Exemple #1
 public ImportController(IConfiguration config, gisContext context)
     _context           = context;
     _temp_storage_path = config.GetValue <string>("TempStoragePath");
 public StylesController(gisContext context)
     _context = context;
 public ImageController(IConfiguration config, gisContext context)
     _config             = config;
     _context            = context;
     _image_storage_path = _config.GetValue <string>("ImageStoragePath");
 public GeoJSONController(gisContext context)
     _context = context;
 public BasemapsController(gisContext context)
     _context = context;
Exemple #6
        protected int Import(string drivername, string filepathname)
            int ret = -1;
            // read file and build object
            var driver      = Ogr.GetDriverByName(drivername);
            var datasource  = driver.Open(filepathname, 0);
            var layer_index = datasource.GetLayerCount();

            // for each layer in file/datasource...
            while (layer_index-- > 0)
                var          layer         = datasource.GetLayerByIndex(layer_index);
                GeojsonLayer geojson_layer = new GeojsonLayer();
                geojson_layer.Crs         = "{ \"type\": \"name\", \"properties\": { \"name\": \"urn: ogc: def: crs: OGC: 1.3:CRS84\" } }";
                geojson_layer.Type        = "FeatureCollection";
                geojson_layer.Name        = layer.GetName();
                geojson_layer.Description = layer.GetName();

                // for each feature in layer...
                var feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn();
                var feature     = layer.GetNextFeature();
                while (feature != null)
                    GeojsonFeature geojson_feature = new GeojsonFeature();

                    // set Type to default
                    geojson_feature.Type = "Feature";

                    // get OSGeo.OGR.Geometry object form datasource and convert to WKT
                    // convert WKT string to NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Geometry
                    // and use that to set the Geom property of the object
                    var    geom = feature.GetGeometryRef();
                    string wkt  = null;
                    geom.ExportToIsoWkt(out wkt);
                    WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
                    geojson_feature.Geom = wktReader.Read(wkt);

                    // build properties json string and use it to set Properties field
                    int    next_field_index = feature.GetFieldCount();
                    string properties_json  = "{";
                    // for each field in properties list
                    while (next_field_index-- > 0)
                        var field_defn      = feature_def.GetFieldDefn(next_field_index);
                        var field_name      = field_defn.GetName();
                        var field_type      = field_defn.GetFieldType();
                        var field_type_name = field_defn.GetFieldTypeName(field_type);

                        if (field_type == FieldType.OFTInteger)
                            int field_val = feature.GetFieldAsInteger(field_name);
                            properties_json += "\"" + field_name + "\":\"" + field_val + "\" ";
                        if (field_type == FieldType.OFTInteger64)
                            long field_val = feature.GetFieldAsInteger64(field_name);
                            properties_json += "\"" + field_name + "\":\"" + field_val + "\" ";
                        else if (field_type == FieldType.OFTReal)
                            double field_val = feature.GetFieldAsDouble(field_name);
                            properties_json += "\"" + field_name + "\":\"" + field_val + "\" ";
                        else if (field_type == FieldType.OFTString)
                            string field_val = feature.GetFieldAsString(field_name);
                            properties_json += "\"" + field_name + "\":\"" + field_val + "\" ";
                            throw new Exception("Unknown FieldType " + field_type_name);
                        Console.WriteLine("  " + field_name + "->" + field_type_name);
                    } // end while next_field_index
                    properties_json           += "}";
                    geojson_feature.Properties = properties_json;

                    // add geojson_feature to geojson_layer

                    // get next feature in layer
                    feature = layer.GetNextFeature();
                } // end while feature

                // put layer in database
                using (gisContext dbContext = new gisContext())
                    ret = geojson_layer.Id;

                // standard allows for more than one layer, be we are only going to process one for now
            } // end while layer loop
            datasource.Dispose(); // perhaps put on using statement
Exemple #7
 public UserService(IOptions <AppSettings> appSettings, gisContext context)
     _appSettings = appSettings.Value;
     _context     = context;
Exemple #8
 public LayersController(gisContext context)
     _context = context;
 public MapsController(gisContext context)
     _context = context;