Exemple #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String id = Request.QueryString["Id"];
            getpendingrequestdetails_Result request = BusinessLogic.getdetails(id);//to get the details of the ro

            Label8.Text  = request.id.ToString();
            Label9.Text  = request.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
            Label10.Text = request.status.ToString();
            Label11.Text = request.Name.ToString();
            Label12.Text = String.Format($"{request.Sum:c2}");
            var q = BusinessLogic.pendinggetitemdetails(id); // to get the item details of the ro

            GridView1.DataSource = q;
 //to find the ro details based on ro id for the android
 public WCF_rodetails Findro(string token, string id)
     //WCF_Employee emp = GetEmployeeByToken(token);
     //string dept = emp.DepartmentId;
     if (AuthenticateToken(token))
         getpendingrequestdetails_Result result = BusinessLogic.getdetails(id);
         double        sum      = result.Sum.HasValue ? result.Sum.Value : 0;
         WCF_rodetails wcfrodet = new WCF_rodetails(result.id.TrimEnd(), result.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), result.Name.TrimEnd(), result.status, sum.ToString());
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string dept = getmethoddepartment();                                    //to get the department
            String id   = Request.QueryString["Id"];
            getpendingrequestdetails_Result request = BusinessLogic.getdetails(id); // to get the details of the ro

            Label8.Text      = request.id.ToString();
            Label9.Text      = request.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
            Label10.Text     = request.status.ToString();
            Label11.Text     = request.Name.ToString();
            Label12.Text     = String.Format($"{request.Sum:c2}");
            ViewState["Sum"] = request.Sum;
            var q = BusinessLogic.pendinggetitemdetails(id); // get the items in the particular ro

            GridView1.DataSource = q;
            Label5.Text  = String.Format($"{BusinessLogic.getbudgetbydept(dept):c2}");      //to get the budget of the department
            Label15.Text = String.Format($"{BusinessLogic.getspentbudgetbydept(dept):c2}"); // to get the spent budget by the department