//, FiddleYardMip50SettingsForm FYMip50SettingsForm)
        /*  Description: FiddleYardForm
         *               Constructor
         *  Input(s)   :
         *  Output(s)  :
         *  Returns    :
         *  Pre.Cond.  :
         *  Post.Cond. :
         *  Notes      :
        public FiddleYardForm(iFiddleYardApplication iFYApp)

            //m_FYMip50SettingsForm = FYMip50SettingsForm;
            m_iFYApp = iFYApp;

            #region Indicator init
            // size of window resolution on Modeltrain PC is 1920; 1200
            // Size of window on Modeltrain PC is 960; 1085
            // Placed on 0; 85


            GWinX = 5;                      // The X location of Gwin border line.
            GWinY = 32;                     // The X location of Gwin border line.
            GWinHalf = 740 / 2 + GWinY;     // The Height of GWin devided by 2 plus the offset in Y is the center line of GWin
            Track6LocY = GWinHalf;// - 8;
            Track6LocX = GWinX + 170;

            GWin.Size = new Size (940,740);
            GWin.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX, GWinY); // was 5, 32

            LLed_F10.Size = new Size (30, 16);
            LLed_F10.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 10, GWinHalf - 8);
            LLed_F10_2_TOP.Size = new Size(30, 16);
            LLed_F10_2_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 900, GWinHalf - 8);

            LLed_Block6.Size = new Size(100, 16);
            LLed_Block6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50, GWinHalf - 8);

            LLed_Block6In.Size = new Size(26, 14);
            LLed_Block6In.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + (100 / 2 - 26 / 2), GWinHalf - 7 + 25);
            //LLed_Block6In.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + (100 / 2 - 26 / 2), GWinHalf -7);
            PB_Block6In.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + (100 / 2 - 26 / 2 - 4), GWinHalf - 7 + 20);
            PB_Block6In.Image = SeinRed;
            PB_Block6In.Enabled = false;

            LLed_Block5B.Size = new Size(16, 250);
            LLed_Block5B.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50, GWinHalf - 18 - 250);

            LLed_Block5BIn.Size = new Size(14, 26);
            LLed_Block5BIn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + 16 + 10, GWinHalf - 18 - (250 / 2 + 26 / 2));
            //LLed_Block5BIn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + 1, GWinHalf - 18 - (250/2 + 26/2));
            PB_Block5BIn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + 16, GWinHalf - 20 - (250 / 2 + 26 / 2));
            PB_Block5BIn.Image = SeinRed;
            PB_Block5BIn.Enabled = false;

            LLed_FYPLATE_TOP.Size = new Size(620, 368);
            LLed_FYPLATE_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 160, GWinHalf - 368 / 2);

            LLed_F13.Size = new Size(30, 14);
            LLed_F13.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 180, GWinHalf - 7);

            LLed_F11.Size = new Size(30, 14);
            LLed_F11.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 580, GWinHalf - 7);

            LLed_TrackPower.Size = new Size(100, 14);
            LLed_TrackPower.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 620, GWinHalf - 7);

            LLed_F12.Size = new Size(30, 14);
            LLed_F12.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 730, GWinHalf - 7);

            LLed_Block7.Size = new Size(121,16);
            LLed_Block7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 769, GWinHalf - 8);

            LLed_Block7In.Size = new Size(26, 14);
            LLed_Block7In.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 790 + (100 / 2 - 26 / 2), GWinHalf - 7 + 25);
            //LLed_Block7In.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 790 + (100 / 2 - 26 / 2), GWinHalf - 7);
            PB_Block7In.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 790 + (100 / 2 - 26 / 2 - 4), GWinHalf - 7 + 20);
            PB_Block7In.Image = SeinRed;
            PB_Block7In.Enabled = false;

            LLed_Block8A.Size = new Size(16, 250);
            LLed_Block8A.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 790 + (100 - 16), GWinHalf - 250 - 18);
            LLed_Track1.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr1_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr1_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr1_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr1_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr1_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr1_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track2.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr2_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr2_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr2_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr2_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr2_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr2_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track3.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr3_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr3_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr3_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr3_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr3_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr3_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track4.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr4_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr4_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr4_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr4_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr4_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr4_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track5.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr5_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr5_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr5_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr5_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr5_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr5_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track6.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr6_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr6_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr6_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr6_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr6_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr6_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track7.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr7_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr7_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr7_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr7_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr7_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr7_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track8.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr8_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr8_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr8_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr8_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr8_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr8_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track9.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr9_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr9_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr9_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr9_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr9_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr9_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track10.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr10_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr10_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr10_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr10_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr10_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr10_Active.Image = Active;
            LLed_Track11.Size = new Size(600, FYTrackHeight);

            PB_Tr11_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Tr11_Train.Image = null;

            PB_Tr11_Inline.Size = new Size(Inline.Width, Inline.Height);
            PB_Tr11_Inline.Image = Inline;

            PB_Tr11_Active.Size = new Size(Active.Width, Active.Height);
            PB_Tr11_Active.Image = Active;
            PB_Bk5_Train.Size = new Size(Train90.Width, Train90.Height);
            PB_Bk5_Train.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(LLed_Block5B.Location.X + 1, LLed_Block5B.Location.Y + LLed_Block5B.Location.Y / 2 + PB_Bk5_Train.Height / 2);
            PB_Bk5_Train.Image = Train90;
            PB_Bk6_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Bk6_Train.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(LLed_Block6.Location.X + PB_Bk6_Train.Width / 2, LLed_Block6.Location.Y + 2);
            PB_Bk6_Train.Image = HalfTrain;
            PB_Bk7_Train.Size = new Size(Train.Width, Train.Height);
            PB_Bk7_Train.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(LLed_Block7.Location.X + PB_Bk7_Train.Width / 2, LLed_Block7.Location.Y + 2);
            PB_Bk7_Train.Image = Train;
            PB_Bk8A_Train.Size = new Size(Train270.Width, Train270.Height);
            PB_Bk8A_Train.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(LLed_Block8A.Location.X + 2, LLed_Block8A.Location.Y + LLed_Block8A.Location.Y / 2 + PB_Bk8A_Train.Height / 2);
            PB_Bk8A_Train.Image = HalfTrain270;
            LLed_EOS11.Size = new Size(50, 16);
            LLed_EOS11.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 180, GWinHalf - 360);

            LLed_EOS10.Size = new Size(50, 16);
            LLed_EOS10.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 180, GWinHalf + 360 - 16);

            Btn_Bezet5BOn_TOP.Size = new Size(32, 24);
            Btn_Bezet5BOn_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + 16 + 30, GWinHalf - 18 - (250 / 2) - (23 / 2));
            //Btn_Bezet5BOn_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 50 + 16 + 10, GWinHalf - 18 - (250/2) - (23/2) );

            Btn_Bezet6On_TOP.Size = new Size(32, 24);
            Btn_Bezet6On_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 100 - (32 / 2), GWinHalf + 8 + 40);
            //Btn_Bezet6On_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 100 - (32/2), GWinHalf + 8 + 10);

            Btn_Bezet7On_TOP.Size = new Size(32, 24);
            Btn_Bezet7On_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 840 - (32 / 2), GWinHalf + 8 + 40);
            //Btn_Bezet7On_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 840 - (32/2), GWinHalf + 8 + 10);

            LabelBlock6.Size = new Size(44, 13);
            LabelBlock6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 100 - (44 / 2), GWinHalf - 8 - 10 - 13);

            LabelBlock7.Size = new Size(44, 13);
            LabelBlock7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 840 - (44 / 2), GWinHalf - 8 - 10 - 13);

            LabelBlock5B.Size = new Size(44, 13);
            LabelBlock5B.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 60 + 8, GWinHalf - 18 - 250);

            LabelBlock8A.Size = new Size(44, 13);
            LabelBlock8A.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 790 + (100 - 16) - 10 - 50, GWinHalf - 18 - 250);

            LLed_15VTrackPower.Size = new Size(88, 16);
            LLed_15VTrackPower.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 835, GWinHalf - 360);

            LLed_Heart.Size = new Size(60, 16);
            LLed_Heart.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 15, GWinHalf + 360 - 16);

            LLed_M10.Size = new Size(50, 16);
            LLed_M10.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 270, GWinHalf + 360 - 16);

            LLed_Resistor.Size = new Size(100, 16);
            LLed_Resistor.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 620, GWinHalf + 360 - 16);

            Btn_Reset_TOP.Size = new Size(80, 32);
            Btn_Reset_TOP.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 10, GWinHalf - 360);

            //LLed_Alive.Size = new Size(16, 16);
            //LLed_Alive.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(GWinX + 880, GWinHalf + 360 - 16);

            SimulationMode.Visible = false;
            alwaysOnTopToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
            this.TopMost = true;
            mIP50SettingsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;

            checkBoxTrack1.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack2.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack3.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack4.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack5.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack6.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack7.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack8.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack9.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack10.Checked = false;
            checkBoxTrack11.Checked = false;
            checkBoxToggle.Checked = false;

            #endregion Indicator init

            Btn_Stop_Fiddle_TOP.Enabled = false;
 /*  Description: FiddleYardAppInit()
  *               Constructor
  *  Input(s)   :
  *  Output(s)  :
  *  Returns    :
  *  Pre.Cond.  :
  *  Post.Cond. :
  *  Notes      :
 public FiddleYardAppInit(iFiddleYardApplication iFYApp)
     m_iFYApp = iFYApp;
     FiddleYardInitStarted = new MessageUpdater();
     State_Machine = State.Idle;