Exemple #1
        private void saveGISFile(Guid projectId, string filename, string userId, string data_string, string ext)
            ge_data_file b = new ge_data_file();
            ge_data      d = new ge_data();

            b.data_string = data_string;

            ge_MimeTypes types = new ge_MimeTypes();
            string       stype;

            types.TryGetValue(ext, out stype);

            d.projectId  = projectId;
            d.createdDT  = DateTime.Now;
            d.createdId  = userId;
            d.filename   = filename + ext;
            d.filesize   = data_string.Length;
            d.filetype   = stype;
            d.filedate   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            d.fileext    = ext;
            d.encoding   = "ascii";
            d.operations = "Read;Download;Update;Delete";
            d.file       = b;
            //    status = enumStatus.XMLSaved;
        protected override async Task <int> saveXML()
            ge_data_file b = new ge_data_file();

            data_xml = new ge_data();

            b.data_xml = xml_data;

            ge_MimeTypes types = new ge_MimeTypes();
            string       stype;

            types.TryGetValue(FileExtension.XML, out stype);
            string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(data_ags.filename);

            data_xml.projectId  = data_ags.projectId;
            data_xml.createdDT  = DateTime.Now;
            data_xml.createdId  = userId;
            data_xml.filename   = filename + FileExtension.XML;
            data_xml.filesize   = xml_data.Length;
            data_xml.filetype   = stype;
            data_xml.filedate   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            data_xml.fileext    = FileExtension.XML;
            data_xml.encoding   = "ascii";
            data_xml.operations = "Read;Download;Update;Delete";
            data_xml.file       = b;

            await _dataService.CreateData(data_xml);

Exemple #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(Guid?id)
            if (id == null)

            data = await _context.ge_data
                   .Include(m => m.project)
                   .SingleOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);

            if (data == null)

            var UserAuthorised = await IsUserDeleteAuthorised();

            if (IsDeleteAllowed() != geOPSResp.Allowed)
            if (!UserAuthorised.Succeeded)
            // remember projectId before deleting data
            Guid projectId = data.projectId;

            //var objectContext = (_context as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
            // Sets the command timeout for all the commands
            //objectContext.CommandTimeout = 120;

            // _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete dbo.ge_data where Id = {0}", new object[] { data.Id });

            // Create empty ge_data_file with ge_data Id to avoid having to download all data
            ge_data_file empty_file = new ge_data_file()
                Id = data.Id

            // Now mark the ge_data entity and ge_data_file for deletion
            //_context.Entry<ge_data_file>(empty_file).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            //_context.Entry<ge_data>(data).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            // Apply changes
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToPage("./Index", new { projectId = projectId }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post(string log_file, string origin_data, string format)
            ge_log_file  f = null;
            ge_data      d = null;
            ge_data_file b = new ge_data_file();

            if (format == "json")
                d             = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ge_data>(origin_data);
                f             = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ge_log_file>(log_file);
                d.filetype    = "text/json";
                d.fileext     = ".json";
                d.encoding    = "utf-8";
                b.data_string = log_file;

            if (format == "xml")
                d          = (ge_data)origin_data.DeserializeFromXmlString <ge_data>();
                f          = (ge_log_file)log_file.DeserializeFromXmlString <ge_log_file>();
                d.filetype = "text/xml";
                d.fileext  = ".xml";
                d.encoding = "utf-8";
                b.data_xml = log_file;

            var user = await GetUserAsync();

            d.Id = f.Id;
            string filename = d.filename.Substring(0, d.filename.IndexOf(".")) + ' ' + f.channel + ".xml";

            d.filename  = filename;
            d.filesize  = log_file.Length;
            d.createdDT = DateTime.Now;
            d.editedDT  = DateTime.Now;
            d.editedId  = user.Id;
            d.createdId = user.Id;

            string s1 = d.SerializeToXmlString <ge_data>();
            string s2 = b.SerializeToXmlString <ge_data_file>();

            var resp_post = await  new ge_dataController(_context,
                                                         _ge_config).Post(s1, s2, "xml");

Exemple #5
        public ge_data NewData(Guid projectId, string UserId, ge_log_file log_file, string saveAsFormat)
            ge_data _data = NewData(projectId, UserId);

            ge_data_file _file = new ge_data_file();

            if (saveAsFormat == "text/xml")
                //  _file.data_xml = SerializeToXmlString<ge_log_file>();

            if (saveAsFormat == "json")
                _file.data_string = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(log_file);

            _data.file = _file;

Exemple #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Put(Guid Id, string data, string data_big, string format)
            ge_data      data1     = null;
            ge_data_file data_big1 = null;

            if (format == "json")
                data1     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ge_data>(data);
                data_big1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ge_data_file>(data_big);

            if (format == "xml")
                data1     = data.DeserializeFromXmlString <ge_data>();
                data_big1 = data_big.DeserializeFromXmlString <ge_data_file>();

            data1.Id   = Id;
            data1.file = data_big1;


            int DbCommandTimeout = Int32.Parse(_ge_config.Value.defaultEFDBTimeOut);

            if (DbCommandTimeout > 0)

            int resp = await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (resp == 1)

        public async Task <ActionResult> View(Guid transformId,
                                              string[] projects,
                                              string[] holes,
                                              string[] tables,
                                              string[] geols,
                                              string[] options,
                                              string[] args,
                                              string[] vals,
                                              string flwor,
                                              string xpath,
                                              string version)
            if (transformId == Guid.Empty)
                return(new EmptyResult());

            transform = _context.ge_transform.
                        Include(t => t.project).
                        Where(t => t.Id == transformId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (transform == null)
                return(new EmptyResult());

            string arg_val = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (arg_val.Length > 0)
                    arg_val += "&";
                arg_val += args[i] + "=" + vals[i];

            if (projectId == null)
                projectId = transform.projectId;

            if (groupId == null)
                groupId = transform.project.groupId;

            ge_transform_parameters transform_params = getTransformParameters(transformId, Id, projectId, groupId, projects, holes, tables, geols, options, arg_val, flwor, xpath, version);

            /* Convert JSON back to string to pass via ViewBag */
            string parameters = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(transform_params);

            if (transform.service_endpoint != null)
                string endpoint = getEndPointURL(transform.service_endpoint);
                var    resp     = await getServiceEndPointData(endpoint, transform_params);

                var xmlResult = resp as XmlActionResult;
                if (xmlResult != null)
                    xml_data = xmlResult.Value();
                var okResult = resp as OkObjectResult;
                if (okResult != null)
                    if (okResult.StatusCode == 200)
                        xml_data = okResult.Value as string;

            if (transform.dataId != null && transform.storedprocedure == null)
                xml_data = await new ge_dataController(_context,

            if (transform.styleId != null)
                xsl_data = await new ge_dataController(_context,

            if (transform.queryId != null)
                qry_data = await new ge_dataController(_context,
                                                       _ge_config).getDataAsString(transform.queryId.Value, false);

            if (transform.dataId != null && transform.storedprocedure != null)
                string dataId = transform.dataId.ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(transform.add_data))
                    dataId = dataId + ";" + transform.add_data;

                string[] data_all = dataId.Split(";");

                string rawSQL = getSQLCommand(constSELECTALLFROM, data_all, holes, tables, version);

                ge_data_file task_xml_data_big = await _context.ge_data_file.FromSql(rawSQL).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                xml_data = task_xml_data_big.getParsedXMLstring(null);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qry_data))
                string res = XQuery(xml_data, qry_data);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
                    xml_data = res;

            if (xml_data == null || xsl_data == null)
                new EmptyResult();

            ViewBag.xml_data       = xml_data;
            ViewBag.xsl_stylesheet = xsl_data;
            ViewBag.xlt_arguments  = parameters;

        public async Task <ge_data_file> GetDataFileBinary(IFormFile formFile, ModelStateDictionary modelState, long MaxFileSize)
            var fieldDisplayName = string.Empty;

            // Use reflection to obtain the display name for the model
            // property associated with this IFormFile. If a display
            // name isn't found, error messages simply won't show
            // a display name.

            MemberInfo property =
                typeof(ge_fileUpload).GetProperty(formFile.Name.Substring(formFile.Name.IndexOf(".") + 1));

            if (property != null)
                var displayAttribute =
                    property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DisplayAttribute)) as DisplayAttribute;

                if (displayAttribute != null)
                    if (displayAttribute != null)
                        fieldDisplayName = $"{displayAttribute.Name} ";

            // Use Path.GetFileName to obtain the file name, which will
            // strip any path information passed as part of the
            // FileName property. HtmlEncode the result in case it must
            // be returned in an error message.
            var fileName = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName));

            // Check the file length and don't bother attempting to
            // read it if the file contains no content. This check
            // doesn't catch files that only have a BOM as their
            // content, so a content length check is made later after
            // reading the file's content to catch a file that only
            // contains a BOM.

            if (formFile.Length == 0)
                modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) is empty.");
            else if (formFile.Length > MaxFileSize)
                modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) exceeds max file size ({MaxFileSize/1e6} Mb)");
                    byte[]       buffer = new byte[16 * 1024];
                    MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream();
                    BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(formFile.OpenReadStream());
                    int          read;
                    while ((read = reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                        await ms.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, read);
                    ge_data_file _file = new ge_data_file();
                    _file.data_binary = ms.ToArray();

                    // Check the content length in case the file's only
                    // content was a BOM and the content is actually
                    // empty after removing the BOM.

                    if (_file.data_binary.Length > 0)
                                                 $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) is empty.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                                             $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) upload failed. " +
                                             $"Please contact the Help Desk for support. Error: {ex.Message}");
                    // Log the exception
        public async Task <ge_data_file> GetDataFileString(IFormFile formFile, ModelStateDictionary modelState, long MaxFileSize, Encoding encoding, Boolean removeXMLDeclaration)
            var fieldDisplayName = string.Empty;

            // Use reflection to obtain the display name for the model
            // property associated with this IFormFile. If a display
            // name isn't found, error messages simply won't show
            // a display name.

            MemberInfo property =
                typeof(ge_fileUpload).GetProperty(formFile.Name.Substring(formFile.Name.IndexOf(".") + 1));

            if (property != null)
                var displayAttribute =
                    property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DisplayAttribute)) as DisplayAttribute;

                if (displayAttribute != null)
                    if (displayAttribute != null)
                        fieldDisplayName = $"{displayAttribute.Name} ";

            // Use Path.GetFileName to obtain the file name, which will
            // strip any path information passed as part of the
            // FileName property. HtmlEncode the result in case it must
            // be returned in an error message.
            var fileName = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(Path.GetFileName(formFile.FileName));

            if (!formFile.IsContentTypeText(true))
                                         $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) must be a text file.");

            // Check the file length and don't bother attempting to
            // read it if the file contains no content. This check
            // doesn't catch files that only have a BOM as their
            // content, so a content length check is made later after
            // reading the file's content to catch a file that only
            // contains a BOM.
            if (formFile.Length == 0)
                modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) is empty.");
            else if (formFile.Length > MaxFileSize)
                modelState.AddModelError(formFile.Name, $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) exceeds {MaxFileSize/1e6} MB.");
                    // The StreamReader is created to read files that are UTF-8 encoded.
                    // If uploads require some other encoding, provide the encoding in the
                    // using statement. To change to 32-bit encoding, change
                    // new UTF8Encoding(...) to new UTF32Encoding().

                    using (
                        var reader =
                            new StreamReader(
                                detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: true))
                        ge_data_file _file = new ge_data_file();

                        _file.data_string = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                        // Check the content length in case the file's only
                        // content was a BOM and the content is actually
                        // empty after removing the BOM.
                        if (_file.data_string.Length > 0)
                            if (removeXMLDeclaration == true)
                                // Encoding newEncoding = new UnicodeEncoding();
                                // string fileContents2 = fileContents.SetEncoding(newEncoding);
                                _file.data_string = _file.data_string.RemoveXmlDeclaration();

                                                     $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) is empty.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                                             $"The {fieldDisplayName}file ({fileName}) upload failed. " +
                                             $"Please contact the Help Desk for support. Error: {ex.Message}");
                    // Log the exception

Exemple #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromForm] ge_fileUpload data)
            if (data.files == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data.files));
            if (data.projectId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data.files));

            if (_ge_config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data.files));

            var ge_project = await _context.ge_project.FindAsync(data.projectId);

            if (ge_project == null)

            long size     = data.files.Sum(f => f.Length);
            long max_size = _ge_config.Value.defaultMaxFileSize;

            // full path to file in temp location
            var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

            foreach (var uploadFile in data.files)
                if (uploadFile.Length > 0)
                    Boolean IsContentText = uploadFile.IsContentTypeText(true);
                    var     b             = new ge_data_file();
                    var     d             = new ge_data();

                    if (IsContentText)
                        Boolean  IsContentXML = uploadFile.IsContentTypeXML();
                        Encoding encoding     = uploadFile.ReadEncoding(Encoding.Unicode);
                        if (IsContentXML)
                            Encoding encoding16 = new UnicodeEncoding();
                            b.data_xml = await uploadFile.ProcessFormFileString(ModelState, max_size, encoding, true);
                            b.data_string = await uploadFile.ProcessFormFileString(ModelState, max_size, encoding, false);
                        b.data_binary = await uploadFile.ProcessFormFileBinary(ModelState, max_size);

                    // Perform a second check to catch ProcessFormFile method violations.
                    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    d.projectId = ge_project.Id;
                    d.locEast   = ge_project.locEast;
                    d.locNorth  = ge_project.locNorth;
                    // Add deatils of uploaded file to new _ge_data record
                    d.file      = b;
                    d.filesize  = uploadFile.Length;
                    d.filename  = uploadFile.FileName;
                    d.createdDT = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // ge_data.ownerId = User.
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // process uploaded files
            // Don't rely on or trust the FileName property without validation.

        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
            try {
                ViewData["ExceptionMessage"] = "No Exceptions";

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)

                var project = await _context.ge_project
                              .FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == data.projectId);

                if (project == null)

                data.project = project;

                var UserAuthorised = await IsUserCreateAuthorised();

                if (IsCreateAllowed() != geOPSResp.Allowed)
                if (!UserAuthorised.Succeeded)

                if (!UpdateProjectionLoc(data))

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastModifiedDates))

                string[] lastmodified = LastModifiedDates.Split(";");
                int      i            = 0;

                long MaxFileSize      = _config.Value.defaultMaxFileSize;
                int  DbCommandTimeout = Int32.Parse(_config.Value.defaultEFDBTimeOut);

                ge_MimeTypes mtypes = new ge_MimeTypes();

                foreach (var formFile in uploadFiles)
                    Boolean IsContentText = formFile.IsContentTypeText(true);

                    ge_data_file b = new ge_data_file();
                    ge_data      d = new ge_data();

                    d.createdId = GetUserIdAsync().Result;

                    if (IsContentText)
                        Boolean IsContentXML = formFile.IsContentTypeXML();
                        if (IsContentXML)
                            b.data_xml = await formFile.ProcessFormFileString(ModelState, MaxFileSize, Encoding.UTF8, true);

                            Encoding encoding = formFile.ReadEncoding(Encoding.UTF8);
                            b.data_string = await formFile.ProcessFormFileString(ModelState, MaxFileSize, encoding, false);

                        b.data_binary = await formFile.ProcessFormFileBinary(ModelState, MaxFileSize);


                    // Perform a second check to catch ProcessFormFile method
                    // violations.
                    if (!ModelState.IsValid)

                    d.projectId = project.Id;

                    d.locEast  = data.locEast;
                    d.locNorth = data.locNorth;
                    d.locLevel = data.locLevel;

                    d.locLatitude  = data.locLatitude;
                    d.locLongitude = data.locLongitude;
                    d.locHeight    = data.locHeight;

                    d.locMapReference = data.locMapReference;
                    d.locName         = data.locName;
                    d.locAddress      = data.locAddress;
                    d.locPostcode     = data.locPostcode;

                    d.datumProjection = data.datumProjection;

                    d.description = data.description;
                    d.keywords    = data.keywords;
                    d.operations  = data.operations;

                    // Add deatils of uploaded file to new _ge_data record
                    d.file     = b;
                    d.filesize = formFile.Length;
                    d.filename = getFilenameNoPath(formFile.FileName);
                    d.fileext  = formFile.FileExtension();

                    if (mtypes.ContainsKey(d.fileext))
                        d.filetype = mtypes[d.fileext];
                        d.filetype = formFile.ContentType;

                    if (IsDateTimeFormat(lastmodified[i]))
                        d.filedate = Convert.ToDateTime(lastmodified[i]);

                    if (!UpdateCreated(d))

                    if (!UpdateLastEdited(d))



                if (DbCommandTimeout > 0)

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(RedirectToPage("./Index", new { projectId = data.projectId }));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String msg = e.Message + e.InnerException.Message;
                ViewData["ExceptionMessage"] = "Exception: " + msg;
Exemple #12
 public void insertBigData(ge_data_file data)