public frmContact(iAddress parentAddress) { InitializeComponent(); myContact = InstanceFactory.Contact(); myContact.Address = (Address)parentAddress; //It is possible that the address passed is NULL (the parent agency has not been set) rTextBoxContactAddress.Text = myContact.Address == null? "" : myContact.Address.FullAddress; SetNotesCount(); }
public frmContact(iContact myContactInstance) { InitializeComponent(); myContact = myContactInstance; //Fill in the values txtBoxName.Text = myContact.Name.FullName; txtBoxContactPosition.Text = myContact.Position; txtBoxContactEmail.Text = myContact.Email; txtBoxContactLandLineNo.Text = myContact.LandLineTelNo; txtBoxContactMobileNo.Text = myContact.MobileTelNo; //It is possible that the address passed is NULL (the parent agency has not been set) rTextBoxContactAddress.Text = myContact.Address == null ? "" : myContact.Address.FullAddress; SetNotesCount(); }
private void dataGridAgencyContacts_CellMouseDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { //A row has been double clicked. We need to get the BrokerID value, extract the Broker instance //and then pass this to the form to display the Broker. int contactIDSelected = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridAgencyContacts.SelectedRows[0].Cells["ContactID"].Value.ToString()); //PUT THIS IN A Using BLOCK? JobLeadRepo thisJobLeadRepo = new JobLeadRepo(); iContact contactSelected = thisJobLeadRepo.GetContact(contactIDSelected); frmContact newContactForm = new frmContact(contactSelected); newContactForm.ShowDialog(); //Now reinitialise the Contacts Grid ReloadAgencyContactGrid(); }