleResult.GroupTitle;
                            title = titleResult.GroupTitle;
                        title = titleResult.GroupTitle + "<br />( " + titleResult.Item_Count + " " + multi_term + " )";
                    if (showDate)
                        if (firstItemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                            title = "[" + firstItemResult.PubDate + "] " + firstItemResult.Title;
                            title = firstItemResult.Title;
                        title = firstItemResult.Title;

                // Start the HTML for this item
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<table width=\"150px\">");

                //// Is this restricted?
                bool restricted_by_ip = false;
                if ((titleResult.Item_Count == 1) && (firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask > 0))
                    int comparison = firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask & current_user_mask;
                    if (comparison == 0)
                        restricted_by_ip = true;

                // Calculate the thumbnail

                // Add the thumbnail
                if ((firstItemResult.MainThumbnail.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPG") < 0) && (firstItemResult.MainThumbnail.ToUpper().IndexOf(".GIF") < 0))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td><span id=\"sbkThumbnailSpan" + title_count + "\"><a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img id=\"sbkThumbnailImg" + title_count + "\" src=\"" + CurrentMode.Default_Images_URL + "NoThumb.jpg\" /></a></span></td></tr>");
                    string thumb = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_URL + titleResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(8) + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "/" + (firstItemResult.MainThumbnail).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td><span id=\"sbkThumbnailSpan" + title_count + "\"><a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img id=\"sbkThumbnailImg" + title_count + "\"src=\"" + thumb + "\" alt=\"MISSING THUMBNAIL\" /></a></span></td></tr>");

                #region Add the div displayed as a tooltip for this thumbnail on hover

                const string VARIES_STRING = "<span style=\"color:Gray\">( varies )</span>";
                //Add the hidden item values for display in the tooltip
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr style=\"display:none;\"><td colspan=\"100%\"><div  id=\"descThumbnail" + title_count + "\" >");
                // Add each element to this table
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t<table cellspacing=\"0px\">");

                if (multiple_title)
                    //<a href=\"" + internal_link + "\">
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr style=\"height:40px;\" valign=\"middle\"><td colspan=\"3\"><span class=\"qtip_BriefTitle\" style=\"color: #a5a5a5;font-weight: bold;font-size:13px;\">" + titleResult.GroupTitle.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;") + "</span> &nbsp; </td></tr>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"100%\"><br/></td></tr>");
                        "\t\t\t\t<tr style=\"height:40px;\" valign=\"middle\"><td colspan=\"3\"><span class=\"qtip_BriefTitle\" style=\"color: #a5a5a5;font-weight: bold;font-size:13px;\">" + firstItemResult.Title.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;") +
                        "</span> &nbsp; </td></tr><br/>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"100%\"><br/></td></tr>");

                if ((titleResult.Primary_Identifier_Type.Length > 0) && (titleResult.Primary_Identifier.Length > 0))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(titleResult.Primary_Identifier_Type, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(titleResult.Primary_Identifier) + "</td></tr>");

                if (CurrentMode.Internal_User)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>BibID:</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + titleResult.BibID + "</td></tr>");

                    if (titleResult.OPAC_Number > 1)
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>OPAC:</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + titleResult.OPAC_Number + "</td></tr>");

                    if (titleResult.OCLC_Number > 1)
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>OCLC:</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + titleResult.OCLC_Number + "</td></tr>");

                for (int i = 0; i < Results_Statistics.Metadata_Labels.Count; i++)
                    string field = Results_Statistics.Metadata_Labels[i];
                    string value = titleResult.Metadata_Display_Values[i];
                    Metadata_Search_Field thisField = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Metadata_Search_Field_By_Name(field);
                    string display_field            = string.Empty;
                    if (thisField != null)
                        display_field = thisField.Display_Term;
                    if (display_field.Length == 0)
                        display_field = field.Replace("_", " ");

                    if (value == "*")
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(display_field, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(VARIES_STRING) + "</td></tr>");
                    else if (value.Trim().Length > 0)
                        if (value.IndexOf("|") > 0)
                            bool     value_found = false;
                            string[] value_split = value.Split("|".ToCharArray());

                            foreach (string thisValue in value_split)
                                if (thisValue.Trim().Trim().Length > 0)
                                    if (!value_found)
                                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr valign=\"top\"><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(display_field, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>");
                                        value_found = true;
                                    resultsBldr.Append(System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(thisValue) + "<br />");

                            if (value_found)
                            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(display_field, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(value) + "</td></tr>");

                if (titleResult.Snippet.Length > 0)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><br />&ldquo;..." + titleResult.Snippet.Replace("<em>", "<span class=\"texthighlight\">").Replace("</em>", "</span>") + "...&rdquo;</td></tr>");


                // End this row
                //           resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<br />");

                //// Add children, if there are some
                //if (multiple_title)
                //    // Add this to the place holder
                //    Literal thisLiteral = new Literal
                //                              { Text = resultsBldr.ToString().Replace("&lt;role&gt;", "<i>").Replace( "&lt;/role&gt;", "</i>") };
                //    MainPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(thisLiteral);
                //    resultsBldr.Remove(0, resultsBldr.Length);

                //    Add_Issue_Tree(MainPlaceHolder, titleResult, current_row, textRedirectStem, base_url);


                // Add a horizontal line
                //       resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"3\"></td></tr>");

                // End this table
                //           resultsBldr.AppendLine("</table>");


                // Add the title
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"SobekThumbnailText\">" + title + "</span></td></tr>");

                // If this was access restricted, add that
                if (restricted_by_ip)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"RestrictedItemText\">Access Restricted</span></td></tr>");

                // Finish this one thumbnail

            // Finish this row out
            while (col < 4)

            // End this table

            // Add this to the html table
            Literal mainLiteral = new Literal {
                Text = resultsBldr.ToString()
        /// <summary> Adds the controls for this result viewer to the place holder on the main form </summary>
        /// <param name="MainPlaceHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the the bulk of the result viewer's output is displayed</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Sorted tree with the results in hierarchical structure with volumes and issues under the titles and sorted by serial hierarchy </returns>
        public override void Add_HTML(PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Brief_ResultsWriter.Add_HTML", "Rendering results in brief view");

            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((PagedResults == null) || (ResultsStats == null) || (ResultsStats.Total_Items <= 0))

            const string VARIES_STRING = "<span style=\"color:Gray\">( varies )</span>";

            // Get the text search redirect stem and (writer-adjusted) base url
            string textRedirectStem = Text_Redirect_Stem;
            string base_url         = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL;

            if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Writer_Type == Writer_Type_Enum.HTML_LoggedIn)
                base_url = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "l/";

            // Start the results
            StringBuilder resultsBldr = new StringBuilder(2000);

            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<section class=\"sbkBrv_Results\">");

            // Set the counter for these results from the page
            int current_page   = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page.HasValue ? RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page.Value : 1;
            int result_counter = ((current_page - 1) * Results_Per_Page) + 1;

            Tracer.Add_Trace("Brief_ResultsViewer.Add_HTML", "There are [" + PagedResults.Count + "] results @ [" + Results_Per_Page + "] per page.");

            // Step through all the results
            int current_row = 0;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in PagedResults)
                bool multiple_title = titleResult.Item_Count > 1;

                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Determine the internal link to the first (possibly only) item
                string internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // For browses, just point to the title
                if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.Aggregation)                 // browse info only
                    internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // Start this row
                string title = firstItemResult.Title.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;");
                if (multiple_title)
                    title = titleResult.GroupTitle.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<section class=\"sbkBrv_SingleResult\">");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<section class=\"sbkBrv_SingleResult\" onclick=\"window.location.href='" + internal_link.Replace("'", "\\'") + "';\" >");

                // Add the counter as the first column
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<div class=\"sbkBrv_SingleResultNum\">" + result_counter + "</div>");
                resultsBldr.Append("\t\t<div class=\"sbkBrv_SingleResultThumb\">");
                //// Is this restricted?
                bool restricted_by_ip = false;
                if ((titleResult.Item_Count == 1) && (firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask > 0))
                    int comparison = firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask & CurrentUserMask;
                    if (comparison == 0)
                        restricted_by_ip = true;

                // Calculate the thumbnail
                string thumb = titleResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(8) + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "/" + (firstItemResult.MainThumbnail).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/");

                // Draw the thumbnail
                if ((thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPG") < 0) && (thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".GIF") < 0))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img src=\"" + Static_Resources_Gateway.Nothumb_Jpg + "\" border=\"0px\" class=\"resultsThumbnail\" alt=\"MISSING THUMBNAIL\" /></a></div>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img src=\"" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Image_URL + thumb + "\" class=\"resultsThumbnail\" alt=\"" + title.Replace("\"", "") + "\" /></a></div>");

                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<div class=\"sbkBrv_SingleResultDesc\">");

                // If this was access restricted, add that
                if (restricted_by_ip)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t<span class=\"RestrictedItemText\">" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Translation.Get_Translation("Access Restricted", RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Language) + "</span>");

                if (multiple_title)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t<span class=\"briefResultsTitle\"><a href=\"" + internal_link + "\">" + titleResult.GroupTitle.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;") + "</a></span>");
                        "\t\t\t<span class=\"briefResultsTitle\"><a href=\"" +
                        internal_link + "\" onclick=\"cancelPropagation(event);\">" + firstItemResult.Title.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;") +

                // Add each element to this table
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t<dl class=\"sbkBrv_SingleResultDescList\">");

                if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleResult.Primary_Identifier_Type)) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleResult.Primary_Identifier)))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<dt>" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Translation.Get_Translation(titleResult.Primary_Identifier_Type, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Language) + ":</dt><dd>" + titleResult.Primary_Identifier + "</dd>");

                if ((RequestSpecificValues.Current_User != null) && (RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.LoggedOn) && (RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Is_Internal_User))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<dt>BibID:</dt><dd>" + titleResult.BibID + "</dd>");

                    if (titleResult.OPAC_Number > 1)
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<dt>OPAC:</dt><dd>" + titleResult.OPAC_Number + "</dd>");

                    if (titleResult.OCLC_Number > 1)
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<dt>OCLC:</dt><dd>" + titleResult.OCLC_Number + "</dd>");

                for (int i = 0; i < ResultsStats.Metadata_Labels.Count; i++)
                    string field = ResultsStats.Metadata_Labels[i];

                    // Somehow the metadata for this item did not fully save in the database.  Break out, rather than
                    // throw the exception
                    if ((titleResult.Metadata_Display_Values == null) || (titleResult.Metadata_Display_Values.Length <= i))

                    string value = titleResult.Metadata_Display_Values[i];
                    Metadata_Search_Field thisField = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Metadata_Search_Field_By_Name(field);
                    string display_field            = string.Empty;
                    if (thisField != null)
                        display_field = thisField.Display_Term;
                    if (display_field.Length == 0)
                        display_field = field.Replace("_", " ");

                    if (value == "*")
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<dt>" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Translation.Get_Translation(display_field, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Language) + ":</dt><dd>" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(VARIES_STRING) + "</dd>");
                    else if (value.Trim().Length > 0)
                        if (value.IndexOf("|") > 0)
                            bool     value_found = false;
                            string[] value_split = value.Split("|".ToCharArray());

                            foreach (string thisValue in value_split)
                                if (thisValue.Trim().Trim().Length > 0)
                                    if (!value_found)
                                        resultsBldr.Append("\t\t\t\t<dt>" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Translation.Get_Translation(display_field, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Language) + ":</dt>");
                                        value_found = true;
                                    resultsBldr.Append("<dd>" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(thisValue) + "</dd>");

                            if (value_found)
                            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<dt>" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Translation.Get_Translation(display_field, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Language) + ":</dt><dd>" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(value) + "</dd>");


                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleResult.Snippet))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t<div class=\"sbkBrv_SearchResultSnippet\">&ldquo;..." + titleResult.Snippet.Replace("<em>", "<span class=\"texthighlight\">").Replace("</em>", "</span>") + "...&rdquo;</div>");

                // Add children, if there are some
                if (multiple_title)
                    // Add this to the place holder
                    Literal thisLiteral = new Literal
                        Text = resultsBldr.ToString().Replace("&lt;role&gt;", "<i>").Replace("&lt;/role&gt;", "</i>")
                    resultsBldr.Remove(0, resultsBldr.Length);

                    Add_Issue_Tree(MainPlaceHolder, titleResult, current_row, textRedirectStem, base_url);



                // Increment the result counters

            // End this table

            // Add this to the HTML page
            Literal mainLiteral = new Literal
                Text = resultsBldr.ToString().Replace("&lt;role&gt;", "<i>").Replace("&lt;/role&gt;", "</i>")

Exemple #9
        /// <summary> Adds the controls for this result viewer to the place holder on the main form </summary>
        /// <param name="MainPlaceHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the the bulk of the result viewer's output is displayed</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Sorted tree with the results in hierarchical structure with volumes and issues under the titles and sorted by serial hierarchy </returns>
        public override void Add_HTML(PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Brief_ResultsWriter.Add_HTML", "Rendering results in brief view");

            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((Paged_Results == null) || (Results_Statistics == null) || (Results_Statistics.Total_Items <= 0))

            const string VARIES_STRING = "<span style=\"color:Gray\">( varies )</span>";

            // Get the text search redirect stem and (writer-adjusted) base url
            string textRedirectStem = Text_Redirect_Stem;
            string base_url         = CurrentMode.Base_URL;

            if (CurrentMode.Writer_Type == Writer_Type_Enum.HTML_LoggedIn)
                base_url = CurrentMode.Base_URL + "l/";

            // Start the results
            StringBuilder resultsBldr = new StringBuilder(2000);

            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<br />");

            // Set the counter for these results from the page
            int result_counter = ((CurrentMode.Page - 1) * Results_Per_Page) + 1;

            // Step through all the results
            int current_row = 0;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in Paged_Results)
                bool multiple_title = titleResult.Item_Count > 1;

                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Determine the internal link to the first (possibly only) item
                string internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // For browses, just point to the title
                if (CurrentMode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.Aggregation)                 // browse info only
                    internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + textRedirectStem;

                // Start this row
                if (multiple_title)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableRowHighlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableRowNormal'\" >");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableRowHighlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableRowNormal'\" onclick=\"window.location.href='" + internal_link + "';\" >");

                // Add the counter as the first column
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td><br /><b>" + result_counter + "</b></td>\t\t<td valign=\"top\" width=\"150\">");

                //// Is this restricted?
                bool restricted_by_ip = false;
                if ((titleResult.Item_Count == 1) && (firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask > 0))
                    int comparison = firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask & current_user_mask;
                    if (comparison == 0)
                        restricted_by_ip = true;

                // Calculate the thumbnail
                string thumb = titleResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(8) + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "/" + (firstItemResult.MainThumbnail).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/");

                // Draw the thumbnail
                if ((thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPG") < 0) && (thumb.ToUpper().IndexOf(".GIF") < 0))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img src=\"" + CurrentMode.Default_Images_URL + "NoThumb.jpg\" border=\"0px\" class=\"resultsThumbnail\" alt=\"MISSING THUMBNAIL\" /></a></td>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img src=\"" + SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_URL + thumb + "\" class=\"resultsThumbnail\" alt=\"MISSING THUMBNAIL\" /></a></td>");

                // If this was access restricted, add that
                if (restricted_by_ip)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<span class=\"RestrictedItemText\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Access Restricted", CurrentMode.Language) + "</span>");

                // Add each element to this table
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t<table cellspacing=\"0px\">");

                if (multiple_title)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr style=\"height:40px;\" valign=\"middle\"><td colspan=\"3\"><span class=\"briefResultsTitle\"><a href=\"" + internal_link + "\">" + titleResult.GroupTitle.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;") + "</a></span> &nbsp; </td></tr>");
                        "\t\t\t\t<tr style=\"height:40px;\" valign=\"middle\"><td colspan=\"3\"><span class=\"briefResultsTitle\"><a href=\"" +
                        internal_link + "\">" + firstItemResult.Title.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;") +
                        "</a></span> &nbsp; </td></tr>");

                if ((titleResult.Primary_Identifier_Type.Length > 0) && (titleResult.Primary_Identifier.Length > 0))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(titleResult.Primary_Identifier_Type, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + titleResult.Primary_Identifier + "</td></tr>");

                if (CurrentMode.Internal_User)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>BibID:</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + titleResult.BibID + "</td></tr>");

                    if (titleResult.OPAC_Number > 1)
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>OPAC:</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + titleResult.OPAC_Number + "</td></tr>");

                    if (titleResult.OCLC_Number > 1)
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>OCLC:</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + titleResult.OCLC_Number + "</td></tr>");

                for (int i = 0; i < Results_Statistics.Metadata_Labels.Count; i++)
                    string field = Results_Statistics.Metadata_Labels[i];
                    string value = titleResult.Metadata_Display_Values[i];
                    Metadata_Search_Field thisField = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Metadata_Search_Field_By_Name(field);
                    string display_field            = string.Empty;
                    if (thisField != null)
                        display_field = thisField.Display_Term;
                    if (display_field.Length == 0)
                        display_field = field.Replace("_", " ");

                    if (value == "*")
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(display_field, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(VARIES_STRING) + "</td></tr>");
                    else if (value.Trim().Length > 0)
                        if (value.IndexOf("|") > 0)
                            bool     value_found = false;
                            string[] value_split = value.Split("|".ToCharArray());

                            foreach (string thisValue in value_split)
                                if (thisValue.Trim().Trim().Length > 0)
                                    if (!value_found)
                                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr valign=\"top\"><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(display_field, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>");
                                        value_found = true;
                                    resultsBldr.Append(System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(thisValue) + "<br />");

                            if (value_found)
                            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(display_field, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(value) + "</td></tr>");

                //if (titleResult.Author.Length > 0)
                //	string creatorString = "Author";
                //	if (titleResult.MaterialType.ToUpper().IndexOf("ARTIFACT") == 0)
                //	{
                //		creatorString = "Creator";
                //	}

                //	if (titleResult.Author == "*")
                //	{
                //		resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation(creatorString, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + VARIES_STRING + "</td></tr>");
                //	}
                //	else
                //	{
                //		bool author_found = false;
                //		string[] author_split = titleResult.Author.Split("|".ToCharArray());

                //		foreach (string thisAuthor in author_split)
                //		{
                //			if (thisAuthor.ToUpper().IndexOf("PUBLISHER") < 0)
                //			{
                //				if (!author_found)
                //				{
                //					resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr valign=\"top\"><td>" +Translator.Get_Translation(creatorString, CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>");
                //					author_found = true;
                //				}
                //				resultsBldr.Append(thisAuthor + "<br />");
                //			}
                //		}

                //		if (author_found)
                //		{
                //			resultsBldr.AppendLine("</td></tr>");
                //		}
                //	}

                if (titleResult.Snippet.Length > 0)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t\t\t<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><br />&ldquo;..." + titleResult.Snippet.Replace("<em>", "<span class=\"texthighlight\">").Replace("</em>", "</span>") + "...&rdquo;</td></tr>");


                // End this row
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<br />");

                // Add children, if there are some
                if (multiple_title)
                    // Add this to the place holder
                    Literal thisLiteral = new Literal
                        Text = resultsBldr.ToString().Replace("&lt;role&gt;", "<i>").Replace("&lt;/role&gt;", "</i>")
                    resultsBldr.Remove(0, resultsBldr.Length);

                    Add_Issue_Tree(MainPlaceHolder, titleResult, current_row, textRedirectStem, base_url);


                // Add a horizontal line
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"3\"></td></tr>");

                // Increment the result counters

            // End this table

            // Add this to the HTML page
            Literal mainLiteral = new Literal
                Text = resultsBldr.ToString().Replace("&lt;role&gt;", "<i>").Replace("&lt;/role&gt;", "</i>")

        private void Add_Item_Info_And_Map(string textRedirectStem, string base_url, int map_number, List <iSearch_Title_Result> titles_for_current_map, PlaceHolder placeHolder, StringBuilder builder)
            // Set some values before iterating through the item rows

            const string variesString = "<span style=\"color:Gray\">( varies )</span>";

            // Step through each collection of items by bib id for this coordinate and see if this is a collection of points
            bool point_collection_map = false;
            bool polygon_map          = false;

            if (titles_for_current_map[0].Spatial_Coordinates.Length > 0)
                if (titles_for_current_map[0].Spatial_Coordinates[0] == 'P')
                    point_collection_map = true;
                    polygon_map = true;

            // Add the map division here
            builder.AppendLine("  <tr><td bgcolor=\"" + LINE_COLOR + "\" colspan=\"3\"></td></tr>");
            builder.AppendLine("  <tr valign=\"top\">");

            if (point_collection_map)
                builder.AppendLine("    <td colspan=\"2\"><div id=\"map" + map_number + "\" style=\"width: 450px; height: 450px\"></div></td>");
                builder.AppendLine("    <td>");
                builder.AppendLine("      <table width=\"380px\">");

            if (polygon_map)
                builder.AppendLine("    <td align=\"center\"><div id=\"map" + map_number + "\" style=\"width: 250px; height: 250px\"></div></td>");
                builder.AppendLine("    <td colspan=\"2\">");
                builder.AppendLine("      <table width=\"580px\">");

                // Put a note here about the number of matches
                if (titles_for_current_map.Count > 1)
                    int total_items = titles_for_current_map.Sum(title_in_map => title_in_map.Item_Count);
                    if (total_items != titles_for_current_map.Count)
                        builder.AppendLine("        <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><span style=\"color: gray;\"><center><em>The following " + total_items + " matches in " + titles_for_current_map.Count + " sets share the same coordinate information</em></center></span></td></tr>");
                        builder.AppendLine("        <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><span style=\"color: gray;\"><center><em>The following " + total_items + " matches share the same coordinate information</em></center></span></td></tr>");

            if ((!point_collection_map) && (!polygon_map))
                builder.AppendLine("    <td colspan=\"3\">");
                builder.AppendLine("      <table width=\"100%\">");

                // Put a note here about the number of matches
                if (titles_for_current_map.Count > 1)
                    int total_items = titles_for_current_map.Sum(title_in_map => title_in_map.Item_Count);
                    if (total_items != titles_for_current_map.Count)
                        builder.AppendLine("        <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><span style=\"color: gray;\"><center><em>The following " + total_items + " matches in " + titles_for_current_map.Count + " sets have no coordinate information</em></center></span></td></tr>");
                        builder.AppendLine("        <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><span style=\"color: gray;\"><center><em>The following " + total_items + " matches have no coordinate information</em></center></span></td></tr>");

            // Now, add all the individual item information for each bib id in this map
            int    titles_per_this_map        = 0;
            int    items_per_this_map         = 0;
            string last_link                  = String.Empty;
            int    polygons_added_to_this_map = 0;
            int    coordinates_per_this_map   = 1;
            string coords = String.Empty;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in titles_for_current_map)
                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Increment the number of items/titles per this coordiante

                // If this is not the first, add a line
                if (titles_per_this_map > 1)
                    if ((polygon_map) || (titleResult.Spatial_Coordinates != coords))
                        builder.AppendLine("        <tr><td bgcolor=\"" + LINE_COLOR + "\" colspan=\"3\"></td></tr>");
                        builder.AppendLine("        <tr><td></td><td bgcolor=\"" + LINE_COLOR + "\" colspan=\"3\"></td></tr>");

                // Increment by the number of items in this collection of items
                items_per_this_map += 1;

                // Are there multiple volumes to be displayed here?
                bool   multiple = false;
                string pubdate  = firstItemResult.PubDate;
                if (titleResult.Item_Count > 1)
                    multiple = true;

                    // This will not include the item details, just the tree
                    builder.AppendLine("        <tr>");

                    // If this is a point (and the first point of this coordinate) add the point information here
                    if (point_collection_map)
                        if (titleResult.Spatial_Coordinates != coords)
                            // Add the icon for the google marker
                            builder.AppendLine("          <tr><td width=\"30\"><img src=\"" + icon_by_number(coordinates_per_this_map) + "\" /></td>");

                            // Look ahead to see if multiple items have the same coordinate
                            int index = titles_for_current_map.IndexOf(titleResult);
                            int matching_titles_for_this_point = 1;
                            while ((index >= 0) && ((index + 1) < titles_for_current_map.Count))
                                if (titles_for_current_map[index + 1].Spatial_Coordinates == titleResult.Spatial_Coordinates)
                            if (matching_titles_for_this_point > 1)
                                builder.AppendLine("            <td colspan=\"2\"><span style=\"color: gray;\"><center><em>The following " + matching_titles_for_this_point + " titles have the same coordinate point</em></center></span></td>");
                                builder.AppendLine("          </tr>");
                                builder.AppendLine("          <tr>");
                                builder.AppendLine("            <td>&nbsp;</td>");

                            coords = titleResult.Spatial_Coordinates;
                            builder.AppendLine("          <td>&nbsp;</td>");
                        builder.AppendLine("          <td>&nbsp;</td>");

                    builder.AppendLine("          <td colspan=\"2\">");

                    // Write all the collected HTML to a literal, since we will be adding a
                    // tree view control to the web page next
                    Literal literal = new Literal {
                        Text = builder.ToString()
                    builder.Remove(0, builder.Length);

                    // Draw the tree of all matching issues
                    Add_Issue_Tree(placeHolder, titleResult, currentResultCount, textRedirectStem, base_url);

                    // Finish this table in the item results view
                    builder.AppendLine("          </td>");
                    builder.AppendLine("        </tr>");

                    // Check if the pub date is the same for all items
                    if ((pubdate.Length > 0) && (pubdate != "-1"))
                        for (int i = 0; i < titleResult.Item_Count; i++)
                            if (titleResult.Get_Item(i).PubDate != pubdate)
                                pubdate = String.Empty;
                    // If this is a point (and the first point of this coordinate) add the point information here
                    if (point_collection_map)
                        if (titleResult.Spatial_Coordinates != coords)
                            // Add the icon for the google marker
                            builder.AppendLine("          <tr><td width=\"30\"><img src=\"" + icon_by_number(coordinates_per_this_map) + "\" /></td>");

                            // Look ahead to see if multiple items have the same coordinate
                            int index = titles_for_current_map.IndexOf(titleResult);
                            int matching_titles_for_this_point = 1;
                            while ((index >= 0) && ((index + 1) < titles_for_current_map.Count))
                                if (titles_for_current_map[index + 1].Spatial_Coordinates == titleResult.Spatial_Coordinates)
                            if (matching_titles_for_this_point > 1)
                                builder.AppendLine("            <td colspan=\"2\"><span style=\"color: gray;\"><center><em>The following " + matching_titles_for_this_point + " titles have the same coordinate point</em></center></span></td>");
                                builder.AppendLine("          </tr>");
                                builder.AppendLine("          <tr>");
                                builder.AppendLine("            <td>&nbsp;</td>");

                            coords = titleResult.Spatial_Coordinates;
                            builder.AppendLine("          <td>&nbsp;</td>");

                        builder.AppendLine("<td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"" + base_url + titleResult.BibID.ToUpper() + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem + "\">" + firstItemResult.Title + "</a>");
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr><td></td><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"" + base_url + titleResult.BibID.ToUpper() + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem + "\">" + firstItemResult.Title + "</a>");

                        // Save this link, just in case it is the only area in this map
                        last_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID.ToUpper() + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // Add the bib id and vid
                if (CurrentMode.Internal_User)
                    builder.AppendLine("            <tr height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>BibID:</td><td>" + titleResult.BibID.ToUpper() + "</td></tr>");
                    if (!multiple)
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>VID:</td><td>" + firstItemResult.VID + "</td></tr>");

                // Add the publication date
                if ((pubdate.Length > 0) && (pubdate != "-1"))
                    builder.AppendLine("            <tr height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Date", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>" + pubdate + "</td></tr>");

                // Add any authors
                if (titleResult.Author.Length > 0)
                    if (titleResult.Author == "*")
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr valign=\"top\" height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Author", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>" + variesString + "</td></tr>");
                        bool     author_found = false;
                        string[] author_split = titleResult.Author.Split("|".ToCharArray());

                        foreach (string thisAuthor in author_split)
                            if (thisAuthor.ToUpper().IndexOf("PUBLISHER") < 0)
                                if (!author_found)
                                    builder.AppendLine("            <tr valign=\"top\" height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Author", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>");
                                    author_found = true;
                                builder.Append(thisAuthor + "<br />");

                        if (author_found)

                // Add any publishers
                if (titleResult.Publisher.Length > 0)
                    if (titleResult.Publisher == "*")
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr valign=\"top\" height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Publisher", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>" + variesString + "</td></tr>");
                        string[] publisher_split = titleResult.Publisher.Split("|".ToCharArray());
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr valign=\"top\" height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Publisher", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>");
                        foreach (string thisPublisher in publisher_split)
                            builder.Append(thisPublisher.Replace("&lt;", "").Replace("&gt;", "") + "<br />");

                // Add the format
                if ((!multiple) && (titleResult.Format.Length > 0))
                    if (titleResult.Format == "*")
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr valign=\"top\" height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Format", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>" + variesString + "</td></tr>");
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Format", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>" + titleResult.Format.Replace("[", " ").Replace("]", " ") + "</td></tr>");

                // Add the donor
                if (titleResult.Donor.Length > 0)
                    if (titleResult.Donor == "*")
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr valign=\"top\" height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Donor", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>" + variesString + "</td></tr>");
                        builder.AppendLine("            <tr height=\"10px\"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>" + Translator.Get_Translation("Donor", CurrentMode.Language) + ":</td><td>" + titleResult.Donor + "</td></tr>");

                // Increment the row counter

            // End this map row
            builder.AppendLine("      </table>");
            builder.AppendLine("    </td>");
            builder.AppendLine("  </tr>");

            if ((point_collection_map) || (polygon_map))
                // Clear the last latitude and longitude information
                double max_lat  = -90;
                double max_long = -180;
                double min_lat  = 90;
                double min_long = 180;

                // Now, start to add the map javascript information to the building javascript
                mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    var map" + map_number + "_center = new google.maps.LatLng(<%CENTERINFO" + map_number + "%>);");
                mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    var map" + map_number + "_options = { zoom: <%ZOOMINFO" + map_number + "%>, center: map" + map_number + "_center, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl: false };");
                mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    var map" + map_number + " = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(\"map" + map_number + "\"), map" + map_number + "_options);");

                // Step through each coordinate/title collection for this map
                int point_index = 1;
                coords = "A";
                foreach (iSearch_Title_Result items_per_bib in titles_for_current_map)
                    // Add this coordinate information to the
                    if (items_per_bib.Spatial_Coordinates.Length > 0)
                        string[] coords_splitter = items_per_bib.Spatial_Coordinates.Split("|,".ToCharArray());

                        // If this was a point, add this point
                        if (items_per_bib.Spatial_Coordinates[0] == 'P')
                            if (items_per_bib.Spatial_Coordinates != coords)
                                coords = items_per_bib.Spatial_Coordinates;

                                // Add the marker to the map script
                                mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    var marker" + map_number + "_" + point_index + " = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + coords_splitter[1] + ", " + coords_splitter[2] + "), map: map" + map_number + ", icon: \"" + icon_by_number(point_index) + "\" });");

                                // Check the new boundaries
                                check_boundaries(coords_splitter[1], coords_splitter[2], ref max_lat, ref max_long, ref min_lat, ref min_long);
                            if (items_per_bib.Spatial_Coordinates != coords)
                                coords = items_per_bib.Spatial_Coordinates;
                                if (coords_splitter.Length == 5)
                                    mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    var polygon" + polyCount + "_outline = [ new google.maps.LatLng(" + coords_splitter[1] + "," + coords_splitter[2] + "), new google.maps.LatLng(" + coords_splitter[1] + "," + coords_splitter[4] + "), new google.maps.LatLng(" + coords_splitter[3] + "," + coords_splitter[4] + "),  new google.maps.LatLng(" + coords_splitter[3] + "," + coords_splitter[2] + "), new google.maps.LatLng(" + coords_splitter[1] + "," + coords_splitter[2] + ")];");
                                    mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    var polygon" + polyCount + " = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: polygon" + polyCount + "_outline, strokeColor: \"#f33f00\", strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: 5, fillColor: \"#ff0000\", fillOpacity: 0.2 });");
                                    mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    polygon" + polyCount + ".setMap(map" + map_number + ");");

                                    check_boundaries(coords_splitter[1], coords_splitter[2], ref max_lat, ref max_long, ref min_lat, ref min_long);
                                    check_boundaries(coords_splitter[3], coords_splitter[4], ref max_lat, ref max_long, ref min_lat, ref min_long);
                                    bool first = true;

                                    mapScriptHtml.Append("    var polygon" + polyCount + "_outline = [ ");

                                    int point = 1;
                                    while ((point + 2) <= coords_splitter.Length)
                                        if (!first)
                                            first = false;

                                        mapScriptHtml.Append("new google.maps.LatLng(" + coords_splitter[point] + ", " + coords_splitter[point + 1] + ")");
                                        check_boundaries(coords_splitter[point], coords_splitter[point + 1], ref max_lat, ref max_long, ref min_lat, ref min_long);

                                        point += 2;
                                    mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    var polygon" + polyCount + " = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: polygon" + polyCount + "_outline, strokeColor: \"#f33f00\", strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: 5, fillColor: \"#ff0000\", fillOpacity: 0.2 });");
                                    mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    polygon" + polyCount + ".setMap(map" + map_number + ");");

                                // Finish the last polygon by adding the link, if there should be one
                                if ((items_per_this_map == 1) && (last_link.Length > 0))
                                    mapScriptHtml.AppendLine("    google.maps.event.addListener(polygon" + polyCount + ", 'click', function redirect" + polyCount + "() { window.location.href = \"" + last_link + "\"; }); ");

                    // Compute the center and zoom of the last map
                    double mid_lat  = (max_lat + min_lat) / 2;
                    double mid_long = (max_long + min_long) / 2;
                    int    zoom     = compute_zoom(max_lat, max_long, min_lat, min_long);
                    if (coords[0] == 'A')
                    if ((polygons_added_to_this_map == 0) && (point_index <= 1))
                        zoom = 6;

                    mapScriptHtml.Replace("<%CENTERINFO" + map_number + "%>", mid_lat + ", " + mid_long);
                    mapScriptHtml.Replace("<%ZOOMINFO" + map_number + "%>", zoom.ToString());
                    mapScriptHtml.Replace("<%CENTERINFO" + map_number + "%>", "0, 0");
                    mapScriptHtml.Replace("<%ZOOMINFO" + map_number + "%>", "8");
Exemple #11
        /// <summary> Adds the controls for this result viewer to the place holder on the main form </summary>
        /// <param name="MainPlaceHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the the bulk of the result viewer's output is displayed</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Sorted tree with the results in hierarchical structure with volumes and issues under the titles and sorted by serial hierarchy </returns>
        public override void Add_HTML(PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Table_ResultsWriter.Add_HTML", "Rendering results in table view");

            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((PagedResults == null) || (ResultsStats == null) || (ResultsStats.Total_Items <= 0))

            // Get the text search redirect stem and (writer-adjusted) base url
            string textRedirectStem = Text_Redirect_Stem;
            string base_url         = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL;

            if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Writer_Type == Writer_Type_Enum.HTML_LoggedIn)
                base_url = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "l/";

            // Start the results
            StringBuilder resultsBldr = new StringBuilder(5000);

            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<br />");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<table width=\"100%\">");

            // Start the header row and add the 'No.' part
            short?currentOrder = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Sort;

            if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.Results)
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Sort = 0;
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"bottom\" align=\"left\">");
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"30px\"><span class=\"SobekTableSortText\"><a href=\"" + UrlWriterHelper.Redirect_URL(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode).Replace("&", "&amp;") + "\"><strong>No.</strong></a></span></td>");
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"bottom\" align=\"left\">\n\t\t<td>No.</td>");

            // Add the title column
            RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Sort = 1;
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"SobekTableSortText\"><a href=\"" + UrlWriterHelper.Redirect_URL(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode).Replace("&", "&amp;") + "\"><strong>" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Translation.Get_Translation("Title", RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Language) + "</strong></a></span></td>");

            // Add the date column
            RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Sort = 10;
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"SobekTableSortText\"><a href=\"" + UrlWriterHelper.Redirect_URL(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode).Replace("&", "&amp;") + "\"><strong>" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Translation.Get_Translation("Date", RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Language) + "</strong></a></span></td>");
            RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Sort = currentOrder;

            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"3\"></td></tr>");

            // Set the counter for these results from the page
            int page           = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page.HasValue ? Math.Max(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Page.Value, ((ushort)1)) : 1;
            int result_counter = ((page - 1) * Results_Per_Page) + 1;
            int current_row    = 0;

            // Step through all the results
            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in PagedResults)
                bool multiple_title = titleResult.Item_Count > 1;

                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                //// Is this restricted?
                //bool restricted_by_ip = false;
                //if ((titleResult.Item_Count == 1) && (firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask > 0))
                //    int comparison = dbItem.IP_Range_Membership & base.current_user_mask;
                //    if (comparison == 0)
                //    {
                //        restricted_by_ip = true;
                //    }

                // Determine the internal link to the first (possibly only) item
                string internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // For browses, just point to the title
                if ((RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.Aggregation) && (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Aggregation_Type == Aggregation_Type_Enum.Browse_Info))
                    internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + textRedirectStem;

                // Start this row
                if (multiple_title)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableRowHighlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableRowNormal'\" >");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableRowHighlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableRowNormal'\" onclick=\"window.location.href='" + internal_link + "';\" >");

                // Add the counter as the first column
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td>" + result_counter + "</td>");

                // Add differently depending on the child row count
                if (!multiple_title)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstItemResult.Link))
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td>" + firstItemResult.Title + " ( <a href=\"" + firstItemResult.Link + "\">external resource</a> | <a href=\"" + internal_link + "\">internal citation</a> )</td>");
                        resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td><a href=\"" + internal_link + "\">" + firstItemResult.Title + "</a></td>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td>" + firstItemResult.PubDate + "</td></tr>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">");

                    // Add this to the place holder
                    Literal thisLiteral = new Literal
                        Text = resultsBldr.ToString().Replace("&lt;role&gt;", "<i>").Replace("&lt;/role&gt;", "</i>")
                    resultsBldr.Remove(0, resultsBldr.Length);

                    Add_Issue_Tree(MainPlaceHolder, titleResult, current_row, textRedirectStem, base_url);

                // Add a horizontal line
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"3\"></td></tr>");

                // Increment the result counters

            // End this table

            // Add this to the html table
            Literal mainLiteral = new Literal
                Text = resultsBldr.ToString().Replace("&lt;role&gt;", "<i>").Replace("&lt;/role&gt;", "</i>")

        /// <summary> Display search results in simple XML format </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Stream to which to write the text for this main writer </param>
        protected internal void display_search_results(TextWriter Output)
            // Get the URL and network roots
            string url      = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_URL;
            string network  = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_Server_Network;
            string base_url = currentMode.Base_URL.Replace("sobekcm_data.aspx", "");

            // Write the header first
            Output.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> ");
            Output.WriteLine("<ResultSet Page=\"" + currentMode.Page + "\" Total=\"" + base.results_statistics.Total_Titles + "\">");

            // Now, add XML for each title
            string lastBibID = string.Empty;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result thisResult in base.paged_results)
                if (thisResult.BibID != lastBibID)
                    if (lastBibID.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("<TitleResult ID=\"" + thisResult.BibID + "\">");
                    lastBibID = thisResult.BibID;

                // Determine folder from BibID
                string folder = thisResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + thisResult.BibID.Substring(8);

                // Now, add XML for each item
                for (int i = 0; i < thisResult.Item_Count; i++)
                    iSearch_Item_Result itemResult = thisResult.Get_Item(i);
                    Output.WriteLine("\t<ItemResult ID=\"" + thisResult.BibID + "_" + itemResult.VID + "\">");
                    Write_XML(Output, itemResult.Title);
                    if (itemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                        Write_XML(Output, itemResult.PubDate);
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t<URL>" + base_url + thisResult.BibID + "/" + itemResult.VID + "</URL>");
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t<Folder type=\"web\">" + url + folder + "/" + itemResult.VID + "</Folder>");
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t<Folder type=\"network\">" + network + folder.Replace("/", "\\") + "\\" + itemResult.VID + "</Folder>");

            if (base.paged_results.Count > 0)

            //SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.UFDC_All_Items simplified_xml = new SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.UFDC_All_Items();

            //List<Results.SobekCM_Item_Collection.SobekCM_Item_Row> itemRows;
            //for ( int i = 0 ; i < search_results.Title_Count ; i++ )
            //    Results.SobekCM_Item_Collection.SobekCM_Item_Group_Row titleRow = search_results.GetRow(i);

            //    // Get the related child rows
            //    itemRows = titleRow.Child_Rows;

            //    // Step through each child row and add to the new table
            //    foreach (SobekCM.Library.Results.SobekCM_Item_Collection.SobekCM_Item_Row itemRow in itemRows)
            //    {
            //        Application_State.Single_Item dbItem = allItems.Item_By_Bib_VID(titleRow.BibID, itemRow.VID, null );
            //        Application_State.Multiple_Volume_Item dbTitle = allItems.Title_By_Bib(titleRow.BibID);
            //        if ((dbItem != null) && ( dbTitle != null ))
            //        {
            //            simplified_xml.Add_Row(titleRow.BibID, itemRow.VID, itemRow.Title, current_greenstone_image_root + dbTitle.File_Root + "/" + dbItem.VID_String );
            //        }
            //    }

            //// Write this information
            //simplified_xml.WriteXml(Output, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
        /// <summary> Adds the controls for this result viewer to the place holder on the main form </summary>
        /// <param name="placeHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the the bulk of the result viewer's output is displayed</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Sorted tree with the results in hierarchical structure with volumes and issues under the titles and sorted by serial hierarchy </returns>
        public override void Add_HTML(PlaceHolder placeHolder, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Thumbnail_ResultsWriter.Add_HTML", "Rendering results in thumbnail view");

            // If results are null, or no results, return empty string
            if ((Paged_Results == null) || (Results_Statistics == null) || (Results_Statistics.Total_Items <= 0))

            // Get the text search redirect stem and (writer-adjusted) base url
            string textRedirectStem = Text_Redirect_Stem;
            string base_url         = CurrentMode.Base_URL;

            if (CurrentMode.Writer_Type == Writer_Type_Enum.HTML_LoggedIn)
                base_url = CurrentMode.Base_URL + "l/";

            // Should the publication date be shown?
            bool showDate = false;

            if (CurrentMode.Sort >= 10)
                showDate = true;

            // Start this table
            StringBuilder resultsBldr = new StringBuilder(5000);

            // Start this table
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("<table align=\"center\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"15px\">");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td width=\"25%\">&nbsp;</td>");
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\">");

            // Step through all the results
            int col = 0;

            foreach (iSearch_Title_Result titleResult in Paged_Results)
                // Should a new row be started
                if (col == 4)
                    col = 0;
                    // Horizontal Line
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"4\"></td></tr>");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\">");

                bool multiple_title = titleResult.Item_Count > 1;

                // Always get the first item for things like the main link and thumbnail
                iSearch_Item_Result firstItemResult = titleResult.Get_Item(0);

                // Determine the internal link to the first (possibly only) item
                string internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + textRedirectStem;

                // For browses, just point to the title
                if (CurrentMode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.Aggregation_Browse_Info)
                    internal_link = base_url + titleResult.BibID + textRedirectStem;

                resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td align=\"center\" onmouseover=\"this.className='tableRowHighlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='tableRowNormal'\" onclick=\"window.location.href='" + internal_link + "';\" >");

                string title;
                if (multiple_title)
                    // Determine term to use
                    string multi_term = "volume";
                    if (titleResult.MaterialType.ToUpper() == "NEWSPAPER")
                        multi_term = titleResult.Item_Count > 1 ? "issues" : "issue";
                        if (titleResult.Item_Count > 1)
                            multi_term = "volumes";

                    if ((showDate))
                        if (firstItemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                            title = "[" + firstItemResult.PubDate + "] " + titleResult.GroupTitle;
                            title = titleResult.GroupTitle;
                        title = titleResult.GroupTitle + "<br />( " + titleResult.Item_Count + " " + multi_term + " )";
                    if (showDate)
                        if (firstItemResult.PubDate.Length > 0)
                            title = "[" + firstItemResult.PubDate + "] " + firstItemResult.Title;
                            title = firstItemResult.Title;
                        title = firstItemResult.Title;

                // Start the HTML for this item
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<table width=\"150px\">");

                //// Is this restricted?
                bool restricted_by_ip = false;
                if ((titleResult.Item_Count == 1) && (firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask > 0))
                    int comparison = firstItemResult.IP_Restriction_Mask & current_user_mask;
                    if (comparison == 0)
                        restricted_by_ip = true;

                // Calculate the thumbnail

                // Add the thumbnail
                if ((firstItemResult.MainThumbnail.ToUpper().IndexOf(".JPG") < 0) && (firstItemResult.MainThumbnail.ToUpper().IndexOf(".GIF") < 0))
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td><a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img src=\"" + CurrentMode.Default_Images_URL + "NoThumb.jpg\" /></a></td></tr>");
                    string thumb = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_URL + titleResult.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "/" + titleResult.BibID.Substring(8) + "/" + firstItemResult.VID + "/" + (firstItemResult.MainThumbnail).Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/");
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td><a href=\"" + internal_link + "\"><img src=\"" + thumb + "\" alt=\"MISSING THUMBNAIL\" /></a></td></tr>");

                // Add the title
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"SobekThumbnailText\">" + title + "</span></td></tr>");

                // If this was access restricted, add that
                if (restricted_by_ip)
                    resultsBldr.AppendLine("<tr><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"RestrictedItemText\">Access Restricted</span></td></tr>");

                // Finish this one thumbnail

            // Finish this row out
            while (col < 4)

            // End this table

            // Add this to the html table
            Literal mainLiteral = new Literal {
                Text = resultsBldr.ToString()

        public void Simple_Results_JSON(HttpResponse Response, List <string> UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug)
            Custom_Tracer tracer = new Custom_Tracer();

            tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_JSON", "Parse request to determine search requested");

            // Get all the searh field necessary from the query string
            Results_Arguments args = new Results_Arguments(QueryString);

            // Additional results arguments
            // limit number of results
            int     artificial_result_limitation = -1;
            Boolean isNumeric = false;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryString["limit_results"]))
                isNumeric = Int32.TryParse(QueryString["limit_results"], out artificial_result_limitation);

                if (!isNumeric)
                    artificial_result_limitation = -1;
                else if (artificial_result_limitation < 1)
                    artificial_result_limitation = -1;

            int pagenum = 1;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryString["page"]))
                isNumeric = Int32.TryParse(QueryString["page"], out pagenum);

                if (!isNumeric)
                    pagenum = 1;
                else if (pagenum < 1)
                    pagenum = 1;
                else if (pagenum > 1)
                    artificial_result_limitation = -1;

            // Was a collection indicated?
            if (UrlSegments.Count > 0)
                args.Aggregation = UrlSegments[0];

            // Get the aggregation object (we need to know which facets to use, etc.. )
            tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_JSON", "Get the '" + args.Aggregation + "' item aggregation (for facets, etc..)");
            Complete_Item_Aggregation aggr = AggregationServices.get_complete_aggregation(args.Aggregation, true, tracer);

            // If no aggregation was returned, that is an error
            if (aggr == null)
                tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_JSON", "Returned aggregation was NULL... aggregation code may not be valid");

                if (IsDebug)
                    Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                    Response.Output.WriteLine("DEBUG MODE DETECTED");

                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Error occurred or aggregation '" + args.Aggregation + "' not valid");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            // Perform the search
            tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_JSON", "Perform the search");
            Search_Results_Statistics   resultsStats;
            List <iSearch_Title_Result> resultsPage;
            ResultsEndpointErrorEnum    error = Get_Search_Results(args, aggr, false, tracer, out resultsStats, out resultsPage);

            // Was this in debug mode?
            // If this was debug mode, then just write the tracer
            if (IsDebug)
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("DEBUG MODE DETECTED");

            Response.Output.WriteLine("{\"stats\":{\"total_items\":\"" + resultsStats.Total_Items + "\",\"total_titles\":\"" + resultsStats.Total_Titles + "\"},");
            Response.Output.WriteLine(" \"results\":[");

            // Map to the results object title / item
            tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_JSON", "Map to the results object title / item");
            int items_counter = 0;
            int resultnum     = 0;

            if (resultsPage != null)
                foreach (iSearch_Title_Result thisResult in resultsPage)
                    // Every results should have an item
                    if (thisResult.Item_Count == 0)

                    if (artificial_result_limitation != -1 && resultnum > artificial_result_limitation)
                        tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_XML", "Reached limit [" + artificial_result_limitation + "].");
                    // Was this NOT the first item?
                    if (items_counter > 0)

                    Response.Output.Write("        ");

                    // add each descriptive field over
                    iSearch_Item_Result itemResult = thisResult.Get_Item(0);

                    string bibid     = thisResult.BibID;
                    string title     = thisResult.GroupTitle;
                    string vid       = itemResult.VID;
                    string thumbnail = itemResult.MainThumbnail;

                    // {"bibid":"1212", "vid":"00001", "title":"sdsd", "subjects":["subj1", "subj2", "subj3"] },

                    Response.Output.Write("{ \"bibid\":\"" + bibid + "\", \"vid\":\"" + vid + "\", ");
                    Response.Output.Write("\"title\":\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(title) + "\",");
                    Response.Output.Write("\"url_item\":\"" + Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Application_Server_URL + bibid + "/" + vid + "/\",");
                    Response.Output.Write("\"url_thumbnail\":\"" + Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Image_URL +
                                          SobekFileSystem.AssociFilePath(bibid, vid).Replace("\\", "/") + thumbnail + "\"");

                    int field_index = 0;

                    if (resultsStats.Metadata_Labels.Count > 0)
                        foreach (string metadataTerm in resultsStats.Metadata_Labels)
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thisResult.Metadata_Display_Values[field_index]))
                                // how to display this metadata field?
                                string metadataTermDisplay = metadataTerm;

                                string termString = thisResult.Metadata_Display_Values[field_index];
                                Response.Output.Write(",\"" + metadataTermDisplay + "\":[");

                                int individual_term_counter = 0;

                                if (termString.IndexOf("|") > 0)
                                    string[] splitter = termString.Split("|".ToCharArray());

                                    foreach (string thisSplit in splitter)
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thisSplit))
                                            if (individual_term_counter > 0)
                                                Response.Output.Write(", \"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisSplit.Trim()) + "\"");
                                                Response.Output.Write("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisSplit.Trim()) + "\"");

                                    Response.Output.Write("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(termString.Trim()) + "\"");




            Response.Output.WriteLine("    ]");
            Response.Output.WriteLine("} ");

            // If an error occurred, return the error
            switch (error)
            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Database_Exception:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Database exception");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Database_Timeout_Exception:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Database timeout");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Solr_Exception:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Solr exception");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Unknown:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Unknown error");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;
        public void Simple_Results_XML(HttpResponse Response, List <string> UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug)
            // Local trace
            Custom_Tracer tracer = new Custom_Tracer();


            // Get all the searh field necessary from the query string
            Results_Arguments args = new Results_Arguments(QueryString);

            // Additional results arguments
            // limit number of results
            int     artificial_result_limitation = -1;
            Boolean isNumeric = false;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryString["limit_results"]))
                isNumeric = Int32.TryParse(QueryString["limit_results"], out artificial_result_limitation);

                if (!isNumeric)
                    artificial_result_limitation = -1;
                else if (artificial_result_limitation < 1)
                    artificial_result_limitation = -1;

            int pagenum = 1;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryString["page"]))
                isNumeric = Int32.TryParse(QueryString["page"], out pagenum);

                if (!isNumeric)
                    pagenum = 1;
                else if (pagenum < 1)
                    pagenum = 1;
                else if (pagenum > 1)
                    artificial_result_limitation = -1;

            // Was a collection indicated?
            if (UrlSegments.Count > 0)
                args.Aggregation = UrlSegments[0];

            // Get the aggregation object (we need to know which facets to use, etc.. )
            tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Get_Search_Results_Set", "Get the '" + args.Aggregation + "' item aggregation (for facets, etc..)");
            Complete_Item_Aggregation aggr = AggregationServices.get_complete_aggregation(args.Aggregation, true, tracer);

            // If no aggregation was returned, that is an error
            if (aggr == null)
                tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_XML", "Returned aggregation was NULL... aggregation code may not be valid");

                if (IsDebug)
                    Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                    Response.Output.WriteLine("DEBUG MODE DETECTED");

                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Error occurred or aggregation '" + args.Aggregation + "' not valid");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            // Perform the search
            tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_XML", "Perform the search");
            Search_Results_Statistics   resultsStats;
            List <iSearch_Title_Result> resultsPage;
            ResultsEndpointErrorEnum    error = Get_Search_Results(args, aggr, false, tracer, out resultsStats, out resultsPage);

            // Was this in debug mode?
            // If this was debug mode, then just write the tracer
            if (IsDebug)
                tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_XML", "Debug mode detected");

                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("DEBUG MODE DETECTED");

                tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_XML", "Begin writing the XML result to the response");
                Response.Output.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>");

                int count_pages = (int)Math.Floor((double)resultsStats.Total_Items / 20);

                if (count_pages == 0)
                    count_pages = 1;

                if (pagenum > count_pages)
                    pagenum = count_pages;

                Response.Output.WriteLine("<results total_items=\"" + resultsStats.Total_Items + "\" total_titles=\"" + resultsStats.Total_Titles + "\" page_count=\"" + count_pages + "\" max_results_per_page=\"20\"");

                if (artificial_result_limitation != -1)
                    Response.Output.WriteLine("limit_results=\"" + artificial_result_limitation + "\"");


                // Map to the results object title / item
                tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Get_Search_Results_Set", "Map to the results object title / item");

                // resultnum
                int resultnum = 0;

                if (pagenum > 1)
                    resultnum = ((pagenum - 1) * 20);

                if (resultsPage != null)
                    foreach (iSearch_Title_Result thisResult in resultsPage)
                        // Every results should have an item
                        if (thisResult.Item_Count == 0)

                        if (artificial_result_limitation != -1 && resultnum > artificial_result_limitation)
                            tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_XML", "Reached limit [" + artificial_result_limitation + "].");

                        // add each descriptive field over
                        iSearch_Item_Result itemResult = thisResult.Get_Item(0);

                        string bibid     = thisResult.BibID;
                        string title     = thisResult.GroupTitle;
                        string vid       = itemResult.VID;
                        string thumbnail = itemResult.MainThumbnail;

                        Response.Output.WriteLine("  <result resultnum=\"" + resultnum + "\" bibid=\"" + bibid + "\" vid=\"" + vid + "\">");
                        Response.Output.WriteLine("    <title>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(title) + "</title>");
                        Response.Output.WriteLine("    <url_item>" + Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Application_Server_URL + bibid + "/" + vid + "/</url_item>");

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnail))
                                Response.Output.WriteLine("    <url_thumbnail>" + Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Image_URL +
                                                          SobekFileSystem.AssociFilePath(bibid, vid).Replace("\\", "/") + thumbnail.Trim() + "</url_thumbnail>");
                            catch (Exception ee)
                                Response.Output.WriteLine("ERROR WRITING THUMBNAIL");

                        int field_index = 0;

                        if (resultsStats.Metadata_Labels.Count > 0)

                            foreach (string metadataTerm in resultsStats.Metadata_Labels)
                                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thisResult.Metadata_Display_Values[field_index]))
                                    // how to display this metadata field?
                                    string metadataTermDisplay = metadataTerm;
                                    string termString          = thisResult.Metadata_Display_Values[field_index];

                                    if (termString.IndexOf("|") > 0)
                                        string[] splitter = termString.Split("|".ToCharArray());

                                        foreach (string thisSplit in splitter)
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thisSplit))
                                                Response.Output.WriteLine("    <" + metadataTermDisplay + ">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisSplit.Trim()) + "</" + metadataTermDisplay + ">");
                                        Response.Output.WriteLine("    <" + metadataTermDisplay + ">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(termString.Trim()) + "</" + metadataTermDisplay + ">");



                        Response.Output.WriteLine("  </result>");


                tracer.Add_Trace("SimpleResultsEndpoints.Simple_Results_XML", "Done writing the XML result to the response");
            catch (Exception ee)

            // If an error occurred, return the error
            switch (error)
            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Database_Exception:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Database exception");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Database_Timeout_Exception:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Database timeout");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Solr_Exception:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Solr exception");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            case ResultsEndpointErrorEnum.Unknown:
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("Unknown error");
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

            // If debug, show the trace
            if (IsDebug)
                Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                Response.Output.WriteLine("DEBUG MODE DETECTED");