Exemple #1
    public void OnGenCipherButtonClick()
        string path = FileBrowser.SaveFile("Save Result as .GKEY", "", "gibgibCipher", "GKEY");

        if (path.Length != 0)
            string       fileName = Path.GetFileName(path);
            gibgibCipher cipher   = new gibgibCipher();
            loadedCipherName   = fileName;
            lastKnowCipherName = loadedCipherName;


            //litJsonCipherArrayClass JSONClass = litJsonCipherArrayClass.CipherArrayToCipherList(cipher);
            //string fileContent = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToJson(JSONClass);

            //string fileContent;

            //File.WriteAllText(path, fileContent);

            CipherSaveLoadManager.saveNote(cipher, path);

            StartCoroutine(timer(3.0f, "Successful Generate " + fileName + " file"));
            StartCoroutine(timer(3.0f, "you dont have any key input"));
    public static void saveNote(gibgibCipher cipher, string filename)
        string Data = gibgibCipherMapperToGKEY(cipher);

        byte[] ba = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Data);

        File.WriteAllText(filename, BitConverter.ToString(ba));
        Debug.Log("kkk  " + pathMixer(filename));
    static string gibgibCipherMapperToGKEY(gibgibCipher cipher)
        string outData = "";

        int[,] CArray = cipher.cipherArray;
        for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                outData += CArray[x, y] + ";";
    public static gibgibCipher LoadNote(string path)
        string Data = File.ReadAllText(path);

        string[] arr   = Data.Split('-');
        byte[]   array = new byte[arr.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
            array[i] = Convert.ToByte(arr[i], 16);

        string output = Encoding.Default.GetString(array);

        gibgibCipher saveData = gibgibCipherMapperToString(output);

            public static void loadCipherFromFilePath(string path)
                string Data = File.ReadAllText(path);

                string[] arr   = Data.Split('-');
                byte[]   array = new byte[arr.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                    array[i] = Convert.ToByte(arr[i], 16);

                string output = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(array);

                gibgibCipher newCipher = gibgibCipherMapperToString(output);

Exemple #6
    public void OnLoadCipherButtonClick()
        string path = FileBrowser.OpenSingleFile("open .GKEY file", "", "GKEY");

        if (path.Length != 0)
            //must use list
            //litJsonCipherArrayClass JSONClass = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject<litJsonCipherArrayClass>(fileContent.ToString());
            //gibgibCipher cipher = litJsonCipherArrayClass.CipherListToCipherArray(JSONClass);

            gibgibCipher cipher = CipherSaveLoadManager.LoadNote(path);

            loadedCipherName   = Path.GetFileName(path);
            lastKnowCipherName = loadedCipherName;
            StartCoroutine(timer(3.0f, "Successful Loaded "));
            public static void Decrypt(string data, string password, gibgibCipher cipher, out string header, out string outPutData)
                header     = "";
                outPutData = "";

                int passwordInt = passwordStringToInt(password);


                string[] splitedArray = data.Split(':');

                if (splitedArray.Length != 4 || splitedArray[0] != "#GIBGIB_ENC")
                    outPutData = "Tried to decrypt an invalid valid GIBGIB_ENC file ";

                string[] splitedHeaderArray = splitedArray[2].Split(' ');
                string[] splitedMSGArray    = splitedArray[3].Split(' ');

                int genPassWord = Int32.Parse(splitedMSGArray[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                genPassWord /= 8233;

                for (int i = 0; i < splitedHeaderArray.Length; i++)
                    long   pareseResult;
                    string HAXHeader = splitedHeaderArray[i];
                    if (long.TryParse(HAXHeader, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out pareseResult))
                        header += (char)((((pareseResult) + (changeNumber(5 * i, i))) / 13));

                for (int i = 1; i < splitedMSGArray.Length; i++)
                    string cipherDecryptResult = "";
                    string HAXMsg = splitedMSGArray[i];

                    if (cipher != null)
                        cipherDecryptResult = gibgibCipherSystem.Decrypt(HAXMsg);
                        cipherDecryptResult = HAXMsg;
                    long pareseResult;
                    if (long.TryParse(cipherDecryptResult, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out pareseResult))
                        long step = (((pareseResult) + (changeNumber(17 * (i - 1), i - 1))) / 8233);

                        long finAns = (step - passwordInt + genPassWord);
                        if (finAns >= char.MaxValue)
                            finAns = 0;
                        outPutData += (char)finAns;
 public static void loadCipher(gibgibCipher newCipher)
     cipher = newCipher;
            public static bool loadAndDecryptFile(string filePath, string fileName, string password, gibgibCipher cipher, out string header, out string outPutData)
                header     = "";
                outPutData = "";
                string path = filePath + fileName + ".GEC";

                if (!File.Exists(path))
                Decrypt(File.ReadAllText(path), password, cipher, out header, out outPutData);
            public static void EncryptAndSaveAsGEC(string header, string data, string password, string filePath, string fileName, gibgibCipher cipher)
                string encryptedData = Encrypt(header, data, password, cipher);

                saveAsGEC(encryptedData, filePath, fileName);
            public static string Encrypt(string header, string data, string password, gibgibCipher cipher)
                string outPutData = "";

                int passwordInt = passwordStringToInt(password);


                int genPassWord = rnd.Next(1, 128);

                outPutData += "#GIBGIB_ENC:";
                outPutData += ver + ":";

                if (header == null || header == "")
                    outPutData += "0:";
                    for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; i++)
                        long newVal = (header[i] * 13) - (changeNumber(5 * i, i));
                        outPutData += Convert.ToString(newVal, 16) + " ";
                    outPutData += ":";

                outPutData += Convert.ToString(genPassWord * 8233, 16) + " ";
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    int    firstStep           = (data[i] + passwordInt - genPassWord) * 8233;
                    long   newVal              = (firstStep) - (changeNumber(17 * i, i));
                    string HAXMsg              = Convert.ToString(newVal, 16);
                    string cipherEncryptResult = "";
                    if (cipher != null)
                        cipherEncryptResult = gibgibCipherSystem.Encrypt(HAXMsg);
                        cipherEncryptResult = HAXMsg;

                    outPutData += cipherEncryptResult + " ";