private void TaoMaXacNhan() { string code = ""; string email, username; email = txtEmail.Text; username = txtUsername.Text; code = Ham.RamdomCode(6); cn.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE HTUser set Code = '" + code + "' where email = '" + email + "' and taikhoan = '" + username + "'"); GuiMa(code); }
private void Delete(int id) { var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Bạn có muốn xóa ??", "Cảnh báo!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes) { con.ExecuteNonQuery("delete loaisanpham where id = " + id); GetAll(); } }
private void btnCapNhat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool gt = cbGioiTinh.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false; cn.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE HTUSER set ten = N'" + txtTen.Text + "',ngaysinh= '" + datePickNgaySinh.Value.ToString() + "',sdt= '" + txtSdt.Text + "',gioitinh = '" + gt + "',diachi = N'" + txtQueQuan.Text + "' where id = " + id); MessageBox.Show("Thay đổi thông tin thành công", "Thông báo"); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
//check hoa don private void CheckHoaDon() { var data = conn.getDataTable("select top 1 * from hoadon where khachhangId =" + + " and trangthai =N'" + TrangThai.TaoPhieu + "'"); if (data.Rows.Count > 0) { IdHoaDon = Int32.Parse(data.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } else { // khong co hoa dong nao conn.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into hoadon (khachhangId, nhanvienId,ngaydat,noigiaohang,sdt,trangthai) values(" + + ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,N'" + TrangThai.TaoPhieu + "')"); CheckHoaDon(); } }
private void updateNhanVien() { string ten, sdt, quequan, username; int id, active, quyen; bool gioitinh; DateTime ngaysinh; id = int.Parse(txtMa.Text); ten = txtTen.Text; sdt = txtSdt.Text; quequan = txtQueQuan.Text; username = txtUsername.Text; quyen = Ham.GetIdFromCombobox(cbQuyen.SelectedItem.ToString()); gioitinh = Ham.NamNuToTrueFalse(cbGioiTinh.SelectedItem.ToString()); active = checkActive.Checked ? 1 : 0; ngaysinh = dateTimePicker1.Value; string sql = "update HTUser set ten = N'" + ten + "',ngaysinh = '" + ngaysinh + "',sdt = '" + sdt + "',gioitinh = '" + gioitinh + "'" + ",diachi = N'" + quequan + "',taikhoan = '" + username + "',active = " + active + ",roleId =" + quyen + " where id = " + id; try { cn.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); getDataNhanVien(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Kiểm tra lại thông tin", "Thông báo!"); } }
private void CheckPhieu() { var data = cn.getDataTable("SELECT top 1 id from phieu where nhanvienId =" + + " and trangthai =N'" + TrangThai.TaoPhieu + "' and loaiphieuId = 1"); if (data.Rows.Count > 0) { phieuId = Int32.Parse(data.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } else { cn.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into phieu (ngaytao,ngayketthuc,trangthai,nhanvienId,loaiphieuId)" + " values ('" + DateTime.Now + "',NULL,N'" + trangthai + "'," + + ",1)"); CheckPhieu(); } }
private void TaiTaiKhoan() { try { string ten, ngaysinh, sdt, quequan, username, password, email; bool active = true; bool gioitinh; ten = txtHoTen.Text; ngaysinh = dateNgaySinh.Value.ToString(); gioitinh = cbGioiTinh.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Nam" ? true : false; sdt = txtSDT.Text; quequan = txtDiaChi.Text; username = txtTaiKhoan.Text; password = Ham.EncodePassword(txtMatKhau.Text); email = txtEmail.Text; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHoTen.Text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMatKhau.Text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTaiKhoan.Text)) { if (txtMatKhau2.Text == txtMatKhau.Text) { if (!CheckUsername(username)) { MessageBox.Show("Tài khoản đã tồn tại trong hệ thống!", "Thông báo!"); } else { string sql = "Insert into HTUser (ten,ngaysinh,sdt,gioitinh,diachi,taikhoan,matkhau,active,roleId,email) values(N'" + ten + "','" + ngaysinh + "','" + sdt + "','" + gioitinh + "',N'" + quequan + "','" + username + "','" + password + "','" + active + "'," + quyen + ",'" + email + "')"; conn.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); MessageBox.Show("Tạo tài khoản thành công!", "Thông báo"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Mật khẩu không khớp!", "Thông báo!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Kiểm tra lại thông tin!", "Thông báo!"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Kiểm tra lại thông tin!", "Thông báo!"); } }
private void Update() { int id, soluong, gianhap, giaban, giaKM, khoId, nccId, loaispId; DateTime ngaynhap; string ten, mausac, manhinh, camera, cpu, ram, rom, baohanh, phukiendikem, mota; bool active; id = Int32.Parse(txtMa.Text); ten = txtTen.Text; soluong = Int32.Parse(txtSoLuong.Text); gianhap = Int32.Parse(txtGiaNhap.Text); giaban = Int32.Parse(txtGiaBan.Text); giaKM = Int32.Parse(txtGiaKM.Text); mausac = txtMauSac.Text; manhinh = txtManHinh.Text; camera = txtCamera.Text; cpu = txtCPU.Text; ram = txtRam.Text; rom = txtRom.Text; baohanh = txtBaoHanh.Text; phukiendikem = txtPhuKien.Text; mota = txtMoTa.Text; active = ckHoatDong.Checked; khoId = Ham.GetIdFromCombobox(cbKho.SelectedItem.ToString()); nccId = Ham.GetIdFromCombobox(cbNCC.SelectedItem.ToString()); loaispId = Ham.GetIdFromCombobox(cbLoai.SelectedItem.ToString()); ngaynhap = DateTime.Now; string sql = "UPDATE [dbo].[SanPham] SET [ten] = N'" + ten + "',[soluong] = " + soluong + ",[gianhap] = " + gianhap + ",[giaban] = " + giaban + ",[giaKM] = " + giaKM + ",[mausac] = N'" + mausac + "',[manhinh] = N'" + manhinh + "',[camera] = N'" + camera + "',[cpu] = N'" + cpu + "',[ram] = N'" + ram + "',[rom] = N'" + rom + "',[baohanh] = N'" + baohanh + "',[phukiendikem] = N'" + phukiendikem + "',[ngaynhap] = N'" + ngaynhap + "',[mota] = N'" + mota + "',[khoId] = " + khoId + ",[nccId] = " + nccId + ",[loaispId] = " + loaispId + ",[active] = '" + active + "'WHERE id = " + id + ""; conn.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); GetSanPham(); MessageBox.Show("Sửa thành công", "Thông báo"); }
private void HoanThanh(int id) { cn.ExecuteNonQuery("update hoadon set trangthai =N'" + TrangThai.HoanThanh + "', ngayhoanthanh = '" + DateTime.Now + "' where id = " + id); }
private void HuyDon(int id) { cn.ExecuteNonQuery("update hoadon set trangthai =N'" + TrangThai.DaHuy + "' where id = " + id); }