private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GlobalVars.SelectedDivision = LstDivisions.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (GlobalVars.SelectedDivision == "None") { MessageBox.Show("No Division Selected"); GlobalVars.dc.Close(); } else { string AV_ARG = RpcFormatter.FormatArgs(true, GlobalVars.SelectedDivision); string res4 = GlobalVars.dc.CallRPC("XUS DIVISION SET", AV_ARG); string[] results = Common.Split(res4); if (results[0] == "1") { //Logged in and Division Set frmEditRules formER = new frmEditRules(); this.Hide(); formER.ShowDialog(); GlobalVars.dc.Close(); this.Close(); } else { GlobalVars.dc.Close(); } } }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LstDivisions.Items.Clear(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpword.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username/Password"); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtuname.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username/Password"); return; } string pw = txtpword.Text; string uname = txtuname.Text; String[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (arguments.GetLength(0) < 2) { MessageBox.Show("Need Command Line Aruguments for Server and Port!"); this.Close(); } int port = 0; string server = "None"; string thisarg = ""; for (int iii = 0; iii < arguments.GetLength(0); iii++) { thisarg = arguments[iii].ToUpper(); if (thisarg.StartsWith("S=")) { if (thisarg.Length > 8) { server = thisarg.Substring(2); } } if (thisarg.StartsWith("P=")) { if (thisarg.Length > 2) { port = Convert.ToInt32(thisarg.Substring(2)); } } } if (port == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Port"); this.Close(); } if (server == "None") { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Server"); this.Close(); } GlobalVars.dc = new DataConnection("AD_CONNECT", server, port, true); string AV_ARG = ""; string[] results; AV_ARG = RpcFormatter.FormatArgs(true, uname); string res = GlobalVars.dc.CallRPC("XUS SIGNON SETUP", AV_ARG); results = Common.Split(res); AV_ARG = RpcFormatter.FormatArgs(true, Hash.Encrypt(uname + ';' + pw)); string resac = GlobalVars.dc.CallRPC("XUS AV CODE", AV_ARG); results = Common.Split(resac); if (results[0].ToString() == "0") { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Access/Verify Code"); this.Close(); } try { LstDivisions.Items.Clear(); string context = "C9C RULES ENGINE"; //could use OR CPRS GUI CHART if you want, but register all rpcs to the option! string res2 = GlobalVars.dc.CallRPC("XWB CREATE CONTEXT", RpcFormatter.FormatArgs(true, Hash.Encrypt(context))); results = Common.Split(res2); string NO_ARG = RpcFormatter.FormatArgs(true, new string[0]); string res3 = GlobalVars.dc.CallRPC("XUS GET USER INFO", NO_ARG); results = Common.Split(res3); int DUZ = 0; GlobalVars.SelectedDivision = "None"; Int32.TryParse(results[0], out DUZ); if (DUZ > 0) { AV_ARG = RpcFormatter.FormatArgs(true, DUZ.ToString()); string res4 = GlobalVars.dc.CallRPC("C9C GET DIVISIONS", AV_ARG); results = Common.Split(res4); if (results.GetLength(0) > 0) { int NumDivs = 0; Int32.TryParse(results[0], out NumDivs); if (NumDivs > 1) { txtuname.Visible = false; txtpword.Visible = false; btnConnect.Visible = false; labeluname.Visible = false; labelpword.Visible = false; LstDivisions.Visible = true; btnSelect.Visible = true; SetDefault(btnSelect); LstDivisions.Focus(); LstDivisions.Items.Clear(); char[] charSeparators = new char[] { '^' }; string[] splitresults; int defaultDiv = 0; for (int i = 1; i < results.GetLength(0); i++) { LstDivisions.Items.Add(results[i].Split('^')[1]); splitresults = results[i].Split(charSeparators, 4, StringSplitOptions.None); if (splitresults.Length > 3) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(splitresults[3])) { } else if (splitresults[3] == "1") { defaultDiv = i - 1; } } } LstDivisions.SelectedIndex = defaultDiv; } else if (NumDivs == 1) { GlobalVars.SelectedDivision = results[1].Split('^')[1].ToString(); AV_ARG = RpcFormatter.FormatArgs(true, GlobalVars.SelectedDivision); string res5 = GlobalVars.dc.CallRPC("XUS DIVISION SET", AV_ARG); results = Common.Split(res5); if (results[0] == "1") { //Logged in and Division Set frmEditRules formMain = new frmEditRules(); this.Hide(); formMain.ShowDialog(); GlobalVars.dc.Close(); this.Close(); } else { GlobalVars.dc.Close(); } } else if (NumDivs == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No Divisions"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No Divisions!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid DUZ"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("No Divisions or you don't have the secondary menu option C9C RULES ENGINE!"); } }