// Token: 0x060039D9 RID: 14809 RVA: 0x000CBAD0 File Offset: 0x000C9CD0 public override global::InventoryItem.MergeResult TryCombine(global::IInventoryItem otherItem) { global::PlayerInventory playerInventory = base.inventory as global::PlayerInventory; if (!playerInventory || otherItem.inventory != playerInventory) { return(global::InventoryItem.MergeResult.Failed); } global::ItemDataBlock datablock = otherItem.datablock; if (!datablock || !datablock.isResearchable) { Rust.Notice.Popup("", "You can't research this", 4f); return(global::InventoryItem.MergeResult.Failed); } if (!playerInventory.AtWorkBench()) { Rust.Notice.Popup("", "You must be at a workbench to do this.", 4f); return(global::InventoryItem.MergeResult.Failed); } global::BlueprintDataBlock bp; if (!global::BlueprintDataBlock.FindBlueprintForItem <global::BlueprintDataBlock>(otherItem.datablock, out bp)) { Rust.Notice.Popup("", "You can't research this.. No Blueprint Available!...", 4f); return(global::InventoryItem.MergeResult.Failed); } if (playerInventory.KnowsBP(bp)) { Rust.Notice.Popup("", "You already know how to make this!", 4f); return(global::InventoryItem.MergeResult.Failed); } return(global::InventoryItem.MergeResult.Combined); }
// Token: 0x06002AF8 RID: 11000 RVA: 0x0009F9B0 File Offset: 0x0009DBB0 public void UpdateItems() { global::PlayerInventory component = global::RPOS.ObservedPlayer.GetComponent <global::PlayerInventory>(); List <global::BlueprintDataBlock> boundBPs = component.GetBoundBPs(); int count = boundBPs.Count; if (boundBPs == null) { Debug.Log("BOUND BP LIST EMPTY!!!!!"); return; } if (this.lastNumBoundBPs == count) { return; } this.lastNumBoundBPs = count; foreach (object obj in base.transform) { Object.Destroy((obj as Transform).gameObject); } int yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Survival, boundBPs, 0); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Resource, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Medical, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Ammo, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Weapons, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Armor, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Tools, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Mods, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Parts, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Food, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Blueprint, boundBPs, yPos); yPos = this.AddItemsOfCategory(global::ItemDataBlock.ItemCategory.Misc, boundBPs, yPos); base.GetComponent <global::UIDraggablePanel>().calculateNextChange = true; }
// Token: 0x06003840 RID: 14400 RVA: 0x000C7AC8 File Offset: 0x000C5CC8 private bool GetPlayerInventory(out global::PlayerInventory inventory) { inventory = (this.inventory as global::PlayerInventory); if (!inventory) { inventory = null; return(false); } inventory = (global::PlayerInventory)this.inventory; return(inventory); }
// Token: 0x060038A7 RID: 14503 RVA: 0x000C94E8 File Offset: 0x000C76E8 public override bool CanMoveToSlot(global::Inventory toinv, int toslot) { if (base.IsBroken()) { global::PlayerInventory playerInventory = toinv as global::PlayerInventory; if (playerInventory != null && global::PlayerInventory.IsEquipmentSlot(toslot)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
// Token: 0x06002D33 RID: 11571 RVA: 0x000A923C File Offset: 0x000A743C private void OnGUI() { float num = 0f; global::Controllable controllable = global::PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable; global::Character component = global::PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <global::Character>(); if (this.isFirstTime == 0) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.hackMenu = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.radarTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.consoleTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.userTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.draw3DRadarTab = false; this.isFirstTime = 1; global::LocalDamageDisplay.fallDamage = true; global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.grass = true; global::LocalDamageDisplay.speed = 0; global::LocalDamageDisplay.botRange = 250; global::LocalDamageDisplay.jumpHeight = 1; global::LocalDamageDisplay.gravity = 0f; global::LocalDamageDisplay.randomMode = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.myCoord = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.level = 60; } if (this.textFieldHelper == 0) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.newName = ""; this.textFieldHelper = 1; } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.hackMenu) { float num2 = (float)(Screen.width / 10); float num3 = (float)(Screen.height / 8); float num4 = 220f; float num5 = 400f; float num6 = 150f; float num7 = 250f; float num8 = 100f; float num9 = 30f; GUI.Box(new Rect(num2, num3, num4, num5), "A3MON V.1.0.0"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 10f, num3 + 30f, num8, num9), "Radar")) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.radarTab = true; global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.consoleTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.userTab = false; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + num8 + 10f, num3 + 30f, num8, num9), "Aim Bot")) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.radarTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotTab = true; global::LocalDamageDisplay.consoleTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.userTab = false; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 10f, num3 + num9 + 30f, num8, num9), "Console")) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.radarTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.consoleTab = true; global::LocalDamageDisplay.userTab = false; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + num8 + 10f, num3 + num9 + 30f, num8, num9), "User")) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.radarTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.consoleTab = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.userTab = true; } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.radarTab) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + 20f, num3 + 105f, 90f, 40f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode, " 3D Radar\n ON/OFF"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 120f, num3 + 100f, num8 - 20f, num9), "Settings")) { if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.draw3DRadarTab) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.draw3DRadarTab = false; } else { global::LocalDamageDisplay.draw3DRadarTab = true; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 60f, num3 + 140f, num8, num9), "Draw Names")) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList = !global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 60f, num3 + 170f, num8, num9), "Coordinates")) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.myCoord = !global::LocalDamageDisplay.myCoord; } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.draw3DRadarTab) { GUI.Box(new Rect(num2 + num4, num3 + 60f, num6, num7), "3D Radar"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPPlayersandNPCs = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + num4 + 20f, num3 + 80f, num6 - 20f, 20f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPPlayersandNPCs, "NPCs"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPResources = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + num4 + 20f, num3 + 100f, num6 - 20f, 20f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPResources, "Resources"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPLootables = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + num4 + 20f, num3 + 120f, num6 - 20f, 20f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPLootables, "Lootables"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPSleepers = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + num4 + 20f, num3 + 140f, num6 - 20f, 20f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPSleepers, "Sleepers"); } } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotTab) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + 20f, num3 + 105f, 100f, 40f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode, " Aim Bot\n ON/OFF"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.randomMode = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + 120f, num3 + 105f, 100f, 40f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.randomMode, " Random Aim\n ON/OFF"); if (!File.Exists("FriendlyList.txt")) { using (new StreamWriter("FriendlyList.txt")) { } } global::LocalDamageDisplay.newName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(num2 + 20f, num3 + 150f, num4 - 40f, 20f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.newName, 30); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 10f, num3 + 180f, num8, 20f), "Add Friend") && global::LocalDamageDisplay.newName != "") { using (TextWriter textWriter2 = File.AppendText("FriendlyList.txt")) { textWriter2.WriteLine(global::LocalDamageDisplay.newName); this.textFieldHelper = 0; textWriter2.Close(); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + num8 + 10f, num3 + 180f, num8, 20f), "Remove Friend") && global::LocalDamageDisplay.newName != "") { string tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader("FriendlyList.txt")) { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(tempFileName)) { string text; while ((text = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (text != global::LocalDamageDisplay.newName) { streamWriter.WriteLine(text); } } this.textFieldHelper = 0; streamReader.Close(); streamWriter.Close(); } } File.Delete("FriendlyList.txt"); File.Move(tempFileName, "FriendlyList.txt"); } GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 70f, num3 + 210f, 140f, 20f), "Range of Auto Aim"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.botRange = Mathf.RoundToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(num2 + 20f, num3 + 230f, 180f, 20f), (float)global::LocalDamageDisplay.botRange, 10f, 400f)); GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 105f, num3 + 250f, 80f, 20f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.botRange.ToString()); if (this.isFirstTime == 1) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.botRange = 250; this.isFirstTime = 2; } } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.consoleTab) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 70f, num3 + 105f, num8, num9), "Toggle Grass")) { if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.grass) { global::ConsoleWindow.singleton.RunCommand("grass.on false"); } if (!global::LocalDamageDisplay.grass) { global::ConsoleWindow.singleton.RunCommand("grass.on true"); } global::LocalDamageDisplay.grass = !global::LocalDamageDisplay.grass; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 70f, num3 + 135f, num8, num9), "Suicide")) { this.cursor.On = false; global::LocalDamageDisplay.hackMenu = false; global::ConsoleWindow.singleton.RunCommand("suicide"); } GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 90f, num3 + 165f, 120f, 20f), "Field of View"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 80f, num3 + 185f, 30f, 30f), "+") && global::LocalDamageDisplay.level <= 120) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.level++; global::ConsoleWindow.singleton.RunCommand("render.fov " + global::LocalDamageDisplay.level.ToString()); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(num2 + 80f, num3 + 215f, 30f, 30f), "-") && global::LocalDamageDisplay.level >= 60) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.level--; global::ConsoleWindow.singleton.RunCommand("render.fov " + global::LocalDamageDisplay.level.ToString()); } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.level < 60) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.level = 60; } GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 125f, num3 + 208f, 40f, 20f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.level.ToString()); } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.userTab) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.fallDamage = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + 20f, num3 + 105f, 90f, 40f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.fallDamage, " Fall Damage\n ON/OFF"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.flyMode = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(num2 + 120f, num3 + 105f, 90f, 40f), global::LocalDamageDisplay.flyMode, " Fly Hack\n ON/OFF"); GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 95f, num3 + 150f, 90f, 20f), "Speed Multiplier"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.speed = Mathf.RoundToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(num2 + 20f, num3 + 170f, 180f, 20f), (float)global::LocalDamageDisplay.speed, 0f, 6f)); GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 99f, num3 + 183f, 90f, 20f), "x" + (1f + (float)global::LocalDamageDisplay.speed / 4f).ToString()); GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 100f, num3 + 210f, 90f, 20f), "Jump Height"); global::LocalDamageDisplay.jumpHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(num2 + 20f, num3 + 230f, 180f, 20f), (float)global::LocalDamageDisplay.jumpHeight, 0f, 14f)); GUI.Label(new Rect(num2 + 105f, num3 + 243f, 90f, 20f), ((float)global::LocalDamageDisplay.jumpHeight + 1f).ToString()); } } if (Event.current.type == 7) { global::Character component2 = global::PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <global::Character>(); float num10 = Convert.ToSingle(global::LocalDamageDisplay.speed) + 4f; float baseHeight = Convert.ToSingle(global::LocalDamageDisplay.jumpHeight) + 1f; component2.ccmotor.jumping.setup.baseHeight = baseHeight; component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.maxForwardSpeed = num10; component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.maxSidewaysSpeed = num10; component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.maxBackwardsSpeed = num10; component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.maxAirAcceleration = 20f; if (Input.GetKeyDown(32) && global::LocalDamageDisplay.flyMode) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.gravity = component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.gravity; component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.gravity = -10f; } if (component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.gravity == -10f && !Input.GetKey(32)) { component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.gravity = global::LocalDamageDisplay.gravity; } if (Input.GetKeyUp(32) && global::LocalDamageDisplay.flyMode) { component2.ccmotor.movement.setup.gravity = global::LocalDamageDisplay.gravity; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(283)) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.hackMenu = !global::LocalDamageDisplay.hackMenu; if (this.cursor == null) { this.cursor = LockCursorManager.CreateCursorUnlockNode(false, "Death Screen"); } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.hackMenu) { this.cursor.On = true; } else { this.cursor.On = false; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(99)) { if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode = false; } else { global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode = true; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(120)) { global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode = !global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode; } if (Time.time - num > 0.25f && Input.GetKeyDown(287)) { num = Time.time; global::PlayerInventory playerInventory = component.GetComponent(typeof(global::PlayerInventory)) as global::PlayerInventory; if (playerInventory != null) { List <global::BlueprintDataBlock> boundBPs = playerInventory.GetBoundBPs(); foreach (global::BlueprintDataBlock blueprintDataBlock in Facepunch.Bundling.LoadAll <global::BlueprintDataBlock>()) { if (!boundBPs.Contains(blueprintDataBlock)) { Rust.Notice.Inventory(" ", blueprintDataBlock.name); boundBPs.Add(blueprintDataBlock); } } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(256)) { foreach (global::StructureComponent structureComponent in global::Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(global::StructureComponent))) { if (structureComponent.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Wall || structureComponent.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Doorway || structureComponent.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ceiling) { structureComponent.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(257)) { foreach (global::StructureComponent structureComponent2 in global::Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(global::StructureComponent))) { if (structureComponent2.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Wall || structureComponent2.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Doorway || structureComponent2.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ceiling || structureComponent2.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ramp || structureComponent2.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Foundation) { structureComponent2.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(258)) { foreach (global::StructureComponent structureComponent3 in global::Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(global::StructureComponent))) { if (structureComponent3.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ceiling) { structureComponent3.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(259)) { foreach (global::StructureComponent structureComponent4 in global::Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(global::StructureComponent))) { if (structureComponent4.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ramp || structureComponent4.type == global::StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Foundation) { structureComponent4.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } int num11 = 1000; float num12 = -1f; float num13 = -1f; float num14 = 111f; float yaw = 111f; float num15 = 3.14159274f; float num16 = -1f; string[] array3 = new string[10]; int[] array4 = new int[10]; int num17 = 0; if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode || global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode || global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList) { if (Time.time >= this.purNextUpdateTime) { this.purObjects = global::Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(global::Character)); if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPResources) { this.purObjectsResources = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(global::ResourceObject)); } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPLootables) { this.purObjectsLootables = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(global::LootableObject)); } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPSleepers) { this.purObjectsSleepers = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(global::SleepingAvatar)); } this.purNextUpdateTime = Time.time + 1f; } Object[] array2 = this.purObjects; int i = 0; while (i < array2.Length) { Object @object = array2[i]; if (!(@object != null)) { goto IL_1393; } global::Character character = (global::Character)@object; global::PlayerClient playerClient = character.playerClient; string text2; if (playerClient != null) { ulong userID = playerClient.userID; ulong userID2 = playerClient.userID; GUI.color = Color.white; text2 = playerClient.userName; } else { if (!global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPPlayersandNPCs) { goto IL_1789; } GUI.color = Color.blue; if (character.npcName != null && character.npcName.Equals("zombie")) { text2 = character.npcName; } else { text2 = character.name.Replace("(Clone)", ""); } } int num18 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)Vector3.Distance(component2.transform.position, character.origin)); if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode && playerClient != null) { ulong userID3 = playerClient.userID; if (num18 <= global::LocalDamageDisplay.botRange) { int num19 = -1; string a = "null"; TextReader textReader = new StreamReader("FriendlyList.txt"); while (a != null) { if (a == text2) { num19 = 1; } a = textReader.ReadLine(); } textReader.Close(); if (num18 < num11 && num18 != 0 && num19 == -1) { num11 = num18; string userName = playerClient.userName; num12 = character.transform.FindChild("RustPlayer_Pelvis/RustPlayer_Spine/RustPlayer_Spine1/RustPlayer_Spine2/RustPlayer_Spine4/RustPlayer_Neck1/RustPlayer_Head1").position.x - component2.transform.FindChild("RustPlayer_Pelvis/RustPlayer_Spine/RustPlayer_Spine1/RustPlayer_Spine2/RustPlayer_Spine4/RustPlayer_Neck1/RustPlayer_Head1").position.x; float num20 = character.transform.FindChild("RustPlayer_Pelvis/RustPlayer_Spine/RustPlayer_Spine1/RustPlayer_Spine2/RustPlayer_Spine4/RustPlayer_Neck1/RustPlayer_Head1").position.y - component2.transform.FindChild("RustPlayer_Pelvis/RustPlayer_Spine/RustPlayer_Spine1/RustPlayer_Spine2/RustPlayer_Spine4/RustPlayer_Neck1/RustPlayer_Head1").position.y; num13 = character.transform.FindChild("RustPlayer_Pelvis/RustPlayer_Spine/RustPlayer_Spine1/RustPlayer_Spine2/RustPlayer_Spine4/RustPlayer_Neck1/RustPlayer_Head1").position.z - component2.transform.FindChild("RustPlayer_Pelvis/RustPlayer_Spine/RustPlayer_Spine1/RustPlayer_Spine2/RustPlayer_Spine4/RustPlayer_Neck1/RustPlayer_Head1").position.z; num16 = num20; if (num12 >= 0f && num13 > 0f) { yaw = 180f / num15 * (float)Math.Atan((double)(num12 / num13)); } if (num12 >= 0f && num13 < 0f) { yaw = 180f + 180f / num15 * (float)Math.Atan((double)(num12 / num13)); } if (num12 <= 0f && num13 > 0f) { yaw = 180f / num15 * (float)Math.Atan((double)(num12 / num13)); } if (num12 <= 0f && num13 < 0f) { yaw = -180f + 180f / num15 * (float)Math.Atan((double)(num12 / num13)); } if (num12 <= 0f && num13 == 0f) { yaw = -90f; } if (num12 >= 0f && num13 == 0f) { yaw = 90f; } float num21 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num12 * num12 + num13 * num13)); num14 = 180f / num15 * (float)Math.Atan((double)(num20 / num21)); } } } object obj = text2; text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, " [", num18, "]" }); Vector3?vector = global::CameraFX.World2Screen(character.origin); if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList && num17 < 10 && num18 > 1 && playerClient != null) { ulong userID4 = playerClient.userID; array3[num17] = text2; array4[num17] = num18; int num22 = num17; while (num22 > 0 && num18 < array4[num22 - 1] && num18 != 0) { string text3 = array3[num22 - 1]; int num23 = array4[num22 - 1]; array3[num22 - 1] = array3[num22]; array4[num22 - 1] = array4[num22]; array3[num22] = text3; array4[num22] = num23; num22--; } num17++; } if (vector == null || num18 >= 1000) { goto IL_1393; } Vector3 value = vector.Value; if (value.z <= 0f) { goto IL_1393; } Vector2 vector2 = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(value); vector2.y = (float)Screen.height - (vector2.y + 1f); if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode) { GUI.Label(new Rect(vector2.x - 64f, vector2.y - 12f, 256f, 24f), text2); goto IL_1393; } goto IL_1393; IL_1789: i++; continue; IL_1393: if (!global::LocalDamageDisplay.threeDRadarMode) { goto IL_1789; } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPResources) { foreach (Object object2 in this.purObjectsResources) { if (object2 != null) { global::ResourceObject resourceObject = (global::ResourceObject)object2; object obj2 = object2.name.Replace("(Clone)", ""); int num24 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)Vector3.Distance(component2.transform.position, resourceObject.transform.position)); string text4 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, " [", num24, "]" }); Vector3?vector3 = global::CameraFX.World2Screen(resourceObject.transform.position); if (vector3 != null) { Vector3 value2 = vector3.Value; if (value2.z > 0f) { Vector2 vector4 = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(value2); vector4.y = (float)Screen.height - (vector4.y + 1f); GUI.color = Color.yellow; GUI.Label(new Rect(vector4.x - 64f, vector4.y - 12f, 256f, 24f), text4); } } } } } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPLootables) { foreach (Object object3 in this.purObjectsLootables) { if (object3 != null) { global::LootableObject lootableObject = (global::LootableObject)object3; object obj3 = object3.name.Replace("(Clone)", ""); int num25 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)Vector3.Distance(component2.transform.position, lootableObject.transform.position)); string text5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj3, " [", num25, "]" }); Vector3?vector5 = global::CameraFX.World2Screen(lootableObject.transform.position); if (vector5 != null) { Vector3 value3 = vector5.Value; if (value3.z > 0f) { Vector2 vector6 = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(value3); vector6.y = (float)Screen.height - (vector6.y + 1f); GUI.color = Color.red; GUI.Label(new Rect(vector6.x - 64f, vector6.y - 12f, 256f, 24f), text5); } } } } } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.purESPSleepers) { foreach (Object object4 in this.purObjectsSleepers) { if (object4 != null) { global::SleepingAvatar sleepingAvatar = (global::SleepingAvatar)object4; string text6 = "[S]"; int num26 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)Vector3.Distance(component2.transform.position, sleepingAvatar.transform.position)); object obj4 = text6; text6 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj4, " [", num26, "]" }); Vector3?vector7 = global::CameraFX.World2Screen(sleepingAvatar.transform.position); GUI.color = Color.cyan; if (vector7 != null && num26 < 1000) { Vector3 value4 = vector7.Value; if (value4.z > 0f) { Vector2 vector8 = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(value4); vector8.y = (float)Screen.height - (vector8.y + 1f); GUI.Label(new Rect(vector8.x - 64f, vector8.y - 12f, 256f, 24f), text6); } } } } goto IL_1789; } goto IL_1789; } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList || global::LocalDamageDisplay.myCoord) { GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.Box(new Rect((float)Screen.width - 220f, 0f, 200f, 30f), "Player List"); int k; for (k = 0; k < num17; k++) { if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList) { GUI.Box(new Rect((float)Screen.width - 220f, 30f * (float)(k + 1), 200f, 30f), array3[k]); } } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.myCoord) { if (!global::LocalDamageDisplay.nameList) { GUI.Box(new Rect((float)Screen.width - 220f, 0f, 200f, 60f), string.Concat(new object[] { "x: ", component2.transform.position.x, "\ny: ", component2.transform.position.y, "\nz: ", component2.transform.position.z })); } else { GUI.Box(new Rect((float)Screen.width - 220f, 30f * (float)(k + 1), 200f, 60f), string.Concat(new object[] { "x: ", component2.transform.position.x, "\ny: ", component2.transform.position.y, "\nz: ", component2.transform.position.z })); } } } if (global::LocalDamageDisplay.aimbotMode && num14 != 111f) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(323) && global::LocalDamageDisplay.randomMode && num16 != -1f) { Random random = new Random(); float num27 = (float)random.NextDouble() * 1.8f; num16 -= num27; float num28 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num12 * num12 + num13 * num13)); num14 = 180f / num15 * (float)Math.Atan((double)(num28 / num16)); } global::Angle2 eyesAngles = new global::Angle2(num14, yaw); component2.eyesAngles = eyesAngles; } } } }