private void Recursive(DevComponents.AdvTree.Node _nd) { ic.accountC _acc = _nd.Tag as ic.accountC; iGRow _row = null; foreach (var t in _nd.Nodes.Cast <DevComponents.AdvTree.Node>()) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Level = t.Level - 1; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["Account Name"].Value = t.Text; _row.Cells["Alias"].Value = null; _row.Cells["section_index"].Value = _acc.account_dept_type.ToByte(); _row.Cells["section_name"].Value = _acc.account_dept_type.ToStringNullable(); _row.Key = _acc.account_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); if (t.Nodes.Count == 0) { continue; } _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Visible; Recursive(t); } }
private void RecursiveLoad(int parent_id) { iGRow _row = null; var nlist = from k in datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT.Values where k.parent_id == parent_id orderby k.index select k; if (nlist.Count() > 0) { foreach (var obj in nlist) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold); _row.Cells["gp_name"].Col.Width = 220; _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].Col.Width = 100; _row.Cells["gp_name"].Value = obj.dept_name; _row.Cells["gp_name"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].ValueType = typeof(int); _row.Key = obj.dept_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.ForeColor = Color.Purple; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].Value = obj.MemberCount; _row.Tag = obj; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.Level = 1; } fGrid.Rows[parent_id.ToString()].TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Visible; } }
private void AddRowX(iGrid _grid) { if (_grid.Rows.Cast <iGRow>().Count(j => j.Cells[0].Value == null) > 0) { _grid.Focus(); var _cell = _grid.Rows.Cast <iGRow>().Where(j => j.Cells[0].Value == null).Select(v => v.Cells[0]).FirstOrDefault(); if (_cell != null) { _cell.Selected = true; } return; } iGRow _row = null; _grid.Focus(); _row = _grid.Rows.Add(); _row.Cells[0].Col.Width = 290; _row.Cells[1].Col.Width = 22; _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 1; _grid.SetCurCell(_grid.Rows.Count - 1, 0); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); _grid.AutoResizeCols = false; }
public void CreateNewRow(ic.expense_accountC _obj, bool update_mode) { iGRow _row = null; fGrid.BeginUpdate(); _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["exp_name"].Value = _obj.exp_acc_name.ToProperCase(); if (_obj.objCategory != null) { _row.Cells["category"].Value = _obj.objCategory.exp_cat_name; } if ((_obj.dept_id > 0 | _obj.dept_id == -5000)) { _row.Cells["dept"].Value = datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_obj.dept_id].dept_name; } _row.Cells["exp_type"].Value = fnn.GetExpenseTypeName(_obj.exp_acc_type); _row.Cells["exp_type"].AuxValue = _obj.exp_acc_type.ToByte(); _row.Cells["colSearch"].Value = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", _obj.exp_acc_name.ToLower(), _row.Cells["exp_type"].Text, _row.Cells["dept"].Text, _row.Cells["category"].Text).ToLower();; _row.Tag = _obj; _row.Key = _obj.exp_acc_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadMainGrid() { iGRow _row = null; if (datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT == null) { return; } if (datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } string _key = null; if (fGrid.Rows.Count > 0) { _key = fGrid.CurCell == null ? null : fGrid.CurCell.Row.Key; fGrid.Rows.Clear(); fGrid2.Rows.Clear(); } fGrid.BeginUpdate(); var nlist = from d in datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT.Values where d.dept_type == em.dept_typeS.main orderby d.dept_id select d; foreach (var obj in nlist) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold); _row.Cells["gp_name"].Col.Width = 220; _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].Col.Width = 100; _row.Cells["gp_name"].Value = obj.dept_name; _row.Cells["gp_name"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].ValueType = typeof(int); _row.Key = obj.dept_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].Value = obj.MemberCount; _row.Tag = obj; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.Level = 0; // RecursiveLoad(obj.dept_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_key)) { try { fGrid.Rows[_key].Cells[0].Selected = true; } catch (Exception ex) { } } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void FillGrid() { ClearAllGrids(); if (datam.DATA_MEM_STATS == null) { return; } byte _index = 0; byte _counter = 0; iGrid _grid = null; iGRow _row = null; foreach (var g in m_grids) { g.BeginUpdate(); } foreach (var c in datam.DATA_MEM_STATS.Values.OrderBy(j => j.cat_index)) { _grid = m_grids[_index]; foreach (var t in c.TypeCollection.Values) { if (c.is_optional & t.count == 0) { continue; } _row = _grid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["name"].Value = t.type_name; _row.Cells["category"].Value = c.cat_name; _row.Cells["value"].Value = t.count == 0 ? null : t.count.ToStringNullable(); _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = c.cat_index; _row.Cells[1].ForeColor = Color.Black; _row.Cells[0].ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; _row.AutoHeight(); } _counter++; if (_counter == 5 & _index != 2) { _index++; _counter = 0; } } SortAndGroup(); foreach (var g in m_grids) { g.Cols[0].Width = ((3 * g.ClientSize.Width) / 4); g.Cols[1].AutoWidth(); g.AutoResizeCols = false; g.EndUpdate(); } }
private void LoadMainGrid(IEnumerable <ic.foreign_exchange_convC> _list) { fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (_list == null) { fGrid.EndUpdate(); return; } iGRow _row = null; foreach (var n in _list) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["date"].Value = n.fs_date.ToMyShortDate(); _row.Cells["currency"].Value = datam.DATA_FOREIGN_CURRENCY[n.currency_id].fr_currency_name; _row.Cells["amount"].Value = n.exchanged_amount; _row.Cells["amount"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // _row.Cells["rate"].Value = n.used_exch_rate; _row.Cells["sys_rate"].Value = n.curr_sys_exch_rate; // _row.Cells["ug_amount"].Value = n.converted_ug_amount; _row.Cells["ug_amount"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; if (n.exch_loss > 0) { _row.Cells["loss"].Value = n.exch_loss; } _row.Cells["loss"].ForeColor = Color.Maroon; if (n.exch_gain > 0) { _row.Cells["gain"].Value = n.exch_gain; } _row.Cells["gain"].ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; _row.Cells["pc_us_id"].Value = sdata.GetUserName(n.pc_us_id); _row.Key = n.un_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Tag = n; _row.AutoHeight(); n.is_updated = false; } fGrid.EndUpdate(); fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; }
public void NewRecord(ic.pledgeC n) { fGrid.BeginUpdate(); iGRow _row = null; float _total = 0f; float _paid = 0f; float _percent = 0f; _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["no"].Value = fGrid.Rows.Count; _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = n.source_name; _row.Cells["pledge_amount"].Value = n.amount_pledged; _row.Cells["paid"].Value = n.amount_paid; _row.Cells["phone"].Value = n.source_phone; if (n.balance > 0) { _row.Cells["balance"].Value = n.balance; } if (n.amount_paid > 0) { _total = n.amount_pledged; _paid = n.amount_paid; _percent = ((_paid / _total) * 100); _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", Math.Round(_percent, 1)); } else { _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", 0); } _row.Key = string.Format("{0}", n.pl_id); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; _row.Tag = n; fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); if (this.Tag != null) { this.Tag = null; } }
private void LoadMainGrid() { fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); iGRow _row = null; float _total = 0f; float _paid = 0f; float _percent = 0f; var _list = from j in datam.DATA_CURRENT_PLEDGES.Values where j.pls_id == m_pledge_settings.pls_id & j.pledge_status != em.pledge_statusS.deleted select j; foreach (var n in _list) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["no"].Value = fGrid.Rows.Count; _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = n.source_name; _row.Cells["pledge_amount"].Value = n.amount_pledged; _row.Cells["paid"].Value = n.amount_paid; _row.Cells["phone"].Value = n.source_phone; if (n.balance > 0) { _row.Cells["balance"].Value = n.balance; } if (n.amount_paid > 0) { _total = n.amount_pledged; _paid = n.amount_paid; _percent = ((_paid / _total) * 100); _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", Math.Round(_percent, 1)); } else { _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", 0); } _row.Tag = n; _row.Key = string.Format("{0}", n.pl_id); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadMainGrid(IEnumerable <ic.pledgeC> _list) { fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (_list == null) { fGrid.EndUpdate(); return; } iGRow _row = null; float _total = 0f; float _paid = 0f; float _percent = 0f; foreach (var n in _list) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = n.source_name; _row.Cells["pledge_amount"].Value = n.amount_pledged; _row.Cells["paid"].Value = n.amount_paid; _row.Cells["phone"].Value = n.source_phone; if (n.balance > 0) { _row.Cells["balance"].Value = n.balance; } if (n.amount_paid > 0) { _total = n.amount_pledged; _paid = n.amount_paid; _percent = ((_paid / _total) * 100); _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", Math.Round(_percent, 1)); } else { _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", 0); } _row.Key = string.Format("P-{0}", n.pl_id); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadMainGrid(IEnumerable <ic.cash_transferC> _list) { fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (_list == null) { fGrid.EndUpdate(); return; } iGRow _row = null; ic.accountC _acc = null; foreach (var n in _list) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["date"].Value = n.fs_date.Value.ToMyShortDate(); _acc = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[n.source_id]; _row.Cells["from_account"].Value = _acc.account_name; // _acc = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[n.destination_id]; _row.Cells["to_account"].Value = _acc.account_name; if (_acc.account_id == -2355) { _row.Cells["to_account"].Value = "LCB"; } // _row.Cells["amount"].Value = n.amount; _row.Cells["amount"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["amount"].ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; // _row.Cells["details"].Value = n.transfer_reason; // _row.Key = n.un_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Tag = n; _row.AutoHeight(); n.is_updated = false; } fGrid.EndUpdate(); fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; }
private void LoadCategoryGrid() { iGRow _row = null; iGridCategory.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var r in datam.DATA_CG_TYPES.Values) { _row = iGridCategory.Rows.Add(); _row.Cells[0].Col.Width = 290; _row.Cells[1].Col.Width = 22; _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 1; _row.Tag = r; _row.Cells[0].Value = r.cg_type_name; } iGridCategory.EndUpdate(); }
public void load_items() { fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS == null || datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS.Count == 0) { return; } iGRow _row = null; fGrid.BeginUpdate(); var nlist = from s in datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS.Values where s.exp_acc_status == em.exp_acc_statusS.valid & s.isActualExpense select s; foreach (var _obj in nlist) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.BottomLeft; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["exp_name"].Value = _obj.exp_acc_name.ToProperCase(); if (_obj.objCategory != null) { _row.Cells["category"].Value = _obj.objCategory.exp_cat_name; } if (_obj.dept_id > 0 | _obj.dept_id == -5000) { _row.Cells["dept"].Value = datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_obj.dept_id].dept_name; } _row.Cells["exp_type"].Value = fnn.GetExpenseTypeName(_obj.exp_acc_type); _row.Cells["exp_type"].AuxValue = _obj.exp_acc_type.ToByte(); _row.Cells["colSearch"].Value = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", _obj.exp_acc_name.ToLower(), _row.Cells["exp_type"].Text, _row.Cells["dept"].Text, _row.Cells["category"].Text).ToLower();; _row.Tag = _obj; _row.Key = _obj.exp_acc_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadMainGrid() { iGRow _row = null; if (datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS == null) { return; } if (datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } fGrid.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var obj in datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS.Values) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold); _row.Cells["gp_name"].Col.Width = 220; _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].Col.Width = 100; _row.Cells["gp_name"].Value = obj.cg_name; _row.Cells["gp_name"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.BottomRight; _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].ValueType = typeof(int); _row.Key = obj.cg_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Cells["type_id"].Value = obj.cg_type_id; _row.Cells["mem_cnt"].Value = obj.MemberCount; _row.Tag = obj; } fGrid.SortObject.Add("type_id"); fGrid.Sort(); fGrid.GroupObject.Add("type_id"); fGrid.Group(); fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.PerformAction(iGActions.CollapseAll); if (fGrid.Rows.Count > 0) { fGrid.Rows[0].Expanded = true; } fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadMainGrid(IEnumerable <ic.bank_reconc_transC> _list) { fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (_list == null) { fGrid.EndUpdate(); return; } iGRow _row = null; foreach (var n in _list) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["no"].Value = fGrid.Rows.Count; _row.Cells["date"].Value = n.fs_date.ToMyShortDate(); _row.Cells["rc_type"].Value = n.br_acc_type == em.bank_reconc_typeS.addition ? "+" : "-"; _row.Cells["rc_type"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["rc_amount"].Value = n.amount; _row.Cells["rc_amount"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["bank"].Value = n.objBankAccount.BankName; // _row.Cells["rc_account"].Value = n.objReconcAccount.br_acc_name; _row.Cells["rc_account"].ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; _row.Cells["desc"].Value = n.desc; // _row.Key = n.un_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Tag = n; _row.AutoHeight(); n.is_updated = false; } fGrid.EndUpdate(); fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; }
private void LoadGrid() { iGRow _row = null; var _nlist = (from d in datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS.Values where d.account_status == em.account_statusS.DisContinued select d); fGrid.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var n in _nlist) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["no"].Value = fGrid.Rows.Count; _row.Cells["account_name"].Value = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[n.account_id].account_name; _row.Key = n.account_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Tag = n; _row.AutoHeight(); } fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void DrawLeftTree() { if (labelCalender.Tag == null) { return; } Application.DoEvents(); var _dt = Convert.ToDateTime(labelCalender.Tag); m_YEAR = _dt.Year; m_MONTH = _dt.Month; int new_val = string.Format("{0}{1}", m_YEAR, m_MONTH).ToInt32(); iGrid1.BeginUpdate(); iGrid1.Rows.Clear(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (!datam.GetMonthCashTransfers(new_val)) { } var _days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(m_YEAR, m_MONTH); iGRow _row = null; #region draw_month header _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Bold); _row.ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.Cells["payments"].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); _row.Cells["expenses"].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); _row.Cells["total"].ForeColor = Color.Maroon; _row.Cells[0].Value = datam.MONTHS[m_MONTH - 1]; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Visible; _row.Level = 0; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Height += 2; _row.Key = m_MONTH.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); #endregion _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Height = 7; _row.BackColor = Color.Lavender; _row.Selectable = false; _row.Level = 1; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.Key = "sddd"; #region draw month details DateTime?_last_date = new DateTime(m_YEAR, m_MONTH, _days); int start_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_last_date.Value); for (int j = _days; j > 0; j--) { _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Level = 1; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ForeColor = Color.Maroon; //_row.Cells["payments"].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); //_row.Cells["expenses"].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); _row.Cells[0].Value = j.ToNthDay(); _row.Cells[0].AuxValue = j; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; _row.Key = start_fs_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Visible = false; _row.Tag = new DateTime(m_YEAR, m_MONTH, j).ToMyLongDate(); start_fs_id--; } #endregion if (datam.DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS[new_val].Keys.Count > 0) { var nlist = from n in datam.DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS[new_val] where n.Value.status == em.cashTransferStatus.valid orderby n.Value.fs_id descending group n by n.Value.fs_id into new_group select new { fs_id = new_group.Key, total_entries = new_group.Count(), }; if (nlist.Count() > 0) { iGrid1.Rows[m_MONTH.ToString()].Cells["total"].Value = nlist.Sum(k => k.total_entries); if ((nlist.Max(j => j.fs_id) != sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id) & new_val == string.Format("{0}{1}", sdata.CURR_DATE.Year, sdata.CURR_DATE.Month).ToInt32()) { iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["total"].Value = null; iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Visible = true; } foreach (var d in nlist) { iGrid1.Rows[d.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["total"].Value = d.total_entries; iGrid1.Rows[d.fs_id.ToString()].Visible = true; } if (new_val == string.Format("{0}{1}", sdata.CURR_DATE.Year, sdata.CURR_DATE.Month).ToInt32()) { iGrid1.SetCurCell(sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString(), 0); } } } else { iGrid1.Rows[m_MONTH.ToString()].Cells["total"].Value = null; if (m_YEAR == sdata.CURR_DATE.Year & m_MONTH == sdata.CURR_DATE.Month) { iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["total"].Value = null; iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Visible = true; } } iGrid1.Cols.AutoWidth(); iGrid1.AutoResizeCols = false; iGrid1.EndUpdate(); }
private void backworker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { string _str = null; switch (m_source_type) { case em.off_source_typeS.church_member: { m_SourceTypeName = "Registered Church Members"; break; } case em.off_source_typeS.unregistered: { m_SourceTypeName = "UNRegistered Church Members"; break; } case em.off_source_typeS.none: { m_SourceTypeName = string.Empty; break; } } if (!switchButton1.Value) { switch (m_xOffType) { case xoff_type.singleSabbath: { #region single_sabbath if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id={0} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={1} and c.receipt_status=1 and cg_id={2} order by c.cg_id", _sab_fs_id, _account_id, _cg_id); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id={0} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={1} and c.receipt_status=1 order by c.cg_id ", _sab_fs_id, _account_id); } #endregion break; } case xoff_type.singleSabbathCombined: { #region single_sabbath_combined var _accounts = accn.GetChildAccounts("COMBINED_OFFERING", em.account_typeS.ActualAccount).Select(l => l.account_id).ToList(); string _in_str = "("; foreach (var k in _accounts) { _in_str += (_in_str.Length == 1) ? string.Format("{0}", k) : string.Format(",{0}", k); } _in_str += ")"; _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id={0} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id in {1} and c.receipt_status=1 order by c.account_id ", _sab_fs_id, _in_str); #endregion break; } case xoff_type.monthSingle: { fGrid.Cols["rpt_no"].Visible = false; fGrid.Cols["sab_date"].Visible = false; var _fs_ids = fn.GetFsIDMonth(_month, _year); #region month_single_sabbath if (m_source_type != em.off_source_typeS.none) { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq, c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3} and m.source_type_id={4} group by m.source_type_id,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,c.cg_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.source_type_id={3} group by c.source_type_id,c.source_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } } else { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq, c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3} group by m.source_type_id,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,c.cg_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} group by c.source_type_id,c.source_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id); } } #endregion break; } case xoff_type.range: { fGrid.Cols["rpt_no"].Visible = false; fGrid.Cols["sab_date"].Visible = false; var _fs_ids = (this.Owner as OfferingYearMemberActivity).GetRangeFsIds(); #region range if (m_source_type != em.off_source_typeS.none) { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq, c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3} and m.source_type_id={4} group by m.source_type_id,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,c.cg_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.source_type_id={3} group by c.source_type_id,c.source_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } } else { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq, c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3} group by m.source_type_id,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,c.cg_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,sum(c.amount) as _sum,count(c.un_id) as _freq,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} group by c.source_type_id,c.source_id", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id); } } #endregion break; } case xoff_type.monthSingleCombined: { #region month_single_combined var _fs_ids = fn.GetFsIDMonth(_month, _year); var _accounts = accn.GetChildAccounts("COMBINED_OFFERING", em.account_typeS.ActualAccount).Select(l => l.account_id).ToList(); string _in_str = "("; foreach (var k in _accounts) { _in_str += (_in_str.Length == 1) ? string.Format("{0}", k) : string.Format(",{0}", k); } _in_str += ")"; _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id in {2} and c.receipt_status=1 order by m.sab_fs_id, c.source_type_id,c.source_id,c.account_id ", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _in_str); #endregion break; } } } else { switch (m_xOffType) { case xoff_type.singleSabbath: { fGrid.Cols["rpt_no"].Visible = true; fGrid.Cols["sab_date"].Visible = true; #region single_sabbath if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id={0} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={1} and c.receipt_status=1 and cg_id={2} order by c.cg_id", _sab_fs_id, _account_id, _cg_id); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id={0} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={1} and c.receipt_status=1 order by c.cg_id ", _sab_fs_id, _account_id); } #endregion break; } case xoff_type.singleSabbathCombined: { fGrid.Cols["rpt_no"].Visible = true; fGrid.Cols["sab_date"].Visible = true; #region single_sabbath_combined var _accounts = accn.GetChildAccounts("COMBINED_OFFERING", em.account_typeS.ActualAccount).Select(l => l.account_id).ToList(); string _in_str = "("; foreach (var k in _accounts) { _in_str += (_in_str.Length == 1) ? string.Format("{0}", k) : string.Format(",{0}", k); } _in_str += ")"; _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id={0} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id in {1} and c.receipt_status=1 order by c.account_id ", _sab_fs_id, _in_str); #endregion break; } case xoff_type.monthSingle: { fGrid.Cols["rpt_no"].Visible = true; fGrid.Cols["sab_date"].Visible = true; var _fs_ids = fn.GetFsIDMonth(_month, _year); #region month_single_sabbath if (m_source_type != em.off_source_typeS.none) { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id, c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3} and m.source_type_id={4}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.source_type_id={3}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } } else { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount, c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id); } } #endregion break; } case xoff_type.range: { fGrid.Cols["rpt_no"].Visible = true; fGrid.Cols["sab_date"].Visible = true; var _fs_ids = (this.Owner as OfferingYearMemberActivity).GetRangeFsIds(); #region range if (m_source_type != em.off_source_typeS.none) { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount, c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3} and m.source_type_id={4}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.source_type_id={3}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, m_source_type.ToInt32()); } } else { if (_cg_id > -1) { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount, c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2} and c.cg_id={3}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id, _cg_id); } else { _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id={2}", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _account_id); } } #endregion break; } case xoff_type.monthSingleCombined: { #region month_single_combined fGrid.Cols["rpt_no"].Visible = true; fGrid.Cols["sab_date"].Visible = true; var _fs_ids = fn.GetFsIDMonth(_month, _year); var _accounts = accn.GetChildAccounts("COMBINED_OFFERING", em.account_typeS.ActualAccount).Select(l => l.account_id).ToList(); string _in_str = "("; foreach (var k in _accounts) { _in_str += (_in_str.Length == 1) ? string.Format("{0}", k) : string.Format(",{0}", k); } _in_str += ")"; _str = string.Format("select m.off_id,m.source_name,m.source_id,m.source_type_id,m.sab_date,m.receipt_status,c.amount,c.cg_id,c.account_id from off_main_tb as m,off_accounts_tb as c" + " where m.sab_fs_id between {0} and {1} and m.off_id=c.off_id and m.receipt_status=1 and c.account_id in {2} and c.receipt_status=1 order by m.sab_fs_id, c.source_type_id,c.source_id,c.account_id ", _fs_ids[0], _fs_ids[1], _in_str); #endregion break; } } } datam.ShowWaitForm("Loading Data, Please Wait"); Application.DoEvents(); fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); using (var xd = new xing()) { using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { iGRow _row = null; DateTime? _date = null; int cg_id = 0; int _total = 0; int _acc_id = 0; int _source_id = 0; int _gender_id = 0; em.off_source_typeS m_source_type = em.off_source_typeS.none; while (_dr.Read()) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); m_source_type = (em.off_source_typeS)_dr["source_type_id"].ToInt32(); _source_id = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32(); if (m_source_type == em.off_source_typeS.church_member) { if (datam.DATA_MEMBER.IndexOfKey(_source_id) > -1) { _gender_id = datam.DATA_MEMBER[_source_id].gender_id; _row.Cells["gender"].AuxValue = _gender_id; _row.Cells["gender"].Value = ((em.xgender)_gender_id) == em.xgender.Male ? "M" : "F"; } } _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["no"].Value = fGrid.Rows.Count; _row.Cells["name"].Value = _dr["source_name"].ToStringNullable(); if (!switchButton1.Value) { _row.Cells["amount"].Value = _dr["_sum"].ToInt32(); _row.Cells["freq"].Value = _dr["_freq"].ToInt32(); } else { _row.Cells["amount"].Value = _dr["amount"].ToInt32(); _date = _dr.GetDateTime("sab_date"); _row.Cells["sab_date"].Value = _date.Value.ToMyLongDate(); _row.Cells["sab_date"].AuxValue = fn.GetFSID(_date.Value); _row.Cells["rpt_no"].Value = "R-" + _dr["off_id"].ToStringNullable(); } _total += _row.Cells["amount"].Value.ToInt32(); // cg_id = _dr["cg_id"].ToInt32(); _acc_id = _dr["account_id"].ToInt32(); if (cg_id > 0) { _row.Cells["cg"].Value = datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[cg_id].cg_name; _row.Cells["account"].Value = string.Format("{0} :: {1}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_acc_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[cg_id].cg_name); if (!_row.Cells["cg"].Col.Visible) { try { _row.Cells["cg"].Col.Text = datam.DATA_CG_TYPES[datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[cg_id].cg_type_id].cg_type_name; _row.Cells["cg"].Col.Visible = true; } catch (Exception) { } } } else { try { _row.Cells["account"].Value = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_acc_id].account_name; } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Halla"); } } _row.TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 1; } switch (m_xOffType) { case xoff_type.singleSabbath: { if (_cg_id == 0) { labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} General Report for {1} ::: {2}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _date.Value.ToMyShortDate(), _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} General Report for {1} ::: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _date.Value.ToMyShortDate()); break; } if (_cg_id < 0) { labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: {2}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _date.Value.ToMyShortDate(), _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _date.Value.ToMyShortDate()); break; } if (_cg_id > 0) { labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: {2}", string.Format("{0} :: {1}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name), _date.Value.ToMyShortDate(), _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: {2}", string.Format("{0} :: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name), _date.Value.ToMyShortDate()); } break; } case xoff_type.singleSabbathCombined: { labelTopName.Text = string.Format("Combined Offerings Report for {0} ::: {1}", _date.Value.ToMyShortDate(), _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("Combined Offerings Report for {0} ::: #total", _date.Value.ToMyShortDate()); break; } case xoff_type.monthSingle: { m_ReportPeriod = string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _year); m_ReportTotal = _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat(); m_ReportMemberCount = fGrid.Rows.Count.ToStringNullable(); if (_cg_id == 0) { m_ReportName = string.Format("{0} General Report", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name); labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} General Report for {1} ::: {2}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _year), _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} General Report for {1} ::: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _year)); break; } if (_cg_id < 0) { m_ReportName = string.Format("{0} Report", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name); labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: {2}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _year), _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _year)); break; } if (_cg_id > 0) { m_ReportName = string.Format("{0} Report ::: {1}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name); labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: {2}", string.Format("{0} :: {1}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name), string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _year), _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} Report for {1} ::: {2}", string.Format("{0} :: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name), string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _year)); } break; } case xoff_type.range: { var _dates = (this.Owner as OfferingYearMemberActivity).GetRangeFsDates(); if (_dates[1] == null) { m_ReportPeriod = string.Format("{0}", System.Convert.ToDateTime(_dates[0]).ToShortDateString()); } else { m_ReportPeriod = string.Format("{0} to {1}", System.Convert.ToDateTime(_dates[0]).ToShortDateString(), System.Convert.ToDateTime(_dates[1]).ToShortDateString()); } m_ReportTotal = _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat(); m_ReportMemberCount = fGrid.Rows.Count.ToStringNullable(); var _alias = string.Format("{0} to {1}", System.Convert.ToDateTime(_dates[0]).ToShortDateString(), System.Convert.ToDateTime(_dates[1]).ToShortDateString()); if (_cg_id == 0) { m_ReportName = string.Format("{0} General Report", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name); labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} General Report from {1} ::: {2}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _alias, _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} General Report from {1} ::: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _alias); break; } if (_cg_id < 0) { m_ReportName = string.Format("{0} Report", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name); labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} Report from {1} ::: {2}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _alias, _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} Report from {1} ::: #total", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, _alias); break; } if (_cg_id > 0) { m_ReportName = string.Format("{0} Report ::: {1}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name); labelTopName.Text = string.Format("{0} Report from {1} ::: {2}", string.Format("{0} :: {1}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name), _alias, _total.ToNumberDisplayFormat()); // labelTopName.Tag = string.Format("{0} Report from {1} ::: #total", string.Format("{0} :: {1}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_account_id].account_name, datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_cg_id].cg_name), _alias); } break; } case xoff_type.monthSingleCombined: { labelTopName.Text = string.Format("Combined Offerings Report for {0} ::: #total", string.Format("{0} {1}", datam.MONTHS[_month - 1], _date.Value.Year)); break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SourceTypeName)) { m_ReportName += " for " + m_SourceTypeName; } label1.Text = fGrid.Rows.Count.ToStringNullable(); } } fGrid.SortObject.Clear(); if (switchButton1.Value) { fGrid.SortObject.Add("sab_date", iGSortOrder.Ascending); fGrid.Sort(); } else { fGrid.SortObject.Add("amount", iGSortOrder.Descending); fGrid.Sort(); } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); datam.HideWaitForm(); }
private void LoadData() { iGRow _row = null; iGRow _parent = null; fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); var gp_nlist = from k in datam.DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS[m_sabbath.fs_id].Values group k by k.entrant_id into nw_gp select new { entrant_id = nw_gp.Key, gp_data = nw_gp }; foreach (var _obj in gp_nlist) { if (!sdata.HasMenuRight(7, false)) { if (_obj.entrant_id != sdata.PC_US_ID) { continue; } } _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Bold); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; try { _row.Cells["batch_no"].Value = sdata.GetUserName(_obj.entrant_id); } catch (Exception) { _row.Cells["batch_no"].Value = null; } _row.Cells["batch_no"].ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; _row.AutoHeight(); // _parent = _row; // _parent.Level = 0; foreach (var k in _obj.gp_data) { #region _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.ForeColor = Color.Purple; // _row.Cells["batch_no"].Value = k.batch_no; _row.Cells["batch_count"].Value = k.batch_count; _row.Cells["batch_count"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["batch_total"].Value = k.batch_total; _row.Cells["batch_total"].FormatString = "{0:N0}"; _row.Cells["batch_total"].ValueType = typeof(int); _row.Cells["batch_total"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // _row.Cells["entrant_count"].Value = k.entrant_count; _row.Cells["entrant_count"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["entrant_count"].ForeColor = Color.Black; _row.Cells["entrant_total"].Value = k.entrant_total; _row.Cells["entrant_total"].FormatString = "{0:N0}"; _row.Cells["entrant_total"].ValueType = typeof(int); _row.Cells["entrant_total"].ForeColor = Color.Black; _row.Cells["entrant_total"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // _row.Tag = k; _row.Key = k.un_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.Level = 1; #endregion } _parent.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Visible; } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void CreateDefaultRowsDepartment() { iGRow _row = null; iGRow _parent_row = null; bool _has_children = false; foreach (var _grid in new iGrid[] { fGrid, fGridnormal }) { _grid.BeginUpdate(); _grid.Rows.Clear(); _row = _grid.Rows.Add(); _row.Selectable = false; _row.Height = 5; _row.BackColor = Color.Lavender; _row.Key = "div11"; var elist = (from k in datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS.Values where k.objDepartment.level == 1 select k.objDepartment).Distinct(); foreach (var d in elist) { _row = _grid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("arial narrow", 13, FontStyle.Bold); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["Description"].Value = d.dept_name; _row.Key = d.dept_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Cells["SValue"].Value = 1; // var clist = (from c in datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS.Values where c.objDepartment.parent_id == d.dept_id select c.objDepartment).Distinct(); _parent_row = _row; _has_children = false; _row.AutoHeight(); foreach (var c in clist) { _has_children = true; _row = _grid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Level = 1; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["Description"].Value = c.dept_name; _row.Key = c.dept_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.Font = new Font("arial narrow", 12, FontStyle.Bold); _row.ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.Cells["SValue"].Value = 2; _row.Cells["parent_id"].Value = _parent_row.Key; _row.Expanded = false; _row.AutoHeight(); } if (_has_children) { _parent_row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Visible; _parent_row.Expanded = false; _parent_row.Cells["has_children"].Value = 1; } } _row = _grid.Rows.Add(); _row.Selectable = false; _row.Height = 5; _row.BackColor = Color.Lavender; _row.Key = "div4"; // _row = _grid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("arial narrow", 13, FontStyle.Bold); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; if (_grid == fGrid) { _row.Cells["Description"].Value = "Month Total"; } else { _row.Cells["Description"].Value = "Quarter Total"; } _row.Cells["Description"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.ForeColor = Color.Yellow; _row.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); _row.Key = "gt"; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 3; //add the sum row _grid.TreeLines.Visible = true; _grid.Cols.AutoWidth(); _grid.AutoResizeCols = false; var plist = from c in _grid.Cols["Description"].Cells.Cast <iGCell>() where c.Value != null select c; foreach (var k in plist) { k.TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.BottomLeft; //if (k.Row.Level == 0) //{ // k.Font = new Font("verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold); //} //else //{ // k.Font = new Font("verdana", 9, FontStyle.Regular); //} } _grid.Rows["gt"].Cells["description"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.BottomRight; _grid.EndUpdate(); } }
private void LoadList() { Application.DoEvents(); iGrid1.BeginUpdate(); iGrid1.Rows.Clear(); iGRow _row = null; var nlist = from k in datam.DATA_CURRENT_PLEDGE_SETTINGS.Values where k.status != em.pledge_setting_statusS.deleted orderby k.pls_id select k; float _total = 0f; float _paid = 0f; float _percent = 0f; iGRow parent_row = null; foreach (var k in nlist) { _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["no"].Value = iGrid1.Rows.Count; _row.Cells["pledge_name"].Value = k.pledge_name; _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[k.account_id].account_name; _row.Cells["pledge"].ForeColor = Color.Gray; if (k.status == em.pledge_setting_statusS.expired) { _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Italic | FontStyle.Regular); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(k.pledge_name)) { _row.Cells["pledge_name"].Value = _row.Cells["pledge"].Value; } _row.Cells["pledge_amount"].Value = k.pledged_amount; _row.Cells["paid"].Value = k.paid_amount; if (k.start_date != null) { _row.Cells["start_date"].Value = k.start_date.Value.ToMyShortDate(); } if (k.end_date != null) { _row.Cells["end_date"].Value = k.end_date.Value.ToMyShortDate(); } if (k.balance > 0) { _row.Cells["balance"].Value = k.balance; } if (k.paid_amount > 0) { _total = k.pledged_amount; _paid = k.paid_amount; _percent = ((_paid / _total) * 100); _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", Math.Round(_percent, 1)); } else { _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", 0); } _row.Key = string.Format("{0}", k.pls_id); _row.Tag = k; _row.Visible = true; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; var plist = (from c in datam.DATA_CURRENT_PLEDGES.Values where c.pls_id == k.pls_id & c.pledge_status != em.pledge_statusS.deleted group c by c.cg_id into nw_gp select new { cg_id = nw_gp.Key, plegde_amount = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.amount_pledged), paid_amount = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.amount_paid), balance = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.balance), mem_count = nw_gp.Select(u => new { _id = string.Format("{0}-{1}", u.source_type.ToByte(), u.source_id) }).Distinct().Count() }).ToList(); parent_row = _row; parent_row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; parent_row.Cells["mem_count"].Value = plist.Sum(h => h.mem_count); } iGrid1.Cols.AutoWidth(); iGrid1.AutoResizeCols = false; iGrid1.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadMainGrid(IEnumerable <ic.expense_transC> _list) { fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (_list == null) { fGrid.EndUpdate(); return; } iGRow _row = null; foreach (var n in _list) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); // _row.Cells["sys_no"].Value = "V-" + n.voucher_id; _row.Cells["date"].Value = n.exp_date.Value.ToMyShortDate(); _row.Cells["fs_id"].Value = fn.GetFSID(n.exp_date.Value); _row.Cells["voucher_no"].Value = n.voucher_no; _row.Cells["expense_amount"].Value = n.exp_amount; _row.Cells["expense_amount"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["expense_amount"].ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; _row.Cells["expense"].Value = n.objExpenseAccount.exp_acc_name; _row.Cells["details"].Value = n.exp_details; _row.Cells["dept"].Value = datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[n.dept_id].dept_name; _row.Cells["pay_mode"].Value = fnn.GetExpensePayModeString(n.pay_mode); switch (n.source_type) { case { _row.Cells["source"].Value = "Bank"; break; } case em.exp_inc_src_typeS.petty_cash_cheque: { _row.Cells["source"].Value = "Petty Cash"; break; } case em.exp_inc_src_typeS.unbanked_cash: { _row.Cells["source"].Value = "Source"; _row.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; } } _row.Cells["received_by"].Value = n.received_by; _row.Key = n.un_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Tag = n; _row.AutoHeight(); n.is_updated = false; } using (var xd = new xing()) { string _str = string.Format("select * from acc_cash_transfer_tb where (source_id={0} or destination_id={0}) and status={1} and source_type_id={2} and destination_type_id={3}", m_WithDraw.sys_account_id, em.cashTransferStatus.valid.ToInt16(), em.CashTransferSourceType.account.ToInt16(), em.CashTransferDestinationType.account.ToInt16()); using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ForeColor = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32() == m_WithDraw.sys_account_id ? Color.Maroon : Color.Green; _row.Cells["date"].Value = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date").ToMyShortDate(); _row.Cells["fs_id"].Value = fn.GetFSID(_dr.GetDateTime("fs_date")); _row.Cells["expense_amount"].Value = _dr["amount"].ToInt32(); _row.Cells["expense_amount"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["expense_amount"].ForeColor = _row.ForeColor; _row.Cells["expense"].Value = "TRANSFER"; _row.Cells["expense"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; if (_dr["source_id"].ToInt32() == m_WithDraw.sys_account_id) { _row.Cells["details"].Value = string.Format(" Cash Transfer To {0}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_dr["destination_id"].ToInt32()].account_name); } else { _row.Cells["expense"].Value = "Extra INCOME"; _row.Cells["expense_amount"].ForeColor = Color.Green; _row.Cells["details"].Value = string.Format("Cash Received From {0}", datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_dr["source_id"].ToInt32()].account_name); _row.Cells["details"].AuxValue = 1; } _row.AutoHeight(); } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadGrid() { var nlist = from k in datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.Values where k.balance != 0 & k.objAccount.account_type == em.account_typeS.ActualAccount orderby k.balance descending select k; iGRow _row = null; fGrid.BeginUpdate(); ic.accountC _acc = null; foreach (var r in nlist) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _acc = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[r.account_id]; if (r.account_id < 0) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "CUC"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; } _row.Cells["account"].Value = _acc.account_name; _row.Cells["balance"].Value = r.balance; _row.Cells["balance"].Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["balance"].ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; _row.Cells["acc_category"].Value = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_acc.p_account_id].account_name; // _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _acc.owner_name; switch (_acc.owner_type) { case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CUC: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "CUC"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 1; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CHURCH: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Church"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 3; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CHURCH_GROUP: { try { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_acc.owner_id].cg_name; } catch (Exception) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Church Group"; } _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 5; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CHURCH_MEMBER: { try { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = datam.DATA_MEMBER[_acc.owner_id].mem_name; } catch (Exception) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Church Member"; } _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = "Church Members"; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 7; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.DEPARTMENT: { try { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_acc.owner_id].dept_name; if (_row.Cells["owner"].Text.IndexOf("department") == -1) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Text + " Department"; } } catch (Exception) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Department"; } _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 4; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.DISTRICT: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "District"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 2; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.OTHER: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _acc.owner_name; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = "Others"; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 6; break; } } if (r.objAccount.owner_id > 0) { try { var _cg = datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[r.objAccount.owner_id]; if (_cg != null) { _row.Cells["account"].Value = string.Format("{0} :: {1}", _acc.account_name, _cg.cg_name); _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _cg.cg_name; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 5; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Key = string.Format("{0}{1}", r.account_id.ToString(), r.objAccount.owner_id); _row.Tag = r; r.is_updated = false; } ShowTotalCreditors(); fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; var Gtotal = from k in fGrid.Rows.Cast <iGRow>() group k by k.Cells["svalue"].Text into nw_gp select new { gp_name = nw_gp.Key, gp_total = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.Cells["balance"].Value.ToInt32()) }; m_GroupTotal.Clear(); foreach (var t in Gtotal) { m_GroupTotal.Add(t.gp_name, t.gp_total); } if (fGrid.GroupObject.Count == 0) { fGrid.GroupObject.Add("svalue"); } fGrid.Group(); fGrid.PerformAction(iGActions.CollapseAll); fGrid.EndUpdate(); }
void UpdateGrid() { IEnumerable <ic.bankWithDrawC> _withdraws = null; bool load_all = false; if (fGrid.Rows.Count == 0) { _withdraws = from n in datam.DATA_PENDING_WITHDRAWN_CHEQUES.Values where n.status == em.account_trans_Status.Normal & n.cheque_balance > 0 orderby n.fs_id descending select n; load_all = true; } else { _withdraws = from n in datam.DATA_PENDING_WITHDRAWN_CHEQUES.Values where n.is_updated orderby n.fs_id descending select n; } fGrid.Enabled = false; fGrid.BeginUpdate(); iGRow _row = null; List <string> To_Delete = new List <string>(); bool _update = false; foreach (var n in _withdraws) { _update = false; n.is_updated = false; if (load_all) { _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); } else { try { _row = fGrid.Rows[n.wdr_id.ToString()]; _update = true; if (n.status == em.account_trans_Status.Cancelled) { if (To_Delete.IndexOf(n.wdr_id.ToString()) == -1) { To_Delete.Add(n.wdr_id.ToString()); } continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (n.status == em.account_trans_Status.Cancelled) { continue; } _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _update = false; } } if (!_update) { _row.Key = n.wdr_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Tag = n; } _row.Cells["date"].Value = n.fs_date.ToMyShortDate(); _row.Cells["cheque_no"].Value = n.cheque_no; _row.Cells["alias"].Value = n.cheque_alias; _row.Cells["cheque_amount"].Value = n.WithDrawnAmount; _row.Cells["cheque_amount"].FormatString = "{0:N0}"; _row.Cells["spent_amount"].Value = (n.WithDrawnAmount - n.cheque_balance); _row.Cells["spent_amount"].FormatString = "{0:N0}"; _row.Cells["balance"].Value = n.cheque_balance; _row.Cells["balance"].FormatString = "{0:N0}"; /// _row.Cells["colsearch"].Value = string.Format("{0}", _row.Cells["cheque_no"].Text.ToString()).ToLower(); _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; } if (To_Delete.Count > 0) { foreach (var k in To_Delete) { fGrid.Rows.RemoveAt(fGrid.Rows[k].Index); } } fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid.EndUpdate(); fGrid.Enabled = true; if (!timer1.Enabled) { timer1.Enabled = true; } }
public void NewRecord(ic.pledgeSettingC k) { Application.DoEvents(); iGrid1.BeginUpdate(); iGRow _row = null; float _total = 0f; float _paid = 0f; float _percent = 0f; iGRow parent_row = null; _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["no"].Value = iGrid1.Rows.Count; _row.Cells["pledge_name"].Value = k.pledge_name; _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[k.account_id].account_name; _row.Cells["pledge"].ForeColor = Color.Gray; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(k.pledge_name)) { _row.Cells["pledge_name"].Value = _row.Cells["pledge"].Value; } _row.Cells["pledge_amount"].Value = k.pledged_amount; _row.Cells["paid"].Value = k.paid_amount; if (k.start_date != null) { _row.Cells["start_date"].Value = k.start_date.Value.ToMyShortDate(); } if (k.end_date != null) { _row.Cells["end_date"].Value = k.end_date.Value.ToMyShortDate(); } if (k.balance > 0) { _row.Cells["balance"].Value = k.balance; } if (k.paid_amount > 0) { _total = k.pledged_amount; _paid = k.paid_amount; _percent = ((_paid / _total) * 100); _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", Math.Round(_percent, 1)); } else { _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", 0); } _row.Key = string.Format("{0}", k.pls_id); _row.Tag = k; _row.Visible = true; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; parent_row = _row; parent_row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; parent_row.Cells["mem_count"].Value = null; iGrid1.Cols.AutoWidth(); iGrid1.AutoResizeCols = false; iGrid1.EndUpdate(); }
private void LoadGrid() { if (accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT == null) { return; } var nlist = from k in accn.DATA_ASSET_LIABILITY_STATEMENT orderby k.fs_id select k; iGrid1.BeginUpdate(); iGRow _row = null; int _balance = 0; // _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["date"].Value = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToMyShortDate(); _row.Cells["desc"].Value = "Balance B/F"; _row.Cells["desc"].Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Bold); _row.Cells["desc"].Col.Width = 200; _row.Cells["desc"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; if (m_BF >= 0) { _row.Cells["dr"].Value = m_BF; } else { _row.Cells["cr"].Value = (m_BF * -1); } _balance += m_BF; _row.Cells["balance"].Value = _balance; _row.Cells["balance"].ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.Cells["balance"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["balance"].BackColor = Color.AntiqueWhite; _row.Cells["balance"].ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.AutoHeight(); // _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Height = 5; _row.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); _row.Selectable = false; _row.Key = "fixed_row"; foreach (var k in nlist) { _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["date"].Value = k.fs_date.ToMyLongDate(); _row.Cells["desc"].Value = k.description; _row.Cells["desc"].Col.Width = 200; _row.Cells["ref_type"].Value = GetReferenceTypeName(k.reference_type); _row.Cells["ref_type"].ForeColor = Color.Gray; _row.Cells["ref_no"].Value = k.reference_no; _row.Cells["account"].Value = k.account_name; _row.TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["ref_no"].ForeColor = Color.Gray; if (k.dr_amount > 0) { _row.Cells["dr"].Value = k.dr_amount; _balance += k.dr_amount; } if (k.cr_amount > 0) { _row.Cells["cr"].Value = k.cr_amount; _row.ForeColor = Color.Maroon; _balance -= k.cr_amount; } _row.Cells["balance"].Value = _balance; _row.Cells["balance"].ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.Cells["balance"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["balance"].BackColor = Color.AntiqueWhite; _row.Cells["balance"].ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.Tag = k; _row.AutoHeight(); } iGrid1.AutoResizeCols = false; iGrid1.Cols.AutoWidth(); // iGrid1.Cols["desc"].Width = 300; iGrid1.Rows.AutoHeight(); iGrid1.Rows["fixed_row"].Height = 5; iGrid1.EndUpdate(); }
private void DrawLeftTree() { if (labelCalender.Tag == null) { return; } Application.DoEvents(); var _dt = Convert.ToDateTime(labelCalender.Tag); m_YEAR = _dt.Year; m_MONTH = _dt.Month; int new_val = string.Format("{0}{1}", m_YEAR, m_MONTH).ToInt32(); iGrid1.BeginUpdate(); iGrid1.Rows.Clear(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); if (!datam.GetMonthBankReconcilition(new_val)) { } var _days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(m_YEAR, m_MONTH); iGRow _row = null; #region draw_month header _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 13, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.Cells[0].Value = datam.MONTHS[m_MONTH - 1]; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Visible; _row.Level = 0; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Height += 2; _row.Key = m_MONTH.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); #endregion #region draw month details DateTime?_last_date = new DateTime(m_YEAR, m_MONTH, _days); int start_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_last_date.Value); for (int j = _days; j > 0; j--) { _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Level = 1; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ForeColor = Color.Maroon; _row.Cells[0].Value = j.ToNthDay(); _row.Cells[0].AuxValue = j; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; _row.Key = start_fs_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Visible = false; _row.Tag = new DateTime(m_YEAR, m_MONTH, j).ToMyLongDate(); start_fs_id--; } #endregion if (datam.DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[new_val].Keys.Count > 0) { var nlist = from n in datam.DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[new_val] where n.Value.status == em.voucher_statusS.valid orderby n.Value.fs_id descending group n by n.Value.fs_id into new_group select new { fs_id = new_group.Key, total_deduct = new_group.Where(y => y.Value.br_acc_type == em.bank_reconc_typeS.deduction).Sum(h => h.Value.amount), total_addition = new_group.Where(y => y.Value.br_acc_type == em.bank_reconc_typeS.addition).Sum(h => h.Value.amount), }; if (nlist.Count() > 0) { iGrid1.Rows[m_MONTH.ToString()].Cells["reconc_add"].Value = nlist.Sum(k => k.total_addition); iGrid1.Rows[m_MONTH.ToString()].Cells["reconc_deduct"].Value = nlist.Sum(k => k.total_deduct); if ((nlist.Max(j => j.fs_id) != sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id) & new_val == string.Format("{0}{1}", sdata.CURR_DATE.Year, sdata.CURR_DATE.Month).ToInt32()) { iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["reconc_add"].Value = null; iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["reconc_deduct"].Value = null; iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Visible = true; } foreach (var d in nlist) { iGrid1.Rows[d.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["reconc_add"].Value = d.total_addition; iGrid1.Rows[d.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["reconc_deduct"].Value = d.total_deduct; iGrid1.Rows[d.fs_id.ToString()].Visible = true; } if (new_val == string.Format("{0}{1}", sdata.CURR_DATE.Year, sdata.CURR_DATE.Month).ToInt32()) { iGrid1.SetCurCell(sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString(), 0); } } } else { iGrid1.Rows[m_MONTH.ToString()].Cells["reconc_add"].Value = null; iGrid1.Rows[m_MONTH.ToString()].Cells["reconc_deduct"].Value = null; if (m_YEAR == sdata.CURR_DATE.Year & m_MONTH == sdata.CURR_DATE.Month) { iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["reconc_add"].Value = null; iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Cells["reconc_deduct"].Value = null; iGrid1.Rows[sdata.CURR_FS.fs_id.ToString()].Visible = true; } } iGrid1.EndUpdate(); iGrid1.Cols.AutoWidth(); iGrid1.AutoResizeCols = false; }
private void CheckUpdates() { using (var _xd = new xing()) { datam.InitAccount(_xd); _xd.CommitTransaction(); } wdata.TABLE_STAMP["accounts_current_balance_tb"] = m_LastStamp; if (datam.GetAccountsPayable(null)) { m_LastStamp = wdata.TABLE_STAMP["accounts_current_balance_tb"]; var nlist = from k in datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.Values where k.is_updated & k.objAccount.account_type == em.account_typeS.ActualAccount select k; if (nlist.Count() == 0) { return; } var _selected_cell = fGrid.CurCell; var ex_list = fGrid.Rows.Cast <iGRow>().Where(t => t.Type == iGRowType.AutoGroupRow & t.Expanded).Select(p => p.Key).ToList(); iGRow _row = null; fGrid.BeginUpdate(); fGrid.GroupObject.Clear(); fGrid.Group(); ic.accountC _acc = null; foreach (var r in nlist) { try { _row = fGrid.Rows[string.Format("{0}{1}", r.account_id.ToString(), r.objAccount.owner_id)]; _acc = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[r.account_id]; _row.Cells["balance"].Value = r.balance; } catch (Exception ex) { #region new_row _row = fGrid.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("georgia", 12, FontStyle.Regular); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _acc = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[r.account_id]; if (r.account_id < 0) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "CUC"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; } _row.Cells["account"].Value = _acc.account_name; _row.Cells["balance"].Value = r.balance; _row.Cells["balance"].Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Cells["balance"].ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; _row.Cells["acc_category"].Value = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[_acc.p_account_id].account_name; // _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _acc.owner_name; switch (_acc.owner_type) { case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CUC: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "CUC"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 1; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CHURCH: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Church"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 3; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CHURCH_GROUP: { try { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_acc.owner_id].cg_name; } catch (Exception) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Church Group"; } _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 5; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CHURCH_MEMBER: { try { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = datam.DATA_MEMBER[_acc.owner_id].mem_name; } catch (Exception) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Church Member"; } _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = "Church Members"; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 7; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.DEPARTMENT: { try { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_acc.owner_id].dept_name; if (_row.Cells["owner"].Text.IndexOf("department") == -1) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Text + " Department"; } } catch (Exception) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Department"; } _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 4; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.DISTRICT: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "District"; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 2; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.OTHER: { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _acc.owner_name; _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = "Others"; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 6; break; } case em.AccountOwnerTypeS.CHURCH_GROUP_SHARED: { if (r.objAccount.owner_id == 0) { _row.Cells["owner"].Value = "Church"; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 3; } else { try { var _cg = datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[r.objAccount.owner_id]; if (_cg != null) { _row.Cells["account"].Value = string.Format("{0} :: {1}", _acc.account_name, _cg.cg_name); _row.Cells["owner"].Value = _cg.cg_name; _row.Cells["s_id"].Value = 5; } } catch (Exception er) { } } _row.Cells["svalue"].Value = _row.Cells["owner"].Value; break; } } #endregion _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Key = string.Format("{0}{1}", r.account_id.ToString(), r.objAccount.owner_id); _row.Tag = r; } r.is_updated = false; } ShowTotalCreditors(); fGrid.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid.AutoResizeCols = false; var Gtotal = from k in fGrid.Rows.Cast <iGRow>() group k by k.Cells["svalue"].Text into nw_gp select new { gp_name = nw_gp.Key, gp_total = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.Cells["balance"].Value.ToInt32()) }; m_GroupTotal.Clear(); foreach (var t in Gtotal) { m_GroupTotal.Add(t.gp_name, t.gp_total); } if (fGrid.GroupObject.Count == 0) { fGrid.GroupObject.Add("svalue"); } fGrid.Group(); fGrid.PerformAction(iGActions.CollapseAll); foreach (var y in ex_list) { try { fGrid.Rows[y].Expanded = true; } catch (Exception ex) { } } fGrid.EndUpdate(); } }
private void LoadMainGrid2(ic.church_groupC _gp) { if (m_LDATA.Keys.IndexOf(_gp.cg_id) == -1) { m_LDATA.Add(_gp.cg_id, new iGDropDownList()); m_LDATA[_gp.cg_id] = fnn.CreateCombo(); m_LDATA[_gp.cg_id].MaxVisibleRowCount = 5; var nlist = from k in datam.DATA_ROLES.Values where k.gp_type == em.role_gp_typeS.church_group & k.gp_id == _gp.cg_id select k; foreach (var n in nlist) { m_LDATA[_gp.cg_id].Items.Add(new fnn.iGComboItemEX() { Text = n.role_name, Value = n.role_name, Tag = n }); } } m_prev_role = null; fGrid2.Cols["_pic"].Width = 20; fGrid2.Rows.Clear(); buttonX1.Visible = false; buttonX2.Visible = false; buttonR.Visible = false; if (_gp == null) { return; } iGRow _row = null; _row = CreateNewRow2(); _row.Key = "othersxxx"; _row.ForeColor = Color.Blue; _row.Cells["mem"].Value = "Member Names"; _row.Cells["mem"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.BackColor = Color.Lavender; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.False; _row.Selectable = false; _row.Cells["type"].Value = null; _row.Cells["type"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // _row.Cells["desig"].Value = "Member Role(s)"; _row.Cells["desig"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // fGrid2.Rows["othersxxx"].Cells["_pic"].TypeFlags = iGCellTypeFlags.HasEllipsisButton; buttonX1.Visible = true; buttonX2.Visible = true; buttonR.Visible = true; if (_gp == null) { fGrid2.EndUpdate(); return; } int _cnt = 0; ic.RoleC _role = null; if (_gp.MemberCount > 0) { foreach (var r in _gp.MemberEnumerable.OrderBy(l => l.mem_name)) { _cnt++; _row = fGrid2.Rows.Add(); _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold); _row.Cells["type"].Col.Width = 30; _row.Cells["type"].Value = _cnt; _row.Cells["type"].TextAlign = iGContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _row.Cells["mem"].ValueType = typeof(string); _row.Tag = r.mem_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.Cells["mem"].Value = r.mem_name; _row.Cells["_pic"].TypeFlags = iGCellTypeFlags.HasEllipsisButton; _row.Cells["_pic"].ReadOnly = iGBool.False; // _role = r.RolesCollection.Where(k => k.Is_valid & k.objRole.gp_type == em.role_gp_typeS.church_group & k.objRole.gp_id == _gp.cg_id).Select(k => k.objRole).FirstOrDefault(); _row.Cells["desig"].DropDownControl = m_LDATA[_gp.cg_id]; _row.Cells["desig"].Value = null; if (_role != null) { _row.Cells["desig"].Value = _role.role_name; } // _row.Cells["desig"].ReadOnly = iGBool.False; _row.Cells["desig"].TypeFlags = iGCellTypeFlags.HideComboButton; _row.Key = r.mem_id.ToStringNullable(); _row.AutoHeight(); } } fGrid2.Cols.AutoWidth(); fGrid2.AutoResizeCols = false; fGrid2.EndUpdate(); position_button_controller(); }
private void DrawLeftTree() { Application.DoEvents(); iGrid1.BeginUpdate(); iGrid1.Rows.Clear(); fGrid.Rows.Clear(); iGRow _row = null; var nlist = from k in datam.DATA_CURRENT_PLEDGE_SETTINGS.Values where k.pledged_amount > 0 orderby k.pls_id select k; float _total = 0f; float _paid = 0f; float _percent = 0f; iGRow parent_row = null; int mem_count = 0; foreach (var k in nlist) { _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 12, FontStyle.Bold); _row.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = datam.DATA_ACCOUNTS[k.account_id].account_name; _row.Cells["pledge_amount"].Value = k.pledged_amount; _row.Cells["paid"].Value = k.paid_amount; if (k.balance > 0) { _row.Cells["balance"].Value = k.balance; } if (k.paid_amount > 0) { _total = k.pledged_amount; _paid = k.paid_amount; _percent = ((_paid / _total) * 100); _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", Math.Round(_percent, 1)); } else { _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", 0); } _row.Key = string.Format("{0}", k.pls_id); _row.Tag = k; _row.Visible = true; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; mem_count = 0; var plist = from c in datam.DATA_CURRENT_PLEDGES.Values where c.pls_id == k.pls_id group c by c.cg_id into nw_gp select new { cg_id = nw_gp.Key, plegde_amount = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.amount_pledged), paid_amount = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.amount_paid), balance = nw_gp.Sum(p => p.balance), mem_count = nw_gp.Select(u => new { _id = string.Format("{0}-{1}", u.source_type.ToByte(), u.source_id) }).Distinct().Count() }; parent_row = _row; parent_row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Visible; foreach (var p in plist) { _row = iGrid1.Rows.Add(); _row.Font = new Font("verdana", 11, FontStyle.Regular); _row.Level = 1; _row.TreeButton = iGTreeButtonState.Hidden; _row.ReadOnly = iGBool.True; if (p.cg_id == 0) { _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = "General"; _row.Cells["pledge"].ForeColor = Color.Purple; } else { _row.Cells["pledge"].Value = datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[p.cg_id].cg_name; _row.Cells["pledge"].ForeColor = Color.Purple; } _row.Cells["pledge_amount"].Value = p.plegde_amount; _row.Cells["paid"].Value = p.paid_amount; _row.Cells["mem_count"].Value = p.mem_count; mem_count += p.mem_count; if (p.balance > 0) { _row.Cells["balance"].Value = p.balance; } if (p.paid_amount > 0) { _total = p.plegde_amount; _paid = p.paid_amount; _percent = ((_paid / _total) * 100); _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", Math.Round(_percent, 1)); } else { _row.Cells["p_comp"].Value = string.Format(" {0} %", 0); } _row.Key = string.Format("{0}|{1}", k.pls_id, p.cg_id); _row.Tag = k; _row.Visible = true; _row.AutoHeight(); _row.Height += 2; } parent_row.Cells["mem_count"].Value = mem_count; // parent_row.Expanded = false; mem_count = 0; } iGrid1.Cols.AutoWidth(); iGrid1.AutoResizeCols = false; iGrid1.EndUpdate(); }