//point the pearl based on right analog stick
    void RotatePearlOffset(float x, float y)
        // cancel all input below this
        if (Mathf.Abs(x) < aimingThreshold)
            x = 0.0f;
        if (Mathf.Abs(y) < aimingThreshold)
            y = 0.0f;

        // the player is aiming the pearl
        if (x != 0.0f || y != 0.0f)
            //show the aiming guide
            anim.SetBool("Aiming", true);

            if (inputScript.PlatformIsPC())
                throwAngle = ((Mathf.Atan2(y, x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) * -1) - 180;                  // for PC
                throwAngle = ((Mathf.Atan2(y, x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) - 90);                                        // for MAC

            //point the aiming guide in the direction
            pearlOffset.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(throwAngle, Vector3.forward);

            //not aiming, do not show aiming guide on pearl offset, next trow will be in facing dir
            anim.SetBool("Aiming", false);

            if (movingScript.GetFacingRight())
                throwAngle = playerStateScript.GetFacingAngle() - 90;
                throwAngle = playerStateScript.GetFacingAngle() + 90;
