public void UpdateInputType() { if (gameState.controllerType == 0) { inputType = ControllerType.keyboard; } else if (gameState.controllerType == 1) { inputType = ControllerType.xboxController; } else if (gameState.controllerType == 2) { inputType = ControllerType.ps4Controller; } else if (gameState.controllerType == 3) { inputType = ControllerType.steeringWheel; } // Bindes the correct gear type dependent of the gameState. if (gameState.gearType == 0) { shiftType = gearShiftType.automatic; } else if (gameState.gearType == 1) { shiftType = gearShiftType.hShift; } else if (gameState.gearType == 2) { shiftType = gearShiftType.paddleShift; } }
void Start() { // Store main car script and the gameState script. carScript = GetComponent <Car>(); gameState = GameObject.Find("GameState").GetComponent <GameStateScript>(); // Bindes the correct input type dependent on the gameState. if (gameState.controllerType == 0) { inputType = ControllerType.keyboard; } else if (gameState.controllerType == 1) { inputType = ControllerType.xboxController; } else if (gameState.controllerType == 2) { inputType = ControllerType.ps4Controller; } else if (gameState.controllerType == 3) { inputType = ControllerType.steeringWheel; } // Bindes the correct gear type dependent of the gameState. if (gameState.gearType == 0) { shiftType = gearShiftType.automatic; } else if (gameState.gearType == 1) { shiftType = gearShiftType.hShift; } else if (gameState.gearType == 2) { shiftType = gearShiftType.paddleShift; } }